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Posts posted by Saph

  1. Although it is upsetting & scary, Sara seems to be exploiting that story line about the maid, & her kid seems to enjoy the attention.
    If Caroline ever has a baby with Sergio it will be via surrogate.  No way is she going to carry it herself. 

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  2. 3 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:


    Not weighing in on whether Brynn is educated or not, but how is this a measure of that? Lots of people are educated and wouldn't know this particular, very specific thing. I mean, I know lots of stuff in certain areas too (for example, editorial stuff, like capitalization and punctuation); doesn't mean I am more educated than someone else in all areas. I am certain there are much better things to mock Brynn about than not knowing one fact about a tree.

    That said, I still think she has more to offer than this dumb "sexy" thing. That in itself – that it seems like she's oping to be this way on purpose – adds an extra layer of annoying.

    ETA: She said her grandma liked that kind of tree. I would do the same for my grandma, regardless of a hypothetical hurricane (like the way I bring her the more expensive version of the candy she likes, even though the cheaper and more convenient one is exactly the same).

    I understand what you are saying. 

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  3. I found it amusing that Brynn selected a willow tree to commemorate her Grandmother.  She is supposedly "educated?" I went to college for Forestry; willows have one of the shortest lifespans of any tree: 20-30 years.  That tree will be lucky if it survives the next NYC hurricane event. 


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  4. Regardless of whether the "vwoumas" about the "huzzzzband" are true, I thought the edits tried to display a weakness in their marriage, by showing Angie as being overly attentive to their daughter, to point of neglecting the "huzzzband,"( e.g. him going to bed alone). So Production is only too happy to go along with the "vwoumas." 

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  5. She just got hired by a clothing company as their "sustainability ambassador."   Meanwhile she & her husband parade around carrying their non-recyclable plastic cups, fly in private jets, & waste 100s of thousands of gallons of water in drought-stricken California.   But sure, go be a "Sustainability Ambassador" for a company that produces clothes that will quickly end up in landfills.  What hypocrites.  😡 


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  6. While I really enjoy this show,  I do have an issue with the ominous background music, whenever Rupert appears onscreen.  It's so heavy-handed & obvious.  We get it: Rupert is evil & not to be trusted.  You don't have to hit us with a musical anvil about it  every single time. 🙄

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  7. Why didn't the Bravo editors/producers include more (or the ENTIRETY) of the Louie luau crying scene?  I would think THAT would have been an even bigger TV bombshell than the "PJs of death...?"  It seemed really suspicious that they only showed it briefly, once, as a flashback...? 

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  8. 4 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

    That poor goat. It was doomed from the start. I bet it wasn't taken to a vet in a timely fashion.

    I agree.  I have owned goats for many years, there are many misconceptions about them, one of them being "they eat anything." They don't eat anything, many plants or other "foods" are toxic to them.  Once their rumen becomes unbalanced, they will suffer & die.  Shame on the producers!  Perhaps goats are not treated humanely in Emirati culture, but even an animal that will eventually become a source of food deserves the right to a pain-free existence. 😢

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  9. 22 hours ago, tvfanatic13 said:

    This is the franchise that keeps on giving. I mean, Whitney crawling into the bed and under the covers with the water pitcher. Mary lingering after being asked to leave the room, casually eating an omelet. Heather's nipples. Whitney asking Meredith if she liked her boobs. God love this show. 

    Let's not forget Heather eating a box of Sugar Babies in bed, before breakfast! 😅

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