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Posts posted by peachmangosteen

  1. I thought about the possibility of Kimo winning veto just so Chelsie doesn't get exactly what she wants again but then I remembered it's BB Comics so that won't happen. MJ almost certainly has that unless she's just absolutely horrible at figuring out the differences.

  2. I don't really think comps even mattered with Jag or Steve. The majority of the jury voting just liked them better than the other person, which is usually how people win lol.

    Man, for the first like 11 weeks this season was just straight-up amazing, always going the best way. And now the endgame is the exact opposite. Welcome to Big Brother, I guess.

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  3. On 9/25/2024 at 2:05 PM, Sarah 103 said:

    I wished we had seen more of Becca and Tiffany and other students. For me, a better version of this episode would be Evan and Gwen trying to work out their issues and having fights, but the fights or attempts to work things out keep getting interrupted by teen drama. For me, the show is at its best in episodes like "Powderpuff" or "Kayla's Syndrome" when the focus of the episode is Evan having to react to the teen drama around him instead of focusing on his own drama. 

    We seem to be at a table for 2 but I agree with you.

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  4. Who didn't think she'd do it with Quinn? She'd been laying groundwork for that one. 

    Honestly, since these nimrods all want to let Chelsie win, I guess MJ going tonight and then Angela getting the next HOH would at least provide 1 kinda fun week in these next boring 17 days. But since pretty much everyone this season wants to use their HOH to fuck themselves over, Angela would probably just nom Rubina/Kimo.

  5. I don't believe Chelsie herself would put up MJ. Honestly, it would be idiotic and she isn't that stupid. I don't think she'd even want her out unless she's against Cam or possibly Rubina. Again, it would just be a dumb move for Chelsie to get MJ out over anyone but Cam right now.

    I'm gonna try to manifest the impossible of Angela getting DE HOH, realizing the noms need to be Cam/Chelsie, those being the final noms, and then Rubina/Kimo firing up that 1/2 a brain cell they share and voting out Chelsie.

    But I would certainly settle for Chelsie stupidly taking out MJ herself.

    But realistically I think Angela will just get evicted or maybe Kimo.

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  6. 6 hours ago, ByaNose said:

    Once Chelsie’s is out of the house whether winning or losing she’ll totally deny she had feelings or jealous of Cam’s “interest” in the other woman.

    So true lol.

    I think Cam would have showmanced Leah tbh but Chelsie put a stop to it real quick. I don't really understand why he was so afraid of her right from the start though.

    Oh also, I didn't watch last night's ep, what was Ainsley's trick?

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  7. The fact that Leah turned MJ back around in like a day just proves how badly she messed up by not going for Chelsie last week and even more so by failing to stay in MJ’s ear this week.

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  8. 4 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

    Yes and no. Others have done stupid things out of sheer stupidity, but she’s manipulated several of them to act against their own self interests and I have to giver her credit for that. But personality-wise, I agree with you. I don’t like her one bit.

    I just think she owes a large majority of her position to T'Kor and she did literally nothing to make that happen.

    She's mainly personally manipulated MJ, which I mean lol. Leah has now re-manipulated MJ in a day as well. MJ is maybe one of the dumbest and most gullible people I've ever seen on this show. It's the 'What? Like it's hard?" from Legally Blond when it comes to manipulating her. I also just find it gross that Chelsie seems to have used her 'youth pastor' ways to manipulate her, although I suppose that's what youth pastors do in general, manipulate the youth.

    I do think if Chelsie owed up to her gameplay, like say Josh and Jag did, then I'd respect her slightly. But I feel pretty confident she won't.

    She's going to be such an overrated winner, but then most of the winners are.

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  9. Honestly, her holding onto that would have been better than her just randomly throwing her entire game away for Chelsie.

    Apparently, there was yet another Chelsie/Cam argument last night. The second-hand embarrassment I feel for that woman. Isn't she like 27? At least MJ is only 22.

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  10. She didn't really capitalize on the whole T'Kor/Kimo/Rubina thing imo. She didn't have to because T'Kor was on a mission and she had Kimo/Rubina under her spell but still Chelsie literally did nothing there.

    She was failing to capitalize on MJ for weeks but finally did so I guess partial credit there.

    She's made tons of mistakes. Which I would think would make her more rootable to me but her personality is just awful. There is nothing likable about her to me. 

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  11. 6 hours ago, Nashville said:

    See, boneheaded shit like this is why I tend to think it’s not so much that Chelsie is that good at the game; it’s that everyone else is just that fucking BAD at it.

    Well, yea. She's also mainly in the position she's in due to other people's actions that have really nothing to do with her own gameplay.

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  12. 2 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

    It was a Double Eviction week except that no one was evicted. Cameron and Jared got to come back in the house for a week, played in some challenges which Cameron won, and then NOTHING HAPPENED! No other HOH, nothing.

    I can't imagine they would redo that horrible twist but also I can so now I'm afraid that's the trick Ainsley has up her simulated sleeve. Watch there be a miracle and everyone grows a brain cell on Thursday and evicts Chelsie during the DE and then she just comes back. Honestly, that would be so BB lol.

    Next Thursday's episode is 2 hours so it feels like there's definitely something going on. I feel like it would be weird for Ainsley to, what, announce it to only the audience on the Wednesday episode though.

    I just wish I could find more info on what exactly they've heard. My sister just said she read that they were given videos to watch last night and that they talked about Ainsley saying she kidnapped the jurors but I haven't been able to find any summary about it or anything. Granted, I only read here and skim Reddit.

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  13. It's too late for MJ now. 

    So apparently they were told about the DE and also something about Ainsley 'kidnapping' the jurors. I heard this from my sister and I haven't been able to really find any details yet. Does anyone have more info?

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  14. 3 minutes ago, Pixiebomb said:

    I think last week if Leah had set Mak and Chelsie down and said I will keep you off the block if you keep me off the block next week. They would have honored it. 

    I'm pretty sure Leah and Chelsie did make that deal but obviously Chelsie was lying like she always does and literally never planned to keep Leah safe. Leah and MJ were working together so there was no need to make a deal, it should have just been obvious. And it was, until DR got in MJ's head.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

    What's hilarious to me is if somehow Kimo or Rubina wins DPOV and gets rid of Cam, I think both Kimo and Rubina would MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYBE still take Chelsie over each other to the finals.

    They can't be THAT dumb, though, can they?

    And what's funny is that Makensy fucked Angela over so much that if Angela wins DEHOH, she'll probably send Makesny home, and I couldn't even blame her. 

    Kimo will take Rubina but I don't know about Rubina. I do think she would probably take Chelsie. Rubina has fallen so far for me. I basically hate her now.

    If Angela gets DE HOH she'll want Chelsie gone but the votes won't be there so it won't matter what she wants.

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  16. They've been backdooring all season lol. I mean, not technically. Even this isn't a true BD. But just using the veto to get someone else out, even if that wasn't actually your initial plan, has happened. And that's been a good thing. Even now, it's at least a little excitement in what would otherwise be the usual boring ride to the finale. It just sucks it's at the expense of 1 of the only players I'm personally rooting for.

    I do think Production pushed MJ to use veto because they like the trend of it being used every week. I also think they are probably good with Leah going since they're trying to make Chelsie into a mastermind for the casuals and her winning makes the show really easy for them to edit. 

    With Leah gone, my preference for winner would be Angela-Kimo-Cam-Rubina-MJ-Chelsie.

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  17. 2 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

    Maybe Ainsley’s twist will just be a DE announcement— to us, presumably not the house. 

    Julie announced that on last week's live show so that's not it.

    35 minutes ago, Pixiebomb said:

    Poor Leah - stuck in the jury house with Quinn at least it’s a DE so she won’t be there alone with him. 

    She actually likes him now so she'll probably be happy. At least for awhile.

    Since there's literally no chance Chelsie goes in the DE, I will at least take pleasure in MJ probably going instead. Fucking idiot. 

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  18. I forgot Thursday is the DE also so like I think the ‘trick’ might just be the movie night. That really makes zero sense though. If it’s actually something big then it’ll be pretty obvious they made it up on the fly.

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  19. Wait, apparently Chelsie slept in the HOH with MJ last night. OK, I gotta give her credit for that. Leah got lazy. She should have been on MJ all week. Sure, she couldn't have seen it coming that MJ would make a catastrophically stupid, game ending move but she should have known it was possible, especially seeing Chelsie camped out with her like Leah used to do to HOHs.

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