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What Fresh Hell

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Posts posted by What Fresh Hell

  1. Wow! Just caught up with the last two episodes. Carol is so freaking awesome, just doing what needed to be done. She's been through this with Tyrese, that's probably why she was so dismissive of Morgan. I adore this character so very much. Really like that she finally showed emotion after all the killing, I felt it was needed to show the human part of her still in there somewhere.

    I hate that Morgan is like this and wish the writers could have thought of something other than just making him Tyrese 2.0. Why didn't they just keep Tyrese instead? I liked him! The whole idea that he's not going to kill anyone is just stupid in this situation. And letting those dirty murderers just run out of there like he was chasing off a group of feral cats?! Whatever, writers.

    I don't care if Spencer is incompetent, he's nice to look at.

    Wouldn't Carl look much better with a super short haircut? I bet he ate half of that casserole before everyone got back.

    • Love 4
  2. Haven't had a chance to read all of these pages yet but wanted to jump in quickly just to say it's so nice to watch the show and not be repulsed by anyone! I can say to myself, she shouldn't have said that or I disagree with something this one did but I'm still liking everyone. I'm thinking Heather and Bethenny will eventually work out this weirdness between them. I'm loving the communication between Lu and Ramona. I love Dorinda. I'm even enjoying Kristen. The only person who is borderline for me would be Sonja. What a difference between watching this and Beverly Hills where I got to the point that I couldn't even look at BG without feeling sickened.

    Just wanted to add how I love Ramona! Honestly have loved her through everything, even when I thought she was being an asshole. This season, I think she's really trying but sometimes just can't help herself and that's okay. I still like Heather, too, though I think she's struggling with this Bethenny thing and is frustrated because it's not going how she envisioned it would. But I think they'll work it out, nothing's been done or said that's irreversible.

    • Love 2
  3. I do hate the fact that I was actually tuning in to Dr. Phil because of my curiosity from watching the real housewives! I told my husband, as I went in to a different room to watch Dr. Phil that the real housewives has driven me to do something I wouldn't normally do...watch Dr. Phil! Damn you Kim! One more reason to be annoyed by you!

    I hate the fact that now I really want to know more about that satanic college professor.

    • Love 8
  4. Nothing about their roadtrip seemed genuine or fun to me.  Kenya and her constant braying, Claudia clearly getting annoyed by the end of the night....


    They seem like 2 hour friends, not spend an entire day together friends.

    Gotta agree with you there, that road trip was cringeworthy.

    • Love 2
  5. I'm sorry about how bad the storm was and the damage it caused! I'm from the north and was living in Kentucky when they had probably the first snowfall in about 50 years - this was in the 70's, and I know snow is more common there now, but still not an event that is well prepared for. There was about 1/4 of an inch and most people weren't going anywhere because there were no salt trucks and the only people who knew how to drive in it were us transplants.

    That's fascinating. I'm from Ohio and we get pretty snowy, I would have thought most of Kentucky would, too. Maybe the southern area?

    Just checked, Lexington's not that far south.

    • Love 1
  6. I'm one of those people, but I've only ever watched a couple of Seinfeld and Melrose Place episodes, so I have no idea if you're dissing me!  :-)



    ETA - I'm afraid the combination of Kim Richards and "Dr" Phil will be the last straw for my ageing old DVR and it will implode  ...

    I've never watched a full episode of Dr Phil, just enough to see he's a complete quack. But then I've never watched Seinfield or Melrose Place, either.

    Speaking of Hawaii and bikinis, here are some photos of them in Hawaii and the bottom two photos show Kim and Ken. Kim is wearing a bikini. She looks horrible:http://www.realitytea.com/2011/06/30/photos-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills-vacation-in-hawaii/

    Aw, I think she looks OK. I've seen much worse in a bikini!

    • Love 4
  7. Well Kenya didn't get arrested so I guess the law disagrees about bullhorns being the same as physical violence and I'm sure Porscha would have pressed charges if she could. I'm not saying Kenya was right in how she handled the situation (using a bullhorn) but Porsha physically assaulted (assault and battery or just one of those charges…I'm not up on my law). Regardless (and not the case here) I also don't think responding to physical violence with physical violence is the best option in many cases (better to deescalate the situation or walk away or restrain).

    Wait, did someone here say that the bullhorn was " the same" as physical violence? Just want to clear that up.

    Regardless, I stand by my opinion, Kenya got exactly what she wanted and is still milking it even a year later. Boo Hoo. She (and Cynthia, and Claudia) is like the BG of this franchise and the reason I stopped watching.

    • Love 4
  8. I don't why, but I get a kick out of Lisar every time she has a conversation with or about Kim and she refers to her as Kim Richards. It's strangely funny to me.

    Me too. I hope she never stops referring to Kim Richards as Kim Richards, unless Kim Richards is fired and then she won't have to refer to Kim Richards at all.

    • Love 11
  9. Well, this certainly hasn't been a good week for Kim


    Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Kim Richards is having the worst week ever!

    However, Birotte ruled, “Defendant Kim Richards shall remain a party to this litigation.”

    And Kim's like, "A party!"

    I bet they're all planning to fly to the second wedding (in Dubai, isit?) together, in a private plane. While fear of flying is a legitimate thing, and I do believe flying scares Kim, I wonder how the flight will turn out with her on it. Will she even make the flight? Will she be able to find her passport? I guess with a private flight there isn't a question of whether or not she'll be allowed to fly, but how will she be once she's on the plane? And how will it be for everyone else on the flight to be confined with her for however many hours? The thought of flying over with Kim would be enough to make me fly commercial.

    Maybe they need to take Rinna along so Kim can shush and berate her all the way there, she won't even notice how scared she is.

    • Love 7
  10. It's really not strange for Kim, though. It's her m.o. - to control the narrative, dictate everything that is said and done. I just read some teasers for the Dr. Phil interview, and it sounds like the same thing going on as with her meeting in the woods with LisaR. She went in with a game plan, and when Dr. Phil/LisaR went off-script, she bolted - out of the Beverly Wilshire, and into the woods, apparently.

    Maybe there was an outhouse in the woods.

    • Love 6
  11. And yeah, as mentioned several times above, Lu is NOT a nice woman -- at all.  Her nastiness is mostly indirect & can come out in quick flashes.  In any case, it can be very, very unpleasant.  


    Lu def has a score to settle with both Moaner & Sonja & she is getting an awful lot of digs in to both of them.  It's just so nasty.  Her comments on Mario were horrible.  She didn't need to go there.  It was pretty vile.  She was sticking the knife in Moaner hard, hard, hard.  Blech.  I say Lu is showing her true colors.  Remember that scene with Beth saying Lu was a snake?  B was dead on then & it still holds true.

    Agree! Though I enjoyed her last season, I won't forget how nasty she truly is. I think we'll be seeing more of that this season because she seems to think she has a justification.

    • Love 6
  12. I feel so very very sorry for her kids. I hope they don't receive Kim's wrath for " talking about what you don't want everyone to know". I'm sure I'm not the only one giving the side eye to this Dr and life coach.

    How much fun would it be if she threatened to out one of Dr. Phil's secrets? "I'll tell and you won't like it!"

    • Love 14
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