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Everything posted by SuzWhat

  1. Sandoval correcting Raquel on the order of "woulda, shoulda,coulda" tells me everything I need to know about him.
  2. I must believe that Suki knows Kody is one batshit crazy asshole. Right?!? Favorite moments: 1 - when he goes in for the hug when walking on set and she cock blocks it. 2 - when he reaches across to her and says "baby, we can make it work" or whatever. She is like...biiitch get back to your side of the set.
  3. One thing I always find enjoyable is that TLC has not reshot the opening credits and Kody's "struggle hair" is on full display. How Meri, Robin and Kody can have any 'fans' is beyond me. They have no redeeming qualities.
  4. It was in the "next time on" preview and all that was included was him talking about going and officiating.
  5. And also "she's (Christine) is good at hiding it". Resentment much, Meri?
  6. Do we still think she is the “smart one”. I know we already know she only stayed in the RV for one summer. Wonder if she sold it? Took a loss? Made a profit?
  7. This show is based on the book by the same name by Thomas Perry. They show has deviated from the book already somewhat but I don't mind. The book is one of my all time favorites. Perry is a fantastic writer. I've read the book over and over and have listed to the audible version several times too. The main divergence so far is the main character as Dan Chase or his other names does not kill unless defending himself. But I find the show very entertaining.
  8. I think they are pull up bars for calisthenics. But that is a guess.
  9. Brianna: to prove I always respond when Louis calls, I won't answer your call. Make it make sense.
  10. The tea is piping hot, family. 😂🤣😂
  11. I didn’t either. She said something about a loft. Is it possible steps to the loft are in her bedroom? If her kids occasionally use the loft (maybe another way to access) Kody thought she wanted the door to provide privacy during sexy times? So he had to tell her, “naw dawg”. He is so awful.
  12. Robyn is stupid. She thinks “appreciate” only means “be thankful for”. She doesn’t understand the other meanings. She thinks Wyoming begins with a Y.
  13. The way I remember last season ending was Kody blindsiding Christine. He led her to believe that he was also going to advocate for moving back to Utah. Then when she said her piece, he sat there grinning like the buffoon he is as she got torn apart by Janelle and Robin. That is why she was devastated. He once again proved he is no steward of her feelings, wants or desires. Of course, I don't care to rewatch to make sure I am right in the way I remember it.
  14. I now fast forward through the whole show until I see Leah. Then I watch it to see her handle Amber. 5 minutes of show. Stick a fork in it.
  15. Thank you. I FF through her segments. Thank you. That makes sense. I could not envision a Kail scenario where it applied.
  16. I admit to really skimming through this episode. Can anyone tell me what the title means to the episode, please?
  17. Even though I’m pretty up to date on the catfish situation, something puzzles me. I can understand what Meri thought she was getting (hot millionaire who was in love with her). What did the catfisher get out of it? Is it a power thing? Since she is still maintaining that persona there must be something.
  18. Another example of how stupid Kody is - renting a goddam Uhaul to take that stuff to the dump when he has a pickup. He could make a few trips and save some money.
  19. Exactly! She’s also the one that said she’d be happy in an RV traveling around seeing her kids. She is delusional.
  20. Yes, he gives Janelle just enough so she can justify staying. She can say "he didn't mean to disrespect me, he told me he loved me and looked me in the eye.". Janelle on moving to Utah: "I'd be sitting in a sub division somewhere". As she sits in a sub division in Flag for 2+ years.
  21. I realize Kodouche and Janelle are not knocking boots constantly but that was very shitty and disrespectful of him to refer to their “raging romance” with such disdain. On camera. Needless to say, what he did to Ysabel and Christine was abusive. Narcissistic fuck.
  22. Christine saying “panties” made me sure I’m heterosexual. 🤢 🤮
  23. Kody: you don’t court me. Meri : <tries to flirt> Kody: 🤮
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