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Everything posted by kalamac

  1. If you fast for long enough, eventually you get too weak to hold a knife or a gun....maybe that's their grand plan.
  2. Jurassic Park is a documentary about what happens when the beasts from the bible attack the sinful, and JB & Michelle will not have you telling their kids any different. Heathen.
  3. "Steve made a buddy on the bus! And they neeeeeever saw her again." This sounds like the lead in to a story about how Steve had a secret life as a serial killer. Which is a version of Beverly Hills 90210 that I would absolutely watch.
  4. I'm an end of November baby, and every year my Nana would give all 4 of us kids the exact same Christmas present (a box of colouring books, pencils and packets of Twisties) and tell me mine was my birthday present as well, even though there wasn't anything extra in it, and my siblings all got actual birthday presents in addition to the Christmas ones. My mother would always tell me it was the thought that counts, but when you're a little kid, you just think that clearly Nana loves the other kids more, or she wouldn't give them extra stuff.
  5. Maybe they're extensions? I work with a girl who gets eyelash extensions, so they're on all the time, and she just gets them redone every few weeks, at the same time that she gets her acrylic nails refilled.
  6. I had the beef entree and the chicken main. They were both very nice. And the wedding cake was both beautiful to look at, and delicious.
  7. The wedding was really nice. Here's a link to a picture of my place setting (minus the napkin the was half wrapped around the menu), if anyone would like to see it. https://instagram.com/p/9OBgUtltQc/
  8. Thank you! I'm sure it will be great.
  9. I'm in South Australia. The wedding is at 5pm, and it should be lovely. The sun will still be out, and it's supposed to be around 28C (82F).
  10. One of my closest friends is getting married today. In about 8 hours from now, in the outdoor function area of a golf club, she'll be walking down the aisle to Taylor Swift's Everything Has Changed. (She didn't want the traditional 'da dum du dum' wedding march.) After the ceremony, the reception is catered dinner in one of the function rooms, then the newlyweds are off to Tahiti for their honeymoon.
  11. Are you sure it's a sinkhole, and not a Hellmouth spontaneously opening, because of your clearly evil, non Duggarish views on everything...
  12. What happens to the poor virgins who turn out to be one of the many many women whose hymen naturally breaks/wears away as they're growing up just because they're active etc. Most of the time the "blood on the sheets" is from vaginal abrasions due to the new virgin bride not being properly aroused/lubricated not due to a broken hymen. Ick. At least JB & M didn't make the girls have invasive exams to prove themselves. That we know of. ETA: posted at the same time as Vaysh.
  13. Eh, I won't consider her a rebel until I hear news that she has boys in her shower.
  14. I was a big reader as a child, picking it up at 3 when mum was teaching my older brother, and as an introvert who preferred to be left alone, reading was the best thing ever to me. I started trying to raid my mother's bookshelf when I was 7, and had exhausted the other books in the house. At first she tried to stop me, but when she realised I was going to be sneaking her books as soon as she was out of the room no matter what punishments she threatened me with, we came up with a deal: I could read whatever I wanted (Including things like her Stephen King collection), on the condition that if there was anything in the books that I didn't understand, I would come to her and she would explain it to me. I still consider it one of the best things she ever did for me. And I still remember the first grown-up book I ever read from her bookshelf - Mary Higgins Clark's A Stranger Is Watching.
  15. Some of the family were out sledding and they steered Derrick directly at a cat, who had to quickly try to leap out of the way, while they all laughed like trying to hit an animal with a sled is funny and not horrifying.
  16. When I was a kid, things like Froot Loops and Cocoa Pops were only bought during school holidays. We didn't even get them on weekends during the school term. Now that I'm an adult, of course I eat whatever the hell I want for breakfast, regardless of the time of year. One thing I am happy about, as kids we were never forced to eat anything we didn't like. The rule for food at my house was if you were presented with something new, you couldn't just look at it and say you didn't like it, you had to try one bite, properly chewed and swallowed, and if you didn't like it after that, it would not be served to you again. We didn't have special meals made, just whichever bit we didn't like wouldn't go on the plate, and if we were still hungry after dinner, we could make ourselves a cheese sandwich. So I was never forced to stay at the table because I wouldn't eat peas, for example, they just weren't served to me.
  17. We do a jelly slice which is a crushed sweet biscuit base, lemony flavoured middle layer made with lemon juice, condensed milk and gelatin, and a red jelly top. It's pretty good, unless you're one of those people who don't liked mixed consistencies all in one bite. - my nephew won't eat jelly slice, or pavlova for that reason. http://www.taste.com.au/recipes/38237/jelly+slice
  18. I've never quite understood the jello salad thing, where you have various things suspended in jello. The first time I saw it on TV - in the episode of The Simpsons where everyone took one to the Mr. Burns work party, I thought it was something that had been made up for the cartoon.
  19. Where I'm from a pie and a pasty are considered two different things. Pasties are generally vegetarian, if they have meat in them as well as vegetables it's a Cornish Pasty. A meat pie is I think most comparable to a chicken pot pie, but generally with minced or chunked beef. (You can get a delicious Satay Chicken Pie from Vili's in South Australia.)
  20. If Paris isn't there I will not be impressed. I always loved her.
  21. You took the words out of my mouth. Thank you for saying it better than I may have.My grandmother was also a horrible cook. Vegetables were boiled until they were limp and lacking in colour, and meat was usually either undercooked or overcooked, because at some point in her life she'd been told you cooked a roast at 180C for an hour and a half, and we could never convince her that that was a guideline to be adjusted based on the size of the roast and how well the oven cooked. Urk. She also used to knit us jumpers for Christmas, then get mad that we wouldn't wear them, because none of us were putting on woolen jumpers in 40C heat.
  22. "We meant we couldn't come back until it was summer in Australia."
  23. When my sister's kids were little I had a tree in the corner of the lounge room that would stay up all year, and they'd decorate it for other holidays as well, and sometimes for non- holidays, just because they felt like it. Now I generally don't bother, I see enough decorations everywhere else.
  24. My 21-year-old niece is going to a Halloween party as Harley Quinn this year, and she's made her own costume. It looks amazing. If I were to dress up, I'd put on the hospital scrubs I wear as pjs sometimes. They're comfy and require no effort.
  25. Potatoes are the best. Now I'll share my mashed potato recipe - warning, I don't use low fat anything, and this recipe has no set amounts. Cheesy Garlic Mashed Potatoes: Potatoes, peeled, cut into pieces, boiled. Cream. Grated cheese - I use a variety of cheeses. Minced garlic - as much as you like. Fresh pepper. The key to these potatoes, is once you've drained the potatoes, put them back in the pot, and once you've started mashing in the other ingredients, put them back on the heat for a bit, until they are mashed all smooth. I serve them with my garlic meatloaf. I love garlic.
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