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Posts posted by glitterpussy

  1. On 4/8/2022 at 3:49 PM, carrps said:

    You know you people who hate Brooke Williamson? That's how I feel about Kelsey. Times 10. Ugh. For me, the Kentucky season was the absolute rockbottom season of Top Chef. A steaming pile of garbage.

    OMG same! Get off my TV Kelsey!

    People hate Brooke?

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  2. On 4/2/2022 at 9:14 AM, SevenCostanza said:

    I wish Tayler was smarter and more cautious as a mother of 3 small girls.

    God help me, I was practically in tears watching him touch all over them on the couch....rubbing their legs, laying them in his lap...he's got pedo written ALL over him. That is NOT appropriate. I legit want to call somebody.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

    I'm in the camp of those who understand the poverty and difficulties for many women trying to earn a living in Colombia.  She finally found a job that is SAFE and where she can make enough money to support herself, her two children, her mother, AND her sister. "Practically a prostitute," hmmm...but she's doing something that's legal and usually not dangerous--unless she makes the mistake of accepting money outside her job...and actually meeting one of her customers.  Mike is an unstable man--one of many.  I hope it's a lesson learned

    I'll go further and say sex work IS work. I'm not going to look down on X because of that. She's got a family to support and limited ways to do it. Mike absolutely knew the trade-off of money for sex, but he's so utterly repulsive that X can't do it even for the $$$$🤣

    I think it's actually to her CREDIT that she called it off rather than continuing to milk him, which would be so easy.

    • Love 24
  4. I know it's probably all a setup, but what does Steve propose to DO all day as a "house husband?" He doesn't want to do the chores, etc.  They don't have kids. No yardwork to do. Sushi seems pretty low maintenance.

    Mr. GP doesn't "work", he's retired USMC. But we have two small kids, three dogs and three chickens at home, plus a huge yard and garden. That all keeps him pretty busy! Plus he does most of the chores, except shopping and cooking which I do 100% of, and we have a cleaning person that comes every 2 weeks. If he felt entitled to sit on his ass all day, while I worked and did exactly 50% of the chores as well, I'd be annoyed.

    • Love 6
  5. 15 hours ago, ratgirlagogo said:

    Those bags of puffed chickpea snacks were what I initially thought were going to be seen as a problem.  Especially on a show where even canned legumes are always considered  a problem outside of the Quickfires.

    Yes! I was so confused by Chickpeagate. I thought the puffs were what Tom was talking about...so you have a problem with canned chickpeas for hummus (which I kinda thought was standard) but not not crunched-up puffs that I buy my kids for snack?!

    And then the rice noodles--I'm screaming. You don't boil them! You pour hot water over them and soak for just a few minutes!

    I thought Sam looked hot. I do like them a bit scruffy and scuffed-up I guess😂

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  6. 47 minutes ago, FrancescaFiore said:

    Ella's story: I really wanted to believe her. But there was something implausible about the way she presented it. She's had a FWB all this time? Or one of her platonic relationships just became a sexual relationship? That would be a major life event for Ella & would've thrown a wrench into her whole Johnny/Dubai idea (because she'd want to pursue the new relationship at home rather than spend thousands to go get laid for 2 weeks in Dubai).
    Yeah, no. She made that up to try to manipulate Johnny into going to Dubai *because* she's desperate to get laid, not because she just did. But she went about it all wrong. She shoulda told him she was GOING TO sleep with someone else if he didn't meet her in Dubai. Telling him she already did gave him no incentive to travel to meet her. Dummy. 

    BOOM! Nailed it. She's too dumb to make this plan work, but I didn't believe her story for a second. I can't see dudes just lining up to hit that--and not because she's big, because she CRAYZEE.

    • Love 15
  7. Ok, I just HAD to post this somewhere, but I was just now innocently wasting time watching some ID murder show, I think it was Southern Gothic, and suddenly THERE IS GEOFFREY doing some walk-on part in a re-enactment segment! I excitedly called the husband in and rewound to confirm 😆 No mistaking that doucheface.

    • LOL 2
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  8. 5 hours ago, Xebug67 said:

    Even after the source of the stink was discovered, his shoes were merely placed aside and they continued to sit there speaking, instead of tossing those shoes outside and hosing them off. 

    This was so disgusting. Then he says in the TH that she is "picky about the house being clean" or something to that effect.  Sir, if you consider wanting to not have literal POOP inside the house to be "picky", I cannot help you and you don't deserve a relationship, even with terrible Ximena.

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  9. 1 hour ago, gingerella said:

    I loved her hat pull and his sad little patch of hair on the back of his head. Just shave it all off and own it FFS.

    We were laughing about this and I made the same comment. Mr. GP (who is bald and extremely hot!) reminded me how much work it is to shave your head every single day and that Gino is probably too damn lazy to do it. Sounds about right.

    • LOL 2
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  10. 4 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

    Women on shows like The Bachelor who are 22 or 23 will frequently say they have never felt so strongly about a person in their “whole entire” life.  Their lives are just starting; how many relationships could they have had?

    Ha! Or on the current Love is Blind--"oooooh I've never been this close to anyone in my life!!!" Girl, you've known him for five days and never met in person! Do you have no family or friends?! Past relationships?! WTF!

    Back to Ellie, who I suspect has very low intelligence..."I want someone to love me for me! RIGHT NOW!" Come ON. She must have been very spoiled by her parents. Hubs said she sounded like Veruca Salt 😂 Buy me a Chinese boyfriend, daddy!

    • LOL 6
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  11. I don't get why Chris didn't just say, I'm moving into the apartment, you can move in too if you want to try. Put that shit back on her and make her say she won't move in! Don't play into her bullshit, treat her like the toddler she is. When my four year old doesn't want to do something and melts down, he gets choices....you can put your coat and go to the park, or we can sit here until you're all done being angry and then figure out what to do 😂

    How does a person's landlord know you have bedbugs if you're out of town. Is MTS's landlord-mom sleeping in his bed? That would explain her apparent jealousy!

    How do these people reach adulthood without knowing how to swim?

    That's all I can muster after that mess.

    • LOL 1
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  12. Whelp, Alyssa just gets worse every week. Hilarious that her mom is like, STFU and do the show you signed up for, stop calling me to complain. I feel bad for Chris, and I don't mind a dad bod myself but not sure that pasty, hairy, big nipple man boobs all cinched up with the SNUBA gear was a GREAT look on camera....perhaps a rash guard?

    Noi needs to stop begging for reassurance.  It's been three days honey.  It's so unattractive. Steven is on the fence, and you're not helping.

    Jasmina and Mike are...yikes.  They both have walls a mile high and can't communicate.  They just talk at each other, without trying to understand the other's point of view.  I do think Mike has more self-awareness and ability to work on his shit than she does.

    Katina I can't help but like. She shouldn't have poked at Lindsey but I would find it hard to resist also 😆 I think she's having fun still but O's antics are wearing thin--he's too dumb to see that though.  I predict she will be over it soon. That story about the mom and daughter--what the absolute fuck. Hi, I'm Olajuwon and did you know I like to fuck?!? I have fucked so many women, you would not believe how many women I have fucked! Let me tell you about them all!

    Mark is killing me. He  is SO scared. You can see the wheels slowly turning as he realizes what he has done😂  Hope all that sex was worth it! There's no escape!  And then him trying to say he doesn't want to have sex anymore without actually saying that he doesn't want to have sex anymore...awesome.

    All the pasty folks need a whole lot more SPF.

    • LOL 2
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  13. On 1/29/2022 at 3:56 PM, JapMo said:

    Here's where it becomes hard for me....I am positive she has been instructed over and over again how to behave in public.  And for some reason, she can't do it.  Does she want to act that way...does she like pissing people off?  Is she just seeking attention when she tells a total stranger their shoes are cheap?  I don't know the clinical term for what's going on with her, but you can tell she's unhappy.  Crying in the hotel room when people call her on her bad behavior.    

    As a person who had had a ton of therapy, my guess--she's recreating her mother's rejection, subconsciously, over and over because that's what feels normal to her.  She has no idea that she's doing it, and so won't ever stop. Sad.

    • Love 1
  14. OMG, Alyssa! First of all, "gypped" is a racial slur. So there's that. Second, she WAS gaslighting him. "There's been nothing but problems..." Girl, it's been about five minutes. Don't act like he's the issue. It's 100% you, at least own that. There's nothing he could do to turn this around. Although IMO, if he started negging her, she might respect him a little more.

    Lindsey has real problems. She's desperate, DESPERATE for love and attention.  I guess it's from being rejected by mom, but man.  Get therapy and probably meds.  She's so fragile that a minimal amount of kindness from MTS makes her fall in love, and then some nonsense misunderstanding makes her try to physically fight a man at the airport.  I did enjoy MTS's diplomacy, the man should be an ambassador or something.  I mean, it won't work ultimately but damn good try.

    Again with Steve and the unemployment. Like others I suspect this will be their "issue" for the season.

    I still really like Katina, but I can't stand Olaj.  I hate the way he talks over her, doesn't listen or acknowledge what she is saying and keeps talking about what a goddamn player he was. We get it! You fucked a lot of women! Congrats dude.  She does hold firm for the most part though, and I like that about her. She's attracted to him, but I think she's too good for him and his shit will wear thin fairly quickly.

    I was surprised about Mike and Jasmina's argument.  They both dug in really quickly.  They're gonna have to let the walls down.  I do love how Jasmina was having no part of the Lindsey drama. I would feel the same.


    • Love 10
  15. 6 hours ago, cinsays said:

    dislike Alyssa at least as much as the rest of you but we really don't know what the discussion with her dad about walking her down the aisle was. Maybe it was his idea to just walk her to the door and then sit down at the back.  He was at her wedding and maybe that was all that was important to both of them.

     I have to give her a tiny benefit of the doubt here.  My dad and I had a very strained and difficult relationship, and while I did invite him to my first wedding, there was no way I was walking down the aisle with him or doing the daddy-daughter dance or any of that shit. In my view he was lucky to be there at all😂 

    • Love 2
  16.  Wow, Alyssa. What a bitch. My red flag with her was "I like animals more that people."  Translation: I hate people and can't relate to anyone on a normal basis, only animals who love me unconditionally.

    I mean, you signed up to be married to a stranger, you can't give him 24 hours before walking off?! I get it, he's very "real estate guy",  plus the disc golf, his friends' comments, the teeth--all not great, but jesus. You're no prize, honey.

    I didn't see much interesting with the other couples.  Lindsey seems to have some major issues, I can't tell if she's really drunk, or if she's got some kind of manic thing happening. MTS is looking unsure.

    I must be the only one who is not too hopeful for Noi and Steve.  I think Noi is being very nice, and is loving the idea of all this, but I see trouble ahead if he's unemployed for much longer.  That shook her.

    I think K&O do it on the wedding night :)

    • Love 7
  17. 3 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

    Yeah, Ben all the women watching heard that line about saving it for marriage adn said, YEP, he is probably worse than Hamza in the sack.

    As soon as all that crap got started I turned to the hubs and said, I bet this guy is HORRIBLE in bed.  Inexperienced, repressed, AND entitled!  I hope his ex wife finds someone to rock her world in midlife, now that she's free of him.

    • Love 11
  18. $200- $250 per "meet"---oh wow 😆 I mean, I don't have firsthand knowledge of what a sex worker might charge, but $250 seems quite low for any type of sex (especially with Gino!) and low even for a no sex "date" with an escort? What a pig.

    • LOL 7
  19. Other than the really nice wedding decor and dresses, this season isn't looking super great so far 😬

    Olajuwon and Katina seem doomed.  He's in love with himself and convincing everybody that's he's not a cheater.  So he'll definitely cheat.  I like Katina, but that hair! Ugh!  It's everywhere!

    I also like Noi but Steve will be problematic with his unemployment and his really high opinion of himself. Sir, you took a road trip to Florida.  You're not some world traveler. Noi needs less makeup, more self confidence.

    MTS and Lindsey will be our entertainment. What a shitshow. Did you know he's called Mark the Shark? Did you? Lindsay asking him about his father's death during the pictures was so insensitive.

    Mike and Jasmina have the best chance I think. I love her, like I want to be friends with her and watch Marvel.  She's not 100% sure about him, but the girl has been through a lot of trauma. I think she'll be cautious but come around.

    I will reserve judgment on Alyssa and Chris until next week...looks fun!

    • Love 8
  20. Yikes! 0-5!

    My theory on Gil and Myrla's monetary discrepancies is that he sends too much back to his family and wasn't going to stop. She wasn't kind, but he was playing a role IMO. Oh poor Gil, so in love, such a victim. Nah, not buying it. He's playing to the all the girls lining up to comfort him ;)

    Rachel gained back all the weight she lost, and lost the loser husband too--I think she came out ahead. She needs a makeover though, and a good facial.

    We knew Brett wouldn't let us down with her boobie display! They are a disgrace, but I can't blame her for dating or whatever happened. Ryan and his sis trying to act all victimized, give me a break.

    Can't wait for the end of Z&M. I believe Zack, as we've seen Micheala straight up lie and rewrite history, but his world salad does him no favors.

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