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Everything posted by Pi237

  1. Brandon was savage with that “is it?” Definitely. His Raphaelite cherub face was selling that look.
  2. Love Christian’s jacket. Rami’s looks like the ‘make a dress out of toilet paper’ game at a wedding shower
  3. I can’t believe Christian said he loved the green pants Brittany made either. They make the model look like he just popped out of a lamp to grant wishes.
  4. Brittany just tried to compliment her, asking how does that triple crown feel? And she acted all insulted, “? What? It’s not a triple crown.” Then snotted in voiceover ‘I’m not here to win challenges, I’m here to win it all” or something like that
  5. Geez Laurence was being sour. “It’s not a triple crown.”
  6. Seriously. You call me after 11, it better be an emergency cuz if you're just drunk and want to ramble, that's text time. Night time calls at my age are for accidents and deaths.
  7. She's the epitome of frenemy. Soon as she got that gun, I knew she'd squirt Shannon in the face. Love her acting like she was sorry, and then, if course, throwing it away so no one else could get her. She's the worst.
  8. I can see the worry over a lot of the cast not coming to your party since that means less camera time which is the panic of any Housewife. If the others won't hang with you, you risk getting cut.
  9. Shannon’s more worried about all of the women repeating what she tells them about John, than she is about the things John does that she talks about! Red flags all over the place on this relationship. She needs to sober up because I feel like she’s staying with him because he has drunken antics dirt on her. So, she’s using that to rationalize away John’s behavior. Sober & Single should be Shannon’s goal for a long while. Figure out who she really is, what she really wants, and get her confidence back separate from a man.
  10. Lol @ Emily starting to wipe her apology tear away, then, stopping as if realizing, 'no, this single tear streaming down my cheek is good TV-it stays!'
  11. I thought it was so strange that two men would confess, if they’re innocent. Then, they showed some of the interrogation techniques and wow. They really don’t care if the right men are caught, do they? Cuz I couldn’t live with myself if I helped convict an innocent person. Still, no matter how many hours it went on, or how leading the questions you’d like to think you’d still say, ‘wait! No, I didnt do it!’ If my years of watching Law & Order have taught me Anything, it’s to yell, “I want a Lawyer!” As soon as I got in any interrogation room. Those poor girls and their families. I can’t imagine. Makes you want to never leave your kids out of your sight.
  12. It is kind of refreshing to see women fighting to eat vs leaving spreads untouched or only ordering salmon.
  13. I don't take Brynn's 'flirting' seriously at all. So, although annoying, it wouldn't have angered me. However, she's Always crapping on everyone's events. Granted, there was a lot to complain about with no food and endless speeches, but her ragging on the venue wasn't warranted. Has she hosted anything yet? She has such high standards, can't wait to see what she'd deliver.
  14. There should be a minimum of two speeches at weddings let alone vow renewals. To have people going on and on about how great you are, how awesome your love is, its just self indulgent and extremely boring for everyone else. I really liked Erin at first, her style and her no nonsense attitude, but my admiration is falling fast. That dress was ill-fitting, made her look flat Chested yet hippy and she's Not hippy at all. In fact, she has zero body fat and stays that way by Never having food around, Ever. what came across as confidence before, now seems like she just thinks she's above everyone else. Still Love all her jewelry though (her regular jewlery, diamonds aren't my thing.). Surprised her husband is such a laid back Deadhead. Opposites attract, I guess. Jessel and the Tom Cruise school--is it no longer tacky to be So obvious a social climber?
  15. They never said what was wrong with her, I don’t think. Beyond dehydration. Which can be deadly, but you never know with her. She exaggerates so much.
  16. Ironically, this was the first episode where I found Elaine interesting. She didn't fold at all under Korto's criticism. I thought, ooh two strong opinionated women with egos, not backing down while the other judges looked a bit stunned, and I kind of loved them both for it, even if I didn't agree. Otherwise, she laps up those sob stories like butter and I hate that crap.
  17. Her mother & his father both living with them seemed odd to me. She won’t be working much at all, it seems. So, why does she need so much help? That would be awkward as hell for me, but they all seemed happy so different strokes..
  18. When they flashed back to Rami's dress from last week, you could see the wonky sewing and lines across the bodice. This week, his model had very little breast support and the one boob looked lower than the other. I'm sure he couldve nailed it with more time, but if they're judging what's in front of them-he didn't meet the challenge and the design was 'safe' in my opinion. definitely mixed messages there since Korto's fit the challenge's parameters and was more challenging technique-wise. They always play favorites (or more accurately, the producers do.) So, I never expect fair judging, but Korto shouldn't have gone home in this one, but I'm g!ad she did instead of Bishme. Not because I prefer his designs, because i loved Korto's jacket and her coat from last week. But she takes everything too seriously and comes off miserable which isn't good tv
  19. Korto had a point about mixed messages, but she went on and on about it in a way that just came off like sour grapes. it was interesting to see how comfortable the other designers were with her tho, joking around, and she even shared material with Brittany. So, maybe shes not as prickly as she sometimes came across. Don't get me wrong, her Debbie downer comments got annoying fast, and I was glad she was out, but I felt this episode she was Trying to talk herself out of breaking down. I imagine she had a good cry when she got home. As much of a charming, sweet guy Rami is, I'm finding his designs pretty boring. The idea of a hoodie dress is a good one. I was hoping Bishme would pull off something really cool, but somehow tripped himself up.
  20. Jessel talks down to everyone and when called out on it, turns it around on the other person “you’re saying I’m a bitch” “you’re saying I’m a princess” “[you] don’t support women like I do” “oh tata I’m just British!” It’s not ‘British’ humor to be a condescending snob Princess who can’t take the slightest bit of criticism, but can certainly dish it out. She’s so insecure, and is taking it out on everyone, especially her husband.
  21. Love her bedroom, especially the dark wall color. Also, love her green couch except no arm rests would drive me nuts. I don’t know why everyone seems to love the black and white floor tile, but it seems to be so popular. The Beverly Hills wives have it in their places as well. It never seems to match the surrounding furnishings to me.
  22. Erin can be a bit of a judgmental sour puss, but I love her style: her wardrobe, her jewelry, even her hair. I’d probably single white female the hell outta her if I had that body! This cast has gorgeous clothes, maybe boring to some, but much classier than the All-Boobs-All-The-Time look of most Housewives. “sequins on a plant” lol
  23. Seriously, there is nothing fun or interesting about her. She’s like a black hole of misery who’s leaking everywhere and too proud of it
  24. Yes, young Pip looked closer to 18 than the actor playing the current Pip. No offense to him, he just looks too old for this role. This is a bleak rendition. I haven’t actually ever read the book (pause for Gasps) Is this a faithful retelling? Also, not feeling any love or chemistry between Pip and Estella.
  25. She did have a good point about Playboy dropping them for doing porn, but then selling their pictures to porn sites for their own profit. it’s not my thing, but I agree- a woman’s body belongs to her and her only.
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