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Brit Babe

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Everything posted by Brit Babe

  1. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Oh, sorry I was trying to stay awake through yet another recurring character and another "storyline" that will not give us any interesting or what we want from the show.
  2. While I am not happy with this silly storyline at all, it would be so much more realistic if Rick were to go into a depression over this, grow some stubble, drink himself into a stupor and then an episode or two later go with this winning her back nonsense. The way it is being played at the moment is quite frankly ridiculous. The star's whose demands likely have lead to this blames the writers, shocker. It's a comedy show BS is insulting my intelligence, because we all know it had light moments but it's never been that. I just don't know what to say but I think more people will start to ask questions and they better figure out better answers or just tell the truth.
  3. I'm surprised it’s taken this long to pull this old trick out the bag, technically they are getting a Caskett scene without the leads having to work together. I’m sure some will be fooled but we all know different and I’m sure we’ve got more to look forward to! Other versions they can use are phone calls, a Captain’s conference (Beckett’s non appearance in 8x08?) and maybe an undercover mission where they are forbidden contact.
  4. The Con Man screening happened on a Sunday and my question is did they pay for the rental of the Raleigh screening room or is it one of Fillion's "perks" nowadays? Zero doubt this is the end for Castle. I don't know why fans are in a fluster over this episode, unless Mr & Mrs Castle actually decide to film together for more than a couple of days a time, it's going to be pointless.
  5. The two things I liked in the episode was the use of season 1 music in the scene transition to Beckett, Ryan and Espo walking onto campus and the bubble cigars. Now on to the things I didn’t like. No one seems at all concerned that Kate has walked out on Rick without an explanation. Lividity Laine’s “he’s a grown ass man” - what in sweet jesus was that? Your so called best friend has just walked out on her husband for a reason even unknown to her and Castle needs to basically get over it? Alexis’ role needs to be cut down not expanded, Molly Quinn was fine acting as a teenager while she was one (its not that difficult) however as an adult she leaves a lot to be desired. I would suggest a crowd funding scheme for acting lessons but I just want her gone now. And don’t get me started on the frat party horror, if Rick can just waltz in there anyway what was the point of her? Which brings me to the new look PI office and after 3 episodes, I hate it. Vikram - wooden actor, wooden storyline and just pointless. Caskett - instead of kiss/sexy times interruptus, it is now conversation interruptus but what can be said, Kate doesn’t know why she’s doing it, her way of doing it doesn’t protect anyone and Rick thinks he needs to win her back. The use of stand ins some scenes was also rather obvious with how they filmed certain things. Also, after me praising Stana’s acting last week - it felt like she was going through the motions this week especially in the jail cell when she said “I love you, I always will” - awful.
  6. I can't tell whats on the original picture what does it say?
  7. A few months back, when the break up spoilers came out, I commented half jokingly that this reminded on Alias season 5 and this episode has cemented my belief that this is Alias season 5. I just don't know where to start, the "story" if we can call it that doesn't make any sense and is full of such tired cliches. "The life you were living yesterday is over", no really it isn't because leaving the "attachments" behind make them a risk and for the person living. Ridiculous. Beckett's "demons" - are they just saying that she obsesses over unsolved crimes or that she has an obsessive personality (which could be targeted into something else)? As for SpyStepMommy, feeding her some BS line which made her decide to leave him, such clunky storytelling, it was unbelievable. The "break-up" - aside from the ridiculuous reasoning and lack of explanation to Castle was 50/50. Stana was excellent in that scene and Beckett was upset as she should be. Castle's anger or the little of what we saw was poor, not sure if his non reaction was scripted/directed to be like that but it just felt like he wasn't that upset his wife was walking out on him. What really needs to happen, is that Fillion needs to put his big boy pants on and act with his co-star, he doesn't need to like her or even speak to her, just do the job you were given without cocking things up. In other news, Alexis dressed like a 35-40 year old last week, now she's dressing for her mid 40's, hopefully by mid season they ship her off to a retirement home and we won't have to deal with her anymore. What was that even about? It was suppose to be a serious moment and I just laughed.
  8. They have a tendancy to wrap themselves in a kiss so we don't see much of the kiss and that they are only touching lips. Thank goodness someone else thinks that. It's the oddest kiss and shot really badly.
  9. So, 8x08 is filming instead of 8x07. Stana's in Milan, so it likely means 8x08 is Beckett-lite and with Nathan having NYCC and Con Man commitments coming up in the next week or so, I guess 8x07 (when they film it) will be Castle-lite. When is Slaughter suppose to be back? Or has Adam Baldwin already filmed?
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