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Everything posted by Rapunzel

  1. Nearly every other country in the world goes by popular vote. Who wins is not "controlled" by the most populous areas per se. The popular vote ensures everyone's vote counts equally, regardless of whether or not they are Dems or Republicans or where they live. The entire country elects the President, not just a few key states, which can happen with the EC. Once the President is in power, how is it exactly that these larger states would "control" the government? If the election is based on the popular vote, the American people as a whole elected the President with all of their votes counting, regardless of where they live, and those in CA have no more power than those in NE, for example. The President would govern as usual, the House and the Senate would operate as usual. The big difference is that everyone's vote will have counted if we go to a popular vote system. To say that everyone's vote counts now, under the EC, is a lie. The EC is antiquated and archaic and was put in place when white males who owned land were the only people allowed to vote. In case people haven't noticed, a lot has changed since then. Every vote should count and if we keep moving ahead with the EC, it means it doesn't and it's a slap in the face to those who stand in line for hours to vote and those who fought so everyone eligible could vote, knowing that everything is up to some bullshit antiquated system anyway. In addition, if the EC votes by state are set by population, in many states those counts are no longer correct. CA, for example, should technically have more than 55 EC votes based on its population today. The people made it clear who they wanted President with the popular vote. We were robbed, in large part, due to the EC, which means many people were essentially robbed of having a voice and say in who becomes President all because they live in a certain state. Popular voting works pretty much everywhere else - there is no reason it can't work here as well. That's really the only fair way to elect a President. That way it doesn't favor red states vs. blue states, it's just based on the entire country as a whole and no state is given more weight over another. It doesn't matter where you live if you go on popular vote - the population of the US is what it is. Whatever errors the Dems made in this election, the EC contributed to this because, without it, Hillary would be our President Elect. Instead, we get some monster with no moral compass and who has no interest other than lining his own pockets. The man is not even a true Republican and that party knows it. I'm glad this recount is happening and that Hillary and many of the Dems are supporting it (I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high, but at least the Dems are fighting back thanks to help from Jill Stein). To think that we could have had Russia select our President for us is just way too scary. Even if the recount doesn't change anything, Russia still played a huge role by hacking the e-mails and the DNC. Why did they only do this to the Dems and not hack Trump and the Republicans as well? I don't want a President who likely owes piles of money to Putin and Russian banks and who has business interests with foreign governments and refuses to separate the two. It's just dangerous all the way around.
  2. And guess who owns stock in the pipeline and companies that will benefit from it? That's right - Agent Orange. His holdings aren't huge, but he still stands to profit if it goes through. Let's just add this to the list of conflicts of interest that he has and, if it falls to him to try to help resolve the situation, we can pretty much guess what will happen - he'll do what's best for him and line his pockets.
  3. I agree. I had a hard time reading about it which is why I posted about it here. I would have thought Obama would have waited a little bit before asking her to concede, or at least have a face to face with her to go over the pros and cons of waiting until all the votes were counted. I mentioned early on in the campaign that the "When they go low, we go high" slogan, while a good motto to live by and, generally a good way to deal with bullies, may have hurt the campaign here as well. As much as I love the Obamas and as much as I think he is a great President and did a lot of great things, especially when you consider the nightmare he walked into in 2008, I think there is a time when you have to go a little low. Campaigning against a dirtbag like Trump who pulled in Russia, who threw out the rule book, who outright lied and cheated his way to the Presidency, is one of those times. You do not have to drag it into the gutter, but the man has so many flaws, so many issues and so many things that could have been used against him in fairly powerful ways. If things like that were brought up enough by the Dems (the abuse of his "charity," the hacking of the e-mails and the DNC by Russia and why Trump wasn't also hacked, Comey's involvement, Trump claiming not to know Putin, Trump's conflict of interest issues regarding his personal business, how he ran that personal business and the 6 times he filed for bankruptcy and the trickle down effect that had on the laborers that he refused to pay, the sexual abuse, the ties to the KKK, his relentless, petty, Twitter tantrums filled with lies, his hypersensitivity, his inability to handle himself in a manner fit to be a human being, let alone be President, etc.), perhaps things would have been different and the MSM would have given things like this more coverage if it were pushed more by the Dems. They seemed to really want to stick with the "When they go low, we go high," however, and they likely didn't want to appear hypocritical and, again, overall it's a good motto to live by - it just isn't very effective against a misogynistic, lying, hypocritical, bigoted, homophobic, demented, sociopathic racist like Trump. At least we have a small bit of hope left in this recount, but again, I'm not holding out a lot of hope. I am glad to see we're doing something about it and that Hillary and her people have decided to support it, though it's unclear whether or not Obama supports it. It's relatively new and I don't think I've seen a statement from him on it, but with everything that has gone on in this election and the fact that so many things have been so unprecedented, the chance that the voting machines were hacked or interfered with in some way by Russia is not beyond the realm of possibility. If they even determine that the counts were off but still favored Trump but that there was, indeed, tampering, that would say an awful lot and the Republicans would be more motivated to try to get Trump out. The man has admitted to breaking the law regarding his "charity" and committing perjury - if votes were tampered with on top of that, how can they justify keeping him around? He is going to drag them all down with him if they don't step up and kick his corrupt, orange, lying, cheating ass out of there.
  4. According to various news sources (real ones), apparently Obama was the one that urged Hillary to concede on Election Night. Her campaign urged her to wait until all the votes were counted and that is what Hillary intended to do originally, however, Obama called her when he saw how MI, PA and WI came in and “urged her to concede.” It seems a bit unlike him, so I wonder why he wouldn’t have agreed with her to wait a while longer. Some claim that this is part of the “go high” strategy and to basically make a graceful exit and not look like a sore loser. In any case, I don’t think waiting another day or so would have hurt anything – especially given that was suspicion that Russia had interfered. Hell, people speculated Russia would tamper with the votes even before the voting started. From The Hill: In any case, as we now know, Jill Stein has raised the money to get recounts in MI, PA and WI, which are states that may have been tampered with. Stein knows that this isn’t going to improve her chances, so it seems she is basically doing this to help Hillary and also perhaps to help prevent any future tampering from taking place as Russia’s involvement in this election, along with that of Comey, was unusual. Trump's all to cozy relationship with Russia is odd, as is the fact that it is believed he won't releases his taxes, in part, because he's borrowed money from Russia. Intelligence Agencies know that Russia hacked the e-mails and the DNC, they definitely could have hacked voting machines and the fact that they only hacked the e-mails on one side of the campaign is truly suspect and also, some of the MSNBC shows have mentioned that the Trump camp appeared to have advance knowledge of when the news on the e-mails was going to be leaked and also likely knew there was nothing damning on them. Hillary lost by about 10k votes in MI and, in the disputed states, there were apparent discrepancies between counties that voted electronically vs. those that used paper ballots. A win by so few votes in a state by Trump, especially when he lost the popular vote so "bigly" and the gap continues to grow there, should definitely warrant a recount and additional investigation. Also, according to Clinton's campaign counsel, it appears they are now going to get behind the recount as well. This should be interesting. I can only hope that that Orange Blob of Goo is told he actually lost and that the whole world knows he cheated. How likely it is, I don't know, but many things that have happened this election have been truly unprecedented. If there were ever a time for something like this to happen and to have the recount reverse the outcome, this would be it. I won't get my hopes up too high, but at least they're now doing something about it.
  5. Exactly. Some women also have health conditions which affects which types of birth control they can use, and, as thredhead77 mentioned above, certain forms of birth control are used, and FDA approved, to treat other conditions. My doctor already warned me that, even though I have insurance through my company, the cost of birth control is likely to go up and, therefore, it could affect my co-pay or out of pocket expense. I am limited in what I can use due to a rare, neurological condition, and I have to go back to the Mayo Clinic back in my home state of MN (I live in CA now), to be evaluated regularly for my condition and to ensure that I get proper treatment. I had to see specialist there when it came to determining which type of birth control was best for me given the complications associated with my condition and various other factors. Every woman, however, should have a right to choose what method she wants to use. They shouldn't be forced into one over another. If Trump and his administration want to make it more difficult for people to have access to birth control I just don't think that's right given that, as has been mentioned, certain types help with other conditions. I agree with the quote above in that if they suggested that the cost of Viagra or Cialis or something be increased, they wouldn't stand for it. Same thing with their hair loss medications or whatever. It's such a double standard and one has to look at the full picture, which Trump and his people are not. Trump is extremely myopic in his "plans" and has no sense of what can happen on a macro level. He is so bogged down in minutia or things that don't really matter, like SNL making fun of him, that he is missing the long term impacts here. He's even missing the short and medium term impacts. The man can't see beyond the next day or two if we're lucky. Even then, he changes his mind. He's a complete fish out of water and deep down, he knows it. He knows he has no business being President and he knows he can't even decide when to go to the bathroom without getting advice from KellyAnn, Ivanka, Jared, Pence, etc. He's freaking clueless, short sighted, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, bigoted, cannot commit to anything, and is prone to throwing temper tantrums like a 5 year old. All of these things make him a danger to himself and others - and the others in this case means essentially the rest of the world. We can only hope he self destructs before he can do too much damage to everyone else.
  6. Since he's admitted to violating the "Self Dealings" laws when it comes to his "charity" and committed perjury in the process, it's a shame the IRS can't step in and put a freeze on all of that money and any other liquid assets he may have until he pays back the "charity" what he stole from it and also pays any additional fines that he will incur. This is preferable to jail time, which, technically, he could be sentenced to for the perjury issue. I know it won't happen, but I would love to see the look on his face if it did. Also, since he served friggin' sliders at his new hotel for the foreign dignitaries, as well as "Trump branded Champaign (read "cheap as fuck and tasted like sweaty socks but found someway to write it off for $100s/bottle), I have a feeling his inauguration is going to be another, rather tacky, affair. He'll probably set up a taco bar and serve taco bowls and KFC or something and then charge us, the taxpayers, $100/bucket of KFC. Seeing the Thanksgiving Menu at Mar-a-Lago was interesting, and excessive, but contained kind of a mish-mash of stuff that didn't really go together and a lot of dishes that haven't been popular since the 80s/90s. Nothing really classy on there at all, though it was higher end than "sliders." Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against sliders, however if I were invited to an event like the one he threw at the hotel, I would have expected something a bit more classy and high end. Just goes to show you that money doesn't buy class - but we all already knew that given his tacky, faux gold, obscene, over the top palace. He's stuck in the 80s to top it all off - I'm surprised he doesn't wear a gold tie everywhere he goes.
  7. Yeah, I hate this. This is not "above and beyond." This is expected when you are President - you will work 24/7. Also, how many others worked yesterday? The police, EMTs, firefighters, doctors, nurses, many in retail, people at restaurants and grocery stores, many people who work for multi-national companies and work with countries who don't celebrate Thanksgiving, etc. I had to work for a while yesterday on a critical contract negotiation with a company in Europe. I can't remember the last time I've been able to actually take a full vacation day and not have to do at least some work - but as an attorney for one of the largest tech companies in the world, sometimes you don't have a choice. My job is no where near as critical as being President - he has lives depending on him - yet I'm still expected to deal with critical issues as, not doing some things that are time sensitive and could cost money or lead to a lawsuit, which could put people out of work, etc. The chances of that happening are slim, in my case, but as with every job, you accept the responsibilities that go along with it - even that means putting in some time on a Holiday or while you are on vacation. As part of the group of people that employs the President, I expect him to work whenever and wherever it is called for. I don't care if it's 3am and he spent a "hard day" at the office napping on the sofa in the Oval Office or out on the golf course with Putin or working on his own, private businesses. He signed up for this and that means 24/7 - no breaks, nothing. If those in other roles can and have to do it, why can't he? His lazy ass can't even be bothered to read briefings FFS.
  8. Amazon now has it listed as "currently unavailable." The reviews are hysterical. I wonder if they got so many returns and complaints from people that might have actually bought it (you know, those KKK members looking for the perfect gift or just the right finishing touch for their tree) that they pulled it. I mean, what else do you get for the white supremacist in your life that has everything? Amazon is pretty good about returns and such - maybe some of them got duplicates. Also, think about how many of these Trump is probably going to hand out as "gifts" to all those who visit him is gauche, tacky, tower. If I got handed this as a gift, I would drop it right in the first trash bin I saw once I was outside of the Tower of Gold Horror. In any case, I see him stuck with a warehouse full of these.
  9. I saw this on her show as well and I was a bit shocked, though I guess nothing related to Trump should shock me these days. So in addition to him appointing a white supremacist, being overly cozy with Russia to the point there could be concerns about treason, admitted he violated the "self dealings" act with regards to his "charity" and, therefore, committed perjury as he signed off on the filings and forms, losing the popular vote (quite bigly and they are still counting), the possibility that Russia interfered with the voting, him trying to restrict or ban the First Amendment, having numerous conflicts of interest (though he claims nothing he does can be considered a conflict of interest) between his personal, privately held companies and his duties as President, he now has very clearly shown his complete and total lack of interest in the job and can't even be bothered to do the bare minimum, which is to read the damn daily briefings, including the security briefings! It's similar to me, as an attorney, refusing to read a case file or a complaint someone has filed against my company - a complaint that could potentially cost us millions and just let it sit on my desk. The deadline for filing a response would pass, and I would basically hope it just somehow magically goes away. If I did that, the other side could automatically get the win and it could be significant enough to put my company out of business, regardless of how big we are. How irresponsible is that? It is flat out dereliction of duty (or at least it most certainly will be once he is officially in office). If any of us neglected our key duties in our own jobs, no matter what field we may be in, we would probably be fired. No one forced him to run - he had to know the job would require reading, briefings, meetings, etc. If he hates all of those things, then why bother? I think a large part of why he hates these things is because he simply is not capable of comprehending a lot of it. He is not a smart man. He can be a bit devious and manipulative, but a lot of people are behind him telling him what to do and say. He is a marionette and when he goes off book, he often doesn't make any sense at all and can't even see that he's contradicting something he may have just said a day ago or that he sounds like a child throwing a tantrum with his Twitter rants. He can't and/or won't focus on things that make him feel more inadqueate than he already knows he is (though he will never admit it). Why do you think his scripted YouTube videos sound so horrible? He can't even read off a teleprompter without sounding like an uneducated twit. I know 5 year olds with better reading and speaking skills. He's clearly on a pure power trip at this point and he is poison for this Country. We, as his employer, need to stay on top of all the corrupt actions going here, regardless of what MSM may or may not do. He is clearly unfit, incompetent, incapable, etc. He has no business being in that job, and he likely cheated to get there. He lost the popular vote, and he's not a true Republican. They Republicans may be pacifying him for the moment, but I have a feeling that, at least some of them, will come to their senses and see how much damage he is doing to their Party and this Country. More and more dirt will come out - he's admitted to committing crimes officially now in relation to his charity. As things like this continue, the smart ones will realize they have no choice but to try to distance themselves. They will do it diplomatically and they won't do it right away, but I think enough of them are smart enough to see the writing on the wall and will do it - otherwise they will go down with the Titanic of Presidents. Also, since so many of the put Party above all else, they need to consider that here as well. Trump is not good for the Republican Party. As he self destructs, so too will the Party. I think a lot of them are starting to see it - they just have to pick their moment (and I hope it comes fairly soon).
  10. So here's a little about how recounts work, and it does, of course, vary by state: MI and PA are two of the most contested states, MI in particular as votes are still be counted and Hillary trails by a small margin - something like 12k last I heard. WI is also one being called out for a recount. I would say that the ability to call for a recount based on "illegal voting, bad behavior by the vote counters, wrongly counted voted or the ineligibility of a candidate for office" should get her an automatic recount based on Trump's behave, his pollsters and the voter suppression tactics they used in which they targeted 3 key groups in particular, the fact that these tactics violated the RNC Consent Decree and the fact that he should be ineligible for office. He has admitted to abusing his charity and violating policies there. He has admitted to committing perjury as he signed off on the IRS forms and other paperwork for the charity knowing that they contained false information. Perjury is a felony. Add these along with all of his conflict of interests issues, the white supremacy complaints, the bigotry, the lies, his attempts to suppress the First Amendment, the possible treason committed with Putin and Russia, the fact that Russia did hack Hillary's e-mail as well as the DNC and could very well have hacked voting machines, and I do not see how they cannot recount the votes. She is winning the popular vote by over 2million votes now. Votes are still coming in. Given this and all the outright crimes committed by Trump, by his own admission, not doing a recount in certain states is horribly wrong and goes against what this Country is supposed to stand for. The DNC need to get all over this and demand a recount - the deadline is Friday. Get in touch with your reps and tell them to demand a recount at least in MI (which is still counting), WI and PA. We, as voters, also have the right to request a recount in some states. Please call, e-mail, Tweet, etc. Maybe it won't be effective, but you don't know unless you try. This could potentially save us from at least 4 years of tyranny.
  11. She was on one of the MSNBC shows the other night - I can't remember which one. She seemed alright - I admit, I had it on in the background and wasn't paying a lot of attention, but she was there actively participating in the discussion, which of course was about Trump.
  12. Many of the MSNBC shows had stories on tonight about how Hillary's people should contest the votes in MI, PA and WI. In MI in particular, she lost by a very slim margin (I think 12K votes?) and they've seen some suspect things about those counties that used paper vs. computerized votes. Combine that with the fact that Putin, Russia and WikiLeaks clearly interfered in the whole "e-mail" scandal thing and hacked Hillary's e-mails, it's not such a far stretch to imagine something went on with these votes. Even if it wasn't hacking, the fact that Trump supporters and "pollsters" (pollsters who, in many cases, didn't register as such) trying to suppress the votes of certain people (some of their actions could be seen as a violation of the RNC Consent Decree) , and I think an investigation is definitely in order. The three main groups they supposedly targeted for voter suppression (and they stated this in the media) were primarily African Americans, college educated females, and Muslims. In a state like Michigan, especially as the vote was so close, that makes me even more likely to suspect something went on. I got two of my bachelor's degrees in Michigan and I know that they have the largest Muslim/Arab population in the US in Dearborn, are generally on the liberal side, have good colleges and a lot of college students who vote (the first time I ever voted in an election was when I was a university student there), they have a significant African American population, etc. The population as a whole is quite diverse there, but it seems that all three groups that Trump and his people were, by their own admission, trying to suppress are fairly prevalent in Michigan, in addition to other states. I know Hillary and her team may not want to be seen as "sore losers," however, given the evidence here and given what Trump could do to this Country, I really hope she steps up here and does everything she can. I know it's got to be stressful for her, but she should keep in mind that she's won the popular vote by nearly 2million votes and counting. That should give her some motivation and the confidence in knowing that the majority of voters are behind her and picked her. Trump has now started to show his ass, so she's actually in a good position to challenge these states. The man admitted to abusing his charity and committing perjury, FFS. By admitting to perjury, he admitted that he is a liar - he will lie when he is sworn not to and could face penalties, including jail time, for it. It isn't likely that he'll go to jail, unfortunately, but he'll probably be hit with a ton of fines in addition to having to pay back all of the funds that were "misappropriated." Some of which include purchasing two, large self portraits of himself, one of which is hanging in the bar/grill at one of his golf clubs, and funds he took from the charity to settle various law suits that had nothing to do with the charity. If he'll lie under those circumstances, when won't he lie? How much lower does he have to sink?
  13. And most of that is probably tissue paper or a sock or something stuffed in there...
  14. Trump's charity admitted to misusing funds from his charity. They were used for personal gain, likely for Trump himself, including 2 portraits of himself that he purchased with charity funds, one which sits in one of his sports bars at one of his golf clubs. In addition, charity funds were used to pay off various legal settlements. These are violations of the "self dealing" rules for charities, and, when Trump filed his taxes and paperwork on his charity, they checked the box stating that they did not violate any of these rules. This means that he committed perjury and that when he signed off on the IRS filings for the charity, Trump clearly committed perjury as those forms specifically state that what you are signing is true and accurate under penalty of perjury/law. So he has officially admitted to a significant crime in perjury. How can this man be allowed to be our President? Perjury can carry jail time. Of course, Trump may just have to pay the money back plus additional fines, but how dare he be so hard on Hillary when she was proven not to have broken the law (despite being investigated about a million times) when he has now flat out admitted to abusing his charity and committing perjury? This is so hypocritical - how can people still support this? He exploited a charity - it's pretty hard to get much lower than that. For those that voted for him, I hope they're proud.
  15. A very, very gold, very tacky, gaudy looking, high-backed gold throne-ish chair. Maybe even with a lion or tiger at his feet. Wouldn't surprise me if the gold toilet was in the background. :-)
  16. Agreed. The First Amendment exists for a reason. Use it, members of the Press. What would have happened if Woodward and Bernstein hadn't acted and done their jobs when Nixon was in office? They weren't afraid, and members of the current press shouldn't be either. This man is a flat out bully (meaning he's just really weak, fragile and constantly feels inadequate and incompetent - because he is) and the Press cannot let him threaten to cut off one of our fundamental rights and freedoms. The Press owes it to report to the American people the true state of things (use bigger words in your stories so he 'll have a harder time understanding them if you have to). If the American Press won't report things fairly and accurately, then bring over more reporters from the BBC and other foreign news agencies. That's where I'll get my news then because at least they will report things as they actually happen - not however Trump decides things need to be told because, clearly, he realizes that he's an asshat who is violating the rules, not to mention his fragile little ego and the fact that he can't even take constructive criticism. If he didn't, he wouldn't be afraid of the Press.
  17. I agree that Ryan is a piece of shit, however, impeachment is based on a vote (a vote based on who is present at the time) - the house speaker alone cannot make the decision (of course, it's not going to be easy even if he were supportive of it). If the House finds grounds for impeachment, meaning, primarily that he has committed or may have committed any act of treason, bribery or “other high crimes and misdemeanors,” they need to vote on whether or not he should be impeached. Trump’s relationship with Putin could potentially be treason, the issue of bribes exists given him pimping his hotels, and the high crimes and misdemeanors part is ambiguous enough to include a number of other things he has already done or plans to do, including the various conflict of interest issues, giving his kids security clearance while they manage his business, meeting with foreign leaders to advance his private agenda, etc. The House would have hard time ignoring all of the things Trump had done, things that were captured on tape, things Trump appears to be proud of despite the fact that they spit in the face of the majority of Americans and everything this Country stands for. Assuming things like this continue once he officially takes office, they may have a hard time voting not to impeach, especially if they want to preserve the integrity of their party, which Trump really isn’t part of anyway. This is part of the reason, especially knowing Trump lost the popular vote, we need to write, call, e-mail, Tweet, etc. our representatives (especially those reps that are Republicans) and let them know that this is wrong and remind them who they work for. They work for us. If we want this man out, make it known - make it heard. Make it clear that any rep who continues to support him will not have your vote when they come due for re-election. Make it clear no money will be donated to them from you. If the vote in the House to impeach passes, things are passed to the Senate and they will make the decision on whether or not he should be booted from office. The Republicans hold a very slim majority there and I've heard some of them already speaking out against Trump. I think that if Trump continues down his current path and the fact that he is most certainly not a real "Republican" may help sway some Republicans to help get him out of office. Again, impeachment itself doesn't automatically oust him, but he'd have a hard time arguing a case that would enable him to remain President given the offenses he has basically already stated he will commit and the Senate would have a hard time justifying keeping him in office given the facts (again, assuming he continues the way he has been once he has officially taken office). The Republicans need to think first and foremost about their Party. As Trump continues to stick his foot in it every chance he gets, they will likely want more distance from him in order to preserve the Party itself. This will not happen overnight and, he may, on the surface, have their support today, but he can't hope to maintain it if he continually commits offenses that violate the essence of the Constitution, if not the Constitution outright, has continued conflict of interest issues, continues to have to deal with several active lawsuits, is called out even more about the abuse of his "charity,” continues to be way too cozy with Russia (that benefits no one - not even the Republicans and they should not be supportive of that relationship), is associated with white supremacists (again, benefits no one - not even the Republicans) and is completely unapologetic for it, reneging on his campaign promises (especially those that brought him his key voter base - he promised to bring back jobs, kick out immigrants, put Hillary in jail, be a "Washington outsider"), etc. There will come a day, and I don't think it is too far off, where the Republicans, at least enough of them to make a difference, are going to see the complete and total harm Trump is doing to the party as a whole. If they expect to even stand a chance at having a Republican President after Trump's initial Term is up, they need to act to get him out.
  18. The Anti-Nepotism laws also specifically exclude in-laws in addition to any other family, so technically, Trump can't appoint Jerrod to an official post anyway. In any case, it is becoming apparent that, in reality, he will attempt to skirt these laws by not giving his family or in-laws like Jerrod actual positions, but instead just claim he is "consulting" with them - that's why he wants them to have Security Clearance. He will call them "unofficial advisors" or some such, and the law is a bit grey there, however, combining this with the hoards of other offenses he has already committed, or is on the verge of committing, make it very likely for him to be impeached. Impeachment, however, is not the end. He would still have to go through the impeachment proceedings and be found guilty in order to be forced out. If he were to be forced out, Pence, as VP, would serve out the remainder of Trump's 4-year term.
  19. There's no such thing as a good photo of that Orange Blob of Goo. If I were a press photographer, I would take every photo from the absolute most unflattering angle possible. He likes people crouching down looking up at him, and that photo angle is pretty unflattering. It would draw attention to his love handles, his double chin, his saggy skin, etc. If he complains on Twitter, people need to Tweet back that that is, in fact, how he looks. And yes, let's all start rating him as he rates women. In his case, however, the scale has to go into negative numbers. I would give him a negative 4, and I think that's generous. If that creepazoid came at me and tried to kiss me, much less "grab my pussy," I would knee him in whatever he has that pass for balls and run screaming from the room. He hates being made fun of on SNL, but he should be thankful that someone like Alec Baldwin impersonates him. Alec was quite hot back in the day, and though he's aged, he still looks pretty good and a million times better than Trump could ever hope to.
  20. I think it's been hinted at that, once he's officially finished his term, the gloves will come off to some extent and he will be in a better position to be more outspoken and help the Democratic Party. I think right now he is just biding his time, but he isn't just going to turn his back on the Country and the Democrats when he knows we need him now more than ever. He is a very popular President, and he can speak his mind without it coming across as childish or belittling (the way Trump comes across) because he uses facts, his diplomatic ability, and his overall talent as a speaker. I don't think he will just fade away on January 20th. While he may take a bit of a break (who could blame him), I expect him to still very much be a voice against Trump and everything he stands for and to continue to support the Dems.
  21. I also think that, should Trump be ousted, Pence and other Republicans would be basically put on notice and likely be on their best behavior - at least for a while. Otherwise they risk continuing to damage the party beyond repair and they couldn't risk anymore screw-ups if they hope to have a Republican President again in the next several decades.
  22. I just really hope that the Queen makes him greet her while she is sitting on her actual throne - not the gold spray painted piece of shit furniture that Donald is so fond of. I hope she makes him bow and follow all the proper protocol and I hope her people send a note stating that he will be expected to follow all proper protocol when meeting the Queen and that if he does not, he will be removed and the Queen will not meet with him/continue to meet with him. I also hope they definitely don't spell out the proper protocol for him so he will more than likely fuck it up in someway, shape or form. His vocabulary and manner of speaking is offensive enough.
  23. I'm watching Rachel Maddow and she is mentioning how SNL makes fun of Presidential and VP candidates and those who ultimately end up holding the office. She had pointed out that every candidate had handled it well - even if some just kind of ignored it. When I graduated from Uni the second time around, Dick Cheney, while he was the sitting VP, came to give the commencement speech at my University (we never really understood why as our school was very liberal and this was, of course, after 9/11 and no one was really a fan of the Bush admin at all). The speech Cheney gave was actually quite nice - it was short and to the point, but he started by poking fun at himself and saying that we got him for our commencement speech, and another Uni that had asked for him to speak got the guy that played him on SNL. Since I graduated Summa Cum Laude and won some awards and things, this meant that I had to meet Cheney and shake his hand. My Father, who was very liberal (and I'm a lot like him), cringed every second while taking those photos with Cheney (I had a hard time shaking his hand), but my Father was still so proud and, again, Cheney didn't make his speech political in the least and was a good sport, so it made it easier as that speech helped humanize himself. Trump needs to take a lesson from those who have come before him and quit making an issue out of SNL or anyone else who dares to impersonate or make fun of him. It is par for the course if you are going be President. If you can't take it, don't run. At a minimum, ignore it. The more someone throws a hissy fit about being teased, the more people are going to do it because they know it can agitate a person. The man is 70 and acts like he's 12. His ego is so ridiculously fragile that it is one of the most dangerous things about having him in that office. China slights him? Ok, let's go get the nuclear codes or let's go drop a bomb on them. He cannot separate the personal from the professional, he is way too quick to overreact, he can't process information properly, he doesn't bother to gather all the facts, he just lets himself be lead around by his "ego" and if his poor little "feels" get hurt, then he massively overreacts and looks like a douchebag, especially for someone his age. And to think that people used to make comments about how it was too dangerous to have a woman as President in case it was "her time of the month" and she was over emotional. Well, it seems with Trump it is always Trump's "time of the month" and he has no idea how to hold it together and have poise, dignity and humility, which are absolute requirements of this job. The man is train wreck with major emotional deficiencies and he needs to grow up and act in way that does that office some justice. If he can't do that, then step down, though I think the chances of him self destructing are still pretty good - it's way too easy to get under his skin.
  24. I think they're going to have a hard time dealing with the loss of their OT affecting them being able to pay off their Christmas/Holiday bills, the fact that just paying their regular monthly bills will be a stretch, worrying about whether or not they will be able to pay the mortgage, etc. Add to that the fact that, once Social Security and Medicare start being gutted, they are going have to come up with money to pay for healthcare that they hadn't previously allocated for, they are likely going to have to work longer than they thought as they can't rely on Social Security to cover their retirement and likely didn't plan for much in the way of other retirement options, such as 401k, IRA, stocks, etc. They are going to feel it - it won't be today, it won't be tomorrow, but it will happen very soon and they will have buyer's remorse as soon as it is harder to make ends meet and their expenses and taxes go up while their income is essentially cut due to losing their OT, healthcare, and Social Security. They have no one to blame but themselves, and I can't feel sorry for them either. They put this asshat in office and continue to defend him. He is raking it in hand over fist by continuing to run his companies and using his position improve his private business situation. If they can't see how wrong this is on so many levels, again, shame on them for not bothering to read or watch real news and do their homework before casting their vote.
  25. I definitely don't plan on watching Trump's inauguration, his speech, his first SOTUA, or any public address he makes. I hope a lot of people do not tune in for his inauguration address and that it ends up being the lowest rated ever. Same with the SOTUA. This man needs an audience, he needs attention and he needs the spotlight. He needs to believe he is loved an adored. If we all refuse to tune into his inauguration, SOTUA, etc. and give him embarrassingly low ratings, it will most definitely bruise his ego and he'll go off on a Twitter rant (or lie and say it was the best, most watched, most loved speech in the history of the world - ever. So much better than any that Lincoln or FDR ever gave). Either way, let's not give this crybaby, misogynist, bigoted piece of shit any ratings and make it clear that we have no intention of listening to his hate speech, regardless of what spin he may try to put on it.
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