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Everything posted by Rahul

  1. This show consistently puts me to sleep. The pacing, the music, the plot. As much as I thought season one paled in comparison to the original and Chilling of Adventures of Sabrina which also debuted last year, it was miles better than the dreck the new showrunners are serving up. If any execs from the CW are reading this, please fire the current team and get someone else to sheer this ship in an entirely new direction!
  2. I was beginning to to think I was the only one who really disliked Julia. When I read the episode description, I had a feeling they would make her an old love interest of Kate's and I was dismayed to find I was correct about the clichéd writing. I didn't care for this episode as a whole. I've seen these same exact story lines on Arrow many times before; (1) someone else dons Oliver's costume to escape suspicions that Oliver is the Green Arrow and Oliver and his sister team up to open up a night club/bar that serves as a front for their underground vigilante operation. I also did not understand how Kate could explain being at the same place as Batwoman as she did not have the technology to track the radioactive emissions. Hoping the next episode is a vast improvement over this one. Batwoman is the only Arrowverse show I still watch.
  3. Not sure where you're getting your information from, but it hit the dreaded 0.1 in the demo last week: Charmed Eyes Series Low.
  4. Probably. The CW drastically slashed the season 2 budget after Charmed performed so dismally in the ratings last year.
  5. When was this line about the hold music uttered? I totally missed it.
  6. Any word on why this cycle was delayed in filming?
  7. Aside from the season two which felt very cinematic, I have not been enjoying this season at all. I feel the decision to reboot the series once more with a darker and more supernatural emphasis was a gross misstep. This show barely resembles the original Charmed, which the creator Constance M. Burge had always said to be about "three sisters who happen to be witches, not witches who happen to be sisters." The levity and family focus seems to be completely gone, only to be replaced by a cold, confusing mythology like those second rate fantasy shows you see on Syfy (eg. Lost Girl). Although witches are my favorite supernatural entity, I am quickly losing interest in this iteration of Charmed and have been contemplating canceling my season pass entirely.
  8. The house moving to a new location makes no sense. I get that it's "magick," but how is the plumbing, electrical and rest of the wiring connected to the rest of the Seattle grid? How do they have running water, electricity or telecom services without this plot being accounted for (let alone paid for)? These are the things that run through my head while watching this reboot.
  9. I was wondering why the music choices were so utterly atrocious this season, and came to the conclusion that it had to with severe budget cuts. Songs--especially popular ones--cost money to license for use. It seems SYTYCD dipped heavily into very old songs now in the public domain which are free from copyright and usage restrictions. I'm sure the choreographers were not too thrilled when they were given their limited catalog from which they could work.
  10. I fast forwarded through most of the repeat dances tonight and watched this two hour episode in record time, which tells me how little I actually enjoyed this season between the ridiculous catalog of auditions and mind boggling inclusion of Eddie, Madison and Anna over much stronger dancers like Nazz. I did rewatch all the Bailey/Mariah encores, though. Agree with the final outcome and ranking order and like many expressed above, if this show comes back for another season I would like it to be without all the superfluous sob stories and interviews. Academy week needs to be condensed to one two-hour episode including the top 20 results. Producer manipulation needs to end, pushing forward mediocre dancers for some inexplainable reason and making the judges give disingenuous comments fawning over clumsy dancers who repeated fumble (looking at you Madison). Are you listening, Nigel?
  11. Thank you. I will try watching it in the intended order then. Sometimes they make some changes to the script when they know the episodes will be switched around but it doesn't seem like this was the case here.
  12. I've never seen Whiskey Cavalier but have the entire series saved up on my DVR and intended to watch it soon. I've read that the episodes were aired out of sequence on ABC. From elsewhere on the interwebs, the production order of the episodes was 1 3 2 9 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 11 13 Episode 9 was originally supposed to be episode 4. The second and third episodes were also switched, as were the eleventh and twelfth episodes. *** Would you recommend I view the episodes as they aired on ABC or in the actual filming order? Not sure which to go with for the best viewing regarding continuity of a serialized show.
  13. I'm not at all invested in this show anymore, but my living room erupted with thunderous applause when the judges decided to send Eddie home. He was always canon fodder and I've been annoyed that we have been forced to endure his cringeworthy dancing for as long as we have. I noticed he did not do much dancing at all in his contemporary routine. There weren't any proper lifts per say--just assists where Sophie did most of the heavy lifting, so to speak. Even his tumbles were aided by that prop mattress. I see you, SYTYCD choreographers! Don't think you can sneak this over my head. Now if only Madison had faced the same outcome. Sophie and Anna are not strong enough contestants to be in the top ten either. On a positive note, Mariah absolutely smashed her Luther Brown hip-hop routine. I thought Bailey was good, but could not match Mariah's movement and his expressions didn't have the right attitude for the piece.
  14. So this episode went down entirely as predicted. Eddie failed his routine spectacularly, and the sack of potatoes (otherwise known as Madison) flubbed her routine as I knew she would. And yet the judges still managed to praise her? I cannot with the scripted obsequiousness this year. I was hoping Eddie and Madison would be paired together because at least that would make for a great laugh! Anna was likewise terrible in her ballroom number, not that she's that good of a hiphop dancer either and Sophie seemed to struggle as well. I'm still fuming about this year's selection. Clearly the producers take us for fools who cannot discern good from bad dancing and expect us to agree with the judges absurd comments. Full disclosure--I rewound Madison's clumsy leg faux pas several times and rewatched Eddie as he placed his hands on the floor and kicked his legs up like a donkey in an attempt to cartwheel two or three times in the routine. I think he may be the most talentless finalist this show has ever had.
  15. The judges flat out admitted Eddie was not one of the best dancers of the remaining guys, but made it through simply because of his storyline. This season is total hogwash!
  16. Cornell has the highest acceptance rate due to its size, but it ranks top in many disciplines including engineering, agricultural sciences, architecture, biological sciences and veterinary medicine.
  17. You're missing one; Cornell is also an Ivy league university.
  18. Such BS and producer manipulation. They picked some of the WEAKEST girls in the bunch. Madison–who dances like a sack of potatoes–over Nazz? It’s clear she’s been chosen for the novelty of having a baldie alopecia sufferer. Anna and Sophie were also not up to the task AT ALL. I cannot formulate any more thoughts because I am livid. I just want to delete this show off my DVR.
  19. Eddie a fan favorite? This is news to me. Seems like most people here cannot stomach him.
  20. Who is financing this little vanity project? In any case, it's far better than any track Luann has ever sung.
  21. Madison does in fact dance heavy, which is why she stands out (other than the obvious, of course). How can the same judges who recognize and praise Gino for his effortless movement and litheness also put Madison in the Top 20? They are diametric opposites. It boggles the mind.
  22. Erika did look like Mrs. Girardi indeed--the plump, poorly dressed middle aged wife of an octogenarian. All that cackling and shading of LVP at Kyle's oh-so-staged garden party was not a good look on any of them. I think I'm done with these vapid bitches. They bring nothing to the table aside from the occasional house and vacation porn.
  23. Hate to be crass here but Noel's mustache looks like he was the recipient of a Dirty Sanchez.
  24. Kinda sad that I know this, but I don't think the woman pictured above is Luann's mom. Her mom is the silver haired lady wearing the same tacky fake diamond costume necklace Sonja donned.
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