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Posts posted by Wickedeve

  1. I'm bracing for all the tragedy barreling toward us, but I'm here for all 8 episodes. (It is 8, right?)

    In the past, Riley Keough has shown a brave willingness to portray characters who could very easily dive headfirst into unlikable territory. This is no exception.

    And I've never seen the actress who plays Josephine before, but her Michelle-Williams-spliced-with-Natalie-Dormer vibe is fascinating.

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  2. 10 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

    Which season did you blaze through? S1 has quite a few comments earlier in this thread, and S2 has episode threads. Is there a S3 that hasn’t been released in the US yet?

    Hah--excellent question. Turns out I'm just confused--and I somehow skipped over the first page. I'm off to muddle my way to the right place. Thank you so much!

    And I only wish there was a season 3 UK right now, because I'm ready for it 😛

    • Like 1
  3. On 4/8/2023 at 3:27 AM, BAForever said:

    So disagree with this review. Disclaimer- only one episode in. Ronald is a nice guy, it's his reactions and interactions I'm enjoying. The looks on his face while weirdness around him ensues are subtle.  Never saw Joe Schmo, but I'm in for this show.

    I also disagree with this review. Emphatically, LOL. This show has huge OFFICE vibes, and Ronald is a bit like a real-life Ryan Howard as all the craziness erupts around him. The characters are fun and lovable (I'm only 2 episodes in.), and we're placing bets on if/when Ronald finally breaks down and asks them all if he's the only one in the room who isn't on crack!

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  4. I love that Deborah Chow totally gets STAR WARS and that Ewan McGregor owns this role just as much as Alec Guinness does. In fact, I think I already love this series.

    The opening-scene sight of the Jedi being extinguished as their lightsabers died, one after the other...

    The mournful yet noble main theme (which gave me chills)...

    The feistiness of little Leia...

    The fact that Third Sister is a very worthy adversary.

    So in love with all of it 😍

    • Love 16
  5. I was bracing myself for disappointment, but the trailer looks and feels like everything I loved about the books! I even hopped up in my seat when I saw the Dregs, and when the Darkling came on, my mom went "Ooo." (Amen, Mama!)

    👍🏻  👍🏻  👍🏻  👍🏻

    • LOL 1
  6. Awesome!!

    How many of you recognized that vintage Raylan Givens/Seth Bullock stance the minute The Marshal appeared in the doorway? I might've WHOOPED and then melted into a puddle of fangirl delight.

    Also, I won't lie — the dragon 🤮  made me giggle.

    • LOL 1
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  7. I'm all in with this—it's the perfect YA summertime fling for me. Also...


    The kid playing Victor is just ten kinds of adorable...

    I feel like this kid is my nephew or something and I just want to help him out! I recognized him from ANNABELLE COMES HOME. The whole time I was watching that movie, I was like, "Please have nothing happen to Bob!!!"

  8. Well...that happened.

    12pm showing. Theater 1/2 full of people wearing Star Wars t-shirts. Utter silence when the movie finished.

    As others have said, the first half was a mess. The second half was marginally better. I felt like the Reylo thing at the end would've been far more powerful *without* that WTH kiss. The intense look Ben gave her said everything, and then the weirdness of that kiss came along and diluted the strength of that moment for me.

    My favorite parts were when JJ Abrams directly farted on most of the controversial things Rian Johnson did in TLJ. The part where Luke says something like, "You should treat a Jedi's weapon with more respect" had me 🤣🤣

    It's really too bad that every episode in this trilogy basically felt like a reboot. Do better with the continuity next time, Disney. (Kevin Feige, my hat is off to you—you are a brave man to tackle this next!)

    • LOL 2
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  9. Dear Will,

    Please fall in love with someone besides Lame, Ridiculous Tess. I'm wholeheartedly recommending the former law school woman who is ever-so-awesomely at your side.

    Sincerely With All My Will-Lovin' Heart,


    • Love 4
  10. Quote

    So out of curiosity, what would be in the spoilers will make you stay away and what would make you excited again?

    (Don't worry, everyone--I'm not going to go into any spoilers here!) 

    Hey, VCRTracking ... I'm trying to think of how I can carefully address this subject, because, due to my disappointment with TLJ, I've already started my spoiler hunt and I was exposed to some supposed spoilers already from a supposed decent source. Before I buy a ticket to Episode 9, I need to see if what I heard will really happen. Who knows if these spoilers are true, but they turned me off to the point where I feel as if I need to protect my eyes if, dear heavens, they're on target.


    As for what would make me excited again? That's a tough one. I've been lurking here for the excellent conversations, so I know that several posters have already pointed out that the ending of eppie 8 lacks momentum for them. I agree. I think seeing Kylo Ren go FULL-ON AWESOME baddie would be satisfying for me. (If he doesn't, there's a huge baddie vacuum because Hux is a clown and ... who else is there? I guess they could bring Snoke back, but that somehow feels cheap. Have we ever had a bad Force ghost onscreen? Is it possible?) I would also like to see Rey struggle with the Force, because if it's evolving into something else, there should be issues with that. Wouldn't it be kind of fun if the Force turned out to be more powerful than she can handle and she was only lured into thinking she has it under control--and so quickly?


    I would also love for Finn's background as a kid who was raised to serve the First Order to REALLY come into play. He has such a fantastic backstory.


    edited to add that I need to see The Knights of Ren, too!

  11. Quote

     I'm not going to buy an advance ticket for Ep 9 as soon as it goes on sale, like I did for TFA and TLJ, because I have scant hopes for the trilogy at this point.

    ITA -- and, even worse, I'm going to actively be looking for spoilers before even considering buying a ticket. That's *not* how I operate with movies. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I would trade the wonderful surprise of seeing a movie unspoiled for avoiding the frustration of sitting through another TLJ.

    I hate that I feel this way, but I'm only being honest.

    • Love 3
  12. Quote


    I know they still use CGI for a lot of the more complicated Sunny bits, but I'm glad they kept the same baby and let her grow older so that she could do a little more (instead of replacing her with a younger baby to keep with the timeline in the books). She's got some really great reaction shots and it appears (hopefully, for the sake of the crew and rest of the cast) that she takes direction easily. I mean they had her picking up stuff, running behind Violet and Klaus...I just find myself constantly mesmerized by her.

    OMG, I'm so happy that I'm not the only one who is in Sunny's thrall! She's by far my favorite part of this show. My mom watches with me, and she has to put up with me constantly spouting, "Cutie!" and "Did you see what she just did?" I was besides myself when...


    ...Violet and Klaus put on those suits in "The Ersatz Elevator." Right away, I was like "THE BABY IS GOING TO WEAR A SUIT!" And she did. My great joy in heaven, she did.

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  13. Former Nun, thank you for the Jennifer Salt/Sisters connection! I didn't even realize it until you pointed it out. That just kind of furthers the awesome for me on the season.


    re: Elsa's Life on Mars performance

    I got such a Rocky Horror Picture Show vibe. Remember when Tim Curry gave his farewell performance in the movie? I guess it was the heavy make up that did it for me. All Jessica Lange needed were some torn fishnet stockings!


    I even wonder if the carny people are the 70s and the rest of the AHS world is the 50s, because wouldn't the 50s have been horrified by the freak show of the 70s?

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