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Posts posted by Guiaoshi

  1. PS: Im glad for the mess at final 5 tribal. It took away what should be a predictable tribal, I dont think Kathura should be the only one to blame as she told Jake multiple times how much unsure she was on trust him. And instead of give her the security by talking about his Idol Just for her/saying his plan, he decided to spill to Austin that would tell everyone, with mean that people could vote for Kathura and Jake never mentioned he would save her because, according to him, he wanted surprise her aswell at the tribal (and thats why people didnt want to work with him,a lose cannon so desperated to have a move of his own). She voted Julie because she knew for sure that were more chances for Austin to vote Julie again and since Jake first plan was to vote Julie, If she didnt felt confident on him voting Dee, than his other choice would be Julie. He was so focused on make a big move, with Tony impersonation etc that he blew It/made a mess of It. And glad It happened otherwise It would be between Mama J or Austin and Dee carried them/was far superior winner.

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  2. Best card to have going into a final tribal (more than a secret immunnity challenge, a sob story): having one of your closes allies with you, thinking he rulled your allience while you have key cards kept from him to expose at the from of the jury once he starts to brags about his game play. Dee even told at a Interview that she was waiting Austin to talk about the Julie fiasco from his point of view so she could follow with and: ok kiddo, now let me tell you what really happened. Really, after that, Dee Just didnt win with all the votes because Drew is Austin partner/probably still bitter that Dee outplayed both, Bruce is Bruce/sexism and Kendra probably vibed more with Austin zodiac sign. Anyway, great finale, well deserving Winner, nice to see Jake going from Hero to Zero multiple times in one episode and Emily MVP for sure.

  3. I think It might come down to Dee, Mama J or If we gonna have a dark horse, Jake to take it. I know people dont see It and IMO, I dont think he should.. But with the editing hes having, the moment a couple weeks ago were Kellie mentioned ar the jury how she felt for him and now, depending what he does with his Idol and If he wins a fire a challenge, I can see him taking It. For me tho, Dee should be the one. Her decision this week to separate her feelings from the game and blindsed Austin, leting him looking at her after the votes waiting for a look back while she stood looking straight up front, that was great. Mama J could take It but her big move lask week happens because Dee intel.  Other than that she would be Reba 4 till the end and just vote people out of spite. And than we have Kathura that was fun to watch but yep, the weakest player and Austin, that went from one of the top players to one of the lamest.

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  4. Again, beautiful places but the tasks for this leg tho? Not a fan, very mechanical, not much mistakes to make. the one with the dishes had the potential but one of them knows french and the other actually played very well (it helps to focus by not having other teams there). The recycle one was the worst IMO, didnt translated as well, just them throwing stuff...  The foot Race/missed subway was more interesting ..

    • Like 4
  5. 30 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:


    I am no longer afraid Austin wins at least. His edit doesn't give him credit for any real moves and in this episode he won immunity and we barely heard from him. Which, keep that up please, editors. I wish to not hear from him ever again.

    IKR? Emily's reward challenge victory was way more highlighted. The Immunnity challenge ended up being more about Bruce finally losing and Kathura overcoming her fear that Austin winning.

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  6. I said it for weeks and I say even more now: Watch out for Emily....  Yep, she could make the move of get rid of one of the Reba (with a very concerning group of people to work with tho) but she decided to make a move herself on take out a contestant that both jury and other players wanted out so bad, that almost won a third immunnity challenge in a row and had a idol wanting to keep it for one more week and while risky It might pay of big time. Yep, Reba strong but lets see after all this talk about Mama J be unbeatable If Drew and Austin wont feel the need to change plans and same as Mama If she finds out they might go to get her...And once again, Emily might play right in the middle. Shes quite the oposite of Jake: She is in the right side of every vote, people are not writing her name/or even considering vote her ... Just watch....

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  7. I think this leg just prove we need to be carefull before judge a team based on edit, specially If they are not show alot. We had this impression that Robin and Chelsea (Chelsea in particular) were cold/ unable to enjoy the race till their last leg were producers couldnt ignore them. I dont think they chanced this leg, It was just a case of they not bickering enough, not be loud, and not be in the final 5 teams that producers didnt bother to show more of them. Anyway, a strong top 5, the boys are killing with the First place finishes but I have a feeling, just based on edition that Rob and Corey might take it in the end. Lets see.

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  8. 7 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

    Something did feel off, like she never knew he existed, but her aunt had his contact info? I am guessing she didn't want to get into all the dirty details on national TV. Or that it was badly edited and she talked about loving her adopted dad too.

    They do, they are doing a really good job because Emily thinks she is sold with them and Dee and Julie think they are a solid 4. The question is, if they all make it to final 5, will Drew and Austin really stick with Dee/Julie? Drew seemed to be saying that this episode, but he and Austin could decide they have a better shot with Emily at the end and use her to get rid of Dee/Julie?

    With Austin's two idols, and all these alliances and sub-alliances, he seems in the best spot right now.

    I still wonder: If Austin and Drew makes into the final 3 together with Emily If they might cancel each other plus gather more bitter votes from the jury. At least Emily is not making as many enimies since her game play is about survive as a outsider/adapt. A easy ride into the final 3 against someone that was target number 1 day 3 can be risky. Specially If that person present a good speech at the final tribal. If they get rid of Dee and Julie and keep Emily thinking shes weaker, it could be a fatal mistake. 

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  9. 22 hours ago, jsm1125 said:

    What is it with Probst and his fixation on having people lose their votes? 

    I wish we heard more from Dee and Julie this episode, especially when it comes to their thoughts on the women’s alliance vs. their ties to Austin and Drew. We only got Emily’s perspective on that end.

    Poor Katurah: She hasn’t been eligible to vote out Bruce once this entire season. 

    Agree about the losing vote thing. About not hear more from Dee and Julie its because they only have one mindset in the game: vote against whoever vote or call them unless Austin and Drew convince them to go other way. Right now, Austin, Drew and Emily are the brains of the game. Lets see If they will move together ALL the way till the end or one of them will turn against a possible strong player to fight against on a final tribal (my bet is Emilly figuring it out later on)

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  10. Damm, this leg had so much potential. Too bad the friends took their own particular leg. Still, it was so good that It was enjoyfull to watch while see how the teams handle the stress of the Race. Count me as someone else that actually enjoy Morgan & Lena. As sisters specially, thats tô be expected. What is Fun It that they are so ALL over the place. One min they are the bottom, right after in the top, than in the middle...  They might go miserally running awfull leg or just find their way to the finale. Who knows with these two?

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  11. The nail of Kaleb coffin was overplaying exactly when he needed to tone down (he think he did but he didnt). From all the strategic speech on last week tribal, on trying to point out other targets that werent exactly the biggest..And than, the Idea do tell Katurah, that was totally on his side, that he kept as a secret that he helped Bruce (her biggest enemy) while he was digging for his idol so SHE would be the only one out of it but just now, after all this time, she should trust him and Jake (that also hide this secret from her and its actually Bruce ally) on a plan involving a tie and playing rocks!  It was a Full combination on make her feel she wasnt their priority as they made her feel, that It was a risk move that could cause her elimination plus It helped that was clear she was getting rid of a very strategic player. Kudos to him,he played, he was charismatic but next time? Simmer down. But for real... And here we go with Emily as the last Lulu member. Right now, I see clear favorite to win on Austin with a potential underdog that can make full circle on Emily. Lets see....

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  12. 14 hours ago, mojoween said:

    Emily knew Kaleb was going to play his shot in the dark, she had the chance to vote out whoever the fuck she wanted to if it worked.  I mean, she stayed, but the revote was unnecessary drama.

    Dee, calm the fuck down.

    She knew everyone was going for Kaleb (such she told him)for sure she didnt want to be the only one out of the unanimous vote and break the confidence with Drew and Austin. Thats proven on how after Kaleb was safe no one went o board with J Idea to vote her. With Bruce and Kaleb being the biggest targets and Austin and Drew having more power that people realize, I can see a scenario of them making into the final 3 and keeping Emily with them. If that happens I can also see a potential for Emily to make a great case for herself by pointing out how they played the same game/had a easier ride with alot advantages while she had to fight, rise her social game and keep her treat level very low. Buts thats something to discuss later in case this happens. For now, great that Kaleb stayed and J left. Her biggest moves were big mistakes that only made her a target (take the blame for the Sifu vote and insist with the Amulet "advantage"? Geeez)

    • Like 6
  13. 37 minutes ago, Aerobicidal said:

    I would have eliminated both Brooke and Silky immediately after the first lip-sync, given Nina West the title, and then headed to the nearest dive bar to slam shots of 151 until I forgot this entire season.

    That said, the winner and Ms. Congeniality are both not unsatisfying.

    Loooove Nina, deserved a place at the finale, was all the way bouncing up and down in my top 3, but It wouldnt be her moment IMO. It would be hard for her to beat either Brooke and Yvie (even Ake´ria), All Stars might be the best for her, lip sync wont matter as much, she can afford to not be a lip syncer assassin, keep winning acting challenges/staying on top.

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  14. 1 hour ago, zenithwit said:

    Sooo.... Silky picking Brooke Lynn in the first round had to be some sort of crazy producer manipulations in order to get a Brooke Lynn v Yvie F2, right?

    I dont know.. If was about producers manipulation, they could have maded her choose Yvie, having the lip sync between both finally happening and still we would have the same F2. IMO, it felt like Silky was extremely nervous, wasnt prepared for her to make a choice. Maybe she didnt wanted to go first against A´keria because of their friendship and between Brooke and Yvie, both would be hard to beat, maybe she was afraid to go against Yvie and eat her words.

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  15. A good finale.. Like the passing better with the edit videos to introduce each final 4 queen instead of having a mini ´´interview`` with them/with those lame questions.. 

    Memorable runways: Plastique (wasnt into her looks during the season but if she follows more  the cultural direction of this and her reunion looks, it would make her way more unique and interesting as a look queen), Shuga (way to show a good reveal this time around), Nina, Ake´ria (her runway/interview look only), all Ivye´s looks (she gave us such a great varation between the three looks and they all looked great/exciting). I expected more from Brooke to be honest.. And of course, Aquaria look was a wow.

    On the lip syncs:

    Round 1: Brooke VS Silky: You could see on Silkys face that she was so nervous before the lip sync, now I´m 100% sure most of that personality is used to hide her insecurities. Anyway, Brooke kinda nailed this, Silky still was messy/all over the place with random reveals/ getting uglier and uglier (she used that bodysuit from her lip sync with Nina again? Really? Geez). If wasnt for some bad camera work (this thing of taking the queens from down-up/down-up takes away from the mininal details that we would like to see on a lip sync. Anyway, not even close (just not sure if the chains had any purpose as a reveal or anything on Brookes performance).

    Round 2: Yvie VS Ake´ria: Both went different directions, Yvie was a mix of playfull and wierdo approach while Ake´ria was more of a straight forward interpretation of the song. Both interpretations serve the song well tho. At this one, however, I felt the camera work hurt it more (they didnt even showed Yvie´s ´´leave Britney alone`` semi-reveal under her skirt). By the end, while more close, Yvie stood out more while Ake´ria, as Silky, made some reveals that made her become uglier/too basic (that last wig, really? Don´t do a reveal at all if you gonna serve this).

    Final Lip Sync: Yvie  VS Brooke: Great song for a final lip sync (I actually would have liked it more if they played the slowed down version, going with full emotion). Anyway, both started of ok (its a song made for a build up, you can´t serve alot at the beginning).. By the middle it turned, have to say, Brooke reveal was one of those too obvious reveals so not exciting (specially since it took her like 10 secs to take it off) and here were both went different directions and IMO, it was clear who should win: Brook went for the dance moves with totally worked once the chorus kicked but then went for the multiple splits when the song builds into a emotional moment while Yvie owned that transition with her head piece moment (that was a wow moment, more that any reveal tonight), using her flexible/wierd poses that totally were complimented by her look (that mirror head piece giving us different angles? Amazing). And here the camera work did a better job, by the end was no doubt in my mind, despiste Brooke respectable job Yvie was a eye catcher with her interpretation.

    Winner: Yvie Oddly- IMO, a great winner. At the beginning I thought she would be wierdo just for the sake of it and make not sense/lose her way at some point but no.. As the competition progressed, we saw more and more of her thought process, keeping us surprised till the end, never predictable while showing a vulnerable and strong character at the same time. She shined all the moment during the finale, it was mean to be her night.

    PS: Well deserved miss congeniality, I major LOL when she played the ´´meh`` joke. Overall, a really good season, talented queens, unpredictable.. Only thing that hurt it was producer/ Ru pushing tiresome characters as Vangie and Silky. They had a good cast, they didnt needed to keep them like they did. Hope they will think better before assume who the public would like to see more.

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  16. Anyway. back to the race, this was a good season, better than last couple ones. We had some great legs, in the second half in particular. I think we just got used to have one or two teams that we look at them and think ´´this people should be eliminated from the earth!``, with one going all the way for us to cheer for their lost till the very end, with we didnt have this season. Yep, the finale wasnt very exciting, but I don´t blame so much on the leg design (we had some awfull finale legs on past, with teams literally taking clues across the city and jump from buildings, with pretty much zero physical/memory tasks). It could have being a little harder tho, the last three legs were waay harder.

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  17. PS: What a good coincidence for producers that Tyler managed to stay all way (since hes the most popular youtuber, the one that will probably get more of new/ young audience to watch the show). Hm...

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  18. 4 hours ago, MortysCleaningLady said:

    Disappointed.  I thought Burnie and Ashley, calm, cool, and composed, could take it all.  I guess, I'm rooting for Sheri at this point, as long as Cole only gets his share a quarter a week through his allowance.

    That was the problem with them this leg, they lost their cool and compose  (actually Burnie did). He let the competition/frustation get the best of him. Like, yes, it sucks for you that the first two teams are doing a task together, but you shouldnt let it get to you that much (specially when you try to join them at one point or after you start the leg talking about play the game as you can). Its seems like he got so much with ´´we need to be number 1`` that he didnt consider until the last minute that he and Ashley were fighting for last.

    Too bad still. they would make a way more exciting final leg, that now became really weaker. But who knows, we saw teams fighting to survive most of the race win it all at the end... Liking them or not, Tyler and Kory are the best team this season.. They played it smart very smart (they just got rid of the two most scary competition for them to have at the finale, back to back), dont struggle with tasks (apart from a couple legs in the middle of the season), have good navegation skills and most important: are hungry for the win but without let it lose their minds.

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  19. The right decision was made.. It would be between Bob and Kim Chi anyway, and for the 3rd place finisher, Naomi earned it a little more tha Chi Chi. I hope that for upcoming seasons they can find something more for the last challenge episode, Lets get rid of the speechs and get more looks on runway or a challenge.

    PS: Watching the music video that it hit me.. Kim Chi is the first ´´plus size`` queen that made it so far and wasnt labeled/pushed as the big/with more curves queen right?

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  20. 4 hours ago, blackwing said:

    I am puzzled at the drive to get out Kurt and Brodie.  Last episode, didn't several of the teams gleefully remark that Brodie would have to do all the roadblocks from here on out?  They were implying that he was too dumb or incompetent to get through it.   If so, why wouldn't Tyler target Burnie and Ashley, who are always right near the top?

    Burnie and Ashley were just behind them so for sure they would use the U-turn in someone else and save themselves. And they still saw Brodie and Kurt as a strong team with all their wins and the way they can surprass other teams in physical challenges.

    2 hours ago, whiporee said:

    Ashley said they did -- if Cole doesn't jump, all this scheming would be wasted. T&K and B&A had conspired to get rid of B&K when given the chance

    Even as a viewer only I would wish to take Cole by his neck had him gave up, screwing the STRATEGY that was developed on the leg. It was a fair concern *and she actually mentioned it joking about*, specially, cause as we saw, it took time for Cole and his mom to realize how the u-turn was used, so it was a schem pre-determinated by all the teams agains B&K.

  21. The really bad use of the U-Turn as we saw in some past season, is when teams decide to go against a team just because they don´t like them,for personal reasons only, even they not being the strongest competition .It happen quite alot in past seasons.

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  22. 24 minutes ago, Muffyn said:

    On a completely shallow note, Brodie was looking more and more like a werewolf.  It is probably best he is gone before someone traps or shoots him.


    20 minutes ago, Netfoot said:

    I think he looks like a chimp.  Only, not as smart.

    Lmaooo.. Well, like we expected, he was the downfall of his team.. From making them burn that express pass in a simple task to struggle in last week roadblock to the point they went to the back of the pack. So, like some people mentioned above, it takes a combination of factors to make a team gets kicked off with a double U-turn.. Part the tream own fault for not get there early enough, plus it takes more than one team to think it right, use the right strategy (we saw in the past teams messing up with their choice. From what we saw from Cole and his mom, they wouldnt even know how to place the photos and would be scare to use it and end up u-turning themselves >.<).

    And about the leg having a ´´simple`` task after the U-turn, did you guys forgot other seasons where the double U-Turn were pretty much the last thing before go to the pit-stop? Still a better way to have it at the end, give teams the chance to earn the use of the double U-turn on how they run the leg/kept their position. If it was earlie in the leg, T&K and B&A would still be ahead and make the same decisions (only would be even easier for them keeping their lead from the start of the leg).

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  23. OMG, so happy with the great use of the U-Turn from both teams, thats how you cancel a strong team with a double U-turn (all teams choosing the same detour also helped on them to know what decision to make). I was worried that some teams would try to play nice with the fans, so that was a good surprise, specially from Tyler and Korey since they were first. That was a great move cause unless something crazy happens, it makes the race for the win just between Tyler-Korey and Burnie-Ashley.

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  24. Apart from the forced fight between Derrick and Naomi, it was a good episode and the results couldnt be more fair (Naomi could be a close call to win tho). Chi Chi looked her personal best, Bob did a solid job but didnt pushed all the way and Derrick, bless his heart, looked like Jinx after she sleeps with her make up on and wake up the day after, she was waaaay out of her league here that the Lip Sync wouldnt even matter have she done better than Bob (with she didnt).

    I agree with some posts above, next week will be hard/close competition (it would be a close one this week too if we had Betty in this top 5 instead of Derrick).

    Right now, I´m cheering for Kim Chi, I think she has more to add on the hall of winners from the show, we never have a winner (or maybe even a contestant) with her make up skills and culture background. I think if she markets herself well, she can do alot stuff and be quite sucesfull outside the drag world, with fans of the asian both tradional and pop culture, anime,artist make up.

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    it offensive to flirt with Phil if you're gay?  Women flirt with him all the time.


    IKR? That is the issue? Cause I dont think people would be bother if was a woman. Phil usually makes his jokes/goes personal on contestants ands seems like a confident/mature enough man to not feel ofended or treated by a flirt/joke.

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