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Everything posted by khyber

  1. Looking forward to this being high quality.
  2. I was distracted by her shoes. In the old movies they never would have had black tap shoes with that dress.
  3. Yup, Mr. Khyber said, "I wish they'd get rid of the other crap and just show more dancing'" Also, I don't are about the judges reactions while someone is dancing. Don't cut away.
  4. Mr. Khyber said, "Why doesn't he just quit the church and become a policeman, since that's what he really likes to do"?
  5. khyber

    Tennis Thread

    I don't think the issue was when Venus entered the intersection. It was her changing lanes in the middle of the intersection and thus colliding with the other car. I think the issue will be, should the other car have avoided her move.
  6. khyber

    Tennis Thread

    Thanks dcalley, I'll check out some of them from the link.
  7. khyber

    Tennis Thread

    I'm looking for Podcast recommendations to listen to during Wimbledon.
  8. I wish there were no back-story pieces and just more dancing. Like perhaps more in depth in the choreography round.
  9. I'm glad to be back to adult performers. After one episode of the kids, I quit watching that. Don't know what Vanessa is adding yet other than youth. Liked the ballroom dancers and the russian twin looking girls. Hated the hair flipping HMV "jazz" girl. That wasn't jazz, it was just boring stuff we have seen over and over again. Cat is always a joy.
  10. Maybe if Elizabeth dies Phillip will go back to the Soviet Union and move in with Martha/
  11. khyber


    Getting geared up for the biggest day of racing in the year.
  12. My step-niece just donated a kidney to a stranger. Amazing, don't know many who would do that. Since the recipients father wasn't a match for his son and a stranger stepped in, the father has decided to donate a kidney to another stranger since my niece did this for him. Don't remember the name of the organization that handles all of this.
  13. Great episode. Didn't see the curve ball coming.
  14. Just watched this and the Perry/Celeste scenes just made me flash on O.J. and Nicole.
  15. Mr. Khyber said "maybe he's good in bed", to which I replied "you can always find some to f**k, she didn't need this guy".
  16. I immediately thought of Eddie Murphy and his Velvet Jones character. (oops, someone else saw this)
  17. You're yelling into the void. At least for the foreseeable future. I did feel sorry for all the mentally challenged people in the last episode. In the old days simple farm work or simple factory work would have been a way for them to contribute and sort of stand on their own.
  18. Mr. Khyber said the same thing, just go to a junk yard.
  19. I'm guessing that Kenny is probably a Jr. and is stuck with the childish name to distinguish himself from senior.
  20. The Khyber household was disappointed with this episode. Sherlock fighting like an action hero with a trained assassin? Disjointed script, over acting, etc. Hope it gets back on track.
  21. I don't care how much the old bat hates her DIL, she just ruined her relationship with her grandkids.
  22. Whenever some Jr, or the III gets arrested for some horrible crime, I always think how proud Sr. must be to have passed down the name. I just never got the whole naming your kid after yourself. I have a distant relative that hated being a Jr. because he was "little bobby" his whole life. So what does he do, he names his kid bobby but from day one they always called him by his initials so he wouldn't be "little bobby". Why not just give him his own name.
  23. Years ago my BIL's dentist finally told him she wouldn't see his family anymore unless they paid their bills. He was in high dungeon, how dare the dentist demand payment. Needless to say we have given money to the BIL's family over the past 18 years or so.
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