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Everything posted by Rahul

  1. RHONYC is my favorite non-competitive reality series but I'm just not enjoying it this year. I miss the wit and humor Bethenny infuses, but it definitely goes beyond that. Something is very off about the ladies' collective energy this year. Apparently Sonja measures time not by revolutions around the sun or lunar cycles but by how many bouts of diaherrea she's had. Dorinda seems to railroad over people and then play the victim when she gets called out on her bad behavior. She's done this more than once now and it's become a pattern.
  2. I live in New York and I've never heard of this Buca Di Beppo place before this show. Apparently there's one in NYC. Who knew? The irony is that the restaurant is the antithesis of BH glam--it's extremely dated, untrendy, kitschy and straight up hideous. Dorit associating herself with the chain only lowers her social cachet. However, I can understand the owner's desire to reach out to Dorit for the opportunity. Even though Dorit is one of the last people I would want designing anything because her 'fashun' sense is extra flamboyant and highly misguided, the exposure on this show in just a couple of weeks has brought a new level of recognition for the forlorn franchise. We can't stop talking about this restaurant with the funny name. He absolutely does! Tom is a squat old man. I know it's wrong, but I kind of laugh whenever I see Tom seated in his own home because I imagine him struggling to hoist himself up off the plush living room furniture which envelops him.
  3. That is an extremely cutting remark Kyle made. Erika was likely completely caught off guard and genuinely hurt, which is why she had no immediate response. However, I can imagine that someone as guarded as Erika really doesn't have any close friends that aren't part of her paid coterie, from what little we've seen of her life. It tracks. Nevertheless, if I were Erika I would have retorted, "With friends like you, who needs enemies!" Or alternatively I would made some snarky remark about the caliber of Kyle's close friends, considering her bff is the morally corrupt Faye Resnick.
  4. Kyle has revealed herself to be an outright bitch. Who says that to their "good friend," and no less as a guest in said friend's home? Regarding Kyle's indifference to Garcelle--I have a nagging suspicion Kyle is a low key racist.
  5. Rinna adds noting of value to this show. Can she be cut from the cast? She's even duplicating other HWs looks at this point, ffs (Erika wore the pink suit much better, because her curves filled out the blazer dress nicely.) Rinna's shtick of shrieking like a harpy and knee slapping at her own corny talking head jokes is tired and won't be missed. Kyle seems to have a newfound love for cursing on camera. How many times has she said the words "fucking" and "asshole?" New drinking game alert. The way Erika kept referring to the astrologer as "astrology guy" bugged me, especially since she claims to have known this man for over a decade and is also allegedly friends with him. She also trots Tom out like a prop to parade in front of her friends before sending him back off to another dusty corner of their house. Was it past his bedtime? Garcelle shaded Kyle for her hideous outfit, but I found Garcelle's pink fluffy jacket to be a personal affront to my eyeballs.
  6. Looks like they did away with the junior team and upper team divisions.
  7. LeAnne squeaked by much longer than she should have, perhaps in part due to her previous behind-the-scenes Top Chef employment. Did we get a glimpse of the dreaded phone call home? I can't remember but the fact that we saw a picture of her fiancé while she discussed her impending nuptials was a fairly good indicator that her time in the TC kitchen was up.
  8. The CW does not have the budget for a writing staff of 50 different writers for just one show, plus that would be highly impractical. Most writing rooms have 9-10 staff writers for a TV drama. I did a little reasearch and this season of Charmed had 16 different writers contribute: Liz Kruger Craig E. Shapiro Joey Falco Nicki Renna Jeffrey Lieber Natalia Fernandez Johanna Lee Jessica O'Toole Amy Rardin Blake Taylor Zoe Marshall Carolyn Townsend Aziza Aba Butain Christina Piña Tommy Cook Bianca Sams A number of these people seem to be freelancers, however, only contributing one-offs. IMHO Charmed needs to either rehire Carter Covington as the showrunner or fire Liz Kruger and Craig Shapiro, who are entirely responsible for making this season the mess it was.
  9. My head hurts. That was a very painful hour to get through. Dorinda needs an identity outside of Richard. Who is this woman, other than an irascible cantankerous wretch?
  10. Yep! And apparently Rinna didn't take any issue with her underage daughter drinking alcohol--in a very public space to boot. Perhaps Rinna felt that Amelia deserved it after all the hard work it took to launch the line, organize the event cut flowers and place them into a vessel. Actually, let's be honest. I doubt Rinna's daughters even did that.
  11. Beyond creating season long story arcs, I don't think editors should really give each cast member an edit per say. I'd hate to think any of the Housewives' snarky digs or telling antics were left on the cutting room floor because it didn't jibe with the narrative the editors were constructing. Karma is a bigger bitch than any of these ladies. She will come for them all! This is exactly what happened, and why Kyle is so angry at "fake bitches" Dorit and Lisa, though she cannot say as much on camera without breaking the fourth wall. They all schemed to push LVP out and there was either an implicit agreement that Kyle would reign supreme, or she simply imagined she was next in the line of succession for HBIC. I just knew shit would go sideways watching the coda last year, set at Kyle's outdoor dinner party. There was such a strange vibe in the air as Kyle tried to replicate one of LVP's famous garden parties without her, while this group of fake-as-fuck women surreptitiously bashed LVP. They sat around the table congratulating themselves for being so lovely now that the "toxic" element had been excised from their group, but couldn't even keep up the charade for a few months into the next season. In my estimation, Kyle is unravelling because none of the ladies are treating her with the deference LVP used to get, and unlike LVP she is out of her depth in dealing with them. The true Kyle is vile; profane, petty, shallow, self-centered, materialistic and jealous. You can judge someone by the company they keep and Kyle's best friend is the morally corrupt (still makes me snicker) Faye Resnick.
  12. Teddi should have stayed true to herself. She looked ridiculous when she hired a stylist and tried to emulate the BH aesthetic. Meanwhile, Dorit always looks ridiculous. Rinna's hellspawn no nothing of fashion. All I remember of these two was them riding around Oregon many years ago and proclaiming the townsfolk "chub-chubs." What was the purpose of that event anyway? It looked more like an advertisement for fresh cut roses than it did a fashion line launch. There were no products on display or industry insiders present. The whole think was likely a farce concocted in one to two weeks for Lisa to save face about her daughter flunking out of school.
  13. Sutton isn't emotionally stable enough to hang with this group of bitches. She is clearly barely holding it all together. Dorit's Manchurian style queue long braid looked horrible and wasn't very sanitary, dragging on the floor. She thinks she comes serving fresh lewks each week but in reality she just looks like a fool--to me, at least. Glad Kyle is finally getting the villain edit she deserves. I am LIVING for it. Kyle managed to scrape by relatively unscathed as LVP's bestie for so long, but without LVP her true colors are on display more often than not. I'm glad Denise told Kyle off for her shitty behavior. Kyle is the fakest bitch of them all. Her jealousy of the others is so transparent and she is unable to truly engage in a conversation without either making an accusation and refusing to follow up, or running away in tears when things get to real (or alternatively, for no reason at all).
  14. I didn't know who all these so-called "celebrities" were, but I was actually entertained for the duration of the episode...and it even ran half an hour longer than usual. I usually detest the celebrity editions, and this is probably the most I've ever not minded one. Am I alone?
  15. It really bugged me that as a Top Chef competitor on an all stars season, Kevin's understanding of curry is no better than the average American. Ask any Indian and they will tell you--curry powder does not a curry make! He really shouldn't be perpetuating that misinformation. Between his misguided notion of serving family style "plantation food" with so many superfluous "fixins" (ie. red pepper relish, pickles, etc.), stylistic disconnect from the concept he had pitched both in aesthetic and in the appetizer course, and meltdown over the flatware, I'm glad Kevin was sent packing.
  16. Looks like she didn't make the cut for full time HoWife. There's Lu, playing Snatchguard to Sonja again! (albeit unwittingly)
  17. Whew chile...that look on Lu's face when she snatched the drink from Ramona... and the subsequent head bob as she was having her "first" sip of alcohol in months! Yup, downing alcohol is Lu's happy place. Maybe even more so than shtupping younger men.
  18. I have no dog in this fight. I detest Dorit, but I also cannot stand Kyle. Let those two tear each other down and look like fools while doing it. I'm all for it!
  19. This interview convinced me the creator and executive producers are completely out of touch and tone deaf about the many flaws and missteps in their show. Are they kidding? This show crossed the line from dark comedy into unadulterated crime drama this season when Lucy was murdered in cold blood at Rio's behest. I haven't really enjoyed it much since--especially since much of the absurdist humor that was a hallmark of the show in season one is now gone.
  20. I thought Tommy owned a dog walking business, but I could be mistaking him for one of MJ's past boyfriends--Charlie was it? Speaking of blasts from the past, did anyone else notice Sammy from season one at MJ's Sip & See? He was sporting a full greyish white beard.
  21. My blood nearly boils when I see Adam's self-righteous mug on my screen. He has perverted the truth, lied and taken no accountability for his actions regarding his sexually inappropriate texts and actions. MJ is not the reason for all this--his sexual deviance and the subsequent coverup is. Adam's insistence on retaining the restraining order against Tommy is a maneuver to assert power in the relationship after being shat on for years; it has nothing to do with feeling safe. (After all, GG assaulted Adam and left scratches on his neck a few seasons ago in her attempt to attack Reza but there was no paperwork filed). To me, this indicates that Adam has control of Reza's assets because Reza usually doesn't cower or show anyone deference--especially not his husband. Moreover, Adam is using the restraining order to distance Reza from the person who divulged his dirty little secrets. MJ and Adam have never liked each other from the start, and now Adam finally has leverage over Reza and a means to freeze MJ and Tommy from filming with them. Adam has created divisive rifts within the group which threatens the very existence of this show. GG's sour attitude towards MJ is likely a mixture of baby envy and misguided loyalty towards Adam. If Reza and Adam can effectively convince the others not to film with MJ, she will effectively be iced off the show. Nema walking away from his half-sister's celebratory graduation dinner only to brood at the restaurant balcony felt like a very forced and scripted moment. The birth of a first child is a very big deal--especially at MJ's age, and considering the arduous road and significant toll it took. Thus, it's a big slap in the face when your alleged nearest and dearest who never visited you once in the hospital refuse to come to see your baby. That tells me everything I need to know about the depth and authenticity of these so-called friendships. Mike, GG and Reza behaved like passive-aggressive, petulant children by skipping MJ's Sip & See. I would have been extremely hurt if I was in MJ's shoes. Mike's beef with MJ should have been laid to rest in Hawaii. He has historically been one of MJ's biggest supporters, but either his ego is more fragile than I had realized, or Paulina is a meddlesome shit-stirrer. It looked like a grand and lovely event, especially juxtaposed to Sara's relatively low-rent Independence Day party. I was only to watch a few minutes of the WWHL interview with Reza and Adam before I had to turn it off because I couldn't look at Adam's smug, lying face for another second. Those two looked like James Bond villains, stroking their kitty on camera and spouting lies. If Reza and Adam think the audience can't see behind their transparent tactics, they are sorely mistaken. If this show does in fact return for another season, I hope Reza and Adam are fired and that Bravo cites the restraining order as the reason for termination. That would be karmic justice.
  22. The entitlement of some of these women (and I use that term lightly) is infuriating. Haha. What gave it away? Was it the sad tray of cold cuts, discount floral arrangements amounting to no more than $35 in total, lack of professional lighting/sound/set design, or the merchandise that was already available for sale produced by other brands? Honestly, in what universe did Mrs. Morgan think her 'showing' would pass for a NYFW sanctioned event? Her event may have been contemporaneous to the NYFW shows and on the island of Manhattan, but that's about where the similarities ended.
  23. Vishal's hairpiece really annoys me, but I can't stop staring. He looks like he's sporting a dead skunk atop his head. Who does he think he's fooling at this point? The color and texture so different from his own short grey hair at the sideburns and in the back. Vishal never disappoints with the tongue-in-cheek allusions. This week he jumps into Amrit's arms giggling and is carried over the threshold into his hotel suite like a new bride, all while discussing sex. He also mentioned how he was lucky enough to find a woman like Richa who is not only beautiful on the outside and inside but naive enough to marry him. I teared up when Anisha began to cry after her mom explained her urgency in wanting Anisha to have children. I really did feel all her pain and disappointment in that moment, and I just wanted to reach through my screen and give her a hug. Apparently Amrit is Sindhi like Vishal, Bali and Monica, making them the majority ethnicity amongst the principle cast. I was disappointed there were no epilogue title cards at the end of the episode with an update on each cast member, as is the norm for many Bravo shows. I wonder why they chose not to do this--especially since it has been over a year and a half since this show was filmed. I'm keeping my fingers crossed Family Karma survives for another season. More aunties please! I also wouldn't mind a spinoff featuring the aunties.
  24. I'm struggling to find one quality about Sutton I like. Did this bitch say she was polite?! Faye Resnick looks like a woman whose career in porn has spanned two decades too many.
  25. Kyle: My daughter asked "what is this dinner party for?" Me: To cement your place as Queen Bee, in LVP's absence
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