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Everything posted by piccadilly83

  1. If Simone is a condescending bench, then please let the world be full of more condescending benches. So far, the show has had her be friendly to everyone she's met. She appears to have gotten along with both hoity toity Tahani, gossipmonger John, sweet but dumb Jason, perpetually tortured Chidi, and once insecure and snarky, but now super mature Eleanor. When presented with a rational argument from Chidi about how she might not be living in some extended dream sequence, she accepted his premise and changed her behavior to one that respected her fellow Good Place inhabitants. As for her snark, I don't think a handful of snarky remarks makes someone a massive bench or jerk deserving of the Bad Place. If that were the case we'd all be damned. Add to that, practically every snarky remark we've heard Simone make so far has been about some untoward behavior Brent actually said or did. She has not made any false accusations. She really just wants him to start treating her and her friends as equals, but for that she's a bench I guess. Anyways, aside from the time she literally thought she was in an imaginary dream world and there were no consequences to her actions, I haven't seen her even reflexively act rude towards anyone. And when she did think she was in an imaginary world she wasn't going around judging people like crazy, she was like putting pies in people's faces and dressing up in crazy costumes or something. I just don't see condescending bitch from Simone. She seems pretty nice and reasonable. She just doesn't appreciate being treated like some lesser form of human being, and she doesn't appreciate other people being treated as such either. Brent did not just summon Janet. Why would anyone care if he did that? Janet clearly stated that Brent sent her a bunch of sexually inappropriate outfits to wear when she sees him and has harassed her about it ever since. I know there were other things but that one stuck out most to me because it was so unnecessarily stupid and perfectly encapsulated the type of sexist hyperpriviledged asshole that Brent is. The golf scene was not meant to demonstrate that Brent is an asshole because he chose to use the cheat filter. It's supposed to demonstrate how incapable he is at facing reality and acknowledging his mediocrity. I can be sympathetic to this flaw, I mean who wants to admit they're mediocre? But that still doesn't give him an excuse for constantly treating the others as though they're beneath him because they've failed to achieve the same sort of success in life, especially because based off of where Brent has ended up in life, he hasn't actually had many successes. He's a 40+ year old mid-level manager at company that carries his family's name. There's no shame in that mind you, but don't go around acting like you're a bunch of hot stuff if that's all you've managed to accomplish in your lifetime despite a wealth of riches and resources at your beck and call. Brent is the classic example of someone who was born on third base but thinks he hit a triple.
  2. The funny thing is, even his girlfriend and former prosecutor, Kimberly Guilfoyle didn't want to get near his stink on that issue. She kept distancing herself from him in the retelling of the tweet. (Paraphrase) Sunny: Do you know it's a felony to release the name of a whistleblower? DJT: I didn't release the name. Sunny: You did release the name. Kimberly: Well, umm, see ... Sunny: Did you, Kimberly, advise DTJr that it was legal to release the name? Kimberly: No, no, of course not. I mean, let's make it clear, I was NOT there when he did it. I had stepped into the bathroom to brush my teeth, but when I came back into the room and found out what he did I was shocked! None of this matters though because he didn't leak the name since it was already out.
  3. I agree that there is no one right way to grieve; and like I said before, I don't mind Meghan posting those T + whatever number of days photos. There is however a wrong way to grieve. Using your grief as an excuse to be abusive towards others, especially your coworkers, is wrong. It is something both good and bad people do. The difference is good people will usually feel some sense of shame, embarrassment, guilt or regret for their actions and then course correct. It's been two years since Sen. McCain's diagnosis and Meghan has yet to course correct. I'm pretty sure I know the reason why.
  4. I wish Sunny would just let it rip on Meghan one day. Sunny clearly knows her stuff, and so often looks like she's trying not to give Meghan the what for, but that really needs to end. McCain hasn't taken the hint that Hostin is going light on her all of the time. I don't mind Sunny's cutesy moments in that interview or on the show. I don't know, I find them ... cute. She doesn't have to be cutesy mind you, but if that's part of the way she sees herself, then that doesn't bother me.
  5. Eh, my mom was my best friend when she died and she was only 43. I was 14 years old. I always kind of look at my life with her as a gift. None of us is guaranteed tomorrow. I'm not sure why Meghan doesn't see it the same way considering her father was SO old and she had plenty of time with him. Twenty years later and I still think about my mom everyday. I just don't go around lording it over people that my mother died from cancer, which she did. I am especially not and never was under the misconception that I was the first to be dealt this hand, something Meghan appeared to be unaware of during her father's illness and even after his death if I'm to be honest. It's not that she's grieving. I don't even mind the Day 531 posts or whatever, but for me, the way she has spoken about her father's illness in the past made has made me feel that she believes she is the only one who has ever in the history of all mankind been dealt such a blow. I guess it falls in line with her whole narcissist thing.
  6. It's hard for me to call anything tame that has full frontal footage of explicit sex acts. I'm like some of the other posters in that I like Kathryn Hahn. I don't even know how this show got onto my Amazon Prime watch list. I must have added it upon seeing Hahn in the thumbnail. The son is a jerk, but he's a believable jerk, sadly enough. Yes, she apologized for "being mean" at the party. I was waiting for the twist where she ... I don't know, humiliated or cussed him out or something. I've been sent a lot of dick pics, all unsolicited (I'm on a couple of dating apps; men really like to send unsolicited dick pics. Please stop it, men), and they have never ever made me want to jump on the dick in question. I was like ... that's it? She's seen his dick before; they've had sex. He treats her like shit, sends her a picture of his dick, which, I will reiterate, she has seen before, and all is forgiven and she just shows up and blows him? What? (I know this wasn't the point of the episode, but I was so bothered by it.) This part I did not believe, or at least I did not get. This girl has enough awareness to shut out the son when she unexpectedly runs into him at the party and doesn't buy any of his excuses but then changes her mind less than twenty-four hours later because he sent her a dick pic? Huh? I guess we're supposed to believe that she always wanted to hook up with him, but was just being stubborn the night of the party? The problem is, I don't know many (read: any) women who are aroused by the sight of a dick pic. I don't know. That just made no sense to me.
  7. I may be remembering this wrong, but I believe he only takes the filter off when Michael suggests it. There's another scene towards the end where Brent is back at the links and he's using the filter again. It's not smug to be repulsed by those who would look down on you for not coming from their background which is exactly what Brent did to everyone the second he set foot in the Good Place. If there's bad blood between him and Team Cockroach/Simone over that matter, he's the one provoking it. As we can see, Tahani judges others based on her upbringing all of the time but she's not an ass about it, unlike Brent. And yes, Brent is a product of his circumstance, but at a certain point people cannot use their upbringings as a crutch for poor behavior. Michael, and I believe Eleanor, have taken multiple occasions to explain to Brent why his behavior is hurtful towards others. I think he took it to heart maybe once or twice, but for the most part he doesn't care. I also agree with this: I do think the strategies Team Cockroach is using to convince Brent he doesn't belong in either the Good Place or the Best Place are not going to work. He needs a different impetus than the ones he's received so far. Like some have already mentioned, he's a guy with little to no self awareness who thinks he deserves to be in the Good Place so pointing out his flaws is going to backfire since, by virtue of being in the Good Place he doesn't think he has any. Perhaps @jmonique's idea of placing a "Good Brent" would work, or perhaps they should surround him with people who came from a similar socioeconomic background who actually did noble things. They could start to get him to question how he made it to the Good Place. I don't know. I'm just spitballing here. As to the other parts of the episode: I loved seeing Jason dance and I liked the conversation between Bad Janet and Michael. I hope it has a good payoff though. I'm somewhat worried Bad Janet is going to do something evil with that book Michael gave her and I'm half convinced the book will inspire her to do something good. I don't know. I'm just curious to see where this goes.
  8. I love Vicki. I loved her when she was playing Good Eleanor, and I liked her when she was just being her insufferable demon self. That actress cracks me up. I saw her in a movie with the actress who plays Cece in New Girl and they were great. I'm sad to see her go. Could someone explain something to me. It was bothering me in the previous episode where we learned that Good Janet was really Bad Janet. How is that neighborhood still running? Good Janet said she was controlling everything and that it was very difficult managing all of the people and the facade and everything, right? When the demons switch out Good Janet for Bad Janet and then marblize Good Janet, shouldn't that have stopped the simulation? I mean, I guess the show is trying to imply that Bad Janet was running the simulation in Good Janet's absence, but how could she do that? Also, now we have Derek running everything ... I don't know, I got confused. I guess I think of Janet as a computer, which I probably shouldn't, but I guess I don't see how someone could access to the files she was running when they're on her hard drive. I don't know, that's the only plot hole that's been bugging me.
  9. That was my understanding of the judge's rules, but I may have misunderstood. I always thought that the point of the new experiment was to show that at least some humans can improve, not necessarily all humans.
  10. I think that this was also my favorite moment. The actor who played Ben was laughing so hard his face turned red and white. He looked like he was going to pop a blood vessel. That level of Jonah hate gets my support. Me too. She clearly just doesn't get subtext. The thing is, I think Minna does get subtext. I mean she advised Selena on the Chinese talks and correctly predicted every reaction the Chinese were going to have right down the the inappropriateness of Selena's outfit. I think when we saw her in the earlier seasons she was also pretty astute at understanding cultural nuance (I can't think of any specific examples though). I just think she and Selena are two different people when it comes to both politics and personal matters. It drove me crazy when Selena couldn't just have an honest conversation with Minna about going through menopause. Selena's so obsessed with being thought of as young and cute that she can't bear the thought of someone saying she's entering menopause, even though if we're to trust Gary's reaction, she has definitely entered menopause. I think Minna for the most part is more direct than Selena because that is Minna's preferred style of communication, but if she needed to be indirect or subtle she could probably adjust. Maybe she couldn't. I don't know. What I do know is that she had to be aware that on some level greeting Selena with (paraphrase) "Hello Madame President, I have not seen you since you failed to vote for me to win such and such seat on the IMF board" was going to make Selena feel awkward. I like Minna though, I like her a lot. Her directness is pretty awesome in my opinion.
  11. Hi, I wanted to read old posts about The Man in the High Castle and when I clicked on the current forum, the first post links to a vaulted forum. There seems to be no vaulted forum however. The link just takes me to this page, and when I search The Vault there is no The Man in the High Castle topic. Is it lost forever? Also, as an aside, I notice that when I try to bookmark vaulted forums to appear on my customized homepage, they never do. Is this supposed to be the case? Thanks.
  12. I agree with what you've said about how the show balanced Eleanor's and Tahani's negative traits with bad ones, but I actually love Brent. Or I love laughing at how awful he is. It's like catharsis for me that the show has him as the butt of so many jokes. If he improves, that will be great, but if he doesn't, I will have no problem with them sending him straight to the Bad Place when all is said and done.
  13. Or when the do request a doggie bag, it comes in the form of a tinfoil swan.
  14. She only had evidence that the cop had falsified evidence in her one case. She is also a brand new judge being leaned on by the police chief for questioning the integrity of a venerated detective. The fact that she did not feel able to pursue a full out investigation of the detective's work at that moment in time does not bother me in the least. If the DA's decision to review all of Detective Leyland's cases (which really the DA isn't even going to do. The police chief said it would be handled internally) serves to bite Mark in the ass, that's the fault of the police officers who would rather hold a grudge against a clean prosecutor than take issue with a dirty cop. I didn't see her guilt the prosecutor. I saw her remind the prosecutor that she worked for the people of the state of California, not the federal government. She was effectively trying to dismantle/counteract the intimidation tactics enacted by the ICE agent upon the prosecutor. When she asked the prosecutor about her family history it was an attempt to remind the prosecutor of the larger issue at hand. I would have been crushed if the defendant was convicted guilty, but I wouldn't have blamed it on Judge Carmichael (JC) anymore than I would have blamed it on the PD. Why didn't Lopez ask for a mistrial? She basically relies on JC to get the best verdict for her client instead of proactively protecting her client's rights. Also, I don't see how JC can be blamed for the shooting that took place outside the jury view. How was she to predict there would be a shooting in the middle of the day? She couldn't help that it was in a bad neighborhood. Other than instructing the prosecution and defense to videotape a simulation outside the nightclub and present their audio recordings to the court in lieu of going to the scene of the crime, I'm not really sure what more she could have done to prevent what happened. As it was, after the shooting she reminded the jury of its legal duty to only consider the evidence at hand and she conducted a thorough questioning of each jury member with both sides' counsel present. As a result of those interviews she dismissed one or two more jurors I believe. I don't know if it was an accurate representation either, but most of the things you listed did not bother me because they were not central to the plot. Lopez and the court reporter talking about the case at the front of the bus was the biggest issue to me, but I can easily fan wank that they were not in ear shot of the jury considering how noisy the bus was. The show could have had a separate scene with Lopez and Sara taking the temperature of the jury on the way to the courthouse, but having it on the bus allowed them to kill two birds with one stone. The inaccuracies on a show like CSI or NCIS bother me a lot more because they're often central to the plot. From what I've seen so far, she has ruled based on law. She comes up with creative legal solutions to problems that have previously been managed in ways that did not prioritize just outcomes. I really couldn't care less if her court room becomes a three ring circus if the outcome is a fair verdict. Yes, Mark’s dad is a career criminal and was probably in a dive bar with a bunch of other career criminals who would be loathe to testify at trial, but at the end of the day you never know who is watching. Also, Mark got lucky in the previous episode when he caught the reflection of the EXIT sign on the checkout screen Sara was using. Without that, he would have had no case since his defendant, who he was warned was not prepared to testify, decided to bail. The defendant exposed Mark as the son of an organized crime figure. Maybe he found out because he did some digging, maybe he came across it by getting lucky. I don't know. What is true is that he most likely knew that fact going into the case and he knew making Mark testify to that fact would hurt the prosecution's case. It fit into his whole "the system is corrupt, and I am just a little pawn" narrative that he had built for himself. If he didn't have Judge Lasky, he most likely would have never been able to get Mark on the stand, but he may have found another way to introduce that evidence or besmirch the state's integrity. I will give you this though, he couldn't have been that smart of a criminal if he hadn't set up a fake alibi. Everyone knows only the best of the best detectives can pick those apart. Have Murder, She Wrote and Columbo taught us nothing?!
  15. I've worked at a couple of different Targets and I can say that the pharmacist on Superstore is actually nicer than the one at the first Target where I worked. Both Targets where I worked had their pharmacies run by CVS. At the first Target, customers would sometimes ask the pharmacist questions about where to find XYZ items in the store. That pharmacist would rudely tell them everytime, "This is not Target," or "I don't know, I don't work for Target." It was not what she said, but how she said it that was the problem. I know I can't do it justice with just my words. I had multiple customers come up to me shell-shocked after talking to her because they were so taken aback at how she blew them off. I also worked in the beauty/pharmacy area at the time, so I was often stocking products in the back row, right next to the pharmacy counter. This woman never looked my way once, not even to just say hi. I mean, she had to be putting effort into avoiding eye contact with anyone on the floor we were standing so close to each other. None of the other pharmacy employees were like that. They all seemed to be happy just getting on with their jobs, saying hi if we happened pass by each other, etc. I wasn't in pharmacy/beauty anymore at the second Target. I pretty much stuck to stocking products and organizing shelves in the middle of the store. I did happen to pass by a few pharmacy employees however on the way to the staff bathroom. They were all nice enough people.
  16. Yes, he did do that, but I don't blame him. Logan wasn't a relationship guy. He had never been in one, nor apparently was he aware of the unwritten rules. His and Rory's fight was pretty ugly. He was an ass that night and she looked pretty disgusted with him. When he requested to take her home, she refused and let him just walk away. She didn't say, "I don't want to be around you tonight, let's talk about this when our heads are cooler." Considering the way he acted, and they way she responded, I have no problem believing Logan thought their relationship was over.
  17. And Mark, as an officer of the court, got lucky that his dad didn't file a police report after Mark decided to physically assault him in public. And Lopez has gotten lucky with the million and one mulligans Judge Carmichael has given her over these past four episodes. Without any of those I don't see how Lopez could have won any of her cases. Also, Mark got lucky when his whole Jedi mind trick thing worked on that defendant from an episode or two back. A defendant that smart, with a whole case locked up the way he had it, would not have fallen for that trick.
  18. I don't see Carmichael as a lousy judge. An unconventional judge? Yes. A realistic judge? No. But it seems to me her end goal is ensuring that justice is served, which so far she has managed to do in every case that has appeared in her court.
  19. The inaccuracies don't bother me on the this show anymore than they do on every other show that I watch. It's pretty par for course for legal dramas, cop shows, and medical dramas to have a lot of procedural inaccuracies. I'm willing to roll with it in exchange for good character development, feel good endings, and a timely message on our justice system. IMO, Lopez would not be better as a judge. Although, she's gotten better, she was pretty much a mess as a public defender in the first episode. She needs to walk first, then she can learn how to run. ETA: I like Judge Carmichael's comments to the bailiff about becoming a prosecutor instead of a defense attorney. She had a great point. I also like how both Mark and Judge Carmichael's bosses aren't blocking their attempts pursue justice. They push back when necessary, and give tough criticism, but they appear to be equally interested in seeing justice done, even if they know it makes their job 10x harder. It's nice for all of the main characters to be good guys.
  20. Gilmore Girls also had an instance of the first trope you mentioned. There's an episode where Zack sees Lane talking to a Korean boy during some town festival. He gets all pissy and rants about how she's moved on. I can't remember if Lane and Zack had previously been dating or what. Anyway, Lane has to eventually clarify to Zach that the boy was her cousin and not a potential love interest.
  21. Yes, this has happened to me as well. I can't figure out the rhyme or reason behind which episodes they choose though. I was recently watching the first episode of the latest season of The Good Place and they didn't run any commercials. The same has happened on random episodes of classic TV series from the 90s I noticed. It's always a nice surprise when it happens.
  22. You know what's interesting about Shonda Rhimes, her show is one of the only two shows I remember being thankful for the second I saw a black woman's hair. When I saw Dr. Miranda Bailey's hair in the first episode of the first season of Grey's Anatomy it was like a breath of fresh air. It's not even natural and yet I was SO fricking excited because it looked like real permed hair. I'll try to explain what I mean better. Usually black women on TV who have their hair permed either have tracks put in to bump it up, or wear their in a super sleek super pixie style (a la Halle Berry). Chandra Wilson's hair in the first season of Grey's Anatomy was neither of those. It looked the way I saw real Black women wear their hair every day. I didn't grow up knowing a lot of people who could flawlessly put in hundreds of dollars of tracks, and most girls I knew didn't have a pixie style, so when they permed their hair it was often worn in a short to mid length bob and it was thin with a dull sheen. When I visited Grey's Anatomy a few years later it looked like they modified Chandra Wilson's hair by giving her tracks, which disappointed me. The only other character I noticed whose hair looked realistically permed to me was Danesha Turrell on Thea, played by Brandy Norwood pre-braids. I mean, that's how desperate I was to see black women with real hair on TV, I got excited at just seeing realistic perms. All of this is not to say that the hair types of someone like Audra McDonald, Renee Goldsberry, or Meghan Markle are fake. They appear to naturally have thick, long, and healthy hair that take well to heat; it's just that I wish we saw more black women whose hair didn't have to look that in order to be considered pretty or eligible for ingenue rolls. I'm not even going to mention how television treats the Halle Berry, Tatyana Ali, Christina Milian's of the world. I totally agree with S. Epatha Merkerson on her choice to wear her hair the way she did for Van Buren. It showed a lot of awareness about her character and the climate of law enforcement agencies.
  23. Whoo lord, I felt like I was in the middle of a P-rade for part of this episode. Also, Jason is ridiculously pretty. I feel so ashamed every time I look at him. I can't have a crush on someone so dumb. I'm going to need Manny Jacinto to call me. Although I know Eleanor only told Chidi he was Simone's soulmate to get him interested in helping Simone to take the Good Place seriously, I do like the idea of Chidi and Simone together. I actually preferred their coupling in Australia to his coupling with Eleanor in the Bad Place and the pseudo-Good Place.
  24. That is if you think there is something wrong with being black. Inclusive communities don't look at the alien DNA contributor first but the contributor that makes you part of their group. Thus Black Americans tend to count those with any known black heritage as fully black as the newest African immigrant from a nation with zero colonization. Other groups like Filipinos are the same, a metizo is as fully Pinoy as a Filipino from an isolated province with no Spanish, American or Japanese fathers in their history. I agree with you Raja. Some of us already had this conversation on the To All the Boys I've Loved Before board in the Movies forum. To quote In2You: (Emphasis mine) I would just love to know how all of this would work on TV. Should TV execs only cast someone who looks like Jordan Peele as the son of a mixed race family because he is? What about an actress who looks like Lena Horne? She's the exact same color as Jordan Peele, but identified as black and I believe had two black parents. According to you that would be impossible because as a black woman she could only have 10% European ancestry (from rape, no less.) Along those lines we also have Sinbad (two black parents) and Lenny Kravitz (one black, and one white parent), but Sinbad is much lighter skinned than Kravitz, and has the same texture hair. Sometimes there is, sometimes there's not. I could go on with more examples. Malcolm Gladwell and Sinbad, Colin Powell vs. Keegan-Michael Key, Ava Duvernay and Melissa Harris-Perry, Yara Shahidi and Essence Atkins. The issue when we're addressing colorism, or featurism really should be the features, not the supposed ad-mixtures of the actors because as many mixed-race kids will tell you they don't all come out looking the same. I have many mixed friends who talk about how strangers will identify their siblings and theirselves as difference races based on one coming out a little lighter or with kinkier hair or with a narrower nose or whatever. FWIW, prior to this last decade I have felt that American media has had a way bigger issue featuring black women with nappy hair than featuring darker skinned black women. I mean, look at those old episodes of Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Hillary had very kinky hair, but I would not call it nappy. Also, none of the women Will dated had nappy hair, even though some, such as Naomi Campbell, were darker to dark-skinned. Also Will's other female cousin, Ashley, would have been considered medium-dark where I'm from, but that hair was definitely not nappy. This goes for a lot of black actresses in television. Camille Winbush, Maia Campbell, Gabrielle Union, Rozand "Chilli" Thomas, Ananda Lewis, etc. I would say only in the past ten years have black women really been allowed to have nappy hair and still get cast as the ingenue, and even then it's still rare. Really, Hollywood's having a 3b-4a moment right now: Tracee Ellis Ross, Yara Shahidi, Michelle Hurd. I definitely wouldn't mind seeing more 4b/4c, especially on darker skinned actresses. It seems like if you have one, they won't let you have the other.
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