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Posts posted by Grasonville

  1. Just started watching -  find the age differences jarring.  The mother daughter new best friends look like sisters.  But it is a great show that shows much deeper insight into addiction and dependence than any other show I have ever seen.  Well done.

    • Love 2
  2. I like Matt and the way he plays - he is very business like - and I was sorry he was asked about his cat - if I was asked to recall a recently departed pet that lived that large a part of his life - it would have been distracting.  I think that is why Alex did it.  Matt stayed on track - what a great mind for a person so young.

    • Love 1
  3. This episode also did not do much for me - sympathy or otherwise.  She was young enough when stepdad entered the family existence that she had a father figure if she wanted to accept him - and losing ONE match is like a Mom who plays tennis??  I don't think so.  She just wasn't likeable clean or otherwise. 

    • Love 3
  4. Pit Bulls are not the problem. Idiot owners are. I agree that the smirking and smiling were not "normal" - it was a reaction we have seen before on Judge Judy more than once. The recent re-run with the sister with a "permit" in MN who totaled the car in her sisters name smiled (almost proudly) every time the words "Drunk Driving" were said. I choose to think it was embarrassed smiling.

    BTW - who lets a leetle dog out - without a leash - KNOWING there is a dog you are afraid of in the neighborhood.

    BOTH poor excuses for pet owners as far as I am concerned

    • Love 4
  5. Dilaudid for neck pain - no way. There is a reason the Rolling Stones have a song called "Dancing With Mr. D" - and that was a definite Gene Simmons blur. No one else has that hairdo (or wants to). No mention of a father of her child. Sad - but l these parents who give rides and pin money and phones and everything else need to KNOCK IT OFF. Joshua looked SO much better - I had hope for him.

    • Love 1
  6. "I thought she and her mother were auditioning for something. I just don't know what. Perhaps they thought they had a trendy topic in gender confusion, but too late - Caitlyn Jenner and others beat them to the punch. They hijacked the episode, and I think production tolerated the nonsense to get David into treatment."

    I agree - I found David to be hardly worth all this drama. Were those two hoping to be hired as intervention aides? Sorry - the people who drive people to get drugs on a regular basis then give them shelter don't qualify.

    My biggest concern was Ken - why did he look so bloated and why did he sound so raspy? I hope he is alright.

  7. I saw via DVR a woman who borrowed $3000.00 from a co-worker to get her imaginary boyfriend home from Maylasia who bought NOTHING to support anything she had to say.  Also - her employment history was a model for all to follow. Did they ever say what she did at St. Judes?

    • Love 2
  8. There are many ways to compete for worst.  Linda Lollypop Mom who sentenced the brother to caring for his sister - with even her personal habits should qualify.  They could pay for special beds and chairs but not health care helpers (which she didn't need anyway)

    • Love 4
  9. I think there were two daughters. The one at the beginning, with the locked door, was John's from a previous relationship, she lived there, and that was the only glimpse we got of her. The one later one was one of Laura's from her previous relationships who had been removed from her custody, and was participating in the cleanup/haul away. But maybe I made it all up in my head.

    Yes - that was the situation - Not sure if John  had full time custody of (at the time) 4 year old daughter - then Laura and he had baby Angelina.  Who is now 14.  Laura lost three other children from a "previous relationship" (did they say if she was married before?)  The "other daughter" in the kitchen was one of those three children.

    • Love 2
  10. Did they enhance his Satan voice?  One minute he was the demonic voice - then speaking normal to hiding aunt who had phone he wanted.  Those cans piled in the room used by someone who earned no money - gee - wonder how he managed that?  Oh that's right - someone gave him $40 dollars a day - and a phone - and a place to do the duster.  What is wrong with people?

    • Love 1
  11. She was delusional (as are most) but the daughter/boy friend situation was REALLY weird.  So she was molested as a child by the mother's boyfriend but ran away at 15 to be with him full time and then married him and had children with him?  What is the timeline on that?  Also - children of this relationship are (now) aware that their father started out as their grandmother's boyfriend?.

    And please Animal Control - Do NOT return animals to people like this that are obviously unfit to have pets - the pets can't call protective services

    • Love 3

    Please don't think this judgemental, but I wonder if there are gender identity issues with him and his mom which contributed to their addictions and inability to deal with their emotions in a healthy way.

    This is the first thing I thought - especially as said above that at 23 - not once did Chay mention a wish for a partner of any flavor.  Between his voice and hair choices I had to keep reminding myself that "he" was a "he".

    I wish him well and hope he finds peace with himself.

    • Love 1
  13. Injust saw the original Penny episode for the first time.  I thought I couldn't think less of her from the Where are they now episode - but I was wrong.  Saying she does more for her son than some working moms really shows her delusion.  Well that and claiming that the scales are wrong - and telling the ambulance driver she must have lost 340 lbs by now - oh - and she doesn't need anyone telling her how to reach her "goals" because she knows what is best for her.

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    Maybe because she was so short, but honestly, I didn't see much of a difference in Bettie Jo's size after she lost 100 lbs. If she needed or wanted to see her family, that's great, but her weight loss, while an achievement, was hardly noticeable.

    I agree.  I expected to see more of the loss in her face if not her body.  Did we ever see her Mom or Dad?  And - as much as she was more likable than the previous "P" women - I think if she loses the weight and gets the skin surgery - she will leave Geof the Giraff to forget who she used ro be.  Every time she said she "loved him" it sounded forced - as if she was supposed ro love the caretaker to justify using him.

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  15. Quite frankly - if she was earning money in ANY legal fashion I am good with that.  It is thinking that I am financing her "addiction" that irks me. I am pretty sure though that "porn" doesn't come with Care First Blue Cross Blue Shield so US taxpayers ARE funding the wasted surgical procedure and follow up. 


    There is no way to predict who will be a "success" without extensive "pre-surgical" evaluation.

    Pauline was in no way a "good candidate".  Her attitude was never one of compliance.  Surgery can't help what the mind refuses to see and learn.

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    I wonder how much she was being paid by Pauline for that service.



    The US govt. with my tax dollars is supporting her and getting NOTHING in return.  I understand people being declared 100% disabled - people who have disability issues not of their own doing.


    If we are calling food addiction the same as a drug addiction and therefore not a "weakness" or "lack of self control" then let's follow through with that.


    We do not allow drug addicts to be considered "disabled" and give them money to stay home and buy more drugs - why are we paying for food addicts to use MY MONEY ro sit home - and buy more unhealthy food?


    As we give recovering heroin addicts treatment and substitute methadone for heroin - we should give Pauline vouchers for food - healthy food - fruits - vegs - chicken - from a GROCERY store - not money for the fast food window.



    • Love 18
  17. From what the sister said, Susan was devastated when her parents divorced and never recovered from this.  Based on what I saw, it was as if mentally, Susan stopped growing at this point. It seemed to me that the events that happened before the divorce would have been more difficult to handle and they would have welcomed the peace that came to the household without dad there pulling guns on mom and beating everyone.  I wonder where the dad is today.  I do not remember them mentioning him in present day.


    Looking at the pictures of her as a child - overweight from the age of 8? and onward - I wondered if she wasn't sexually abused by a family member.  Young obesity can be a child intentionally trying to render themselves "unattractive".  If the father was accused and left on account of it - she would feel guilty for "telling" and Mom would feel guilty for "letting" it happen. (Not sure I believe the gun pointing tale)

    Also - elder sister said it was like Susan was still wanting them to get back together - but they showed the father's face in the last family picture - makes me think he is now dead and that is why he could be shown (without permission).

  18. I agree that she needed mental help even more than the surgery. Didn't the screen say she had been in the hospital 5 months?  As opposed to people who leave after 3 DAYS?


    Is her son "paid" by the state to be her caregiver?  Is she paid to be a useless needy refuse to do anything waste of space?.


    Those extra large beds and wheelchairs are VERY expensive - no doubt provided by SSI.


    Did she EVER work? 


    I didn't notice any computer either in CAL or Texas?  Is that another way she isolates her son and keeps him all to herself?


    I think the rule should be a minimum of 6 months psychological evaluation as well as demonstrated weight loss brought about by PT and a diet they agree to follow before you and me and every other tax payer in the US pays for this.

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