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Everything posted by Rockstar99435

  1. I'm really enjoying Carol as the newest ghost. I know that she cheated on Pete and doesn't seem to feel any remorse, but Hetty had factories run with child labor and Thor was a Viking, so definitely a rapist, and they don't feel any remorse for their sins either. Pete thinks that Carol thinks he's pathetic, but Carol didn't actually do or say anything to suggest that. In fact, it was the opposite. She seemed genuinely pleased that he was dating other ghosts. And not in a "now I don't have to feel guilty" way. To me, it seemed more like running into an old high school boy/girlfriend 20 years later and being happy for them that they got married. I laughed so much at Jay (and the ghosts) getting into pipe unclogging videos because they're oddly satisfying. I don't watch those, but I have gotten into hoof trimming videos and yeah, there is something weirdly soothing about a Scottish guy cleaning up a cow's hoof.
  2. Me too. I don't like donuts, but like donut holes. I think they taste different. My theory is it has something to do with the surface area to inside donut ratio. This episode was meh for me. I liked a bunch of little things, but it had way too many cringy things for me. I get pretty intense second-hand embarrassment and I wanted to curl up and disappear almost every time Sam talked to the cool couple. Her pumpkin costume to hide her belly was super cute tho.
  3. I love Sass but if I'm being honest, I think PastHetty made the right choice. Being poor now sucks, but being poor in the 1800s? So much worse. Especially as a woman. We at least have social programs and legal protections. Back then, the only protections Hetty had, both legal and social, came from her financial privilege. She'd basically be trading becoming the property of a rich man for becoming the property of a poor man. She has no transferable skills that she could use to make money to help her husband. Even the careers open to women at the time, like becoming a Governess, would be closed to her because there's no way a family posh enough to want a Governess would allow their young, impressionable daughters to be taught by the kind of girl who poses for ankle portraits and runs away with a painter. And most likely, the painter would lose all of his patrons because rich families wouldn't want him around their daughters/wives/sisters after the scandal either. Elias was a monster and it sucks for Hetty that she had to marry him, but better that than starving in a ditch while you wait for the syphilis to kill you. *shrug*
  4. I just started watching this show on Netflix. I'm really liking it so far. I love all the town people and their love/hate relationships with each other. I live in a regular sized town, but a branch of my family lives in a town with about 2,000 people. Even if you hate someone, you still hang out and go to parties and stuff together because there's no one else your age to hang out with. And everyone has dated everyone and has weird complicated past baggage. I loved the reveal that the two aliens were actually humans working for the government/armed forces. I was totally expecting them to be aliens and then we would end the season with a standoff where Harry has learned to love his town and has to protect them from the other aliens. I also really liked Harry being homesick and wanting to go home. It was a nice, "humanizing" moment. The only storyline I'm having an issue with is the Asta/Jay stuff. I'm almost positive there are very specific Federal laws about how Native American adoptions work and you absolutely cannot just hand over a Native American baby to a random white family. There has to be an attempt to place the child with their biological family, then to their local tribe, and then with the extended tribe. Given how close and loving Asta's family is, there's no way they wouldn't have kept her baby or at the very least, kept up with family visits in order to teach her all about her cultural heritage. It pulls me out of every scene that they are in.
  5. I loved Luther's apology to Vanya. I want them to become friends. Allison's storyline is not working for me. I know that on a meta-level, the writers can't have Allison go on national tv and rumor away racism, but I need an in-story reason for her not using her power. And no, not wanting to because she feels bad that she rumored her own child isn't enough of a reason for me. Have it be that her powers don't work anymore because of her throat injury or that she can only rumor one person at a time now so she can't do anything when there's two cops or something. But don't start the season with her rumoring a group of people (who possibly don't speak her language) to having their heads explode and then sort of shrug your shoulders at Allison letting her husband get taken away. Ugh. Ben and Klaus continue to be the greatest.
  6. I finally got a chance to start season 2. I'm loving it so far, but I'm confused by the "We have 10 days to save the world...again!" plotline. I'm not a soldier and have no strategy skills, but doesn't it take longer than 10 days to plan an invasion? You'd need to organize transport for thousands of people and for all of the vehicles (trucks, tanks, smaller planes, etc) they'd need once they got here. You'd need to organize transport for all of the food those thousands of soldiers would need, and fuel for all of the vehicles. You'd need to organize resupply lines and other war stuff. If Russian is full-scale invading Texas, then whatever domino that started this apocalypse has to have already been tipped, right? I normally like Diego, but it feels like he is carrying the Idiot-ball for plot related reasons, and I hate it. I'm pretty sure rule one of time travel is don't announce to everyone that you are a time traveler sent to stop a future event, unless you want to end up locked in a mental hospital. Diego is way too smart to be that dumb, and Diego isn't that smart. If the writers needed him locked up so he couldn't reconnect with his siblings, it makes more sense to have him be jailed because of some racist judical system issues, but maybe they thought it'd be too close to Alison's storyline? I'm loving all the rest of the siblings and can't wait for them to be reunited. Especially Alison and Vanya. Their relationship is so interesting and I want more of it.
  7. I forgot to mention my two favorite parts, both from the brother phone call. (1) Sterling Brown's ability to get his eyes to water right on cue is incredible. It always amazes me when actors are able to do that. I can make myself cry, but it's going to involve a lot of huffy breathing and forcing myself to think of the saddest things I can imagine, and it's going to take awhile. Actors who can instantly make themselves create one single tear drop are something else. (2) Kevin's reassurance of how the shirtless dancing was playing in the public eye. It reminded me of him thinking that getting arrested breaking into Joni Mitchell's house with his mom could really work for him. I like that Kevin has repeatedly been shown to be really good at this part of his job.
  8. If they wanted to write a storyline where Randal connects with his bio family, why not just have him start hanging out with all of his cousins from William's side? I'm pretty sure they lived in Philadelphia. But then Kate told him that she knew where he was because they have a same friend on Facebook.
  9. They did stuff like that all the time on that show. There was another episode where Lithgow's character hit a squirrel with his car and then did the whole "Give my daughter the shot!" scene from Terms of Endermeant at the vet's office. It was great!
  10. Thank you! Jesse is the worst. I have no idea where this "he has a good heart" crap came from. He literally went to NA meetings to tempt recovering addicts back into using meth. He was a monster who sold poison to sick people for his own financial gain.
  11. So I finally got to finish the series. It had its issues, but I like the world and characters enough that I bought the books for my next quarantine reading project. The different timelines were confusing at first and I don't think they did a great job of explaining who people were and where places were in relations to others. Like someone else suggested, the show could've used a Game of Thrones type map at the beginning of episodes so we'd know where everything is. Yen is my favorite. I get why people find her "I didn't have a choice" stuff to be annoying, but I think it's like all the people in their 30s and 40s who are still drowning in debt from their student loans. Yes, on one hand, they were legal adults when they signed the papers and took the money and they knew that they were going to have to pay it all back with interest....but did they really understand how much money it would turn out to be? Yennifer knew what she was giving up, but did she really understand the true price? I do think just making her watch an average 3 year old for a weekend would be enough to snap her out of her 'a child would love me unconditionally forever' stuff. The first time the kid threw a screaming fit because she cut his sandwich longways instead of into triangles would send her running back to her orgy parties. On a completely shallow note, Fringella's cape in the big battle was awful. It was so distractingly bad that I became convinced that at a pivotal moment, she was going to remove the cape and reveal that the forbidden magic she was using allowed her to become pregnant, setting up a big conflict for Yen.
  12. I assumed her hand was fixed when she did her Get-Hot-Ritual, just like Yen's back and face was fixed. There was also the one girl whose face was cut up by the lightning in a bottle exploding, but her scars were gone at the fancy party. I just started watching the show and I haven't read the books or played the game, so I am confused about the Law of Suprise bond. I thought that Law of Surprise thing meant that Geralt and the child would be soulmates, but they were talking in this episode like he was some kind of deadbeat dad for leaving. In the earlier episode, the Porcupine guy said something about he wasn't planing on claiming Parvati because of his curse but then they accidently met and fell in love. He didn't seem like he had done something wrong by not being there when she was a child or that he had done something wrong by being in a romantic relationship with her. So if it's not too spoilery, what's the deal with Law of Surprise when the suprise is a child? Is it supposed to be a parent/child bond or a romantic bond? Are they going to be able to sense each other or feel each other's pain? If one of them dies, does the other die?
  13. For me, it's because Friends is ultimately a wishfulment show. I just started high school when the show originally started and it was everything I hoped my life would be like in my 20's. I'd leave my stupid podunk town and get to live in a giant New York apartment and have a cool group of friends who were closer than family while having fun adventures. And each character had at least one aspect that I admired or wished I could have. Chandler was smart and could always think of something funny and clever to say. Monica was fun and everyone wanted to hang out at her house. Joey and Rachel had glamorous careers. Phoebe was the fun, free spirit. But Ross didn't really fit into any part of my wishfulment. The show didn't really give him any wins. His career was DINOSAURS but the show presented it as boring and lame. So his faults always seemed worse to me because I didn't think he brought anything that balanced out the bad.
  14. In all fairness to Darlene, cops should not be able to arrest you for mouthing off. Saying rude and disrespectful things is not a crime. The fact that cops regularly abuse their power and stomp all over the rights of poor people is fucking tragic; it's not a "funny" subplot of a terrible sitcom.
  15. I never thought that Piper's combustion power should be connected to her freezing power or that Phoebe's levitation should be connected to her premonitions. Melinda had 3 distinct powers that weren't connected so it made sense to me that the Charmed Ones would also develop 3 distinct powers. I did want Piper to develop and advance her freezing power into controlling time in more ways (slowing down, speeding up, rewinding, fast forwarding, etc). And I wanted her to develop more control over her combustion power. It would've been cool if along with getting bigger explosions, she could've controlled smaller explosions like lighting candles. Or if she could control it enough to hit multiple targets at once. Phoebe's premonition power should've developed to the point where she could call up a premonition whenever she wanted. Also, I think it would've been cool if she could go into her premonitions and walk around, looking for clues or whatever. And her levitation should've also developed. I hated her empathy power. It was too undefined and just meant she could do whatever the writers needed her to. With Paige, it's hard to tell what her witch powers were and how they should've developed because her powers were so intertwined with her whitelighter powers. I think TK was her only witch power and the rest were whitelighter powers. On one hand, it would've been cool for her to get another witch power. On the other hand, she had way too many whitelighter powers and didn't really need anything else.
  16. Didn't she tell Mike's parents a story about her pimp? Am I making that up? Because of syndication, I've seen some episodes a dozen times and others only a couple. You're probably right about Phoebe just having an ear for language.
  17. I saw a meme the other day using Phoebe teaching Joey French, but the dialogue was changed to Joey thinking "Stay home" means "Go have a picnic in a public park" and it made me wonder, how does Phoebe know French? With the last name "Buffay," I'd imagine her dad's family spoke French, but he left when she was a baby. So did her mom teach her French? Also, Phoebe ended up a homeless prostitute when she was 14. So how did she keep up her French skills? A lot of my students spoke Spanish when they were kids, but as they grew up in an English speaking country and stopped spending large amounts of time around people who only spoke Spanish, they lost those skills.
  18. I loved Kevin's worry about ending up on TMZ for getting arrested when helping his mom break into Joni Mitchell's old house and then commenting that it could actually work for him.
  19. So are they playing hide the baby bump with Angie? Lots of jackets/layered clothing, holding props in front of herself, face/chest and up camera angles, and her face is definitely rounder.
  20. If you had asked me yesterday, I would have said that we didn't need a reunion and just let the show live in sydication peace forever, but yeah, I will definitely be watching it...with popcorn. I am kinda worried that they're going to fuck it up. As long as Monica and Chandler are still being awesome together, I'll be okay.
  21. I'm wondering if Khalil will let him out. If Khalil faces off against Tobias and starts to lose, I can see him releasing Painkiller to take over the fight. As much as Khalil hates Painkiller, he's more afraid of Tobias.
  22. Wait...are we supposed to see Nick as being romantically drawn to the Dark Lord? Because that is not at all how I interpreted those scenes. I thought Nick was drawn to the Dark Lord because he wants to get violent revenge on the guy who raped him for what felt like decades.
  23. I loved Ros when searching through Hell. "Hey guys, two things: One, Dibs on Sabrina and Two, I think we should split up."
  24. I thought the Barbara was a jerk at first, but I like that she was also kinda right about the double standards of care we accept from Dads. Paul wanted to be rewarded and praised for bringing his kids to school on time all the other days, as if (1) bringing your kids to school on time every day isn't what you're supposed to do and (2) Moms ever get rewarded or praised for bringing their kids to school on time. Paul wanted to be praised for making a kid a drink he didn't want, making the class switch from paper towels to cloth towels (and don't think I didn't notice that he didn't mention who was going to now have to do laundry for the class every day or where that would happen), and helping a kid with his zipper. Helping the students and cleaning up are things Moms are just expected to do every day without acknowledgment. Does Paul notice them? Did Paul ever thank any of them? They are there every day. Paul helped out ONE day and expected to be praised for being a great dad. He was more interested in soothing his own ego than actually helping out at the school. And when he didn't get the praise he craved, after ONE day, he quit.
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