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Mick Lady

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Everything posted by Mick Lady

  1. I love your posts Awesom! "Insect collection" alone creeps me out! I love you, I truly do, but I still kill spiders with no remorse!!!
  2. Good God Diane, you work too hard! I'm awed! I get the not liking the holidays, I really do. Since I married Mick, after a horrible first marriage, holidays have come to mean a lot more to me. And I agree, I HATE the commercialism and the rushing of the season. But you can always come here and regain your sanity with all the crazies!
  3. Thank you Awesom! I've been meaning to write you, but things are nuts here with nurses and PT nurses constantly coming by. I'm looking foreword to some peace and quiet next week. What I'm really anticipating, is Thanksgiving! It will be just the two of us this year, (plus Taarna, our orange lab) and I love to cook.! Mick will fall asleep in his recliner, and Taarna will be supervising me in the kitchen all day. Doesn't get any better. I have a lot to be thankful for this year, not least of which is all you guys! Oh, and football, how could I forget?! Dallas plays the Redskins, so someone in my division (Giants fan here) will lose!
  4. He's doing great Diane, thanks for asking! This is the best thing he's ever done! First, Happy Birthday catrox! I agree with everyone, wait until later to answer the link. You have to take care of yourself first. I know it's a difficult situation, so you don't want to rush this. God I wish I could give you a big hug! I mostly wish I had something more helpful to say. As I have come to know you here, you're a pretty damn fine person. Don't let this make you doubt yourself.
  5. How are you doing catrox? I think of you often, and we both are keeping you in our prayers.
  6. I'm on the other side of the country too, damn it! I'd love to meet you guys! I LOVE trains. Two of my brothers are Marines, and when they graduated from Paris Island, I was living in NYC. I took the train down both times to see them graduate, and fell in love with the whole experience. It's so romantic, the dining car and the sleeping berths, the observation car...it was the best way to travel! Thanks pixelcat!
  7. I don't want to quote SueB's whole post, to save space, but Sue you're so right! Second watch was much better, and you articulated it much better than I could have!
  8. I come back, and this is the episode I get? catrox, give me your number! I have to hear this! But Dean killing Hitler? Awesome! Some day catrox, will you please tell me how you got your screen name? Remember, I have cancer and all! (Shameless attempt to manipulate you)
  9. In other news...November 10, 1975, the day the Edmund Fitzgerald went down. https://youtu.be/hgI8bta-7aw I love Gordon Lightfoot, "If You Could Read My Mind" has always been a favorite.
  10. catrox, I am so damn sorry! Everyone here has been so kind to me the last year, but you, Awesome, SueB and a few others (I hate missing someone, so I should just shut up!) have been especially gentle to me. Now it's time for payback. If I can do anything...
  11. catrox, you never let me down! God I love you! Don't ever change!!
  12. Oh Diane, this sucks! Mick had hip replacement surgery last Friday, thank God for the VA! But I know many who are terrified of losing their health insurance. How can anyone be so cruel? I'm sorry, health care should be a right! Who was it that said society could only call itself a civilization when they took care of the poorest and most needy among them? It's certainly the way I feel. ahrtee, I hope and pray you can get the help you deserve. Please let us know if we can help. I also agree with the wine alternative....
  13. And here comes catrox in three, two, one....!
  14. Here I am again, once more saying "Sorry I haven't posted!" Mick had hip replacement surgery on Friday, (A good thing!), and I just brought him home today. Yup, it's been a hell of a year medically for us, but we're past the worst! Congrats to all the Cub's fans, I'm delighted for you all!! As an aside, thanks catrox for encouraging me to check out TWD again, you were right! I'll be back in the episode thread, God I love Supernatural!!! I really truly love you guys. Thanks for putting up with me and my drama!
  15. For some reason, my post didn't come through. Catrox over on Supernatural said I should check out Walking Dead again after quitting over the Governor. She was right!
  16. I'm too late! Damn, next week, you'll get your countdown! Love ya!
  17. Aw thanks Sue! You guys have always been in my thoughts, and I swear you guys gave me so much strength! I will never, ever forget what I found here. This is such a loving place, and I have so much catching up to do!
  18. Thanks for all the kind words you guys! It means the world to me! And catrox! You found an intro for Thursdays!! How could I ever doubt you?! I'm so damn happy right now.....
  19. Hey Guys! Wanted to post here, because Mick posted in the episode thread, and I didn't want you to think I died or something! On the contrary, I'm doing great! Oh I had some problems with radiation, got a bad burn! But the drugs they gave me were great, in fact I can't recommend them enough! But now, after four surgeries, chemo and radiation, I feel wonderful! I have all my energy back, no pain at all, and everything is good. I haven't been around because we have been bouncing around with happiness and just enjoying life together. Mick has been a saint through all this, I can't stress that enough, and I feel like I'm the luckiest woman alive. But I'm back now, and will be posting again like crazy. I love you guys, and will be sending some PM's soon. And guys, (you know who I mean) get back to that fan fic! --
  20. I can't see enough detail to be sure, but I think that's it's either a Snortin' Norton or a BSA. Check out the difference between the cases and the trans between the two. Hey, it ain't Japanese! Heh heh... Mick
  21. Hey Sue! I'll post on the Impala thread soon, but all is fine. I'm so happy to be back! I've missed you all so much!
  22. Been away, stuff happens, but Catrox, you have made my day! Thank you!!
  23. Hey Guys! Sorry I've been away so long! So much has happened with you all, and I'll comment on all of that later. I just wanted to get my old friends here up to date with me. First, Omegamom, I have PM'ed you, but it was during the server change and I guess you didn't get it. I thought you were tired of me and didn't try again. I should have known better, and I'm sorry! I've had my mastectomy, and now I'm doing radiation. It's no big deal, just time consuming. Five days a week and it eats about an hour a day. Awesome, I thought of you because last week Mick killed a spider and I taped it to my chest right before my radiation. Candice and Mark, my radiologists laughed like hell! We sang "Spiderman" and were so loud the supervisor came in to see what was going on! I blame you for this. Guys, I'm doing great! I'm having reconstruction done as soon as radiation is finished, and my spirits are high! I've missed you all so much and have so much I want discuss about Supernatural. Wonderful to be back and I can't wait to start posting again. Thank you all, for all your support. I am profoundly humbled, and I mean that with all my heart!
  24. "Shocking news?" Chuck is on life support. Jimmy's "Hard choice?" take him off or keep him alive artificially. Mike? I got nothin'
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