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Posts posted by TVForever

  1. On 8/16/2024 at 2:44 PM, CountryGirl said:



    Words are escaping me.

    Words escaped me too. But I did turn off the TV after this and haven't been back to the show since. If this is what the writers are entertaining, I'm out.

    On 8/16/2024 at 4:32 PM, CountryGirl said:

    Wyatt did view Katie as his stepmother as did Liam.


    Not really. Wyatt and Liam were both grown men by the time Katie was in Bill's life. At best, Katie was their father's wife. 

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  2. This is going to sound so petty, I know, but I really, really, really want Bill to be with Poppy (and be Luna's father)- if only because Katie is being so very awful about Poppy. Katie and Bill have been un-coupled for a very long time (and for good reasons). They both get to have new partners without drama from the ex. Will is grown; Poppy's not going to be raising him- Katie's Mama Bear routine is so phony. She just wants to be the Alpha Female in Bill's life, whether they're actually together or not, using the fact that she's the "Mother of his Son!" as the reason. Well, Bill and Poppy got together before he ever knew about his connection to Luna. And she's the woman of his house now, so Katie needs to learn to use a doorbell.


    That's all-rant's over.☺️☺️

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  3. Simone remains as obnoxious as ever. 

    Sorry to see Damon go. 

    Glad to see JR is still here (and not being mourned as a "promising young athlete, gone too soon).

    So, Thea's still part of the cast, but she's off playing pro tennis? Why?

    I feel like there was so much wasted potential with this show, as a drama set at a HBCU.

    Oh well. I was there for the beginning, and I'll be there for the end...

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  4. So I guess Show regretted dropping the Rebellious Kyle storyline a few months back? Because we seem to be right back at square one with it. Yes, Kyle, insubordination and undermining your boss will get you fired every time. If your boss wasn't your mother, it would have happened long before. 

    So now we're exactly where we were before, except this time it's with Victor instead of Tucker.

    And I'm just as bored this time around.

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  5. 14 hours ago, babyhouseman said:

    Jill discovered she was adopted by the Fosters. Her biological father turned out to be Lauren's father, Neil Fenmore. He was only on the show years ago before Jill found out. I never understood why they did this. Lauren and Jill as sisters doesn't work for me.


    11 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    Same. Nothing much seems to have been accomplished by making Jill and Lauren sisters. They barely interact with each other. Lauren probably doesn't even know Jill is being treated for a serious heart ailment.


    7 hours ago, surfgirl said:

    Wait a damn minute! Lauren and Jill are sisters? When is the last time we saw them interact? Like not in decades???

    Making Neil Fenmore Jill's biological father was a storyline retcon that probably looked good on paper, but was very much "meh" when played out on screen. Other than a few months of drama as Jill was suddenly half-owner of Lauren's beloved Fenmore's (and Jill came in with all sorts of ideas and plans), the storyline has been pretty much dropped. There's no more talk of Jill and Lauren being sisters, and I can't remember Billy and Lauren even being in a scene together, let alone acknowledging that they're aunt and nephew.

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  6. On 6/17/2024 at 3:34 PM, Roseanna said:

    Pen offered Colin an annulment, but I doubt that there was legal grounds as the marriage was consunmated, although before wedding.

    I think deception would also be grounds for an annulment. 

    On 6/20/2024 at 3:31 AM, Roseanna said:


    BTV, Cressida is a beauty and has a dowry. The reason she hasn't found a husband during three seasons is her awful nature.   

    I got the impression that there were some sort of financial troubles in the family. I remember her mother telling Cressida that they might have to wear one of their gowns more than once that season (the horror!)

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  7. Can we have anyone but Brooke and Carter lecture Zende about “sexual  ethics”?

    i mean, Brooke has slept with or been married to every man in the Forrester family, often overlapping. And didn’t she have sex with Oliver (I think that was his name) while he was involved with one of her daughters? She thought he was Ridge because of the costume. Yep, because I would easily mistake my middle aged husband with a twenty-something guy. And can we talk about Hope, who was conceived while Deacon was married to Brooke’s daughter Bridget?

    Carter, you and Quinn were hot, but she was married to your boss. Sure, it turns out that he was playing “tickle the pickleball” with Donna, but you didn’t know that.

    Wait a second. Following this logic, Im not sure who has the “right” to give Zende so much grief over this. 

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  8. Steffy, it's time to let Finn go. This situation with Sheila will never be over. The woman shot him and you, and tried to kill the mother that raised and loved him (and those are just the crimes she's committed in the short time he's known her). If Finn's still determined to see her through rose-colored glasses after all of that, girl, let Sheila have him. He actually formed his lips to say "Sheila's a hero!" 

    Steffy gets on my nerves most days, but in this instance, she and Ridge are RIGHT.

    I would say that he'll learn who Sheila is soon enough, but she's already shot him and left him for dead before, so...

    Don't even get me started on Deacon and Hope. Deacon's no saint (Heaven knows), but for some reason he thinks his "love" can save her. Maybe he should go ask Mike how that sentiment tends to work out.

    And Hope. She's got too much personal experience with Sheila's shenanigans to be quite this naive and stupid. I can give Finn a little bit of grace because he doesn't have actual history with Sheila like the others do. But c'mon Hope. You know! But I guess being dickmatized by Thomas has given her the reason to think that anyone can change. Bless her heart...

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  9. 12 hours ago, Js Nana said:

     Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ is worried that Claire will end up with Kyle and usurp her as Harrison's stepmother.


    9 hours ago, Js Nana said:


    2. I'm sorry, Princess Summer, but you are NOT Harrison's mother, you are his former stepmother, and you are eaten up with fear that Claire will not only become TGVNs favorite grandchild, but you are also terrified that she will end up as Kyle's third wife and Harrison's third stepmother (if we include Victoria in as his first stepmother) - Fandom lists Summer as Harrison's adoptive mother, but every other site I've checked out lists her as his step-mother.


    So it looks like the newest triangle is going to be Summer. Claire, and Harrison. And I'm here for it, except for one thing. Harrison has a mother, who isn't Summer. Tara didn't abandon him, she got sent to prison for a financial crime. Her love for Harrison was never in question. 

    But it looks like Show is going all in on just erasing Tara from Harrison's history.

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  10. So, was all of this silliness with Sugar and Sheila some sort of retcon to make Sheila sympathetic? If so, please stop, Show. t's not going to work for anyone who's been watching for more than 3 days. Sheila's history is way too long and way too sordid to flip that switch now. If they really wanted to use KB long term, it would have been better to bring her in as a completely different character. Then Deacon wouldn't look like such an idiot for falling in love with her, and the rest of the clan could get storyline from trying to relate to this "new" person who looks so much like the woman they all hated.

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  11. Oh gosh. As soon as Asher took that pause, and then (confidently?) declared his faith and his sexuality, I got a bad feeling. And it still hurt to watch. And then watching Jerome waiting for him in the restaurant; it was almost too much. 

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  12. 3 hours ago, Snazzy Daisy said:


    I am never a fan of Buck, so his new awakening isn’t a big deal for me. This new development must be shocking and disheartening to Buddie shippers though. I like Lou Ferrigno Jr. So, if Buck dating Tommy means that I get to see him more, am totally OK with it. 👍🏻


    Wait. Am I the only one here who didn't know that was Lou Ferrigno Jr?

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  13. 14 hours ago, Artsda said:

    I wasn't expecting to see Kamar de los Reyes. It was so sad to see him so sick, you could clearly see and hear the difference with his health. 



    8 hours ago, KWalkerInc said:

    I just wanted to cry every time Coach Montes appeared as it was so clear how sick Mr. de los Reyes was.  He must have been working pretty much up to when he died.


    It was heartbreaking seeing him, knowing now what was going on. Otherwise, I would have just assumed the years had caught up to him.

    God Bless. I wonder how he'll be written out of the story.

  14. 17 hours ago, blackwing said:

    I get that... but has there been any progress made since Xander made his allegations?  Last I saw, it seemed Finn was thinking it was possible.  Hope believes Thomas.  

    Is that it?  Has it been dropped again?

    That was Show's way of retconning the "Thomas murdered Emma" storyline so that he and Hope can be together without the fans' heads exploding. Nice try, Show, but we all saw Thomas run Emma off the road on purpose. It was not an accident. 

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  15. 14 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

    This has been known about the House Hunters shows for years and I'm always a little surprised when people get upset by it as some people were in those comments.  You still get to follow along and guess which house they chose.  And experience the house porn these shows provide.  Or maybe that's the reason I watch it.

    I do think at one time they might have followed an actual house hunting experience because there would be a reveal at the end that they didn't end up buying any of the houses.  Now that was a frustrating viewing experience. 

    I swear I can remember many of the earlier episodes of HH (YEARS ago, even before the International franchise started) when the house hunt did not end with a house being chosen/purchased. I think the producers came to see the "flaw" and switched to the format we know today.


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  16. On 2/17/2024 at 3:08 PM, stewedsquash said:

    With all the chaos happening behind the scenes here I want to ask: if this site shuts down where are y’all going? I remember snarkfest (lol, my last interaction there was when I got a long meandering wordy pm about hamburgers and hotdogs and not inviting people to snarkfest). 

    What did I miss? Is this site really potentially shutting down?

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