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Everything posted by reggiejax

  1. I was in the mood for something cheap, trashy and gossip filled so I broke open the piggy bank and spent $11.99 to download Courtney's contribution to literature. It is exactly what you would expect it to be. Courtney attempts to set the record straight and hopefully shore up her image, but because she is who she is (someone very self-centered, who possesses neither a clue nor a filter) she ends up reinforcing every thing we believe about her. She attempts to explain her behavior away by saying that a) she has a sense of humor most don't get and b) as always seems to be the case with Bachelor villains, she does not make friends easily with women, being more of a "guy's girl". I certainly believe both of those explanations, though I would add that perhaps people don't get her humor because it isn't funny and is in fact very mean spirited. Ironically, despite the title of her book, she in fact did make a couple of friends during her time, most notably her "BFF" Casey Shteamer, but also Rachel Truehart and Jaclyn Schwartz. But otherwise, this book only confirms what we already knew: She and Ben had sex when they went skinny-dipping, pretty much all of the rest of the women hated her, with her biggest enemies being Emily and Kacie B., and Ben is a douchebag. All of this is surprising to absolutely no one. About the only thing "revealed" is that the Bachelor's casting process is a lot more intense than most would believe.
  2. Drop the last three words from that question, and the answer is: yes, off a bridge.
  3. Seriously, it was one guy who had too much to drink. Pretty much happens every season. Obviously dealing with someone in that state is no fun, but it hardly puts a damper on the whole process, and it is really lame of her to lump all the other guys, who could all handle their liquor (that night anyway), in with the pooh-butt. Hell, this guy's drunken meltdown was nothing compared to the girl from Juan Pablo's season who had the most epic drunken meltdown in Bachelor history, in my opinion. I don't remember if Andi was on that group date, but if she wasn't, she no doubt heard the grisly details. Point is, it happens. Speaking of being under the influence, what are they putting in these guys drinks to make them exaggerate Andi's appeal? Every time one of them waxes poetically about being in the same space as "the most desirable woman in the world" (or something similar), I ask myself if there is some other woman there we aren't being shown, because they can't possibly be talking about Andi.
  4. The guys just seemed like one giant long haired, bow tied, blob of douchocity Someone should tell that one guy who got booted that nobody likes a whiner. I get that we were getting a taste of Chris Bukowski to whet our appetite for Bachelor in Paradise. What else could it be but a surreptitious preview? No way in hell that Andi inspires that type of lust and/or devotion. I doubt the guy she ends up marrying (none of these bozos, to be sure) will be that smitten, let alone some narcissistic a-hole like Chris. Andi is pretty, pretty enough anyway, and her resume makes her seem a touch more capable than the average contestant, but she is also dull as hell. She makes the previous Queen of Boredom, Ashley Hebert, seem interesting. And Ashley is not interesting. Ashley was just lucky they cast a cinder block (JP) on her season. Otherwise she would have gone home empty handed.
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