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Mick Lady

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Everything posted by Mick Lady

  1. Guys, I came here tonight to give an update on me, but screw that! catrox, I've been emotionally stable my entire life. I grew up in a great family, and have a (almost) perfect marriage Life has been extremely kind to me, and I know it. But' I've been in therapy several times in my life!. I don't get the stigma. Everyone can benefit from a good therapist! I'm in therapy now, and thank God for it. When my parents passed away, especially my Mom, it saved me! I'd encourage everyone to try it, the insights you get are amazing. It's been my experience that the most self reflective, intelligent people seek therapy. One piece of advice, don't be afraid to interview several therapists until you find someone you trust. I went through six before I found the one I see now. It makes all the difference! Okay, rant off. I'm doing okay, fighting like hell. I just haven't had the energy to check in and for that I'm truly sorry! I'll be better, I promise! I didn't know you all cared so damn much until I got some PMs. It just hurt too much to come here, I missed you all so much! Thank you all for caring about me! I had no idea! Special thanks to catrox and Omegamom,
  2. Awesome, I'm sobbing right now. I'll write later......thank you
  3. Thanks 7kstar! Funny, but my "Oncology Nurse Navigator" (that's really her title!) Jenni to me, gave me a journal on Tuesday. I've been writing like crazy! It honestly helps. Chemo so far is manageable, but the worst part is the Neulasta. That is one fucking vicious drug! I'd better forget this pain! But I keep telling myself, "Dean up!" So in our house it's now WWDWD? Hey, it works! I've gotten the same advice on wigs, so I'm going with scarves. Found a great site, tlcdirect.com, from the American Cancer Society that has some kick ass stuff, very inexpensive! I'm still watching Supernatural, and following you crazy fans and lovin' every minute of it. Thanks again, all of you. You will never know how much you have all helped me deal with this. There's just no words that can express it. I wish to Chuck there were, and I could honestly make you understand how much you all mean to me. Thank you.
  4. That's my girl! Ya never let me down!
  5. Thanks guys! Diane, I've seen you post, and never said "Hi!" so I'm saying it now! catrox, don't ever change. Mick has a little crush on you! He likes the insane...
  6. I'll post a quick update. On Thursday, I had surgery to implant a "port": for Chemo, and I start on Tuesday. Plan is for Chemo every three weeks for six rounds, and see how much the tumor shrinks. Bummer is, I will lose my hair (FUCK! I have red hair to my waist!), but Mick knows a young lady he practically raised that owns a salon here in town, and she's going to cut my hair (I'm donating it to Locks For Love) and set me up with scarfs and headbands. I like them better than wigs! Other than that, I'm doing great, my Oncologist is a math geek, so we get on fine, and my support here is unbelievable! My biggest problem is keeping Mick from shaving his head. He has blond hair past his shoulders, and I love it! I'm going into this with a good attitude, and expecting the best out come. Ever see the movie "No Country For Old Men"? In it, one character says to her daughter "I have the cancer!" to get sympathy from her. I've been using it on Mick, and we laugh like crazy!!
  7. I'll give you a pass here, but you better follow up! The gang here are some of my very favorite people, and I love and need you all!! On the other hand, do you feel like Payton Manning? 'Cause that's kind of cool...
  8. Wish I could "thumbs down" a post! Omegamom, you are making some bad decisions! I'd drag you to a doctor myself if I could. Don't make me come find you, because damn it, I will!!
  9. Sure does! I didn't catch it the first time, and it was a treat to see tonight. Now I have to go back and make sure I've caught everything you two have posted. Last time I did that, I was lost for like three days watching these things!
  10. Make sure you follow up on this. You deserve credit for this work, and after all of the time you invested in it, to have it stolen...Oh Hell SueB, I'd be livid!
  11. Omegamom, you have no idea how wonderful Mick has been! Meeting with my surgeon, we had a discussion about the possibility of a mastectomy, or even a double mastectomy. Katie (my surgeon) looked at Mick to judge his reaction, and he said: "Well, less work for me!" Katie didn't know how to take it until I cracked up, laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes. She smiled and said, "You two are going to beat this just fine" She's so right! rue and 7kstar. Isn't it wonderful that we have such a great group of friends here to help us out? I wish I could do more for you all, but just knowing we all have this place is such a comfort. Thanks to everyone of you, I sincerely mean that. For now, I'm looking forward to the Super Bowl, and all the crap Mick and I are going to eat! Pizza and wings! Go Payton!
  12. This is going to be a fun thread! Great idea!
  13. Thanks for all the good thoughts everybody! It means a lot to me! News was not good, my surgeon said the nodes were hard, which was not a good sign, but the tests won't be back until the 9th. Looks like I'll need "adjuvant endocrine therapy and adjuvant chemotherapy, category 1.", before they take the tumor. I'll fill you all in when I know. One huge favor you can all do for me though, and I'm serious. Get a mammogram. I don't care how old you are, just do it. It could save your life! Lighter note,Welcome, Dobian! You just ran into the nicest bunch of people on the internet! (But beware, some of the are certifiable!) I love it when new people join us! Omegamom, I know exactly how you feel! I wish these shelters would care better for these dogs. So many become unadoptable. I volunteer at our local shelter, and I feel sometimes like I'm banging my head against a wall. We need more help and more full time workers. But it's not gonna happen. Our pups are all shelter dogs, and they're wonderful, but we had the time and knowledge (not to mention land) to raise them right. 7kstar is right, too many people don't understand what adopting a dog involves. At least you three were smart enough to see this!
  14. "Alex was once a bad, bad girl, so her days as vampire bait come back to haunt her like a Chipotle burrito." made me laugh until my gut hurt! Thank you, I needed that!
  15. Don't want to hijack this thread, you guys have enough to handle! But my surgery is at 11:45 tomorrow, so if you all could send me some good vibes, I'd be so thankful!
  16. Daisy, from what you've posted about your Dad, for him to die someone will have to shoot him! He sounds like a real hoot!
  17. Hell, it seems all of us are going through a bad patch! 7kstar, I don't know how you do it, I honestly don't. Between teaching and your family you are carrying one hell of a load! catrox, you of all people are due a break. It never seems to let up for you, and that just plain sucks. I think we should all get together and get rue cook for us (just so she could, you know, feel better!) and let SueB and Omegamom remind us how good we all have it, because we have each other. Now if Awesome would get off her ass and start writing.... On a lighter note, Mick's bass player Hayward,(who's super worried about me, bless him) came by today and gave us the first four seasons of "Game Of Thrones". We have never watched it on HBO for some reason, and after two episodes, we're hooked! Well, except for the puppy part, but as Taarna (our Lab ) told us, "They're actor puppies!"
  18. Okay, I'm calmer now! Thanks so much for your support, you have no idea what it means to me. I don't care what anyone says, on line friendships are very real, and help so goddamn much!. Thanks again guys. I won't know anything more until the 9th, when all these results from the surgery come back (I have 3 doctor appts on the 9th!!), so I'll fill you in then. I have great support here in the mean time. My sister and her wife are driving me crazy calling all the time and wanting to fly out (They're on the east coast), and my girlfriends here have been wonderful. I can't say enough about how loving and considerate Mick has been. I don't know what I ever did to deserve him! So, when all is said and done, the most pressing thing in my life right now is, "When the hell will Sam and Dean realize Cas isn't Cas, but Lucifer?"
  19. Oh hell, I love you guys so much! Thanks so much for your support! We met today with a Surgeon, a Hematologist, and an Oncologist. I have stage CIIB carcinoma for those who know such stuff. We're still sorting it out. I'm having surgery the 4th, to check the lymph node to see if it's spread. The treatment goes from there, but it looks like endocrine therapy, chemotherapy, than surgery to remove the tumor. They want to shrink it first. Tell the truth, I'm petrified. Mick's a saint, but he can't stop the fear. I try to hide it, but I can't. More later, when I'm more together. Oh hell, I love you guys so much! Thanks so much for your support! We met today with a Surgeon, a Hematologist, and an Oncologist. I have stage CIIB carcinoma for those who know such stuff. We're still sorting it out. I'm having surgery the 4th, to check the lymph node to see if it's spread. The treatment goes from there, but it looks like endocrine therapy, chemotherapy, than surgery to remove the tumor. They want to shrink it first. Tell the truth, I'm petrified. Mick's a saint, but he can't stop the fear. I try to hide it, but I can't. More later, when I'm more together.
  20. Feeling like crap right now, but my God, I LOVE you guys! I'll know much more on Monday, and I'll post in "Small Talk" as soon as I can. Had to post now though. When Lucifer said to Sam he should "Noodle it", Mick and I looked at each other and yelled "catrox!" Each and everyone of you mean so much to me. I can't thank you enough. Bless you all.
  21. I miss you guys! Haven't been around much, and likely won't be for awhile. Found out today I have breast cancer. Found the lump just after Christmas, biopsy came back today. This sucks! One favor, when Supernatural comes back on this week, will someone please give catrox her countdown? It would mean the world to me.
  22. Merry Christmas to all who celebrate! Mick and I are having a wonderful time! I love Christmas! I miss you all, and I can't wait our show to come back!
  23. Mick Lady

    What's That Book?

    Oh my God auntlada , that's it! I can't tell you how grateful I am, you've made me so happy! Thank you, thank you! What I great Christmas gift you've given me! I'm ordering it now! I've searched for years for this book. I'm so excited!!
  24. Mick Lady

    What's That Book?

    I'd love it if you guys could find this one for me! I read it as a child, and it was old then. I'm in my fifties now. The book was about three children, siblings, whom I believe lived in Italy. They turned into swans when a church bell rang in town (I think, it's a foggy memory!) I adored this book as a child, and have been searching for it for decades! I'd love to track this one down, I'd pay almost anything for a copy!
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