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Everything posted by rustyspigot

  1. I was worried about George who might be in my top 5 favorite reality show contestants of all time. More short shorts please! That aside the bottom two did kind of suck (I'm so descriptive in my critique!) As a hater of clowns I would have said clowns in that questionnaire. There had to be a top 3 or something they had to list. The doll was kind of a cheat but, it was well done and not a monster so I was fine with it. I was not fine with Sasha's stupid hair at judging.
  2. And we had another example of Nancy talking about her kids negatively when she talked about her daughter's idea to remove the silk from the corn cob and Nancy failing at it. "Well I guess I know who is doing the corn next time" or whatever she belched out. Just how like she told her son he arranged the wood all wrong in her stove last season.
  3. Was Tyra pissed off about her wig situation this season that she unleashed bad wigs on EVERYBODY? Miss jay even got a busted Veronica Lake goes multicultural wig. I'm intrigued by Denzel's magical beard weave that disappears occasionally. Does it scurry off his face to feed when he isn't paying attention?
  4. Tyconic. Exceptionally Tyra-esque. Tyra's wigs this cycle are Tyconic.
  5. Ree: I could do this every week. Me: We know
  6. You weren't lying. That lady is not the best "food stylist".She probably doesn't have Ree's Hubble telescope photo lens either.
  7. I'm still trying to figure out Tyra's wig at judging. I can't stop laughing.I bow down to that shit.
  8. I thought she worked at a bank (bitch!). It's good she can multitask.
  9. So Nancy made all of Aunt Jean's "faverts". It was such a weird choice of having this wide shot of Nancy eventually making her way to the shrub lady.
  10. Uh, hahahahahaha!. This is what happens when you hate on the gays, Denzel. SO bad with the "beard weave". a bitch needs to pour beer in that beard weave. I laughed a lot this episode. And Tyra's hair didn't look completely terrible. Kari and Romeo got the piss blond hair! That seems right.
  11. L'Meese. L'Meese? Its too bad we didn't have a scene with Uniqua asking L'Meese that her name is what? And agreed with the 27 year olds, is that reality show contestant pool that thin these days?
  12. Is Beyonce's performance done yet? Kim Kardashian wore a throw rug.
  13. WASH YOUR FACE! That should have been the title of the episode. Tyra's weave seems to be going through mitosis. That's a lot of hair. Kelly didn't bother me that much and I basically agreed with what she had to say. Miss Jay was kind of subdued but I did like the imitation of that guys walk. It was nice of the one model to clarify Serbia Europe as opposed to Serbia Africa. Good to know.
  14. Finally the show is coming back! Hopefully, Bryan Boy fell down a well or something.
  15. I guess Sonja felt left out of the ghostwriter debate and had to reveal her homeless girl in Ireland ghost twitterer.
  16. It was actually completed (despite herself, no doubt) so "accomplishment"!
  17. DAMN. Luann has had it. OFFICIALLY. (per Detox from Rupaul's Drag Race) I love it. She might have to add an extra chapter to her manners book on shutting people down. Andy is once again a horrible host for these things. I have to agree with the guest on his talk show who I can't remember that said he needs a co host for these things.
  18. Sonja's speech was very Grampa Simpson. She tied an onion to her belt, which was the style at the time. Give me five bees for a quarter, they'd say!
  19. Since I knew about the leg I thought the X Rays were funnier. "Take the (giant) X Rays home with you, Heather!" Aviva does work well with props. And Luann's comment to Sonja about stealing Harry, "I would NEVER do that...... to you." Oh, Luann.
  20. That episode is why I like Days. Soft porn music Eve scenes, creepy Ciara, a God damn Marlena stand up act via video (with sparkly scarf (?) accessory) and Sami being full on Sami.I also like manipulative Sonny towards moron Will.
  21. Ramona: "There goes Dynasty". Ramona and Sonja are annoying as hell, but at least they provide a funny line every now and then (Kristen).
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