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Everything posted by Rahul

  1. I hope the scope of Devi's world evolves beyond more than her obsession with losing her virginity and sex. I've only watched one episode but I foresee her ending up with the academic rival Ben.
  2. The only character I find myself remotely interested is DL Dave from the FBI, and he hasn't even appeared on screen once.
  3. I see things very differently. Anisha has always been 100% honest and open about her life and struggles. The moment which you are referencing at the boutique when her visage changed and flashed with pain before she put her head into her hands read very real to me.
  4. I'm not sure whether Anisha and Bali knew of Monica's clandestine relationship but they knew that she was being inauthentic. Looking back at the series as a whole through this lens, I can now see that Monica was cultivating a persona that she wanted to present for the show. In this episode alone, she tries and cuts off her father when he exposes her materialism and love of nice things. When he expresses how long and boring watching the pooja at the engagement party was, Monica replies "You aren't supposed to say that!" That was a very telling moment for me. Also, speaking of an Indian engagement--there is no garland exchange in either the Sindhi or Punjabi custom--just an exchange of rings. I feel like they added this embellishment for the cameras (it's part of the wedding rituals though). Also, Vishal seemingly knows nothing about Indian culture--choreographed dances by friends of the bride and groom to be have become common in recent times but are in no way traditional or even customary.
  5. I come baring gossip. According to some insiders in the community, Monica was very disingenuous about parts of her life on camera. Apparently she had a secret boyfriend (Rish Karam, owner of Moksha restaurant) whom she did not want to reveal on the show as it would destroy her carefully crafted virginal image. That is why Anisha and Bali were needling Monica to be real. The whole Brian/Monica relationship drama seems to have been crafted for a storyline. I think it's a toss-up for renewal. Ratings have been on the uptick in recent weeks and apparently Andy Cohen said on Sirius XM today he thinks the show will be picked up for another season, though he no longer serves on the Bravo executive board. It's also easier to resume production on a show with one season under its belt than start prep work for an entirely new series that has never filmed before.
  6. I was appalled Nicholas approached Lavina Aunty the way he did, demanding to be introduced as the boyfriend and then storming off. It seemed like entitled and culturally insensitive to me. Nicholas is a guest in the Kapai home. He should also understand that making that announcement at Vishal's engagement ceremony could potentially upstage the event with gossip. Nevertheless, I'm glad they smoothed everything over. Lavina Aunty is still coming to terms with everything but it's clear she loves her son above all else. Vishal is praying for Amrit's mother as a mother-in-law.
  7. In the case of Richa and Vishal, I think long distance actually makes sense considering Richa barely tolerates him. The relationship is one of convenience so the community doesn't ask questions and they are both free to be with whomever they want or their actual partners. Bali has her own house, separate from her parents.
  8. Nope. I'm not one-bit surprised. https://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/have-vishal-and-richa-gotten-married-family-karma-recap
  9. GG can get off her high horse any day now. She needs to stop ragging on MJ for meddling and inserting herself into her friends lives. Has not been the MO of this entire group from day one? Also, has all that cannabis smoking wiped GG's memory of the entire season she tried to come between Mike and Jessica and ruin their marriage?? MJ probably shouldn't have been so condescending about Paulina dating a Persian man, but what she said was wasn't untrue. Mike has always been very strict and controlling with his partners--he barely allows them to speak. Paulina was messy for immediately playing runtelldat and making MJ's off-the-cuff comment into a much bigger deal. Moreover, there was no need for Mike to cut the group outing short so he could address the issue. He can be a total selfish prick at times but the entire ordeal smells of producer intervention to me. Paulina's "ritual" also reeked of producer intervention to me. Who in their right mind wants to play that "game" on their birthday? Even the producers of this show seem to be over it. Put it out of its misery, Bravo. I'd take Family Karma over this any day. Mike is a grade A hypocrite; he proposes that the group cease talking about one another behind their backs but then reveals later the same day during the post-luau game to Sara they have been all discussing her behind her back.
  10. Bethenny is no stranger to showcasing her zany antics in front of the cameras. She's certainly able to party with the best of them when they're plastered, whether it's dancing by Sonja's side after she knocks out a tooth or cozying up next to Ramona topless in the pool. However, as the oft voice of reason Bethenny usually knows when to rein it in. If B was present she probably would have drawn the line at tikki torch tossing and told the others to get a grip. Leah acting she was in the nude Olympics competing in a javelin throw was next level behavior, even for this show.
  11. Are these women Manhattan's elite or are they unhinged animals? Not that the NYC Howives were ever truly the former, but now more than ever they seem to belong in the latter camp. I guess I'm in the minority but watching these drunken ladies act like complete buffoons wasn't particularly fun. While their inebriated antics have been memorable and amusing in the past, writhing around the kitchen floor with sex toys, stripping down to skivvies to toss lit tiki torches around the garden and having face-to-face discussions while naked and doing one's business over the toilet bowl is a new level of disturbing behavior, especially at their age. Love or her hate her, if Bethenny was still around these shenanigans would have never devolved into what I can only imagine is the level of buffoonery seen on those MTV and VH1 reality doc/dating shows featuring casts half the age of these HoWives.
  12. It sure looked that way. What I did notice was Ramona, with her 6.4 million dollar Hamptons mansion, uses ValuTime dish detergent.
  13. Well it does kind of fill the void. (I'll show myself out) You're not the only one!
  14. The producers better come for Kyle and Mauricio in their talking heads pointed questions about their legal troubles the same way they did with Dorit and PK. Anything less and I will be disappointed, and also convinced Kyle has negotiated herself some kind of immunity in her inclusion rider.
  15. I suppose this episode was alright because it didn't painfully drag on. Minimal Kyle and Teddi helped. BH still doesn't hold a candle to NYC, though. Did anyone else notice PK appeared very blurry in his talking heads next to Dorit? She seemed in focus while he seemed to be out of focus or like there were extra camera filters in place. For a moment I thought it was a bit of technical wizardry and PK was superimposed next to her (perhaps because they had filmed at different times), but then she passed him a mint that he began to munch on. Weird.
  16. Uhh...yeah. These are strange times indeed. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/anne-burrell-comes-out-gay-food-network-_n_1545594
  17. I did not miss the bitches of Beverly Hills one bit. The return of these screeching shrews made me realize there's not a single one of the bunch I really like anymore. I'm not even hate watching anymore--it's just a bad habit at this point.
  18. Yes, very. None as weird as Vishal's though. I was wondering why Vishal's hair is styled so badly in certain scenes but after tonight's episode I am convinced he wears a hair piece and that is the reason. The toupe is especially noticeable when he sits down to talk to Richa at Amrit's launch party at RED and at the temple.
  19. What exactly do you mean by non-Indian features? India is not just a country, it's a vast subcontinent of over one billion people. Phenotypes run the gamut from north to south. Both my parents are Indian and are much fairer in complexion than anyone featured on this series. My mother has green eyes. Her sister has light green eyes. Blue eyes also run in our family. None of this cast would be considered fair by Indian standards. Here are some examples of light skinned Indians: Neil Nitin Mukesh Shiney Ahuja Karisma Kapoor Tamannaah Bhatia
  20. MJ made a very cogent point to Reza in Hawaii which I nearly overlooked; if she wanted to retaliate against Reza, she would have done it after the season 2 reunion when he aired her dirty laundry and called her a pill-popping, wig-wearing, bank-robbing felon. MJ may have been talking about Reza and Adam's trouble-ridden marriage with Destiney and Ali prior to filming but in no way do I believe she conspired with them to bring him down while in the hospital in critical condition after childbirth. The fact that Reza is blind to this and compares his struggles with hers aggravates me to no end--especially when his weasel of a husband has been slowly admitting everything we know about the messages (and likely being with other men) to be true. On a completely unrelated note, the biggest takeaway for me was that Paulina is 29! WTF?! I thought she was much closer to Mike's age. Paulina needs to scrap whatever anti-aging beauty regimen she's doing because it ain't working!
  21. According to Tommy, this all relates to Reza filing for bankruptcy before the show started. Reza then allegedly put assets in Adam's name to avoid what I'm assuming would be seizure or liens and has been spending his money like there is no tomorrow for the same reason. Tommy's diatribe continues... https://imgur.com/a/K93f5f6
  22. I've always had a soft spot for GG, but I hate the way she's been a bitch to MJ this season, whether it's walking out as soon as she arrives or saying she no longer wants to be friends with her. Why does Reza get a pass from GG for a lifetime of shitty behavior (including gossiping, backstabbing and being the 'brains' behind digging Shalom's ex-wife) but MJ is held to a different standard? GG is likely envious of MJ for being nearly 15 years her senior and still beating her to the punch of having a baby. Unlike GG, MJ also has an enduring marriage and a home that she bought with her own money. I don't think MJ has ever had to rely on her parents to finance her lifestyle or pay the bills. If GG and MJ were to join forces, they could easily decimate Reza and force his wobbly crying fat ass off the show if they wanted. Reza can dish it, but he certainly can't take it. The first season when he gets a taste of his own medicine he's reduced to rubble.
  23. If you're saying what I think you're saying, then I agree. Vishal and Richa seem to have a very odd dynamic which is likely the result of a lavender relationship. Vishal seemed completely unfazed when his fiancé got on the back of a Harley and drove off with some random bikers she met just seconds ago at a gas station. Without fail, the producer's allude to Vishal having a sexual orientation that is distinctly not straight at least three times each episode either by highlighting his behavior, suspect things he has said in talking heads or flashing incriminating photos and videos from the past. This week we saw Vishal exude far more enthusiasm for hitting the gay clubs in Key West than even Amrit (who openly admitted to wanted to look around). We were also treated to Vishal's metaphor about sampling many different dicks, flashbacks of him wearing Richa's bra at a nightclub and a moment where he grabbed Amrit's ass when they were out of the sight of others.
  24. I just watched this episode last night but have already forgotten most of it because this show alternates between ennervating and boring me. Oh, Paulina. The only reason why you're getting a trip to Hawaii for your birthday is because Bravo has arranged and paid for the entire thing. And of course it won't be just you and Mike because the annual Bravo cast trip requires that the rest of the cast be there. Just shut up be thankful for the comped vacation. Nema's anguish over his past seems like a ploy for screen time for me. The story of how he and his sister were separated in childhood and forced to live on opposite sides of the country with different parents made for an interesting and memorable introduction. I suspect he tackled his feelings in his twenties, and is only drudging this letter (which was also likely crafted at his behest) to have his own storyline on the show. Reza and Adam can barely stand looking at one another. It's clear there is no love or intimacy in their marriage and they're only holding on for the sake of public image. I also think there may be some merit into the rumor that Reza has hidden assets under Adam's name and now Adam has gained an advantage in the power dynamic. Adam really disgusts me. The mess he's in is entirely his doing, but he never wants to talk to MJ and sets a hard rule that she is to never set foot in his house again? How exactly is Reza supposed to repair his fractured relationship with MJ? Part of me wonders if it is Reza who actually feels this way and just asked Adam to say those words on camera. If not, Reza is an asshole for being so two-faced and pretending like he actually wants to make up with MJ. GG & Destiney -- I can't be bothered
  25. I think Anisha's passive aggression at the dinner may have stemmed from the fact that she overheard Monica and Nehali discussing her as they were getting ready and she didn't like what she heard. Anisha is probably fed up about all this marriage and children discussion from the elders and aunties, but now that its infiltrated her friend group she's likely at her wits end. I'm in agreement. This producers of this show made a miscalculation when they decided to make it about the younger generation. I would have preferred a Real Housewives of Miami situation featuring the aunties and their various dramas, which of course would include the children. Chitra Aunty and Dharma Aunty are a hoot, and Lopa Aunty and Reshma P's feud has enough fire to fuel the series.
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