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Everything posted by Rahul

  1. His name is actually Bob, but of course he goes by Courtland because he's a douchebro. https://upload.democraticunderground.com/100210149017
  2. Agreed. I can visualize each woman's own producer pulling them aside before any group scenes and coaching them to bring more of the "crazy" because viewers lap it up. It seems every season they try and up the ante on the outrageous factor, but those unforgettable moments from previous seasons (ie. Clip!) were unscripted gems of hilarity that happened organically, perhaps with the help of some libations. The collective energy of this group is definitely off with Bethenny gone.
  3. Luann's fascinator appeared like it had a jaundiced fist on it, as if she was making some kind of surreptitious statement to the viewers. I thought to myself, "I didn't know the Countess got down like that!"
  4. This was funny because it was a genuine moment and reaction by an innocent bystander. Contrarily, this isn't humorous to me because it was a calculated move by Sonja for screen time. Much of this show has devolved into semi-deranged women competing with one another to say and do outrageous things in hopes it appears on television. Quite sad, really.
  5. I don't understand what all the hullabaloo over the Joe Schmo from Arkansas was. Was it just to spite Leah for having her sister at the dinner? I doubt that man has seen this much attention in his life. Ramona is postmenopausal; behaving like this was not a good look on her. The WASPs at the adjacent tables seemed to be flabbergasted by these women, and rightly so. I've never liked Luann's Cabaret producer Ben and I'm not sure why. Sure, he's smarmy, obsequious and literally parrots back everything she says but there's something more to it--perhaps because he's blowing more smoke up her ass and subjecting the world to more of her insufferable entertainment endeavors. Seeing Leah's parents was jarring, partly because after watching this show one tends to lose touch with the reality of what real, aging senior citizens who haven't been under the knife and countless cosmetic procedures look like. Leah's sister may be a bit odd but calling her a "demon" was beyond rude. Who the fuck are these women to judge, no matter how bad her bangs may be? Speaking of overstepping, why does Dorinda think it's her place to out Tinsley if she's trying to reconcile with Scott? I used to look forward to RHoNY every week but I've been hard pressed to derive even a modicum of entertainment from this bunch this season. These drunken antics are tired and stale.
  6. I never really understood the term mansplaining, but even if that is what Aaron did at Kyle's barbecue, he was extremely warranted to do so. Even though they were temporarily stopped in their tracks for a brief moment, these hags still wouldn't let up on their gaslighting gang up of Denise for "momshaming" them. Mrs. Girardi did her take on the jealous, aging Evil Queen look in Season 8. You and me both. I'm not a violent person by an means but I've had an increasing urge to drag these women by their hair extensions lately.
  7. Denise developed four hernias caring for her special needs child whom she adopted. We as an audience did not know about Denise's condition or chronic pain until she was forced to have a six-hour long operation. Denise also fostered Charlie Sheen's two other boys from his subsequent marriage when neither biological parent was fit to care for them due to drug and alcohol abuse. Compare that to Erika who left her young child on the opposite coast to pursue fame, glory and a loaded, much older husband. So in my estimation, Denise REALLY IS MOTHER OF THE YEAR!
  8. Momshaming? I seriously cannot with Kyle anymore, especially considering the state our country. The mental acrobatics that has to do to come up with the perceived slight that Denise choosing not to bring her daughters to this event after being chewed out about what she should and should not do in her own home at her own party is ridiculous. Aaron kept repeating the word ridiculous and the stunned look on the women's faces was priceless! Kyle retorted something about that's not how it's done. Why is that?Because she wants to milk every second of drama of this tired argument for more screen time? In much the same vein, didn't appreciate her micro-aggression towards Garcelle, telling her she needs to "learn the lingo" about what casual means in Beverly Hills. Kyle is not the Queen of BH. Garcelle and Denise were more appropriately dressed for an outdoor lunch than your other glammed up guests. Kyle needs to pick a lane and STFU. Also, Kyle saying Denise couldn't storm out of her barbecue was rich, considering Kyle did exactly that at Denise's outdoor party--only worse because she was crying and cursing out her castmates as she did it.
  9. My cable didn’t caption the text but that’s what I heard as well. Aaron seems like the type who might suffer from roid rage but I’m not reading too much into it, however. I am taking it as an isolated incident indicative of Aaron being somewhat sloshed and riled up over the dinner table kerfuffle, and not as a sign of abuse in Denise’s marriage. I beg to differ. I don’t think Rinna makes for good TV at all. Rinna is phony, shitstirring filth who cackles at her own pointless jokes, if you can even call them that. She shares little of her own true personal life while deflecting from her sham marriage and demanding others to “own it.” I am all for removing that crass shrew from this franchise, and she can take Kyle, Erika, Dorit and Teddi with her.
  10. Are these Hos really still talking about what went down weeks ago? I'm really glad Aaron was at Kyle's "barbecue" and attempted to shut down these shady women. Denise is more than capable of dealing with the ladies herself but he brought a no-nonsense masculine aggression that the mean girls couldn't stand, and anything that brings that group collective displeasure, I'm all for! I appreciated Garcelle speaking up for Denise as well. She had every right not to want her kids there after the way she was treated, especially knowing there would likely be another pointless fight. Teddi would just not let it rest. And Kyle, who's reaching now? Mom-shaming? WTF?! Is this bitch for real? Dorit and Erika think they're coming out of this argument smelling like roses shows me how out of touch they really are. Erika is so transparent. She said she didn't feel bad about her mothering to her only child that she abandoned to pursue her Hollywood dreams, but her gaze was firmly locked on the ground while she said it. The fact that her son wasn't at her wedding to Tom tells me all I need to know about that relationship.
  11. Leah may have abstained from alcohol for nine years because it does not mix well with antipsychotics used to treat hypomania as well as most antidepressants. If she's currently taking psychiatric medications the behavior we saw could be in part due to those unfavorable interactions between alcohol and medication.
  12. Dorinda and Leah take turns getting drunk to the point of oblivion. Leah's drunken behavior went above and beyond. I'm surprised none of the other women thought to use Leah's sister as a means to rein in her behavior, or even call upon production to intervene. This is a classic phrase used by both narcissists and alcoholics who are unwilling or not ready to acknowledge their underlying issues. Actually, Leah's bipolar diagnosis does not explain her behavior. BPD is highly misunderstood, in no small part due to misinformation disseminated in pop culture. As someone in the mental health arena, I don't want anyone to walk away from this episode thinking this behavior is typical or a reflection of someone with bipolar II disorder. Leah's behavior is likely the combination of alcoholism combined with a personality disorder. She appears to suffer from either borderline or histrionic personality disorder (or a combination of the two).
  13. I couldn't be friends with any of these women, with exception of perhaps Tinsley. Leah has not been a good substitute for Bethenny thus far. Her drunken histrionics are not amusing to watch, and she may be suffering from histrionic personality disorder. I felt awful for the driver tasked with driving the ladies to Newport, who was visibly frustrated--as long as all the staff who had to interact with these "women" this particular weekend.
  14. What struck me about this episode is how fake the women of Beverly Hills are. Everything about them is artificial, from the faces they've constructed to their superficial friendships. One evening they are hurling insults in a heated row and the very next morning they return to obsequious compliments on their sartorial and tonsorial choices, replete with double air kisses. That is the height of phoniness to me. As Garcelle pointed out, Kyle has no real interest in getting to know any of these women beyond the surface level. Hell, Kyle didn't even know about the people and things that mattered the most to her former best friend LVP. Kyle was utterly clueless about Nanny Kay despite LVP having mentioned how near and dear her grandmother was to her, and how she lived with her family in BH for five years before her demise.
  15. Erika has always looked ridiculous to me. At least now she's dressing more appropriately to match what she is on the inside--trash.
  16. What I wouldn't give to hear someone call Rinna out on her shit stirring antics or tell her to "blow up your lips some more" and "have a piece of bread and calm down a little." What is Erika saying on social media? There is no defense for behavior--especially when she has expected guests in her own home to act prim and proper on more than one occasion.
  17. I suspect the reason for Erika's vile remarks about Sami were two fold. First, Erika has typically been guarded around this group of women. She let her guard down and shared a story about her first (and only?) threesome, for which she was rebuked. Erika, though she claims to give no fucks, actually gives plenty of fucks. Thus, she lashed out at Denise and her daughter when she felt offended and insulted. Second, Erika exhibits hysterical, almost sociopathic behavior when she feels judged as a parent, probably because she still feels a great deal of guilt for abandoning her son to pursue her acting career in Hollywood and land herself a wealthy husband. In the past Erika has flown off the handle if someone mentions her parental practices or her son is referred to even tangentially. In this case, Denise being a good mother and enforcing boundaries around what is and is not appropriate around her children somehow set Erika off and she felt opprobrium. None of this is to say Erika's behavior is excusable. I hope she's being called out on social media for her tactlessness and insensitivity.
  18. When you're constantly having to "clear the air" with your "friends" because of lingering tensions and acerbic comments that were made, you should know that they aren't really your friends. Denise likely knows that these women aren't true friends but rather work acquaintances she must tolerate for a paycheck. Nevertheless, I felt very bad for her this episode. Not only did Erika make an astoundingly horrible and inappropriate comment simultaneously sexualizing and slut shaming Denise's 14 year old daughter but Rinna, who Denise actually did consider a friend, showed her true colors and made her squirm on camera for a silly Bravo producer bonus.
  19. This show should be billed as a comedy. That was an unintentional hour of hilarity. First, Saanvi goes completely Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs and unintentionally kills the Major, this alleged Big Bad who has been looming for one and half seasons. Then we have Olive somehow able to pinpoint Cal's almost exact coordinates with one coded word of text. A lightening blast cracks the top layer of frozen ice to reveal a frozen lake below, which conveniently engulfs the trio of kidnapping drug lords. The leader isn't able to hoist himself up to the surface but somehow has the energy and presence of mind to grab's Zeke's leg to pull him below? Not to mention Zeke can barely walk but was able to somehow jump into the freezing water and rescue Cal, only to be miraculously rewarded with his life for the selfless gesture. (As good looking as Matt Long is, this was a major copout. The character had run its course and should have remained dead). This BS is exactly why I usually avoid sci-fi based dramas.
  20. I looked up the actress who plays Jackson's non-bio mum and she played Septa Unella on Game of Thrones Kind of makes sense now!
  21. As a vegetarian who doesn't consume seafood, I haven't paid much attention to Japanese cuisine and was unfamiliar with the difference between Omakase with Kaiseki. I was convinced Stephanie was going to be eliminated when we got a glimpse into her personal life and the backstory about her deceased brother. I haven't done a tabulation but usually a call home is a good signifier it's the last we will be seeing of a chef. Stepahnie has quickly become a favorite of mine; she's the underdog not only because she doesn't have her own restaurant but because she's a private chef who's always doubting her own abilities. On top of that, she has a great, sarcastic sense of humor and has shown immense kindness when it counts (ie. dispatching her husband to help LeAnne when LeAnne's mother had to leave for health reasons). I was thrilled that Stephanie not only crushed the blind taste testing but got her very first elimination challenge win amongst this tight core of talented cheftestants. Her dessert looked and sounded absolutely delicious and I would have loved to try it, if only panna cotta didn't contain gelatin. I really hope Stephanie makes the cut to Italy. Did anyone notice how Padma quickly had to turn to Brian Voltaggio to let him know he was also a favorite? Padma has always had a soft spot and a bit of a flirtatious bias when it comes to the best looking male contestants each season. Wondering if anyone else picked up on this.
  22. Let's not forget Kyle's mother is Big Kathy and her sisters are Kim Richards and Kathy Hilton. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
  23. That's a fair assessment. Dorinda is as close to a textbook narcissist as you can get. Narcissists outwardly display a very high sense of self-esteem but are actually very insecure individuals. They do not handle any sort of criticism well and lash out at those who threaten their sense of self-worth, which is very fragile. Unfortunately I speak from personal experience being in a relationship with a narcissist for the latter half of last year.
  24. You're not alone. At least with BH there are antagonists like Kyle, Rinna and Dorit that I love to hate. Meanwhile on NYC Dorinda's vitriol and gaslighting has transformed the show into something that is both uncomfortable and unpleasant to watch.
  25. Because Dorinda is a raging narcissistic alcoholic and a very bitter woman at her core who isn't ready to acknowledge either of those things. I'm ashamed to say I used to really enjoy her antics and memorable one liners but she's gotten so nasty as of late there's almost nothing redeeming about her. Dorinda was never Richard's intellectual equal. If she was, she'd never be seeking counsel from a chiropractor dressed in an embroidered polo with his name who also doubles as an ineffective "life coach." Her romantic relationships are very transactional. Apparently she has a type--non-lookers who can aggrandize her wealth, status and privilege or benefit her materially (ie. access to unclaimed fancy dresses and illicit drugs).
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