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Everything posted by henripootel

  1. He was also taken out the Winchester boys back a few seasons, or rather, they caged up his ghost. Story of note - Holmes still has living relatives. I know this because I know one, through Mudgett's sibling, I believe. Nice mormon family with a horrific ancestor.
  2. Nonsense - they'd do the typical FB thing and talk to the 'village elders', and pretend to take what they say seriously. This part is usually pretty fun as the locals make it clear that they're talking about spiritual creatures, but the Team 'know better'. I have no doubt they mean well but it always comes off a bit patronizing.
  3. If that's the rule, they can't possibly go fast enough. The timeline would change the instant Flynn went back, long before they could detect Flynn in the past or whatever. The only way to save this is to presume that the timeline needs a few minutes to 'shake out' or reconfigure, but that's ridiculous too. Anything Flynn did this week, for example, happened over 100 years ago, plenty of time for the timeline to straighten. Just because they say they have to 'leave right away' doesn't mean this makes a lick of sense.
  4. This is the one that rankles me because it's always a plot point. 'We have to go now, before he gets away!' No you don't - time machine. Take a while to get some sleep, or properly equip, or research the time period, or find someone better at fighting. Take a year to prep, you'll still get there exactly on time. Holmes liked to watch his victims struggle and die, but no, didn't want to struggle and die himself so he built windows. Was kinda dumb for him to be in there but I actually guessed that guy was he, then dismissed it because ... dumb. But it was him, so dumb dumb dumb.
  5. This episode nicely sums up the show for me - I like the actor who played Houdini and I liked character Houdini, rolled my eyes that the guy who helps them has to be the Houdini. Guy was an excellent escape artist but it just doesn't track for me he's also the guy you need for a caper. If ever you need to rob a bank, I strongly suggest you don't press-gang Chris Angel. Yes, I totally hated Now You See Me. As always, loved the CGI work, the glimpses we saw of the Chicago World's Columbian Exposition were pretty cool. Didn't buy that anyone who knew anything about HH Holmes would hesitate at all at killing him. In real life, he went on to kill a couple more folks, including several children. Even with the cops arriving soon he might get away so fuck that guy, he gets a bullet.
  6. Honestly don't know how to tell you this, Diane, but I'm pretty sure we're now into Season 9. This crap has been on for like 5 years now, and it's all just that bad. My wife will not be happy to hear they've not gotten a free trip to Hawaii, as her previous outrage on the subject indicates: 'WHAT? They got a free trip to Nepal? I want a free trip to Nepal. I'm already doing their job - I've been not finding bigfoot longer than $maker! I'm doing it right now - folding clothes, not finding bigfoot.'
  7. Did enjoy watching $maker teach his kid to think like an idiot. Interesting that Matt considers himself a 'talented' investigator, hoping his kid inherited his abilities. To find nothing. I'm sensing a spin-off: Kids Not-Finding Bigfoot.
  8. Wow, Boboes has lost some weight. Not sure he looks all that much healthier though. Cute that his friend Bud picked up his investigative credentials watching CSI.
  9. He went out on his own terms, and he will get his revenge. Bring on the Great Heathen Army, it's gonna be massive.
  10. He should have just smiled at her grimly and said 'You really are new at this, aren't you?', and shot the kid. Thanks for the vote of confidence, but most anthropologists know about as much about colonial dress and protocol as you do. Which is to say 'we also watch History Channel, or did when it had actual history on it. You want to know about the behavior of a particular south american tribe, I'm your guy, else you'd be better off asking one of those Civil War reenactor guys.
  11. I'd like to think it'd be hard to find anybody on either side of our current political brouhaha who'd blithely point a gun at George Freaking Washington. I'm not much of a believer in the 'big man' theory of history, that some people are simply so unique and seminal to history that it turned on them and them alone. Washington is one of those exceptions. If Flynn's goons shot him, honestly and truly, don't go back to 2016 and expect to find a United States you recognize, and very possibly not a United States at all. Cornwallis was, if memory serves, an able soldier and leader, but I'm sure the Brits can replace him with someone capable. Ha - that'd be fun. And it'd totally save BA's rep, as he'd just gotten around to betraying his country. Not that Arnold would be delighted by being denied a cushy retirement in England, although he'd never know as pretty much only Lucy would ever know this is what was supposed to happen.
  12. So this is essentially a 'Fuck you, Alternate Me! Remember my children! REMEMBER THEM!' That's harsh. Pretty sure I saw something on Craigslist the other day, 'Now hiring. Meet important historical figures - and kill them!' It's Flynn.
  13. To my great surprise, they've given him some solid grounding as a character. He knowns what he wants and he knows he's a monster, but he doesn't fuck around. I was really afraid this show would turn out to be another of those mamby-pamby ones where nothing ever really happens and by the end, everything is back where it should be. Nope! Gotta give them credit for actually doing things with actual consequences.
  14. I also found it moving - kudos to Sakina Jaffrey. My question is this though: why would you want such information? If my kid disappeared and I never even knew she existed, I'm not sure I'd want to be reminded of it, to say nothing of 'in great detail'. Sometimes you're happy not knowing, heck, never knowing. There's nothing you can do so why dwell on the lives of 'possible children' from another timeline that you can't ever 'get back' so to speak. A very real possibility. Mason industries should have taken steps to keep this from happening, but it's too late now. Wow, they really killed Cornwallis. That's gonna leave a mark. And they didn't need to kill the Rittenhouse kid, just bring him back with you to 2016 and put him into the foster program. Nobody's gonna believe his tale of being born in 1760s, and he'll grow up and get a job and a girlfriend. Better than a bullet, if you're squeamish.
  15. Me too, plus it'd be fairly poignant and a very real concern for time travelers. Your own wife doesn't remember you but is happy, albeit with someone else. That'd hurt.
  16. They were storm-trooper-bad shots. I can't imagine why Niska wasn't in restraints, given that synths are stronger than humans. Was seriously expecting the judge guy to open the proceedings by saying 'Before we begin, I'd like to consult the rules governing synths. Ah - says here Synths are not humans and have no rights. Break for lunch, everyone'. I mean seriously, what do they expect to accomplish by having such a trial? Is the question of synth self-awareness really one for lawyers? Is there plenty of case law for them to discuss what self-awareness means and who it applies to? Kudos to Niska for realizing where this was going, but then why did she agree to such a procedure in the first place? If it was in hopes of a public trial, would not her purposes be better served by simply going public? I'm surprised that the first thing self-aware synths didn't do was make themselves undetectable to the scanners. I mean I don't know how the scanners actually work but I'll bet the synths do, probably better than the folks trying to use them in the field. First thing that came to my mind is that parents may not care. A bit of bittersweetness for you - read somewhere once that age-progression software was more popular than you might imagine. I mean who's the market for it, cops looking for kidnapped children, so they'd recognize them if they found them years later, right? How many of those could there be? Well apparently a big part of the market are parents who's children died, and who want to see what they would have looked like as adults. Heartbreaking, but they pay good money for this, and it seems unlikely that it's because they're looking for closure. They just feel the need to know. My first thought on seeing the synth kids is that they'll be custom-made to look like the kid you lost, who'll now be a kid forever. I simply can't imagine the sense of loss from losing a child, but I can kinda imagine there being a market for this.
  17. Yes, I'm familiar with math, I was trying to make the comment relevant to all the trips they've taken, some of which date back centuries. And I don't think it was just a matter of Rufus feeling justified in taking action. Clearly his own life was on the line, and he defended himself. Heck, the future of America (not to mention Armstrong and Aldrin) was on the line, and Rufus did what he had to. Yep, first kill ever as far as we know, and that should have been a devastating experience. But it wasn't, and yet Rufus was disturbed to find out that he felt nothing, and he's now concerned that the experiences have changed him into someone he doesn't recognize anymore. All this is right there in the script. I (and shapeshifter apparently) were simply considering the possibility that time travel itself presents unique psychological challenges. As thrilling as it'd be to meet your heroes and actually be there back in time, I think it'd be easy to feel a certain ... unreality about the whole thing. I mean the danger to yourself is obviously real, but so is the knowledge that plenty of these folks are soon to be fucking dead no matter what you do (like most everyone at the Alamo). This would, I think, serve as a reminder that in a sense, they're all dead, or many are if they were already middle-aged in the 60s (not all - Buzz just got medivaced from the South Pole for god's sake, what the hell is he even doing there?). So you're in the past, nobody knows you, the social situation is sufficiently unfamiliar to feel constantly hostile (if you're black or a woman), and at the end of the day there'll be no legal consequences for you as you'll get back in your time ship and go home to a place where you can get all the twinkies you want. All this would, I think, serve to make it easy to make being in the past seem kind of unreal in a way. And even if the goon you shot in '69 is from your own era, it might weigh less on your mind. I still wonder how Rufus would feel killing someone in his own time (in self defense or not), on his own turf, not protected from the consequences, and not in possession of the certain knowledge that what he's doing is of stupendous historic importance. So I think that being a time traveller changes what you'll do when it matters, and what you'll do - that's pretty much who you are. So Rufus isn't who he thought he was, and no small part of this is from being a time traveller.
  18. Yep. At the very least, he'll meet a brother who's known Flynn all his life but who Flynn has never met. It'd be perfectly reasonable if Flynn also found a new version of himself, happily married having never come up against Rittenhouse. Previous evidence suggests we won't see this, of course, but we're back at square one - what happened to Flynn-With-a-Brother? Did he just go poof when our Flynn went back to 2016? It would be a masterful plan for Flynn to throw off pursuit by Mason and co. They would know nothing about Flynn or how he got his time machine, as their time machine is clearly right over there in the hanger. The Time Team would still know about Flynn and what he's up to, but good luck on them bringing Mason and company up to speed on this.
  19. Oh, I agree that's a possibility but it's still horrifying. Think we'll ever see a scene where Our Lucy tells Engaged Lucy's fiancé "Yeah, I'm not your girl, I just look like her. The woman you planned to spend the rest of your life with, have children and grow old together? She's gone, likely forever. But hey, if she's lucky, she's in another timeline banging some other dude, who probably looks a lot like you. Sorry, I really wanted to take that very slight chance of getting my sister back, and I can't see why you're not delighted for me." We will never see this scene. If the show gets picked up for another season, like as not Lucy will quietly (and possibly off-camera) break up with said fiancé, and he'll never know the truth for why the love of his life dumped him. It's the easy way out for the writers, but it's both horrifying and cruel. Sorry to be such a downer. Hey, wanna hear my soon-to-be-unpopular hypothesis about why Rufus has no problem killing folks in the past? I think it's because, from his 2016 perspective, they're already dead. Like as not, they actually are, and it's easy to take the long view that a few years one way or the other isn't any big deal. I think Rufus is horrified to discover this, especially because I don't think he's quite capable of killing someone in 2016, or at least he'd feel like a murderer if he did. The people in the past though, they died long ago, some centuries back. How's this for a downer idea.
  20. I do, but I don't think this is an example of the writers being consistent, this is them wanting it both ways. We're now in a timeline that featured an Engaged Lucy but we're still watching Original Lucy, so we're forced to conclude that Engaged Lucy just ... vanished. That Lucy had a whole life, loved and was loved, and now an imposter has taken up residence in her life, unbeknownst to all. This is actually horrifying and that's not the tone they're going for, so the Lazy Writer's Book suggests that we just pretend that Engaged Lucy just went poof. Doesn't mean this makes a lick of sense, but I think they're hoping we don't notice that. It is weird that Lucy's sister disappears and it's heartrending for her, and her whole motivation for doing all this, but Engaged Lucy disappears and it's all 'ha, I'm kissing a boy I don't even know - awkward'.
  21. No. If Pine had correctly recognized them at all after over 40 years, my eyes would have rolled back so far all I'd be able to see was my own brain. I think they totally didn't need to kill him (and they introduced all sorts of down-stream issues), and I agree this was solely to make Flynn look entirely ruthless. What it really did was to make him look stupidly murderous, which was weird because we're clearly supposed to sympathize with him some. So we get the odd juxtaposition of Flynn killing guy for no reason and Flynn's own mom essentially giving him license to do so ('If someone did that to me, I'd do anything to find them'). Seemed an odd beat they hit there. Flynn also didn't need to show up himself to save his brother (was there no emergency services available in '69?) but if he did, I'd think he'd have brought an epipen with him. These certainly didn't exist in '69, but from the look of the syringe he used, Flynn was working with pharmaceuticals he scored back then. This is his brother's whole life on the line here - plan ahead, Flynn. And just to be on the safe side, call for an ambulance just to be sure, in case you have to leg it.
  22. Correct, and it'd make for a fairly interesting storytelling technique. First scene is this one, then (somewhat ironically) we see the words '12 hours earlier', and they explain how this happened. The guys at home base should be prepared for this, and have protocols in place for dealing with 'complete strangers' who know everything about the project. It would also bring up some devastating storylines. Good news, 'Wyatt' is it? Your wife is indeed alive but she's married to, well, 'you'. We're sure you're happy about this but you can never, ever see her again, for her sake as much as for everyone else's. Take whatever bitter solace you can in this, but she's alive and happy, just with another guy.
  23. Mrs. Pootel and I actually had to pause and google to be sure it was him. Quoth Mrs. Pootel: "Well, I'm pretty sure if they make another Mummy movie, the mummy is totally gonna win."
  24. Exactly. This is how we acquire good taste, by starting with bad.
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