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Posts posted by Jaded

  1. 3 hours ago, Trini said:

    Apparently Fallon apologized to staff (don't know how much that helps *now*): https://deadline.com/2023/09/jimmy-fallon-apologizes-to-the-tonight-show-staff-after-bombshell-report-1235539929/

    If he worded it like the description in that article it wouldn't do much if anything to make me believe he meant it.

    The only thing I've liked about his tenure as the host of The Tonight Show is that he or someone BTS decided not to continue with the blacklisting of Joan Rivers. Jay Leno said that the reason he kept the ban in place was out of respect for Johnny Carson. After 26 years Joan was on Jimmy's first episode of The Tonight show which was about 7 months before she died. She was part of a bit of people coming on to put $100 bills on his desk over a supposed bet about him being the new host. She returned at a later time for an actual interview.

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  2. 10 minutes ago, cleo said:

    I think Fallon was pals with Horatio Sanz, and I always got the impression when the stuff with Sanz came out with the underage girl, that Fallon at best knew and did nothing. 

    From what I recall, it was ages ago I read about that. But I definitely thought Fallon's role in it was questionable.

    It got settled pretty quick after it was requested that Jimmy Fallon, Tracy Morgan, and Lorne Michaels be added to the lawsuit.

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  3. 6 hours ago, chessiegal said:

    I worked with a guy who was bipolar and all the talk therapy in the world wouldn't help. He had a chemical imbalance that could only be treated with drugs.

    Yep. Talk therapy can only do so much. There are times when meds are needed be it short term or longer. I take my MH meds because I know how much worse my depression will be without them. Even with coping skills it can be incredibly difficult. The added stigma around mental health medication compared to other meds people need to live their lives that's still around doesn't help matters either. It's especially true when it comes to people who think meds are an easy out and that the person must not have been trying hard enough to live without them.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Cementhead said:

    My only quibble is that the stylist should have folded Joy's sleeves under because they are too long for her but other than that, what a beautiful colour palette.  It's so pleasing to the eye and everybody's individual outfit is well-suited to their personal style. 

    She may have liked that they were covering her hands. 

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  5. On 8/28/2023 at 5:59 PM, Mabinogia said:


    I learned about furries watching CSI. 

    Me too. I mentioned that CSI episode in passing to someone who actually is a Furry once. They weren't happy with how furries were portrayed and said that it was a poor representation of what they're really like. I also learned about how there's some adult baby fetish thing that exists. This was one of my favorite CSI moments too. One I've never forgotten about.


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  6. I've never minded long hair on guys. At this point in life I could care less about tattoos especially if the person is kind, caring and understanding with a side of humor. Tall order I know. Most importantly someone who I'd feel safe being myself around.

    On 9/1/2023 at 8:23 AM, Scarlett45 said:

    Sometimes opposites attract.

    I apologize beforehand to everyone for this. I can't not think of this video when the opposites attract theory is mentioned..


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  7. 23 minutes ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

    I don't hate "Truly Madly Deeply" by Savage Garden.

    You're all laughing and/or scoffing at me, aren't you? Yeah, I figured...

    I've listened to a lot of their music recently and Darren Hayes solo stuff too.

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  8. I meant to share this before then forgot which is a thing for me. Since he lip sings in this I think I can share my unpopular opinion in regards to liking Pete Davidson. I find what happens near the end to be cute and funny where he goes up to Michael to take him by the wrist and what happens after that. 


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  9. On 8/30/2023 at 7:12 PM, Mittengirl said:

    I tried the Kraft frozen Mac & Cheese and I thought it was horribly salty.  I bought the 4 cheese flavor and never would have bought it if i had read the sodium level before I got it home.

    There used to be frozen Kraft Mac & Cheese "dinners" in the 90's that were so good. I'd overheat mine so it would get burnt on top a little. They came in the cardboard containers back then. This pic from Pinterest kind of proves they actually existed. Hard to find visual proof online.


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  10. On 8/25/2023 at 7:25 PM, BlueSkies said:

    That and he seems to have a good sense of humor about himself



    There's also this. I about died the first time I saw it on SNL. This is the uncensored version since the three guys including Andy go by The Lonely Island. The part near the middle where he pops up and says what he does about getting back to the good stuff in the pirate hat...😸


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  11. On 8/12/2023 at 5:30 PM, BlueSkies said:

    Some Michael Bolton jokes are funny but I think overall he’s gotten way way to much shade thrown his way in his life 

    My MB tolerance has gotten a lot higher after my Mom's liking him phase was over in the 90's and the car was a safe zone again...😸

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  12. I admit to letting out what could probably be a small squeal when it got to the part with the telephone.  I felt a little relief knowing that the original description  wasn't a hodgepodge of more than one of the videos I remember.

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  13. I was having trouble falling asleep and by some fluke I found the video I've remembered for so long. I don't know if it was the order I put the words in or what because the search brought up a question on answers.com about 90's videos underwater. It only had one reply and that reply happened to mention the music video I haven't forgotten about since I was 8 or 9. Even before clicking on the thumbnail I knew it was the right one. 

    Now it has a more personal meaning because of who I've lost since.  The only part I was wrong about was the who died. It was the guy and not the woman.


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