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Posts posted by Dejana

  1. On 4/29/2021 at 10:33 AM, sugarbaker design said:

    I haven't seen any mention of the reason why there was a gender swap with the lead acting categories.  Why did Renee give out Best Actress and Joaquin give out Best Actor?  The evil part of me can picture JP begging the producers to give out Best Actor.

    Shifting the Best Actor to last reminded me of the time when Kathryn Bigelow won for The Hurt Locker.  She was a lock at the time and the Academy trotted out Barbra Streisand to present Best Director.  Of course KB won, and it was a good moment, but it would've been awkward if Quentin Tarantino had won.

    They figured Chadwick would win and were getting the Joker to give an Oscar to Black Panther?

    Some of acting presentations were also switched up a bit for the 2018 and 2019 ceremonies. Casey Affleck didn't attend the ceremony the year after his win, so they had Jodie Foster and Jennifer Lawrence present Best Actress together, while Jane Fonda and Helen Mirren presented Best Actor. Emma Stone was there, but got shifted to present Best Director.


    For the 2019 ceremony, the producers initially didn't ask the prior year's winners back to present the acting categories because they hoped to get bigger stars instead. Allison Janney spoke out about the potential snub and the producers relented after the huge backlash. Still, they paired up Janney with Gary Oldman to present Best Actor, while Frances McDormand and Sam Rockwell presented Best Actress. They got other actors to present the Supporting categories that year.





    "That was something we were going to do well before the nominations came out — we talked about that in January," Soderbergh said. "It's our belief — that I think is not unfounded — that actors' speeches tend to be more dramatic than producers' speeches. And so we thought it might be fun to mix it up, especially if people didn't know that was coming. So that was always part of the plan."

    Imagine if they'd done that last year and the last moments of the ceremony had been the Joaquin Phoenix/Renee Zellweger speeches, instead of the Parasite win. 



    The producers were criticized by some for potentially banking on Boseman's win to conclude the show, but Soderbergh denied that there was an any assumption about who would win, so much as a desire to plan for any possibility.

    "I said if there was even the sliver of a chance that he would win and that his widow would speak, then we were operating under the fact that was the end of the show," he said. "So it wasn't like we assumed it would, but if there was even a possibility that it would happen, then you have to account for that. That would have been such a shattering moment, that to come back after that would have been just impossible."

    It seems like the Globes and the SAG Awards managed? 

  2. I finally watched this on HBO yesterday. Having the captions on helped, because I understood the gist of the story if not every little detail. For the final battle sequence, I was pretty lost. Character development is not really the point of a movie like this, but the ending would have hit harder if I cared more about the Protagonist and his motivations. Couldn't he at least get a name?

    I looked up Tenet explanations after watching the movie and saw lots of speculation that Neil is Kat and Sator's son from the future. I'm not sure if that was what Nolan was going for, or if it makes sense with this movie's version of time travel, but I don't hate the idea of it.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Razzberry said:

     And yet her Instagram is under MiaThreapletonWinslet. 

    I looked up that account. I'm not sure it's official and isn't just some random fan of hers or Kate's who took up the name. It doesn't look like the Instagram you'd expect a young working actor to have.

    I see that articles from 2019 about Mia's movie mentioned her parentage, at least in passing, so Kate's recent comments aren't quite the revelation the headlines are making it out to be.

  4. On 4/15/2021 at 4:03 PM, stewedsquash said:

     Claudia Jordan could probably included in the "biggest to make it from the briefcase show" but would she be included in "besides the obvious ones"? If she is then it wouldn't be her. If she isn't then it could be her.  

    eta But as with Chrissy Teigen, I don't know why Claudia would dish in a tell all of MM either.

    eta I hope it isn't Claudia. I liked-ish her on RHATL thought she was pretty cool. 

    So when this big, bad tell all comes out and doesn't have any stories about Meghan and compensated sex... The blind items will say it's because of "the lawyers", and not, you know, that there was never anything to back up these claims (that Claudia Jordan probably never even made to begin with, but maybe an author did approach her about a Meghan book in a general sense). The blind item site gets clicks either way!

    Even if this person was a sugar baby at the time, why would she have been blabbing all about it backstage at Deal or No Deal? Hasn't everyone who worked with Meghan there said she was nice but kind of kept to herself? 

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  5. Kate Winslet's daughter is 20 and a working actor.



    With a different last name, Winslet said Threapleton's Hollywood connection was undetected and she landed her first role on her own.

    Threapleton most recently starred in the 2020 movie Shadows.

    "What's great for her is she has a different surname so she slipped under the radar and the people who cast her didn't know she was my daughter and that was important for her self-esteem, of course," Winslet added.


    She resembles her father and does have a different last name. Still, I would bet that if you googled "Mia Threapleton" a couple of years ago, Kate Winslet's name would have shown up in the results from articles that mentioned her kids. Who knows if casting directors do that sort of research? Sometimes I wonder. That's not to say that Mia can't be talented in her own right.

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  6. Chrissy Teigen returns to Twitter:



    On Friday morning, just over three weeks after bidding farewell, Teigen returned, explaining her newfound outlook on Twitter.

    "turns out it feels TERRIBLE to silence yourself and also no longer enjoy belly chuckles randomly throughout the day and also lose like 2000 friends at once lol," she wrote, adding, "I choose to take the bad with the good!!"

    A fan excitedly replied to Teigen, writing, "how have you been what's going on do you have any fun anecdotes i have missed you dearly," to which the star joked, "I've spent weeks just saying tweets to shampoo bottles."

    She never left Instagram, but it's a totally different sort of energy there.

    Sometimes people forget that you can disengage with portions of the internet for a time (or for good) without dramatically flouncing/deleting your account. 


    The Pete Davidson/Phoebe Dynevor thing appears to be going strong:



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    On Thursday morning, the two issued a joint statement shared exclusively with Today.

    "We have realized we are better as friends and look forward to remaining so. We will continue to work together and support each other on our shared businesses and projects. We wish the best for each other and one another's children. Out of respect for them, the only other comment we have is to say is thank you to everyone who has sent kind words and support," the statement read.


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  8. 5 hours ago, leighdear said:

    He should be made to pay back his Bachelor salary from his new show earnings and book profits.  I don't buy that he truly didn't know.  He knew.  

    If you are questioning your sexuality in any way, you don't make innocent people (Cassie) pay for your "Oops!  My bad! I guess I really AM gay after all."  


    TPTB got what they wanted out of Colton's season, maximum drama. How many weeks did they milk that fence jump in the promos? They haven't cared about the lead and their Final Rose actually getting married in a very long time. Judging by the vetting process through the years, TPTB don't even care that much about the lead's safety.

    Even the first season had a good on paper lead who should have had no trouble finding love in the real world, but he just had to go on TV to find a wife. I assume all of them are there for the opportunities or an adventure, and ending up with a good, lasting relationship is a bonus.

    Besides, I do think Colton was still hoping he could "fix" his sexuality through the show at that point. Extreme wishful thinking, but so is believing that anyone would actually buy "too busy with football" as an excuse for being a virgin. Not that he owed anyone an explanation, but if was going to offer one, he could have had a better excuse than that... It seems obvious that Colton seeks validation from the limelight, but he's hardly the only person from the show who's like that.

    It was really unfair to Cassie, for Colton to latch onto her so intensely in his desperation to be straight. Still, many gay men have dated women before coming to terms with their sexuality and most of them ddon't become stalkers. People can turn obsessive when relationships end, regardless of sexuality. Given some of the personalities in this franchise through the years, it's mildly surprising that abusive relationships haven't been a bigger issue. It's cone up with a few couples, but the fanbase doesn't want to dwell on that too much. 

    Now, if Colton had been an actual nice person who treated his final pick respectfully, but realized it wasn't going to work, so they split three months after the finale and they went their separate ways without any drama...they would just be another Bachelor couple that fizzled out. A lot of them do, for all sorts of reasons. The most recent two Bachelors seem to be total players in real life, not remotely ready for marriage. Either guy might marry a woman someday, but probably many years from now, making their seasons total wastes of time, if that's the standard. 

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  9. 43 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

    Ok, apparently I was wrong about the timing. Apparently an entire year ago, March 2020, Colton came out with a memoir in which he talked about questioning his sexuality in high school. This actually is the same time that he broke up with Cassie, so that could have been the reason why. Though it seems odd that somehow even though he wrote a book about it, no one picked up on it, and he needed to fully come out a year later? I mean, this is 2021, so I can see why “no one cares” in that just be yourself, dude, and no one is going to judge you on it. Granted, the world had bigger things to worry about in March 2020, but no one read his book with their newfound quarantine time?



    Because in the memoir, he says that other people questioning his sexuality made him question himself a bit in his youth, but he did some internet research and figured out that he was attracted to women. 


    A Netflix show, really? He still stalked his ex less than a year ago.

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  10. Colton using football as an excuse for being a virgin never made any sense, but the fixation on Cassie made me wonder if maybe he had a low sex drive in general, before meeting her. Now I wonder if he got obsessive because he thought she was the key to "fixing" his sexuality, somehow, but in the long run it still wasn't working and he wasn't any less gay despite all his efforts. And there may have been some self-loathing that he took out on her, once she ended things. None of that is an excuse for stalking, though.

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    Is Godzilla vs Kong simply the right movie at the right time or did people really just hate Godzilla: King of the Monsters? GvK will soon past its worldwide total despite being released same-day VOD and during a pandemic.


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  12. 3 hours ago, cardigirl said:

    Is there a BAFTA award show discussion forum?  I like to watch award shows for the clips they show, mostly, but this time around the BAFTAs were agonizing to me. The host, Edith Bowman, was unwatchable. I guess she's a radio personality?  She kept flapping her arms about, mostly because she had no idea what to do with her hands while she was talking, and I gave up trying to watch her. 

    Plus, apparently, looking like you haven't combed or styled your hair is the thing these days. 

    I fast forwarded through a lot of the show, sadly, paused on the clips and watched the final awards. Kudos to Nomadland and Promising Young Woman.  


    There should be a BAFTA thread in the subforum for TV specials, along with threads for the Oscars, Grammys, Golden Globes, etc.

    Edith Bowman was the host? A couple of years ago, she was doing the BAFTA red carpet interviews (in a ridiculous outfit). I've heard her as a guest host on the BBC movie review radio show/podcast, and I've never minded her there, but haven't felt compelled to seek out any more of her work. These are pretty tough circumstances for awards shows, even for stars very experienced with hosting them.

  13. On 3/26/2021 at 1:59 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:

    I thought Tenet was amazing.  I didn't see it in the theatres but it was my favourite movie of what I'd seen in 2020.  Of course, there's not going to be a groundswell of support when everyone's watching at home.  The reviews from people seem to be very mixed, but I feel like if it was a big theatre event like back in the olden days a la "Inception" maybe it would have been more popular.  



    From Indiewire yesterday: Why Didn’t Warner Bros. Support a ‘Tenet’ Oscar Campaign? Christopher Nolan



    "Tenet” scored strong overseas numbers, but middling reviews (Metascore: 69). Limited access to theater seats over the next six months led to disappointing box office ($363.3 million worldwide so far). As theaters reopened around the country last weekend, the movie sold out on some New York and Los Angeles screens (playing to 25 percent capacity), just in time to play for vaccinated Academy voters.

    It’s too late for that. Back in November, a bruised Nolan told Warners to put money on extending its release, not an Oscar campaign. Warners put its “Tenet” money into theaters where possible and published a Blu-ray as well as HD DVDs. Warners did not mail screeners to Academy members, did not plunk down $12,500 to upload the film on the Academy portal, placed no FYC ads, and mounted no digital screenings or Q&As.

    Some craftspeople, like composer Ludwig Göransson, cooperated with editorial features on their own, and VFX house Double Negative supplied a sizzle reel to the VFX Oscar bake-off.

    Things only got worse when WB announced the big HBOMAX deal for 2021. The talent got blindsided and Nolan was very vocal in his displeasure about it, even though Tenet wasn't affected. Unsurprisingly, WB wasn't thrilled with his comments.



    After “Tenet” received its two nominations March 15, Academy voters who clicked on the screening portal for links to the film saw that “Tenet” was “unavailable.” That meant any Oscar voter would have to find a DVD or a theater playing the film, which reaches HBO Max May 1 — six days after the Oscars ceremony April 25. It also means that Nolan’s Oscar campaign ban was depriving his own top-tier craftspeople of career-buttressing support. A 69 Metascore is more than respectable; Oscar-winner “Bohemian Rhapsody” scored 49. “Tenet” should have easily scored five or six nods.

    Nolan finally relented; “Tenet” will be uploaded to the Academy portal March 29. “While we actively chose not to campaign the film,” said one Warners source, “at the filmmaker’s request, we will be supporting the nominations by putting the film on the AMPAS platform and passing members through the theaters.”

    I don't think the Bohemian Rhapsody-Tenet is totally apt (BR had many more advantages, like nostalgia and being in a genre favored by the Oscars), but Tenet's minimal awards showing makes more sense now. And without having to campaign for the big Nolan movie, the WB awards team was able to give much more attention to Judas and the Black Messiah. 


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  14. 20 hours ago, snickers said:

    Unfortunately I knew things would go south with Ryan in act 3 for all the previews showed her in the nurse's outfit so you knew she was going to that bachelor party.  In reality, I don't know what other kind of ending they could have had to make it realistic unless she had killed Al and gone to jail? I actually think that is a worse ending.  At least they did get arrested in the end, i really thought they were going to get off.  I was hoping what would happen was that Ryan would confess so that the cops would start looking at the bachelor group and find the body but of course that did not happen.


    So this is an adapted screenplay? is it a book?

    It is an original screenplay, but the title may seem familiar:



    It’s been theorized that the film’s title is a reference to the case of Brock Turner, the disgraced Stanford student who, despite being convicted of sexual assault and intent to rape (Turner served only three months in jail), was often referred to in the media as a “promising young man.”

    “I don’t think that it was, but certainly that as a phrase is so commonly used when young men do something wrong,” Fennell says when asked if that was the intent. “They are almost always referred to as ‘promising young man’ whether it’s a case like this of assault or if they get a gun and do something completely reprehensible. There’s always this inclination to be forgiving. I believe entirely in forgiveness, but it’s an interesting thing, when you look at the phrase ‘promising young woman,’ it’s hardly ever used, and if it is used, it’s usually to describe a girl who’s no longer alive.

    “You can only really be a ‘promising young woman’ when it’s too late, when your promise is completely aborted.”


    Ryan is written in a way where you always hope that he makes the better choice, but he never does. 


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  15. The Oscars have said no to virtual attendance and that is not going over well:



    Awards show ratings in the Covid era have been really bad, so the impulse to do something different is understandable. Still, there are a lot of internationally-based nominees, plus stars filming overseas in "bubble" situations who can't just fly in and out of Los Angeles next month. Among the ideas to work around this:



    With producers eager to avoid Zoom thank you’s, there’s been a push to allow winners to pre-record speeches instead. But that comes with its own problems. There’s concern those speeches would appear flat, lacking the rush of excitement that comes with being declared a victor.  Also, talent and publicists fear the recordings of the losing nominees could leak online, making their clients look bad.

    They could only tell the winners in advance, but then the other nominees would quickly work out that they'd lost and the news would probably get out before the show. The losing speeches leaking would be embarrassing/painful for the also-rans, but great for the internet...

  16. 22 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    The no Zoom thing in a pandemic is just stupid, and I agree, unfair to the historical nominees.  Unfair to all of the nominees, but really especially unfair for representation purposes.

    I think that a lot of people/audience enjoy watching the stars at home.  There was so much discussion on Twitter about what people were wearing, their dogs, their spouses.  It's interesting and it definitely is more humanizing and relatable. 

    The fact that the Oscars is against humanizing the nominated actors/directors/writers etc. says a lot, doesn't it?  

    Awards show ratings have dropped dramatically this season, far more than the usual annual erosion due to cord-cutting. The Oscar producers clearly think the issue is Zoom fatigue, and believe that putting together a ceremony closer to the more typical experience will mitigate the damage. I don't know about that: so many high-profile movies were pushed out of 2020 and theaters were closed for months. Titles got released to streaming, but largely came and went into almost a void, with TV shows IMO leaving a bigger overall pop culture imprint than films (though that did nothing for the Emmy ratings).


    I have been a huge awards show person for most of my life, but find this season really hard to get into. I'll look up photos of what people wore, a clip of whatever unusual thing that happened, but haven't really been interested in watching the telecasts. I guess I liked all the pomp and circumstance of regular awards shows? The socially-distanced version just reminds me of Covid, and I get enough of that in real life, so I'd rather not. I don’t want the Oscars to go the CMA route and have a gathering lax on safety standards, either. America is looking to be in much better shape this April vs last November, but probably still not enough to pull off a totally in-person ceremony (albeit spread over two locations) with such a global pool of talent. Easy for me to say the Oscar producers are just going to have to take that ratings L on the show, but it's not my tens of millions of dollars on the line...

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    Making productions work on Zoom has been one of the biggest hurdles for awards shows during the pandemic. From Daniel Kaluuya’s (“Judas and the Black Messiah”) muted audio reaction at the Golden Globes to Nicole Beharie (“Miss Juneteenth”) staring at a screen for about 10 seconds because of a delay before she heard her name announced on the Gotham Awards, there have been serious hurdles to pulling off a smooth virtual event. However, the decision to not allow Zoom speeches is now being seen as exclusionary. There’s a strong possibility that the entire slate of nominees in some categories, particularly the best International feature race, might not have anyone attending in Los Angeles. With fewer people on hand to pick up their statues, the broadcast could be lighter on the rousing acceptance speeches from major stars that make the Oscars appointment television.


    This year’s nominees are more diverse than previous editions and some of the leading contenders are poised to make history. Seventy women received a total of 76 nominations, with Emerald Fennell (“Promising Young Woman”) and Chloé Zhao (“Nomadland”) becoming the sixth and seventh women to be nominated for best director. Nine of the 20 acting nominees are people of color, also a record. Under current and upcoming travel restrictions, several of those nominees may not be able to attend. Fennell and Zhao are frontrunners in categories including best picture, director, original and adapted screenplay. Neither of them are currently in the United States, nor are other nominees such as Carey Mulligan (“Promising Young Woman”), Sacha Baron Cohen (“Borat 2,” “The Trial of the Chicago 7”), Anthony Hopkins (“The Father”), Vanessa Kirby (“Pieces of a Woman”) and Yuh-Jung Youn (“Minari”).

    The UK is set to ban international travel this week until mid-May or June. There are exceptions for essential activites and work, but would Oscar attendance really count? 



    In addition, some talent is currently filming in COVID bubble sets around the world. There are rumors that the Academy would ask for nominees to quarantine anywhere from five to 14 days prior to the ceremony. After attending the Oscars, the talent can’t just return to work — in many cases, attendees would need to quarantine for another 14 days after leaving the U.S. That would shut down productions from 10 to 30 days for people to attend the ceremony, potentially costing studios millions of dollars in delays. It does not appear that producers have asked for information on whether attendees have been vaccinated.



    The Oscars are hoping to figure out a way to recapture the magic at a time when awards shows are struggling to draw viewers. The Grammys and the Golden Globes, for instance, posted their lowest numbers ever, and this year’s crop of Oscar nominees lack any studio blockbusters like “Joker” or “Avatar.” That means that a battle between smaller movies like “Nomadland” or “Mank” for the top prize could be a difficult sell.

    With producers eager to avoid Zoom thank you’s, there’s been a push to allow winners to pre-record speeches instead. But that comes with its own problems. There’s concern those speeches would appear flat, lacking the rush of excitement that comes with being declared a victor.  Also, talent and publicists fear the recordings of the losing nominees could leak online, making their clients look bad.

    Can you imagine? Social media would have a field day! It would be like deleted scenes from a movie, except it's real life and way more embarrassing.


    Some lesser shows like the People's Choice Awards would just tell the winners in advance, so the stars would bother to show up. The Oscars probably couldn't do that without the winners leaking in advance. There were some early years in Academy history when the winners were known ahead of time, but the suspense, however nominal, is part of the ceremony's appeal.




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  18. 23 hours ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

    I confess I found Cassie’s punishment of Madison too cruel. Yes, Madison sucks, and is a lousy friend, but… Madison isn’t the one who raped Nina! I get Cassie’s grudge against Dean Walker (who was an authority figure who failed in her duty), but Madison was just a bitch who ultimately matter in the grand scheme of things, and tricking her into thinking she was raped nearly a decade after the fact felt needlessly brutal. Plus, who was that guy Cassie hired? Did she know him? I have my doubts, and if he was indeed a stranger… how do we know he didn’t do something to Madison?!

    Speaking of Dean Walker, I’m amazed she didn’t try to call the cops on Cassie right then and there. Abduction is abduction, even if Amber was okay. 


    I think Cassie feels a different level of rage for the women complicit in perpetuating rape culture. It’s like she figured that men will be trash in these situations, but expected better from women than for them to minimize/dismiss victims, too. Cassie sees them as the type of women who will only ever "get it" when they are directly affected. As it turns out, Madison had video evidence of Nina's rape for years and was still in victim-blaming mode! What Cassie did to Madison and the dean was wrong, of course, but she really twisted the knife with the people who'd failed Nina. The men in the bars were predatory, but in a way, it wasn't as personal with them for Cassie. 


    7 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

    Even if/when Al goes down for murder, it’ll probably be after a painful trial for Cassie’s family where the lawyers will try to argue self-defense and trash her character. They might even be able to use her revenge plots against her; she was smart enough to use a fake name with the dean, but Madison could be called as a witness (though she could probably be used to nail Al as a rapist). A little more digging and they might even track down the guys she targeted, who will of course lie about what they tried to do and portray her as a psycho.

    Cassie included Madison's old phone with her note to the lawyer as part of the evidence to give to the authorities, so the police have the video of Al raping Nina. I don't know about all the admissibility issues, and it's a separate crime from Cassie being killed, but its existence would have a defense attorney urging Al to plead to a lesser charge (second degree murder/manslaughter/etc.) if it's being offered. Aside from everything else, Al just going on with his wedding like it was nothing, would play very poorly in the court of public opinion.

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  19. I juat rewatched the final scenes. Cassie's letter to the lawyer says she'll be going to Al's bachelor party on July 23, and includes the location/cabin number. At the wedding, Ryan's phone shows the date to be July 27. The lawyer likely got the package ahead of time. Since Cassie lived with her parents, they would know by the next day that she hadn't come home or ever shown up for work.

    Though filmed in the LA area, the movie seems to take place in a smaller sort of Everytown, where a woman of Cassie's age and background going missing would be plastered all over the local news. The lawyer could know pretty quickly that she actually had disappeared and would have immediately contacted the authorities. The cops talk to her parents and people from her job, and they mention she'd been seeing someone. A romantic partner is often suspected when someone goes missing, but maybe the police already knew more than they were letting on as they questioned Ryan. Did they think he was too nonchalant about his recent ex being missing?

    In any case, Al and friends weren't experienced killers and would have left enough forensic evidence to be discovered fairly easily. The cops knew where to look for the remains, thanks to Cassie's note. A tight timeline, but I can recall some real-life disappearances-turned-murders where a suspect was arrested within 3-4 days. The reveal was pretty dramatic, but it is a movie...

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    "Emerald always talked about the movie being a beautifully wrapped piece of candy," says Mulligan, "except when you open it and put it in your mouth, you realize it's full of poison."



    Fennell, who made her filmmaking debut with the short Careful How You Go, starring Phoebe Waller-Bridge, began pitching Promising Young Woman to potential buyers in 2017. Unsurprisingly, a dark comedy about rape was not for everyone.

    "A lot of people had a very particular idea of how serious things ought to be discussed, so there was some resistance," says Fennell. Others wanted to commercialize the movie, sanding down the edges to make it into the kind of revenge film Fennell was trying desperately to subvert. But the execs at LuckyChap, a production company that counts Margot Robbie as a principal, and later at FilmNation and Focus Features, understood exactly what she was trying to do and, even better, applauded it.

    With backers in place, she could find her Cassie. Robbie, who was now on board as a producer, might have seemed like the obvious choice, which is exactly why she and Fennell never even considered it. "The most delightful thing about Promising Young Woman is that it takes you by surprise, and I just felt like I wouldn't be that surprising — me doing these kinds of things with people's perception of who I am and the characters that I've played," Robbie recently told THR. "Carey Mulligan, however, is an actress that has this air of prestige around her. Throw her in Promising Young Woman and people's minds get blown."



    Fennell had advice for the actors who came through to shoot the bar scenes (and their unnerving aftermath) as well. She told them to think of themselves as their own romantic leads in the film. "It was like, 'This is the beginning of a romantic comedy and you're the nice guy who just saved this girl from your skeezy friends and you're going to sleep together and then you're both going to wake up and — oops! — neither of you are going remember what happened last night," says Fennell, describing the beginning of more than a few rom-coms.


    I saw a comment that the twist of Promising Young Woman is like if Get Out had stuck with its original conclusion that bombed in test screenings. Fennell has called PYW a movie about the reality of revenge, though the fantasy (where the hero kills the bad guys and gets away with everything) is much more palatable and less triggering to the audience.


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  21. 6 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    I fast forwarded through that bachelor party song.  WTF?  They're really tapping into the 2021 zeitgeist with that one aren't they?  Who gives a fuck?   Omg........ Rege-Jean Page I would be ashamed for you to even see this episode........

    One of the bigger awards contenders this year features a scenario involving a woman showing up to a bachelor party, so I wondered if the sketch would riff on that, somehow. Then I wondered how that would even work as a comedy sketch. So, I was sort of relieved that it was just a song about boners.

    Loved "Murder Show" and the twist about cults. 

    Glad to see The Dionne Warwick Talk Show back. Melissa has a Dua Lipa impression and didn't use it when she was a musical guest? 


    Cut for time - Bachelor Home Makeover:


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  22. On 2/24/2021 at 8:37 PM, raven said:

    Never heard of this until today.  There was an ending where Old Rose hands the diamond to what's his name and he gives it back.  It's pretty bad; laughably bad, actually.  The woman playing the granddaughter is a terrible actress (IIRC she was dating Cameron at the time).  Anyway, I still love the movie, here is the alternate ending for your enjoyment!


    James Cameron was still married to Linda Hamilton when Titanic was being made, and after, as they went to the Oscars together when it won big.  What the exact overlap with Suzy Amis was, who knows, but it's good that Cameron had sense enough to set aside one of his future wife's bigger scenes, because, woof, that was terrible. I still think Rose shouldn't have thrown the diamond in the ocean, but there were better ways to play that out.


    I was something of a Titanic junkie and had consumed earlier dramatizations (movies/miniseries/books) set on the ship. Many featured made-up characters and romances (across class lines, and not), so the criticisms about the 1997 version for "ignoring the real victims" and "trivializing the tragedy",  like this was something that had never been done in fiction before with history... No movie is going to be for everyone, and anything as popular and ubiquitous as Titanic was at the time will have detractors, but I was a bit surprised when it went in that direction. Maybe there was the same sort of backlash to From Here to Eternity back in the day for not being "real" enough about Pearl Harbor, and it's just been lost to time?

    It’s not as though nonfictional material about the real Titanic has ever been in short supply, if people want more of a historical focus. But a luxury setting away from the real world, so to speak, suddenly turning tragic? IMO it's an environment that lends itself to "characters looking for a fresh start and/or love" stories in a way that other historical events may not.

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  23. Sometimes, the children appearing on the show in segments are actors already in the business. On Nick's season, a part of Vanessa's hometown date showcased her being a special education teacher and some of her students appeared (even back then, before the Dark Ages of 2018, some people questioned the consent/ethics of that, where the students were concerned). The kids here were probably prepared/scripted, but it's a TV show: left to their own devices, little kids might freeze up or say something stupid.


    Rachael's tandem jump is being discussed on Skydiving Reddit (there's a Reddit for nearly everything). Anyone can claim anything on the internet, of course, but they say the instructor was very young (as in, younger than the contestants young), inexperienced, and hurt his leg on the jump (he was seen with crutches/in a boot in the weeks after). The fellow skydivers were ripping his technique, but apparently, the instructor has a parent who's super connected in the skydiving world, so there's little chance of a serious reprimand (though many commenters thought he deserved it). 

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