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Everything posted by Rumsy4

  1. I've been dying to talk about this article all day! haha One of the few remaining opportunities to make fun of A&E's Regina permaboner while the Show's still airing. Yes. She's a great inspiration on how whining the loudest will get you the most sympathy. It's true to real life in that way. If retreading the same old same old a hundred different times is reinvention. I have no words. Duh. I haven't been waiting for it. And the reason no one could define it is because Regina always covets what she doesn't have. I agree. Insert massive eye roll. Hmm...Does this mean WHook will take on the Guardian role? Poor WHook. I don't want him to live forever after Alice moves on. Also, does it involve rescuing Milah from the Lost Souls river? If not, it will not be truly meaningful for me.
  2. Adam explains their meticulous maintenance of timelines on twitter. He must have deleted the tweets as usual, but not before they were screencapped.
  3. I don't either, except for drama. And to get him to call himself on the phone. lol The in-story explanation is bound to be unconvincing.
  4. That's Snowflake, not Hope. Even then, it makes little sense, but whatever...
  5. Not if you want to be nitpicky. There are scientific alternatives available. ?
  6. I wouldn’t say she was attracted to either of them. It was about power with Graham, and revenge with Charming. The attraction to Rumple and Facilier are the least believable.
  7. It was after she threw the eyes into the fire. Hansel threatened Zelena with a poker or something (I can’t remember). So she retaliated by setting his arms on fire. :-p
  8. In the words of our favorite imp, "your questions are pointless". She did set fire to his arms, and he was only a little kid...
  9. Oh my god. They literally repeated LOST's worst misstep. A bit much, even for them. I think we should be forever grateful "Ariel" was a Season 3 episode.
  10. She also mocked Emma for her child-like eating habits (grilled cheese vs kale salads and juice fasts). She enjoyed an affluent lifestyle right from her childhood and looked down on people of a lower status. Seriously, why do people like her? And shame on Robin for falling in love with a female Sheriff of Nottingham. His "code" has always been questionable.
  11. A&E just added a Sci-Fi element to their series. Evolution happened twice, everyone!!
  12. They don't want to avoid it though. That's why they're careless.
  13. I always thought that young Regina may have believed that love was enough when she was in the bloom of first love. But given a few years of living in poverty, having multiple mouths to feed, and being constantly on the run to evade Cora, she would've been just another desperate soul for Rumple to manipulate into casting the Dark Curse. The reasons would've been different, but the endpoint would have been the same.
  14. I may be off, but I’ve never seen any contemporary writers pay so little attention to accuracy when it comes to timelines and historical events. I know writers do it deliberately at times to make a point or to achieve a certain aesthetic or because of carelessness. A&E just don’t care.
  15. Yay!! I was afraid you had abandoned it. ?
  16. You've outdone yourself, @Camera One. I am all admiration.
  17. I am as well. Does this race of humans predate all known civilizations (including Harappa, etc..)? Did the humans trickle in from the magical lands back to this one? Like in Narnia where humans from earth somehow ended up there. And why did humans evolve a victorian-type society twice in the course of history? It sounds utterly ridiculous as an explanation. You need a blue dress, too. Oh, duh. How could I forget??
  18. This is a scenario where Cora didn't get banished to Wonderland. Of the two, I think Cora would have preferred being/ruling with her daughter to ruling alone in Wonderland.
  19. She probably did. But I think Cora's plan would have been to engineer another accident--this time to kill Snow White, once Regina became queen. Then, Leopold would have followed Snow to the grave, and Cora would've established herself as the real power, with her daughter merely being a figurehead. Cora was too power-hungry to be satisfied with just making her daughter a queen.
  20. I guess that episode is meant to show us that Rumple was the one who nudged her along to the point where she never got over it. If Whale really had resurrected Zombie Daniel back then, it would have still turned out the same way. There was no reason to manipulate her at all. If Regina had managed to run away with Daniel, Cora would have found her and killed Daniel anyway. Then, Rumple would've swooped in and done his number on Regina. The only difference is Regina's vendetta might have focussed solely on Cora and not on a ten-year old.
  21. It seemed like a bunch of BS to me. But you never know what A&E intended. They probably felt it was very remorseful of her.
  22. The shaky-hands plot had no substance to back it up. When we saw Aladdin at the beginning of Season 6, he seemed to be like a kind of consultant healer/savior. One could imagine that healing too many people had drained him of his magical energy and sapped his strength. One can understand why he might have decided cut his destiny away. But with Emma, the writers never let her do any major healing/saving. So that's already one point against this plot. The second thing we're supposed to believe is that Emma lost her self-confidence because she heard some dumb prophecy and had some nightmarish visions. This is the woman who defied Nimue saying that she was not nothing and was never nothing. Emma had a good relationship with her son, her parents, and her BFF Regina, and a super-supportive boyfriend who had just come back from the dead. It was OOC of Emma to have suddenly turned so fearful because someone told her she was going to die. And finally, for the Final Battle, the confrontation between Emma and Gidiot was anticlimactic, underwhelming, and frankly insulting. The Final Battle ought to have been fought between Rumple and Emma. He has always been the Big Bad of the series.
  23. I've only seen the first two Iron Man movies and a couple of the Netflix tie-in mini-series (which are too tangential to the plot of the movies). I feel like I can never catch up at this point.
  24. or the past several thousand years. :-p
  25. Oh, dear, now you've caused me to hope. And we all know how that ends with this show... It's that plant from Little Shop Of Horrors.
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