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eurekagirl mOo

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Everything posted by eurekagirl mOo

  1. What is with that with Ter-essssssaaaaa and her eternal clink-clink. Does she think that's cute? It's annoying and childish and for a grown ass woman who's OWN FATHER was in prison seems pretty vile. I hate her almost as much as I hate Jim....No wait....I don't hate anyone more then Jim.
  2. I want to know what the hell Mar-crazy was on! He was fidgeting like a 5 with old with ants in his pants. His eyes were droopy and he was making no sense. (Not that he ever makes sense anyway but you know..) I would PAY to see the entire 5 hours(or however many) and what they edited out. As we saw with "Utopia" the live feeds and what happened on screen were 2 totally different things. IMO Tre and Juicy both had a few hits of Xanax before that shit fest. They both looked stoned to the gills. I know I would be if I was facing prison! I'm not sure Tre had back to Mel to be mean or just to try and stay upright....she was like the doormouse at the tea party. Rino continues to win with his cool guy demeanor and calm 'tude. Twins? Useless Boring twats. You don't want people talking about your Mother? Then STFU about it...Geesh
  3. What bugs me is twice I've heard Clara tell the Doctor to "Do as you're told". What the fuck is that about?
  4. And I have to add-The wrestlers wanting to work about because he's "lost 1/2 an ab. Now he has a 51/2 pack" Made me Laugh out loud. Funny Stuff!
  5. Jim threatened me on Twitter....still no check from Bobbi....
  6. I'll just chime in to say a big Thank You to the recappers. I couldn't watch the tv version as it was so different from the reality and the real reality was greatly helped by the witty recaps. I'm going into Utopia withdrawal but only from the boards......See you all on other shows..Thanks for the hours of enjoyment--because ya'll were enjoyable, the show? not so much...
  7. I'm really getting angry at how posters are attacking each other. We are ALL entitled to our opinions and we certainly do not have to agree. But PLEASE let's treat each other with respect. I'm not liking the tone of a lot of these posts. I used to complain about TWOP Howard to but right now I'd like to see her slam in and stop this crap. These boards are respectful and we DO NOT attack each other.
  8. The most interesting thing to me wasn't Tre. but Amber. Talk about brain washed! Did anyone else catch her saying "If you act like a barbarian you get treated like one?" Sounds like Tiny Tim and his telling his kids to be mean back to mean people. Then she says she doesn't have problems with Jim because she doesn't make him mad. Because apparently he would hit her except that "he knows I'll clock him" WOW. Great marriage there. Don't ever upset TT or it's all over....I can totally see her writing all those nasty things to his ex wife thinking it would make him happy. Where in the holy hell do you find such gross, nasty people. Jim, Amber and the twins are ALL stomach turning. Just UGH.....
  9. And guess whats in Marie Claire this month? A "Nina Loves" page FULL of 70's type styles (hi Amanda), a photo shoot featuring (the dreaded) fringe (hi,Sean), and an "Ask Tim" column.
  10. I'm still trying to figure out Korinas remark that Chars clothes are ugly but apparently they made themselves because it"s not "personal". Huh? I'm not impressed with this season but I swear it would be 100% better is they had 2 or 3 days to design and show. Quality takes time people! I'm not a bit surprised a gay man who has lived in NYC and been in fashion his entire adult life is a tad bitchy. Why are we surprised? I still think he's a lovely man but he's not perfect-he can be nasty at times. So can I. So can everyone . Runway needs to watch the just finished season of Face Off and see how a reality show can have class and grace and talent.
  11. Now this is how to make a reality show with class, grace, and talent. Lovely group of contestants. No drama and they all supported each other and helped each other. Just a delight to watch. I love that they get ample time to create something beautiful-no "You have 2 hours to shear the sheep, card the wool, spin the wool, knit it into a stunning fabric,design a completely original outfit that no one has ever seen before and have it runway ready and do it all while standing on one leg" Uh, yeah. And that's why Face-Off is so great. I realize there are drying times that you can't push BUT they get enough time to create and it shows in great design and art. I've already proclaimed my Cig love but I would have been happy to have any of the 3 win. Can't wait till Jan. to do it again. Thank you SyFy and the contestants and the judges. And please never never ever have a "judges save" when you're out you're out. Love.
  12. Well it sounds like there finally getting it together. I gave up on the live feeds and just went with reading here BUT with the trinity of Bri, Mike, & Rob gone I may have to give it another shot. Those people were the worst!
  13. Amanda was my favorite. I would have worn every single thing and her jewelry was fabulous. I can't belie she lost to that orange crap. Orange and fringe, yeah that's wearable..not. all I could think of with Kinis was Britney spears and Justin Timberlake wearing matching denim to some awards show or other. Just awful.
  14. Oh dear Lord what a mess. This is exactly what I was afraid master chef Jr. would be but wasn't. There was a show who geared itself for kids and was wonderful. This was like chopped but with 12 year olds....just bad. Making a kid cry is not entertaining at all. Throw in challenges that would break an adult and kids bossing adults around. Ugh. And sorry but I'm not interested in looking at horribly sewn clothes you're kid makes. Wait till they grow up and can really see well. Then I'll be interested. Fail.
  15. NOOOOO not vanilla! Jeez I can't cook and I even know vanilla is a no-no. Of course that knowledge comes from Worlds Worst Cook but still.......I've been in food and Beverage for over 40 years and everyone cusses. It's just the way it is. We also stand and walk for 10 to 15 hours every day so standing by while the judges eat is no big deal.
  16. O.K. I confess--I love Cig. how can you not love a guy named Cig Neutron? Now he's younger then by son (by a good 15 years) but still.....love him, his hats, his make up, everything. Cig for the win.
  17. Yeah I still wear hard lenses and they cost a fortune. If one of those boogers goes in the toilet I'm digging it out! And yes, it has happened so now I put my toilet seat down when I put my contacts in or take them out. And now you know way more about me then you need to.
  18. Hello to our European friends! It's true a lot of "lower income" don't have bank accounts. Banks charge for everything so a lot of people prefer to keep all there money and not pay the bank for the privilege of..well..using the bank. But you can cash a check at a a lot of places for 2 to 5 dollars which is still cheaper then a banking account. The down side is it's a pain to pay your bills. I wouldn't do it but I know people who won't get bank accounts because of the fees. On to food-I've never had lamb and I'm 56..Sounds yummy but I know it's uber expensive so guess I'll stick to hamburger. Easter for me is always ham, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, & rolls.
  19. Oh Oh Oh I'm getting a Sound of Music vibe--They all come up over the mountain singing as they escape!! My boss came by, looked at my PC screen and said "Are you going on a juice fast?" Because she saw Juicy Joe at the top LOL
  20. Way back when I used to love Cagney & Lacey. At one point I noticed Cagney drank all the dang time. Shades of Alicia? They gave her the rehab and AA story after that. But I agree with those who say having a drink is legal and enjoying a drink is fine. I was also brought up with the "don't drink alone" theory but since I live alone does that mean I have to go to a bar and pay 10x as much for a single drink? Or does that make me a "loose" woman because I go to a bar? See you can't win for losing!
  21. Oh my heavens...Of course Little Jim has contracts with everyone---Isn't that how the devil has always gotten souls?
  22. Seriously??? Do you think after 55 we curl up and die? I've worked as a waitress for 45 years and I work rings around the "young ones" who can't lift a tray without help! I bike, I walk, I date, I even have sex!!! My Moms 95--now SHE can't drive but a 60 year old? Pft No problem,,,
  23. This This This Please with a cherry on top (or a AK47) What the holy hell was the point of Leah M.? She looked like shit--Why do all waitresses we see have no make up or dirty pulled back hair? I've been a server for 45 years and I always wear makeup and do my hair. Anyway.....I lost track of the plot a few years ago. Such a relief to find out other people are as confused as I am with all these gangs--Especially the new circus/Halloween gang--Nothing like a hot orange bike to say terror...
  24. Do NOT make me LOL at work. You win the interweb today!
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