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Posts posted by glitterpussy

  1. On 8/19/2020 at 10:41 AM, AryasMum said:

    It says it is to aid sleep

    I don't know about Australia, but here in the US with our f'd up healthcare, doctors will sometimes prescribe meds like the "for sleep"  to avoid having to log a diagnosis of anxiety disorder--which can drive up your rates, affect coverage etc.

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  2. On 7/21/2020 at 9:35 AM, humbleopinion said:

    La Mision is only 40 minute drive from Ensenada which is a mega cruise port for the west coast of Mexico.

    La Mision is also only 75 minutes from San Ysidro, CA which is the US side from Tijuana.

    From San Ysidro you drive another 10 minutes to San Diego  but SD is spread.

    Gramps is just cranky because he will have to use Google translate.

    Came to say this! San Diego resident here. La Mision proper is indeed a tiny town, but the gated community they live in is an expat haven.  There are tons of americans everywhere, most people will speak at least some english (if you're nice and not an asshole), and as we saw, the stores take american dollars.  Pure editing shenanigans!

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  3. On 7/22/2020 at 8:12 AM, sempervivum said:

    I'm sure you feel the same way about the previews WeTV has been airing: older black guy's son yells 'But she's white!' when he sees the pic of his dad's new jailbird girlfriend.

    Don't be so sure.

  4. On 7/17/2020 at 6:54 PM, Empress1 said:

    I wondered if her family’s resistance had as much to do with Maurice being Black as it does with him being in prison. The way they were talking gave me that vibe.

    This was crystal clear to me...they'd prefer a "stockbroker from New York." A white one. And her sister cut her out of her life over this, for years?! That screams racist.  I get that you don't want your kids around some criminal, but dude was years away from being out!


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  5. I have a lot of issues with Andrei and Libby, but what's the big problem with him being a stay at home dad? That's work! Libby works.  It doesn't seem like they are SO broke, and even though she's working for her dad, that's likely her choice.  She could go get a job somewhere else to support them if she had to.

    Also, her family is just a bunch of assholes. Who would even WANT to go to a party with them!

    Eleanor is darling.

    Colt's workout scene was classic.  Hysterical!

    I can't muster enough interest in anyone else on the show to comment.

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  6. On 2/10/2020 at 9:28 AM, hookedontv said:

    I'm still convinced she's drunk or on drugs 24/7.

    Pills are my guess.  She just seems heavily medicated.  I mean, I don't blame her, if I had to interact with Michael that much, I'd be too....

    • Love 3
  7. 7 hours ago, RealReality said:

    Everyone knows these relationships are transactional and the American is quite often taking advantage of someone's abject poverty and lack of opportunity.  

    Yep. It's Michael who should be shamed and blamed, not her...he's no better than a john, "buying" a young girl in sad circumstances who has had a hard life.  She's nothing but another possession like his stupid guitars/cars/etc that he brags about.  He's disgusting to me.  Most of the Americans this time around are awful.

    • Love 12
  8. 5 hours ago, RoadFullOfPromise said:

    I would absolutely call that derogatory; the only intent of calling anyone crybaby is to demean them. There are like 1,000 other ways to get the point across to a kid, and this is not it.

    Yep. I was appalled by this scene. He called him a monster too. Kids are so sensitive to this shit.  You could tell by the little guy's response.   He might not be verbal enough to express himself but he was like "screw you guys."

    Just piss poor parenting of a tiny motherless child unable to defend himself. Made me sick.

    ETA: I thought his hair was cute though 🙂 Both my boys had long hair at that age; I loved it so!  However, we live in southern California so its not really unusual. No one ever thought they were girls.

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  9. On 9/7/2019 at 6:58 AM, Cammi said:

    I’m a 36G. Not huge, but smaller band size for the cup. Unless I want to take out a small loan, it is very expensive to buy quality bras.

    32F here. I feel you. BareNecessities has really good sales and a good return policy 😂

    I don't even know what to say about the show this week, except all these people stripping down/having sex practically on camera is making me reconsider watching during dinner! Ugh!

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  10. 3 hours ago, BravoAddict72 said:

    My rule was if you cannot behave on your own you will be strapped in the stroller or in the grocery cart. If you continue to misbehave we will go outside and have a "talk". Once we get home it will be nap time since you must be tired if you cannot behave.

    YES! I said to my husband, she needs to strap that baby in a stroller!  Listen we have an almost 3 year old and I sympathize.  It's a tough age.  When Deavan cried at the airport, I was like, ok--she's pregnant, stressed and alone.  I get it.

    But damn, she just acts helpless and like it has nothing to do with her! Get your act together and maybe quit chasing the next asian dude and focus on the kid you have. I know, its too late for that 🙂

    • Love 15
  11. My take on Tito is he married well the second time, and got custody of his kid and turned his life around. He seems like an ok guy. I caught the baby calling his step mom "mom"...my mama's heart said "ouch" for Brittney. Even though she deserves it, that's gotta sting. And when he cried as she was leaving--wah! What a sucker I am, LOL. Marcellino or whatever the fuck his name is can just STFU forever. What a douche.

    Megan was sooooo cringeworthy. I could die of secondhand embarrassment. The outfit, what she was saying, lord have mercy.

    I assume Matt is already back in jail. His mom was being a bitch; I'm sure she's tired of their shit but let them stay there or don't. She knows what to expect by now.

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  12. OMG, his Instagram is soooo...UGH.  The sad staring out the window in the rain...give me a break dude, you're in your 30s.

    He is disgusting and I'm glad Fernanda got away from him. Yes maybe she was looking for a ticket here, but he was a grown man grooming and fucking a barely-legal teen girl and he should have known better. No wonder his mother was so appalled.

    • Love 15
  13. 14 hours ago, Kangatush said:

    OMG, TLC did grant one of my dreams.  All during the fight with Natalie I kept seeing the scooter and super hoping it was hers.  AND IT WAS!

    hahaha SAME! We literally cheered when she rode off.

    Literally everything else in this ep made me sick to my stomach, but especially Olga and fucking Steven. Mr. GP said, "dude if he  really takes that baby away from her, I will hunt him down and take that baby back to Russia, Equalizer 2 style." I mean that guy is TERRIFYING. I want someone to do something. anything.

    • Love 13
  14. Does anyone else notice the creepy way the women act around asshole Dad? When he is in the room they look straight down --they NEVER raise their eyes or look directly at him! Even when they are speaking to him. Is this some kind of Mormon submissive thing or did he beat the crap out of them? Because they sure don't act submissive or modest when he's not around....

    • Love 16
  15. On 10/22/2018 at 7:40 AM, citychic said:

    Eric - Want to know why his house is a mess despite being in the military? Because he doesn't have anyone making a schedule for him and telling him when to sleep, work and clean. That's also why his body is a mess. No one is ordering him to go get dental or medical maintenance. He's going to age hard and fast.

    I've lived with a twenty year vet after he retired for the last fifteen years. It took me a long time to figure out why he couldn't be pro-active and plan ahead, turns out he joined the military at seventeen and then had someone else tell him what to do for the next twenty and now he can't figure out how to do things on his own without a schedule and a boss.

    PREACH! My hubs is retired for almost 4 years now and stuff like getting him to schedule dr appointments is like a nightmare! Luckily he has other good qualities but man. I don't WANT to be the boss!

    Eric seems like an all-around douchecanoe. ORLY--you were going to go fight Isis? Please dude. You can't even pay rent without your teenage daughter. Something is fishy with his whole deal.

    • Love 14
  16. 4 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

    Hazel has cold, dead eyes. I wouldn’t want her to be a part of my kids’ lives. 

     I mean, I agree with this, but I feel terrible for her because I get the sense she has been deeply traumatized. The crazy religion, being homeless/extremely poor, having her son taken from her...something very very bad happened to her.

    And Tarik has zero issues taking full advantage of her youth and obvious desperation so he can own the Philipina Angelina Jolie or whatever the f*ck.  HE disgusts me.

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