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Posts posted by zulualpha

  1. Its amazing how many talented queens they were able to cast for this season considering it’s #11. The looks have been original and beautiful and the personalities are intense. There seems to be potential for lots of good drama as the competition heats up.  And Brooklyn and Vanjie! Did not see that coming. Love it.

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  2. Here I am posting after everyone has moved on because I just finished the series and I’m pissed off!   I think a good case could be made for either James or Brendan winning based on the season of baking results and wins in the technicals and star baker. John was star baker once the least of anyone and messed up a lot. The judging this season was horrible, all over the place and very capricious. Like awarding Ray star baker based solely on his show stopper instead of all the challenges. Mary consistently gave high praise to Brendan which looking back probably lulled him into a false sense of security. Then when the rubber hit the road she threw him under the bus. Weak! She always knuckled under to Paul and probably the production crew as well. Fuck off, Mary! Glad you’re gone. That said I think they gave John a pity win because they thought it made a better story. At the end of the judging for the final bake the camera focused on John who was in a heap, head down, face red, shaking in his chair. Probably sobbing. So if you emotionally collapse at the end and have a compelling backstory you win? Not fair. Even John knew he didn’t deserve the win, he was stunned when they called his name. It should have been James or Brendan. 

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  3. 14 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

    Milania is majorly untalented in regards to singing. Some people manage to be very successful in the music business just by writing and producing. They should steer her to that.

    Jennifer is very lucky that Danielle is in this cast. Otherwise, Jennifer would easily be the worst person in the cast.

    I hear what you’re saying and it’s true Melania doesn’t seem to have much performance talent. However most kids don’t yet they give recitals, dance exhibitions, do plays etc. Teresa’s giving Melania a celebrity mom version of the painfully bad piano recital that family and friends just have to suffer thru. Melania needs some cheering up. She’s Joe’s mini me and it’s clear she misses him terribly poor kid.

    • Love 18
  4. Lisa doing VDPR definitely hasn’t helped her attitude around RHBH. She’s the boss on Rules and the executive producer so not very many cast members are going to take her on. To go from that level of respect to BH where she’s the queen and the easy way to get attention is to come for her gotta be annoying and exhausting. Combining that with her brother’s death and she’s probably wondering if the BH gig is worth her time. I hope she stays because no one on the show can take her place imo. Maybe Kyle back in the day but not now. Ever since Mauricio shot to high profile fame and fortune with the Agency Kyle’s slowly morphed into a stepford wife afraid to put a foot wrong and damage the brand. Bossy mean girl Kyle is being kept under wraps, she’s a shadow of her former self. 

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  5. I think Jenni is making up the Nicholas cage thing completely or she was offered an opportunity for a small role and decided she didn’t want it because of her kids or pregnancy or husband or location of the shoot or hours or some combo of those things. But mostly I believe if it had happened it would have been written into the show.

    I found it bizarre they both continued to eat lunch like nothing happened after he fired her. I would’ve choked. I wonder if she lost her Godmother gig as well.

    • Love 18
  6. 1 hour ago, Thumper said:

    Agree.  Not a fan of Kelly's, but I don't blame her for being upset with Vicki in this case.

    My 16 y/o walked into the room during that last scene with Vicki and Kelly, watched for a minute and said “the woman with the lips is right”. She meant Kelly and I agree. At the very least Vicki should have called Kelly and told her what was going down with her ex. Girl code. Then when she saw how upset Kelly was she could have been a little more sensitive and caring.

    Looks like a good season.

    • Love 16
  7. 9 hours ago, CaioF said:

    Kameron just had to shut down the comments section of her instagram page because of all the attack against her/her fans after last night. Lame, this people never learn.

    Ironic because Kameron’s look, basically the same for both twins very much called up Phi Phi’s Rupacalypse look for me. https://goo.gl/images/JjWZRY. The only thing that could really save this season for me would be if Kameron burst forth from her cocoon like a butterfly. Either that or bitch lip synched her way to the crown. A first.

    • Love 1
  8. It’s hard to tell but I do think Kameron and Eureka have a friend connection. An opposites attract kind of thing. Doubtful that both of them make it to the top three imo tho.

    They’re many queens this season that would be great to see return on All Stars. Sometimes that’s not the case but this season has queens that are great but maybe just need a bit more experience to really slay.

    • Love 3
  9. 4 hours ago, tpplay said:

    I've never posted here before, which is weird because I've watched Ru Paul since the first episode of the first season.  Huh.

    First, and I guess this is a wildly unpopular opinion, I ADORE Kameron.  I thought she totally out lip-synched Monet (and don't get me wrong - I cried when Monet was eliminated.)

    But I absolutely agree that Monet should not have been in the bottom to begin with.  Aquaria should have - and Kameron deserved to be, how much I love Kameron not withstanding.  I 

    And Monet did look stunningly beautiful.  But let's face it - you can't make a partner taller. So whatever M. Visage was talking about - !

    I'm happy for Kameron though.  I can't help it.  I LOVE her. 

    I love Kameron too even tho she seems to make bad choices at inopportune moments. Boy or queen Kameron is smoking hot! The face the body the voice the personality, she’s got something r special about her. I’ll always be grateful to Ross for sticking up for her in the judging, his support and her lip synch saved her. That said Kameron can’t afford any more mistakes. I think Asia and Aquaria are pretty safe in general, especially Aquaria who Ru seems to love. He called her the future of drag on his podcast. She’s fine but she’s not all that imo.

    • Love 3
  10. 11 hours ago, cyberfruit said:

    If TPTB are listening/reading, I'mma need y'all to dial it allllll the way back on these tears on Untucked. I'm a lowkey crybaby, and even I was cringing at the too long scenes with the teary queens.

    Have to disagree with you cyberfruit. After All Stars 3 which actually turned into Ru Paul’s best friend’s race, it’s nice to see queens that want to win. They’re bringing the drama this season and I am HERE FOR IT!!!

    Dusty Bottoms is intriguing. She's giving me a little Tammie Brown a little Milk and a lot of her own uniqueness. Plus she can take a critique from Michelle without coming unglued. Prediction: final three. Ru made some nice comments about Aquaria being the future of drag do she might make it too if she doesn’t fuck it up. Worried about Blair. 

    • Love 3
  11. 10 hours ago, TheLukeP said:

    To the person who referenced Willam talking about the season. I never saw what you referenced. But this was something. 


    I don’t know what Willam meant by “pulls the fuckin pag on them so hard” but it sounds like Willam is still bitter from his Drag Race experience where he left the show early and from what I can see has been blackballed to some extent. I guess Ben doesn’t care if the same thing happens to him. I do think he burned a bridge with Ru and he hurt the show and by association the other queens. It’ll be interesting to see if the ratings tank from here on out. IMO Ben should have seen it thru for the sake of everyone involved. You don’t make yourself the star then say bye! y’all can fuck right off! Ben will be fine in Seattle. I live here and have seen numerous Ben shows in bars and theaters and they are invariably sold out (and rightfully so, he never disappoints) but I do think he’s hurt himself from a professional standpoint with Ru, Drag Race and perhaps nationally in clubs. 

    • Love 1
  12. I read somewhere on the Internet today, Twitter probs, that Kyle doesn’t have that upper east side store location anymore. She had to move to a much smaller shared space with Shoebox. Same for her Hampton’s location. Retail is dog eat dog.

    Camille looked so happy for Mason. That was the best part of the show for me. I really don’t give a shit about Erika and her costumes. She doesn’t want to share any of her personal life and now that she’s designated herself the peacemaker, she can go. She’s a bore. Lisa Rinna’s meh. Which leaves Kyle, LVP, Teddi and  Dorit to bring it, hopefully next week.

    • Love 12
  13. On 2/15/2018 at 6:00 AM, tabloidlover said:

    I actually think Fredrick was sincere when he invited Elinor to lunch.   It was a natural instinct for him, and he seemed uncertain when Bethenny started with all the faces.   mmv

    He was. Because Fredrik is basically kind and he likes people two qualities that Bethany lacks. And he’s got nice manners another Bethany deficit. To rescind an invitation like that was cruel and hurtful, it showed on Elinor’s face. Fuck you Bethany and fuck you Fredrik for caving. They both could learn something from Josh Flagg who  always had a fabulous time with his grandmother.

    • Love 14
  14. 17 hours ago, stcroix said:

    LVP is my favorite 'character' on the show, too.  But there are times I don't like her, like tonight. She sees that Kyle is vulnerable to LVP liking her (Kyle needs her approval and friendship for whatever reason) and I think there are other forces at work regarding Kyle in LVP's head.  I don't know if she's jealous of Kyle or enjoys someone wanting HER to be their best friend over all others or what,but at times to me it seems like Lisa really enjoys seeing Kyle in discomfort.  A real friend would have been appreciative of Kyle being honest with her about what Dorit was saying and implying, instead Lisa seemed to turn on Kyle and act in a way that would irritate her.  And when she was holding Kyles head tightly to her chest!  That was beyond weird!  Lisas big hard eyed stare and tight smile as Kyles telling her she cant breath was very telling to me.  I grew up with someone who was mean and I've seen that face before! I do like Lisa's character and always love to see more on her, her home and pets, but I don't like to see this type of behavior.  It was classic Mean Girl putdown.  There's something about Kyle that she resents.  Such a shame, too, because they are such fun to watch together when they're kidding around and having fun...  JMO

    Nothing says love like cutting off your friend’s airway. Holy fuck that headlock Lisa put on Kyle was strange and inappropriate. It looked to me like Lisa was fed up with Kyle at that moment and wanted her to shut up so why not just cut to the chase and smother her? Love hate fine line.

    Kyle may have gone a little drama queen but let’s not forget who started this whole shitshow and that would be Dorit. Dorit purposely threw Kyle under the bus with Erika at the beach house, then yada yada yada they’re outside the club in NYC Dorit is opting to separate from the group and take a cab cuz she’s pissed at Kyle and Lisa opts to go with her, siding with her. Mistake. Slap in the face to Kyle and I don’t blame her at all for being upset.

    • Love 12
  15. On 2/14/2018 at 4:52 PM, Jel said:

    I like Camille, and I really like her on the show because she strikes me as someone who, about 1.5 inches in, is batshit fucking crazy. I don't know if that's true, but I am in to find out.

    Teddi is the new Kyle in terms of getting away with things -- she cancelled the events of the day? And no one said anything about that?  

    What are these cancelled events of the day of which you speak?  Beach volleyball, water polo, a wienie roast?  I think the events of the day would have been a blur of cats rolling around in the sand trying to kill each other hair extensions a flyin'.  The day was off to a bad start and it was going to be all down hill from there.

    • Love 7
  16. At least Chi Chi was put out of her misery. She just didn't want to be there for the show.  And her Mya (lol!) Angelou was pretty brainless.  She obviously didn't do any research on Maya at all, didn't know any of her work, her background or her relationship with Oprah so she couldn't make good jokes. 

    I keep waiting for Trixie to kick into gear.

    You know it's a bad show when Ru is the one throwing shade.  There was the Amish joke and then declaring the lypsych a draw, Ru seemed unimpressed.  Too bad cuz the Bitchelor episode was pretty great.  Hopefully they'll get back on track next week.

  17. I think Chi Chi has something left in the tank in spite of practically begging to be sent home. After Milk was announced as eliminated by Kennedy Chi Chi stood there and sobbed. Girl. Get it together ffs. 

    Kennedy and Ben both killed in the Bitchelor sketch. Talk about fully committing. I wish Chi Chi would do that, just go for it. She has nothing to lose at this point. Kennedy was funnier and better in the lip synch so her winning the 10k was the right outcome. Ben had said she wanted to show something different to the judges - not as much comedy? - but she didn’t really deliver. Kennedy was fantastic. Can’t wait for Snatch Game.

    Speaking of Pearl ?did anyone catch the Pearl reference in the epi? Never say Ru can’t take a joke! And then steal it and use it lol.

    • Love 1
  18. 5 hours ago, Jel said:

    Anyone know how successful Dorit's swimwear line was in the pre-PK years?

    Dorit said last night that she had been on the cusp of taking her line “to the next level” when PK swept her off her feet and they went off to make babies. So presumably she’s ready now to go all the way. Or fizzle out like most of the hws products do.

    My take on lategate was Dorit just didn’t give a shit what time her appointment with Teddi was. I think Teddi was so far down on Dorit’s list of priorities that she figured she’d get there when she got there. Teddi’s the newbie, she not as rich as the other women so Dorit blew her off. Teddi was right to be insulted, it was a bitch move.

    On WWHL when she was asked about her sisters I thought Kyle gave the same kind of rueful answer she did on RHoBH. It seems the sisters aren’t that close anymore. 

    • Love 14
  19. On 1/13/2018 at 10:36 AM, Kokapetl said:

    I’m not saying she deserved to be robbed, or that a crime hasn’t been committed, but the risk mitigation of security alarms and insurance also requires some basic precautions be taken. 

    Especially since there’s been an epidemic of burglaries of high profile celebrity homes in the LA area- Beverly Hills,  Bel Air, Brentwood etc. in the last couple of years. 

    Also Flloyd Merryweather, Demi Lovato, Drake and others. Not sure the reason for it, some say California has opened up their prisons and only incarcerates the most violent offenders, could be gangs, who knows.  I think people that are open about their travels on social media may also be more vulnerable. Might be worth it to hire security guards. 

    I’m shocked Kyle moved out of Beverly Hills! Wasn’t she born and raised there? Lived her whole life there? Also there’s the snob factor. Josh on Million Dollar Listing LA regularly trashes the idea of living anywhere in “the valley”. The way he says it you’d think it was a landfill or something which I’m sure it’s not.

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