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Posts posted by Forrealforreal

  1. Jail, Jax and Stassi Oh My!! The anticipation I have is almost cumbersome..

    Yeah Schmeeaner was out of line but when is she isn't? Her consistency to fail is like Jax in that way. A genius like Ari should know what she's dealing with by now so I have no sympathy for her.

    Pity for Tom and his Lonley FI though..but hopefully not for long ;)

  2. I voted for the first time tonight. I'm worried about Riker and especially Nastia after that package. I feel like Noah, Chris, and Robert do so well viewer votes, the others have to be close to perfection to escape elimination. Rumer was largely improved tonight from the past few weeks on her Rumba. Found myself bored and distracted during her Paso though and wouldnt know if was worth another 40 cause it didn't captivate me enough to really watch it.

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  3. After listening to Val and Rumor's interview on Howard Stern I'm really not feeling them. I think her aura of confidence is a front and I feel like she needs to work on that before serving up queen Bey. I thought she looked uncomfortable. To me that's where the juxtaposition comes in. As for Val, I hope he gets it together Monday.


    Team Trouble was still my fav though. Sad about Derek. Hope Riker doesn't get eliminated cause I'm now for Rallison all the way. Doubt any of these are popular opinions..


    Just wish this season was better. 

  4. Loved Riker, Willow, Patti, and Noah. Patti seems like she's about done though. Not sure who is voting for Chris..

    Both Nastia and Rumer were both on par with what they have brought since day one. Hoping to see some underdog spoilers add some spice to the game with Riker and Willow.

    Rumer's my age and her style and "anti-princess" vibe isn't all that unique. She seems like a "hipster" that also happens to be rich, famous, and talented. Looking foward to Team trouble.

  5. As someone who never votes, but thinks about it from time to time I'm all about making excuses for not making the effort to pick up my phone. Having said that, I don't appreciate my "potential votes" being manipulated by production. Think Rumer's in it to win it, although my non vote pre show was for Micheal. Too bad it's not Dancing with the Robots.. 

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  6. Maybe like the nurse said he was pretending to be in shock. He may have thought that a non existing alibi that can't be attacked wouldn't be enough to convict him if that's all they had. He may have found it safer than getting caught in a lie(see Jay)


    The note could have been something easily forgotten if it was meant as a joke at the time. Maybe..i don't know turning into SK over here

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  7. What under-socialized fool brags about their I.Q?  She has an unsettling level of confidence.  Does anyone know anything about her beyond this show?  (oops, I will check Arianna thread)

    The one that thinks it will actually make her sound intelligent and confident. Pro trip little miss not Ari-stotle when you're smart, pretty, and cool you don't need to tell everyone cause they already know. Socializing and playing the victim well actually seem to be some of her finer talents. 

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  8. Special golden shower snowflake Ari needs to go home where her life is more manageable. She can make make passive aggressive and bullying digs at Kristen, like no one likes her so no one will room with her, only idiots would sleep with her(hello your boo?) but Kristen can't say anything back to her face. Yeah, Kristen was childish to bring drama(and ratings) to the party, but it was a rare chance for her to turn the tables for once. Ariana can dish it but can't take it.  

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  9. This episode was on point like FI's brows! Muppet's facial expressions to either Shay or Sheaner when crazy eyes in the club Kristen was talking to Stassi were priceless. Wish I knew how to make a gif of it.


    Think Miss Golden Nugget Arinana is more mean girl than she wants people to think.

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  10. Ariana is seriously buggin this season with her overly defensive blogs and self importance. If it's clear that she is in a healthy, beautiful, and "perfect" relationship, there's no reason to defend herself and Tom's relationship. She is choosing to project and blame the speculation of strangers(albeit smart awesome ones) on Kristen alone. Maybe I'm taking this too seriously, but if they're gonna be holier and thou, I'd appreciate it served with more wit and less condensation. And calling another female basic does not make you more edgy or interesting.


    And on a more positive note..thank goodness this train wreck is back. The snark is everything. 

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