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Everything posted by sally-can-wait

  1. Yes. I remember we all gave it the side-eye at the beginning of the season.
  2. I wish Chrissy would remove her hand from Ben's knee.
  3. I can't stand Chrissy but she'd get my vote.
  4. "That's why she rode me". Ha. Wow, Ashley is really loving Chrissy. Did not see that coming.
  5. Ryan is really scrambling. It's getting desperate.
  6. I found this to be a bit of a mess. It felt like certain actors were acting in different movies. One scene was played for straight comedy while another was straight drama. It seems it was trying to hit that Coen Brothers sweet spot of perfectly weaving comedy, depravity and sadness but it missed the mark for me. I also have to disagree with the crowd because I did not feel the acting was as good as advertised. I know that Frances McDormand and Sam Rockwell will probably get Oscar nods but neither transcended the character for me and I have seen both much better. I have also sadly come to the realization that I don’t care for Lucas Hedges which sucks because he is popping up in more and more movies and he ruins every scene I see him in. I also have to mention how much I hated the relationship with the ex-husband. In the beginning of the movie it is established he has been both physically and verbally abusive to Frances McDormand’s character so much so that we actually get a scene with his hands around her neck and Lucas Hedges putting a knife to his throat to stop him and yet towards the end the ex is being played off for laughs and he is cowering towards her? No. It does not work like that. And his girlfriend was over-the-top stupid and unnecessary. There was one bright spot for me though and that was Peter Dinklage’s speech at the dinner. Best scene of the movie imo. Lastly, she just happened to have a fire extinguisher in her car? I saw this with a friend and we both mentioned how odd and random that was as we were leaving the theater.
  7. They didn't show JT at all...which I'm fine with because I don't like him. I didn't like Ashley at first but I'm warming to her now and would like to see if she, Desi and Devon could continue to work together. Especially if they say "deuces" to Joe.
  8. You're not alone. I think the consensus was this was GoT's worst season so far. The writing clearly faltered being this far removed from the books.
  9. Best awards show I have watched in a long while. Well done all around.
  10. At first I thought it was the c-word by the way the crowd reacted but no way right? And OPRAH!!
  11. Same. It looks way too soapy for my taste but happy for Sterling!
  12. Has FEUD won anything yet? I really wanted the actress who played Mamacita to win. She was fantastic.
  13. I also love that it is a reason for them to play Belinda Carlisle's "Heaven Is A Place On Earth". 80's music for the win.
  14. Me! The first couple of episodes are REALLY GOOD but then it falls flat at the end.
  15. I’m late to the party but I just have to say how happy I was for Ann Dowd’s win! Her speech was so cute “Hulu is lovely”. Ha! She was also equally amazing in the Cinemax show Quarry which I believe nobody watched but me.
  16. This takes me back! I had one of the "Run Katie Run" shirts and also one that said "A Few Good Meds" (which was of course a play on "A Few Good Men" and Tommy's dislike for medication). That freekatie.net site was great.
  17. The new War on Drugs album is FANTASTIC. I particularly love "Nothing To Find".
  18. I can't stand her. I also thought for a second she was going to blow off the handshake with Radwanska because the camera was on Aga and she had a WTF look on her face at the net like CoCo was not going to acknowledge her standing there waiting for her. Blah. I hope she meets Venus and gets her ass kicked.
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