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Everything posted by Rahul

  1. Lisa Rinna is a disgusting excuse for a human being. Is she really surprised Denise didn't personally reach out to her after all that she did? I wish Denise hadn't lied about it (ie. not getting Rinna's text) and had just straight up told her she had no desire to communicate with with her former friend because she had been an instigator and rotten scoundrel throughout this whole ordeal. How did Brandi score an invite to Dorit's housewarming when Dorit herself said she did not invite her? Production, that's how. We've seen production's unscrupulous shit-shirring on camera now and it is clear to me that the decision to paint Denise in such a bad light was because Shed Media/Evolution was absolutely livid with her for refusing to film and sending cease and desist orders on top of everything. This was a huge miscalculation and I'm glad it came back to bite them in the ass, with audiences by and large siding with Denise. Let us not forget Kyle and Teddi's hands are not clean either. They were the original provocateurs of this lurid, alleged Brandi-Denise scandal and quietly plodded along behind the scenes to ensure the topic came up at every turn. I'm just about done with this franchise. Where's the petition to have Rinna fired? I'll proudly be the first to sign. I would be happy to never see Kyle, Erika and Teddi on my screen again.
  2. Dorinda has brought so many laugh out loud moments over the years (ie. "Clip!" and "Not well, bitch" immediately come to mind). She was thoroughly entertaining until she let her alcoholism, bitterness and deep inner resentments get the best of her. Honestly, there is not one single housewife left in this franchise I am interested in seeing return. That really speaks to how much RHONY has devolved, as it used to be my favorite amongst them.
  3. That is definitely a look. Ashley reminds me a lot of Lisa Turtle from Saved By the Bell in those THs.
  4. Candiace's mother isn't a psychiatrist nor is she an air force physician. She's a LCSW: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/dorothy-d-watts-stockbridge-ga/121532
  5. Just catching up on Potomac and I cannot stand Candiace. She only detracts from the show and is ruining something that used to be quite entertaining with her bratty entitled persona, violent temper, unwillingness to let go. Bravo made a big mistake bringing her back--she doesn't deserve camera time. Also, her mother Dorothy is NOT a psychiatrist or physician. She is a licensed clinical social worker who charges $60/hour. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/dorothy-d-watts-stockbridge-ga/121532 I doubt Candiace's family is anywhere near as wealthy as she claims.
  6. So those fecal incontinence rumors about Ramona are actually true?! Its time for her to slap on some diapers and retire from this show for good.
  7. Kyle has always been cast in a favorable light (to the extent that she can be) by the producers of this show. Why is she being spared? Did she negotiate some kind of clause into her RH contract to protect her? Surely Bravo must know a large segment of the audience can see Kyle for the duplicitous, conniving woman she is. She is the orchestrator of both this and last year's malicious and never ending shenanigans. IMHO, they bet on the wrong horse and made a severe miscalculation trying to paint Denise as this year's villain. (Also, why must there be an annual villain? It's preposterous).
  8. Yesss to all of this, minus the puppygate thing. Dorit was awful for what she did, but many people are warming up to her this year because she's broken away from the rest of the coven and questioning Kyle's motives for bringing Brandi around to "speak her truth." I still don't like Dorit but can appreciate her being one of the few dissenting voices of reason, along with Garcelle. I'm not particularly looking forward to the reunion either, because production/editing has failed to contradict Kyle on her recent proclamation that Brandi is an unabashed truth-teller time and time again. Currently, it suits Kyle's aim for Brandi to be a paragon of truth and virtue, but Kyle has besmirched Brandi as a prevaricator of the highest order at every single reunion where she appeared to date. I don't have any faith that Bravo will air past footage or receipts of Kyle calling Brandi a lying liar who lies, both verbally and in writing but lest we forget: Kyle: Brandi Puts Out Lies, Hoping They Will Stick
  9. Production isn't even trying to cover up their mess. A mic'd up Brandi just happens to be "in the area" with a present in tow for the baby shower of a woman she just met a few weeks ago? And Kyle wants us to believe she had nothing to do with this? Chile, please.
  10. I think I'm done with this show. I'm not interested in seeing these vile witches plot and scheme to take yet another person down. First Teddi's friends were asked to leave her baby shower so these harridans could gossip and trash Denise further with salacious hearsay from that trashbox Brandi Glanville. Next week, Kyle lies once again and brings Brandi and her drug addled sister Kim somewhere they do not belong to do her dirty work. Why haven't the editors called out Kyle for proclaiming Brandi to be a liar on multiple occasions in past seasons? We've seen several clips posted here. She even wrote an entire blog entry about it. WTF is up with these producer shenanigans?https://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-5/blogs/kyle-richards/kyle-brandi-puts-out-lies-hoping The only glimmer of redemption for me was seeing Garcelle stand up to Lisa Rinna and call her out on her bullshit. I can also take some solace in knowing karma will come for them all.
  11. That Capri room is hideous. Like the souls of most of these women.
  12. It will. Karma is a bitch and she's coming for Rinna! I really wish Denise had the conviction to walk away from these women and not return after producer intervention. The coven (minus Garcelle) is a highly toxic bunch.
  13. In what world would you characterize the relationships between these women as "friendship?" If I didn't know better and was just tuning in for the first time, I would think this was a reality competition comprised of antagonistic teams trying to decimate and obliterate one another. Never in my life do I want a friend like these BH women.
  14. Lisa Rinna is phonier than her fake lips. Why can’t Denise see through her crocodile tears? That’s been Rinna’s modus operandi when she gets called out for being a piece of shit. I’m not a violent person but I had an overwhelming urge to give Rinna a swift kick to the face. Her behavior towards her “friend” Denise was the worst of the bunch. Totally unacceptable. Rinna is long overdue for a reckoning and I hope she gets it.
  15. A Discovery of Witches Season 2 Is Set to (Finally) Arrive in Early 2021
  16. Ramona is trash for casting aspersions on Leah's mental health. This is the 21st fucking century and mental illness shouldn't be stigmatized over any other somatic disorder. How has Sonja not been sued already for rebranding AliExpress goods and selling them second hand at Century 21?
  17. I agree that Kyle was fully aware of what Brandi's on camera reveal would be and was complicit in staging that entire scene. As to the reason for all the Denise backbiting by the coven, I believe it stems from jealousy, plain and simple. Firstly, Denise has achieved a level of professional success as an actress/model that none of the others have. While by no means an A-list star, Denise was arguably more of a household name than any of these other ladies as she's been a Bond girl and married to Charlie Sheen. Secondly, Aaron is much more conventionally attractive and fitter than the other husbands. I'm sure Erika and Dorit are particularly vexed in this department. Third, and most importantly, Denise negotiated a $4 million four-year contract on RHOBH. Not only would she be paid many times more per season than any of the other women but she also earned herself tenure upon signing before her first season, which was heretofore unheard of. IMHO, these harpies are doing their darn best to malign and defame Denise in an attempt to have her quit the show as they did to Lisa Vanderpump. They are seething with jealousy that Denise has been running in circles around them not only in her value to Bravo but in audience approval as well.
  18. I don't know what to believe anymore. I'm inclined to believe Denise because she has proven to be honest, open and also a standup samaritan. On the other hand, I feel Denise's reaction at the gang up dinner was concordant with being caught in a lie. Perhaps Denise was just blindsided about the nature of what was being revealed on camera since the coven seems to have an infernal pact about what is off limits on camera (ie. Mauricio's infidelity, Erika/Dorit's financial woes and multiple lawsuits, etc.) I could really use the aid of a body language expert right about now. In any case, I believe the truth is much closer to Denise's version of events--perhaps she and Brandi did engage in a drunken dalliance but I doubt it was more than some smooching.
  19. Never thought Sutton would be MVP of an episode, but she was with this single utterance to Kyle and Teddi: "Wait a minute, do you care more about what has been said about you or do you care more about what's being said about Denise?!" Amen, girl. A-men.
  20. Thanks Libertarianslut. It seems no new facts have to light recently, then. I find myself wondering about Tommy's conspicuous absence from this year's reunion as well. I could understand if he had been unable to film due to the restraining order Reza and Adam have not lifted against him, but with this year's socially distanced virtual reunion taking place in the cast members' respective homes that theory doesn't hold water. I suspect Reza and Adam went to Bravo and refused to film if Tommy took part because he would readily expose their house of cards. That being said, I was shocked and appalled to see MJ backtrack and exalt Reza in her life once more given the status of the extant restraining order against Tommy.
  21. I was extremely disappointed in the final few moments of this reunion special. I thought MJ had come to her senses and cut toxic Reza out of her life, but these people will do anything to make a Bravo buck. I suppose she has to feign contrition and a willingness to start afresh with Reza. If only Bravo had told these people the Shahs of Sunset would not be returning for another season, I think we would have seen a much more truthful reunion. This used to be one of my favorite Bravo series but now I find myself wishing that it perishes. None of these people are deserving of any more screen time. Please share any interesting revelations with the rest of the class. I didn't know there was an accompanying WWHL for the Shahs.
  22. This show has had such a long break between seasons, and there still hasn't been any announcement when season 2 will air. I doubt I will have any idea what is going on when it returns either.
  23. Dolores' baby voice is annoying. She's like an adult version of a clueless, bumbling cartoon character. I find Domaine's voice equally annoying--it's very phlegmy and guttural. I've only heard people speak like that when doing a ridiculous impression.
  24. I was pissed to learn Oxygen had been pitted against Geometrie Variable for the duels. Both of these groups are incredible and extremely unique in their own right--why would the producers want to eliminate either? Moreover, these two are among only a handful of groups not based in the USA or Canada. Isn't this show World of Dance? It hardly lives up to its name showcasing global dance talent. In any case, I was relieved Oxygen was picked for the redemption round and absolutely smashed it with that routine. It would have been a travesty to loose them when they are a top contender for the title. Count me amongst those who don't like the "judging" format this season now that they've axed any attempt to score routines on a rubric. I detest the faux producer-driven tension--it's so formulaic and dull. With the exception of the very last duel, the first two judges will pick a different act as the winner of the duel to try and build suspense and draw out the process, despite the fact every round thus far has had a clear winner and loser. Then the third judge breaks the tie and selects the "winner" when likely they were all unanimous in their decision.
  25. Mia, the blonde, buxom guest Brandi brought along was a man! Well, formerly a man...I am pretty sure he was the dude sporting the flat cap, five o'clock shadow and arm tattoo in the very last flashback scene featuring Brandi from this very same episode. Did anyone else catch that?
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