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Posts posted by Mmazeo

  1. Azah has to be one of the more annoying houseguests we've had in quite awhile. Poor kid was just stunned she wasn't handed the HOH because she wanted it this week. Tears because OMG he's going to send MY friend home isn't he?  And then the embarrassing attempt at a conversation with Kylan. Where did these millennials learn to act like this?  

    • Love 9
  2. Horribly boring episode. Horribly boring cast so far. When can we get to the blowups and screaming matches?  This is trash TV people c'mon.

    Derek F.  Not sure I've seen a bigger waste of space on BB since the cereal eating dude from a few seasons ago. 

    • LOL 2
  3. Just watched all 6 of these. What a great showcase for NYC. Old meets new and Sophie is great at getting some charm out of her dad. Food looks amazing too. So funny how they get gelato or ice cream every episode. Bobby is addicted. 

    Like to see more of this. 

    • Love 2
  4. On 5/14/2021 at 7:12 AM, NYCFree said:

    Let’s really be honest....intense straight white men have been fan favorites, popular amongst the other contestants and winners several times over the years. Harold Dieterle, Sam Talbot, both Voltaggio brothers, Fabio, Kevin Gillespie, Isaac Toups, to name just a few.

    Tom Colicchio, Eric Ripert, High Acheson, Anthony Bourdain (R.I.P) are intense, straight white male judges who are loved by the fans and world famous chefs.

    Intense straight white men have dominated the world of Michelin starred restaurants for decades.

    If an intense straight white man is not popular on this show it’s because he has some unlikeable characteristics OTHER than his race and sexual orientation.

    What an amazing excuse for no self reflection “I’m really fantastic, it’s just that I’m a straight white man and others are biased against me.” 

    We’re simply in different times right now than even 2 years prior. Gabriel had no unlikeable characteristic unless confidence counts as that?  Yet many on here and some sentiment from the other chefs was negative in tone towards him. 

    • Love 4
  5. Let’s be honest...an intense, straight, white man is probably not going to be popular amongst the fans and some of the other chefs. Unfortunate because he seemed like a good guy, real talented too. Did not deserve to go here. 

    • Love 6
  6. 1 hour ago, greyflannel said:

    I thought Cody was upset with Enzo because he was under the impression that the two of them would work together in the HOH comp to make sure that Christmas didn't win. After that, whoever wins, wins. Instead, Enzo went off on his own, leaving Cody to try and get Christmas out by himself and leaving open the possibility of Christmas not being boxed in and eliminated. Now, maybe Enzo's main goal wasn't getting Christmas out, but Cody didn't seem to be aware of that going in. I understand why he'd be upset.

    Pretty sure this is correct. People have an irrational hatred for Cody though it clouds their judgement. I never took his complaints to be about him not being handed the win. 

    • Love 1
  7. 10 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

    That’s a matter of opinion. There are pros and cons to their game play that I won’t go into because much of it isn’t covered in the broadcast episodes. But I believe the question was not who is a good game player, but who is an interesting player, and that is a much more difficult question to answer. The interesting players have left the building.

    Of all the players eliminated I think Janelle and Ian would’ve made things most interesting. The rest were not very good. 

    I guess good gameplay is interesting to me. Why I correlated the two. 

    • Love 1
  8. 30 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

    To some extent, "goofy" reality shows like BB are a microcosm of society at large, a sociological experiment about how people work together and compete.

    There's an alliance of the white players. Its segmented into 2 or 3 or 4 overlapping sub-alliances, but its the white players.  The players who are left out are a black woman, a black man, and a mixed race man. They are lied to, excluded from any real discussions, and told how to play if they want to stay in the game.

    The white players discuss which of the black players will be the next to go, or basically in which order should they evict the 3 remaining non-white players. The black players are not respected, they are sometimes fooled into thinking that white players are including them, but they're wrong.

    When 2 black players had to choose white players to be have-nots, the reaction was noticeably different than when white players chose other white players. There was vehemence, angry glares, yelling.

    But yeah, I am the one making it about race.

    Everything you wrote here has nothing to do with the color of anyone's skin other than you reducing these people to nothing more than the color of their skin and watching this show with nothing but race on YOUR mind. 

    • Love 3
  9. On 9/20/2020 at 10:55 PM, tinkerbell said:

    These people are a combination of  houseguests who are bad players, and those that are bad human beings.   I hate this season, I hate the White Alliance and how they are so oblivious.  

    Can you stop bringing race into a goofy reality show that means nothing?  None of this has anything to do with race. 

    • Love 3
  10. On 9/11/2020 at 12:43 AM, Iguana said:

    My take on the Christmas and Bay situation?   Everyone is eventually going to be on the block sooner or later.  It’s part of the game. HOH can put up whoever they want for whatever reasons. Also part of the game.  Hamsters should accept this and deal with this reality. 
    But nominees are entitled to be pissed off, or not, and have no obligation to make the HOH feel good about it. 
    Christmas, you don’t get to be mad about your nominees being mad about being nominated. You decided to put them up and one of them is going to get voted out because of your choice.  If they’re pissed at you, suck it up. That’s part of the game too. 

    and on a slightly less analytical note, these hamster all suck and this season is soooooooooooooo fucking dull. 

    True. But you’d think “all stars” would comprehend it a little more than newbs. Janelle and Kaysar took it like all stars. 

    • Love 1
  11. On 9/11/2020 at 2:55 PM, Genius said:


    You don't like that it's a race issue?  Welcome to the real world.  I'm sure Bay & Day don't like it either.  But make no mistake...they are NOT making it about race.  Accusing them of doing so is ignoring their efforts to not play into stereotypes while also recognizing that their behavior will always be judged differently than Christmas'.  And they are absolutely correct about that.

    Christmas is the asshole here. 


    Who is judging them different?  What do you mean?  Read how people, FANS, of this show are treating Christmas. So what exactly are you talking about?  She’s getting destroyed. 

  12. Am I alone here in thinking that was a horrible show for Davone?  First, you’re the tightest duo in the game and this was the smartest move from Christmas.  Do not embarrass yourself trying to deny it. Kaysar and Janelle knew the deal, understood it, and took it like all stars.  Has Davone ever done anything deserving to be on this season?  She’s never even got far has she?  I really don’t think she understands the game.

    And that whole over-dramatic nonsense in the yard. She’s one of how many BB players that were lucky enough to get a shot at all stars? She is not a victim. Nobody is going to make her out to be a monster if she fights back. Look at this board. Christmas is getting annihilated everywhere you look. She nuts in her own right but I did not blame her for being frustrated with the idiotic position Day was taking. I give Bay much more credit for understanding the move. I wish she stayed. I really don’t see any interesting game play coming from Davone. 

    • Love 4
  13. 3 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

    Did I say that? No. I don't believe Christmas wanting to nominate two black women together is in itself racist. There is history that black women are nominated together because of the assumption that they must be paired up - usually because the big alliances in New Big Brother shun them. However the way Christmas acted and the things Tyler said brought race into this. Christmas claimed that the black nominees were going to freak out when nominated and were going to stab her, shoot her, cut her, and shove a fork in her face. Would Christmas say that about Dani or Nicole Franzel? No. Because even if they were aggressive (and Dani can be), they don't have that same "ghetto" stereotype that Christmas was putting on Bayleigh and Da'Vonne. Tyler used Black Lives Matter as a reason for why he wanted to sacrifice his game for them to get further. No one made him say those things but he did so now he brought race into the discussion. Christmas opted not to let that happen - that's not racist. Christmas yelling at Da'Vonne that she's locking her bedroom door at night (the assumption being because she's afraid of Da'Vonne becoming physical) does have racist connotations. 

    It's nuanced. You can't just say that it is or isn't one thing completely. At the start, it had nothing to do with race. By now, race has been brought into it. 

    Ok, good post. I agree with all of this. 

    • Love 2
  14. 4 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

    I think we disagree on who has the wrong takes about race in the Big Brother house. 

    So is it your stance that under no circumstances should two black people ever be nominated the same week? Would there be any way for it to happen without race being a factor?  Genuinely curious. 

    • Love 1
  15. Were Bayleigh and Davonne under the impression they were not to be nominated?  Why is race being brought into this dumb game?

    Christmas had such an easy week. Nominate the strongest duo. Literally the exact same thing that happened the two weeks prior. You put yourselves out there as a duo that will never turn on each other, you’ve got to go. Seems so simple.  Nicole and Dani need to be next after these two. Listening to DaVonne it’s really like she has no idea whatsoever how this game works. 

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