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Everything posted by Rahul

  1. Amrit and Vishal are both messy af. Amrit cannot help but insert himself into the drama when his bestie Vishal pulled Anisha aside at Friendsgiving to talk to her in private. Vishal lives for other people's drama. The way he watched the public argument fold with such relish while shoveling his dinner down and proclaim "I like it!" was gross to me. Also, Vishal continues to do himself no favors. This weeks gems included saying he's the daughter his mother never had (although Vishal has a sister) and revealing in Anisha's cell phone footage that he had his makeup done in the bridal suite for some wedding they attended. I see you, Bravo editors!
  2. No, the charges are still active. On WWHL (which I pride myself in not usually viewing), Reza told Andy Cohen he got a judge to issue the restraining order for three years against Tommy after footage from Bravo was used as evidence in the case. Moreover, it was revealed that Reza has never met Baby Shams even though he will be turning one next week. He has only seen some photos that were sent to him right after the birth. I think MJ is smart to have extricated Reza from her life. She has definitely turned a corner and is in protective mommy mode.
  3. The Hillbilly Ho of WeHo would have been the one from this group most at home at Nema's country hoedown, but I suspect he either couldn't feign cordiality with MJ or Reza told his ass to stay home. What a baller move, lowkey shading Reza. I loved that MJ got one good dig in and then spritzed herself with eau de parfum when she was in her car for added effect!
  4. Sam is so repulsive to me, possibly because some of his mannerisms remind me of an ex. I doubt his uncouth behavior was the result of drug use, though. I'm inclined to believe this was a premeditated plan in conjunction with his sister Sara to embarrass Destiney on screen. The only one who should be embarrassed for acting on national TV is his sorry ass. I need to never see him on my screen again. Do you hear that, Bravo? You can take Destiney along with him. I'm actually quite surprised MJ admitted her hands were not clean in all of this Adam/Ali/Destiney drama. I'm even more surprised she was able to keep her cool during her rendezvous with Reza. I would have probably raised my voice if I were her and harped on the fact he never once visited her in the hospital or even cared to meet her newborn. What does that say about the depth of their friendship? I totally called GG's "sharp pains" being the result of overindulging in mac and cheese and alcohol. If you're unwell enough that you require a wheelchair for transport, you have no business boozing like that. GG also lost me with her treatment of MJ. Reza was every but as guilty for that messy plot digging up Shalom's ex-wife. Why is she directing all her vitriol to MJ alone? Is it because she's the only other OG female in this crew?
  5. I found myself largely bored by this episode. The argument tattoos was much ado about nothing, which essentially is how I feel about the BH franchise. Is arguing about tattoos the best these broads can come up with? The only entertainment factor was seeing the various guest rooms and "lower level" of Ramona's Southampton home. Luanne is a total entitled narcissist complaining about having the whole lower level to herself. Who exactly does she think she's talking to in her talking heads--another elitist UES snob? In these trying times, the bourgeoisie have been quicker than ever to call the out of touch, privileged and wealthy for their gross behavior and petty complaints. Luann was given an entire floor with a private entrance for her indulge in her usual sexual escapades with random men without prying eyes. She needs to shut her trap if she wants to redeem herself this season. Her self awareness at dinner vis-a-vis the volcanic ash metaphor seemed artificial; Victoria or Noel probably explained her behavior to her in those terms and she just regurgitated them.
  6. I re-watched the Scary Island episodes from season 3 and its unsettling how much Sonja's personality has changed over the years. When Sonja first joined the show, she was elegant, put together, ostensibly intelligent, reasonably well spoken, empathetic and the voice of reason. Sonja was the first one to identify Kelly has a few screws loose and was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and as such took Kelly under her wing to protect her. In following seasons we've seen Sonja's mind in a shockingly parallel state of disarray to her dilapidated town house. How much of Sonja's eccentric, sloppy, slapstick-loving, sexaholic persona has been curated to secure screen time? Inquiring minds want to know. If she really has devolved into the mess she is today I would advise her to see a neurologist because something isn't right there.
  7. Don't know if you're aware, but that's not Dorit's original face. Somebody paid for that. This is what she looked like before all the facial work: Back on topic though--I miss that this show doesn't air on Wednesdays. I time shift most of my viewing by at least 24 hours but this is one show I would always watch right after it aired and my TiVo had tagged all the commercials for Skipmode.
  8. I've never understood hate watching a show...but I suppose that's exactly what I'm dong here. Nothing makes sense. Writers are making up things on the spot...if you die in your dreams, it's a desirable outcome...but not if all three die? Okay, then. I'd ask when and how Macy regained her telekinetic powers but I don't care. I had another new episode of this show to watch but I'm far too aggravated to sit through another hour of this drivel.
  9. I don't know where you're getting your info about why viewers have tuned out and in what respective quantities, but my guess would be the infuriating writing or the fact that this show doesn't always live up to the promise of being a dark comedy. Lucy's gratuitous murder definitely crossed a line for me--I briefly toyed with the idea of quitting this show myself. Regarding Rio's sex appeal--I've never understood those who tune in of a show simply so they could ogle an actor or just to "ship" a couple. If someone is seeking simple titillation, Harlequin or Mills & Boon romance novels would be a better choice.
  10. To me the fact that Rio has been kept around and alive throughout the entirety of the series is indicative of the writers' fan service. It is clear to the non-fangirl contingent of the audience that his character is only hindering plot progression. It is interesting to note that the writers took the time to develop Rio's character a bit deeper by showing us his paternal side and involvement in his son's life and super tidy almost OCD-ly organized loft in season two, only to revert to a two-dimensional portrayal again. From what I've read, the change in direction of the primary antagonist's character partially stems from tension between Christina Hendricks and Manny Montana The writers lack of imagination is a distinct and separate problem from the fan service they have (in part) been performing. The concept of suburban moms unwittingly being pulled into criminal enterprise is inherently rife with many possible and captivating stories to tell, but the people behind this show have been spinning their wheels and rehashing the same overarching stories from one season to the next. Rio being the big bad boss and the FBI catching to the ladies' criminal activity are prime examples. This show is in need of a new show runner with original thoughts--that is if it survives. Ratings for Good Girls are at an all time low, whereas numerous other shows have seen sizable upticks and benefitted from lockdowns nationwide.
  11. This made me laugh, because it's true! Mike's parents were giving me life with their deadpan stares when he was trying to get them to say something positive about Paulina being Persian and Jewish. They don't give a fuck anymore about Mike's flavor of the month. I must admit, I teared up a bit when everyone was gathered at GG's and she was describing what happened to her. My heart went out to her in that moment when she said she deserved this outcome because of her own karma. Golnessa has grown tremendously as a person; she takes accountability for her past actions and wanted the entire friend group to approach their problem solving strategies differently. No one is buying you as the victim, Reza. How dare you make this day all about you when you're supposed to be there to support GG after the ordeal she's been through. Quit your whimpering and phony sobbing. Your fat ass is just embarrassed that viewers now know your husband is every bit of the philandering man-ho you are. Reza is the problem with the group. He is toxic, vindictive, reactive, and does not have one genuine bone in his body. What more will it take for these people to come to that realization and drop him from their lives?
  12. Yep. This might be of interest to you: Why NBC's 'Good Girls' Recast Kathleen Rose Perkins I have enjoyed Retta's comedic genius for many years now. She is a master of comedic timing as well as facial expressions. Mae Whitman is also an excellent actress in her own right. She can do comedy quite well, but really excels in drama. Have you ever seen Mae Whitman cry? She will absolutely ravage your heart. (Mae Whitman Has Been The Best Crier In Hollywood For Nearly Two Decades). I can't tell you how many times I've ended up crying because of Mae's performance, especially in Parenthood. This is an astute observation. There have not been as many foils for the girls this year, so there has been an increasing shift to their banal domesticities. One thing I will say the writers have improved upon this year in comparison to past seasons is pacing. We are no longer racing through plots at breakneck speed, which is nice. Another really thoughtful analysis. Thank you for pointing this out. Even though I'm a (model) minority in the US, the inherent racism in the criminal narrative was not self-evident to me from the beginning as it should have been.
  13. I just marathoned season 3 over the past few days. The writers really should have killed off Rio because listening to the crazed Rio fangirls has put them in a rut with repeating stagnant story lines from last year. This show is at its best when it leans into the comedy. Killing off poor, sweet Lucy was so unpalatable I didn't want to watch anymore. It's as if the producers are purposely taking every conceivable wrong turn, but to what end I do not know. The character of Beth has always annoyed me. Christina Hendricks is a capable actress, but I find her portrayal a bit insipid and one note. I wish they had never recast Kathleen Rose Perkins; she was wonderful in episodes and I suspect would have inspired the writers and producers to infuse more much needed levity into the series. The writing has always been absurd and inane when it comes to the criminal plots. Did none of them think twice about removing the SIM card and immediately turning Lucy's phone off after it was left at the print shop? The police could have easily triangulated the signal and tracked down the phone, had they chosen to. Can someone also please explain their counterfeiting process the girls devised? From what I gather, they have to obtain legitimate single dollar bills to use as the actual paper to start the process?
  14. Glad this show is back because it's the best of the RH franchises, but it feels wrong not being on Wednesday and it is already lacking some luster/entertainment factor without Beth. These ladies came out of the gate putting 110% into their performances, and it should have been embarrassing for many of them but these self-proclaimed bad bitches won't even bat an eyelash. Ramona's performance of "I want a man to hold me" was cringeworthy, but her friends are so immune to her histrionics it was just business as usual in the bar while she wailed. That portly Indian guy didn't even look over at Ramona, haha. Dorinda was also rearing to go with Tinsley. Guess they're all vying to be the new Queen B, now that Bethenny is gone. I don't mind the new girl so far. I've never heard of her fashion line--does it have something to do with the show Married to the Mob? I do appreciate that she wasn't afraid to call Dorinda's behavior crazy to her face upon first meeting because, well, it was. Could do without her being profane and threatening to beat her own mother's ass around her 12 year old child, though. Sonja's new place looks like a shit hole when juxtaposed with Ramona's UES apartment. Wasn't she charging $23k to rent her townhouse not too long ago? Well clearly that lie was exposed. So does Tinsley leave halfway through this season to move to Chicago or what? I definitely need her around to low key shade Luann when she's being extra. Speaking of the Cuntess, she hasn't changed one bit. She walked into Dorinda's party with all the airs in world. I'm all for getting back up after a fall, but this bitch has no reason to be haughty any more.
  15. So Reza can muster empathy for his frenemy GG for her almost hysterectomy, but has no love or sympathy for MJ, his alleged best friend of 30+ years who actually had the procedure, was placed on a ventilator and nearly died after? Moreover GG has admitted to multiple abortions, the very thing Reza so brazenly slammed MJ for. How can he not see what a ginormous hypocrite he's being?
  16. Too soon! Too soon! One season a year is more than enough, Food Network!
  17. Hoo boy! Who's been writing the past few episodes of this show? It can be really great or really terrible. This episode was unfortunately firmly in the latter camp with all the cliches, including that cliffhanger for the sake of having one. Why? At least I got a very good belly laugh at that outfit for a two year old that Rome allegedly came home in, and the fact that a "newborn" was fed a pacifier within minutes of his birth. I didn't get the memo but apparently this show is now a comedy.
  18. I feel like you missed the entire point of this episode. This is probably my favorite Top Chef episode of all time.
  19. Vishal is dumber than a box of hair. Did he really say "#metoo" to convey he was feeling the same way? I'm sure his big shot Miami commercial real estate maven mother is mortified by some of the things that come out of his mouth.
  20. Absolutely. The only reason why Reza and Adam showed up in Arizona was to thwart the others from supporting MJ in the feud, which they were likely to do after hearing the story from both sides and seeing how unwarranted and disproportionate Reza's reaction was. Neither of them give a damn about Destiney or her event. The more I learn about Adam, the less respect I have for him. It wasn't enough to be sexually inappropriate and ho around Hollywood. Now he's going to lie about his misbehavior and beleaguered open marriage. The fact that Adam has been relatively silent about everything and has no defense other than "I didn't do it" is extremely telling. He and his husband are both so repulsive.
  21. So for anyone's who's interested in the backstory of the major drama: https://tasteofreality.com/exclusive-shahs-ali-ashouri-reza-mj/ I'm sick (non COVID-19) and self-isolating at home, with a little too much time on my hands so I'm recapping below:
  22. Vida's sight must be going. Did she really want Mike to take his shirt off? His body has gone to hell. Shervin on the other hand call still get it, though. I usually don't mind GG and absolutely feel for her losing her baby, but calling Vida a perfume spritzer for 20 years was shady. Wasn't Vida a makeup artist? That requires some talent and knowledge as opposed to just having opposable thumbs. Who is GG to comment on Vida's occupation when she hasn't had to work a day in her life. Reza shouldn't have been bobbing his bloated Borat head yes either, but he'd do anything to demean MJ these days. Speaking of makeup artists, Nema's prosthetics people were horrible! Those were some of the worst prosthetics I've seen. What an affront to Vida! (though she kind of deserves it for being such a wretch to MJ all these years) I'm sure that company is relieved didn't get any promo shout-outs because they'd be losing business left and right. Destiney's MMA event in Phoenix was embarrassing. Perhaps I'm wrong, but it looked as though those dancers flounced around for 30 seconds after walking on stage five minutes too early. The less I say about her fake ass, the better. I'm glad Nema, Mike and Shervin aren't drinking the kool-aid when it comes to Reza. He wouldn't be in this situation if he and his messy husband didn't try to bed any and all halfway decent looking men they came across. Adam can take two seats with his righteous indignation after being the catalyst for this whole ordeal. That man is not right in the head. Ali looked like the cat who swallowed the canary when Destiney walked into Vida's party in the midst of his throwing her under the bus. I still trust him more than I trust Destiney because he brought receipts! I'm bummed there will not be a reunion this year because I would have loved to have seen the lewd, solicitous texts the Hillbilly Whore of WeHo was sending all around town. I also would have liked to see the Shahs rally around MJ and call out Reza and Destiney for their appalling behavior. Most of all, I wanted to see Reza get his comeuppance for being a heinous, shit-stirring, schadenfreude loving individual.
  23. Anisha is hilarious with her takedown of the “besties with testes” Vishal and Amrit. “They’re just two mamas boys with small dick energy and a mediocre cross fit glo-up” has to be one of the best reads I’ve ever seen. Anisha calling Vishal the village idiot made me chuckle. She's not wrong! Her comebacks are epic and she's brings literal receipts! Love it. Bali is more than just a fabulous diva; she is a true friend to Anisha and has been working to mend the rift between Anisha and Vishal. I liked seeing the more maternal side of her. Monica is sweet and genuine, and deserves much better than perpetual playboy Brian. I've said it before and I'll say it again--his whole pursuit of her is because he has nothing else going for him, storyline wise. Even he noticed that Monica recoils whenever he tries to get close to her as I said in my previous post. Take a hint, man. Speaking of Brian, what is wrong with his hairline? It looks like he tried to dye his hair at home and ended up staining his forehead. Rookie mistake! I love all the ladies of this show. They all bring charisma, excitement or some kind of amusement factor to the table. Meanwhile, all of the guys are lacking. Some so much so like Shaan that he's been absent in 2/3 episodes that have aired so far. Nobody really mentions him, and nobody seems to miss him either! If they do another season of this show the guys need to be swapped out for some more interesting characters.
  24. Bali mentioned in her first appearance (episode 2) that she now works for the fresh cut flower company that her mother owns. I believe that's why she's able to stroll into work wearing athleisure and be so jocular with the other employees. Everyone I know in the NYC Indian community pronounces it Divali, though its spelled Diwali. The reason is twofold; (1) In Hindi and related Indo-European regional vernaculars, there is no equivalent for "w." The closest is the constant व, which is usually pronounced "vuh" but occasionally as "wuh." (2) दिवाली (Diwali) is an abridged form of Deepavali, which means a multitude of earthen lamps known as deep or diya in Sanskrit. (Bali got it wrong when she translated diya to candle. Bali, Vishal and Monica are Sindhi, and Diwali is known as Diyari in Sindhi). I can see why Anisha was annoyed by Amrit's implication. Everything about Vishal is bizarre and awkward--his face, his voice, hair styling--even the way he eats! None of these people should be arguing over him like he's some prize.
  25. There's no real logic to Reza's actions. He acted from a place of pure spite and malice. Reza was outraged because (1) MJ refused to film early in the season and held out for more pay than him and (2) exposed his husband's thirsty, deviant behavior hitting on men left and right. Reza's actions were ill-conceived vengeful retaliation, and nothing more. He will "cut a bitch," as he's said before. The silver lining is that his actions have come back to blow up in his face. No one is buying Reza's version of events that MJ was planning all of this from the ICU while recovering from emergency surgery after giving birth. I suspect the only thing uniting Reza and Adam now is their mutual hatred of MJ. They must really take the audience for fools,
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