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Everything posted by Texasmom1970

  1. Wow, just wow Kody really is something. That is not a compliment! Janelle - is a better woman than me. If ramen head pointed at me like that when they were arguing. He would be a nine fingered asshole!
  2. Seriously this is just the start of the season and I am already sick of Kody. Please stop your bitching and whining about everything. This man makes everything about himself, king of the narcissists. Get your balls back from eyebrows and be a man!
  3. I know she was like he left me. No dumbass you’re the one who took off. Someone mentioned she might be medicated. I believe they might be right.
  4. What is with her! Not smart bolting off, even with the production crew and running around no shoes on?
  5. Having worked with children I’ve seen many 5 year olds that make Cody look like an emotionally stunted baby! It was weird that Meri and Robyn talked outside. Was her Mistress not ready for visitors to go in the house?
  6. No you were not. Not to be mean, but I was like seriously. I think there are many other people that have a greater need.
  7. I’m not trying to bring down other women, but I just don’t see her as being so amazing looking. I think she is pretty, but they do say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I still stand by my original statement I made at the start of the season that she should wait before searching for love. Her and her children needed to just be together and heal.
  8. Maybe it’s just nerves because she’s being filmed but Holly is really jumpy. She is really fidgety and seems cagey. Not to offend anyone with Crystal Gayle hair, but she really could use a haircut.
  9. Me watching the show wondering why with the money Brandan sent for the house there is no roof that keeps bugs out better. I know it’s not the U.S. so I guess it’s just the way they build or they ran out of money?
  10. Tyray - please just go home and try again! Dempsey seems really sweet and genuine. Hoping Statler is not just rushing becaoof her lease coming to an end. Meisah and Nicola - I said it before I don’t believe they are in a relationship. Maybe they want to start a church or just be on television. They just seem blah. Amanda and Razvan - I said it when I first saw her she should be at home with her children not on this show. Cleo and Christian - Not sure what transpired between them, not clear yet. All I can say is I’m 53 and might be a generational thing but to me I consider a bj sex. I know some may not so it can be muddled. So we will see how this play out.
  11. Dancing-is that what they were doing?! What charity would want them to do this and who would pay to see!
  12. Producers please take note. Us viewers are here to see patients with skin issues. She can help her friend get her business exposure off screen please!
  13. From the photos stating Jasmine is in Michigan I believe it. In the photos you see her hair is short. Guess Gino couldn’t deal with the price of those extensions?!
  14. I kept on thinking her face had an odd shape. Didn’t think about that possibility.
  15. I still can’t get over the feeling we are being plunked about these two as a couple. I just don’t get it or see it?!
  16. Seeing how they live really does make you realize all we have and don’t think twice about!
  17. I think Dempsey is adorable and seems sweet. Statler is just a bit too pushy and forward for my taste. (Not that it matters but I’m heterosexual, these are just my impressions of them as a couple.) Violet if Riley doesn’t want to be with you then you dodged a bullet! Amanda should not even be there with Razvan. She is rushing into romantic situations before she is emotionally ready. I like David and Sheila they seem to a good match. Even though you know he was uncomfortable sleeping in her home he handled it very gracefully. Unlike big Ed freaking out and bitching constantly when he went to see Rose. Meisha why are you there with that asshat, please go home immediately!
  18. I loved this episode so much. Both my daughters had severe eczema when babie. I remember having to bandage my youngest girls legs. My poor girl would scratch till it bled. She really was wonderful with all the children.
  19. These two are a shit show, no pun intended.
  20. Unfortunately not at all. The best way to describe Houston weather in the summer. Super hot and when you step outside you are hit with a wall of humidity. Feels like you are swimming instead of walking. The mix is oppressive!
  21. Here in Houston the heat and humidity does that to my hair for free!
  22. He has a better chance of growing a full head of hair!
  23. Alex and the other guy fighting. It was hilarious, I don’t think intentionally but it was so ridiculous. 😁
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