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Everything posted by Pi237

  1. No offense to anyone’s painful childhoods, but this isn’t what I watch trashy tv for.
  2. Erin & Sai both: “I never said that!” clip runs. “I’m sorry, ok? I said I’m sorry, but …(says same thing she’s apologizing for in a different way) Loving Brynn jumping in to hold their feet to the fire to defend Jessel. Sai Really didn’t like that even tho she & Erin keep jumping in to defend each other.
  3. The amount of spousal support Sutton gets is astronomical to us working class folks, but I agree that a woman’s contribution to the household is always very undervalued. On the average, the wife raises this kids (which entails 24/7 diligence) She manages the entire household. She does everything so that the husband only has to work his job. When he comes home, he’s done. Mom is Never off the clock. She can’t come and go from the home without working out all the logistics of everyone else’s needs (including the pets). If they divorce, she damn well deserves to be compensated for years of constant sacrifice. However, for the rich, its harder to empathize when you know they probably hired staff to do all the chores we plebes are saddled with. And if my you’re using that support to maintain your rich lifestyle, you’re not financially independent.
  4. Because losing weight & keeping it off is Hard as Hell. And denying you needed pharmaceutical or surgical help to succeed perpetuates the myth that it’s as easy as ‘get more sleep’ ‘drink more water’ ‘eat a cucumber when you want chips’ etc. As I said, no one owes me or anyone else their personal health history. I’m 100% for your body and what you do with it is your choice and no one else’s and no one is entitled to see your private medical records. Also, I don’t Ozempic shame. I’ve said many times, I’d take it if I could afford it. But for me, personally, I get frustrated when the myth of easy weight loss/management is pushed by people who used other means besides ‘eat less/move more’ Weight Is a medical issue. Not a moral one. But lying about what it takes to get success gives credence to the lie that all fat people are lazy and eat too many cookies. You’re right that they they’ll be judged either way tho.
  5. They don’t have to tell anyone they’re taking drugs, but I’ll always be annoyed by the ones who’d deny it. But I agree, it’s ultimately none of my business. Lovebean has definitely left the building this season. She’s feeling herself-good for her-but she seems angry at everyone else and barely tolerating them especially her husband.
  6. I’m not criticizing Erika’s weight. I also would never look down on anyone who used Ozempic. I’d get it if I could. I’m just sick of people lying about it. ‘Hormones, I drink a lot of water, I get lots of sleep, etc.’ A famous person being honest about weight loss would go along way toward de-stigmatizing those who need surgery or meds to make it happen. That ‘you weren’t a parent when I needed you to be’ comment would break my heart. But He’s young and has no clue right now. He’ll be apologizing for that when he gets older, especially if he has kids of his own.
  7. Its always funny how they constantly hire these 'healers' to help them connect and work through their feelings when they Never Stop talking about their feelings. I've never seen people talk about their hurt feelings more than these women. I know it's their job, but come on! More action less 'I need to confront you about my feelings AGAIN'
  8. Kyle's face is different again. She's getting that look where certain Expressions contort her face bizarrely. Ericka lmao Every Woman Knows Hormones make you fatter! Liar.
  9. It was a really awkward party. I agree, looked thrown together last minute and everyone going through the motions. Looked like it lasted 20 minutes, tops. And Whitney seemed very annoyed. please, No more new people! Stick with the original gang with Heather and Tal etc.
  10. Lenny's been looking better and better, and his talking heads are funny. He's becoming a standout which means he'll probably disappear next season.
  11. Seriously, if you’re old enough to have a receding hairline, you’re too old to be crying about your birthday party. “I can’t even eat the food! I’m taking my ball and going to McDonald’s!”
  12. Whitney looks pretty for her date, and their food looks even prettier.
  13. Erin & Sai Absolutely implied Pavit was cheating in Vietnam. It seemed like a nervous laugh at first. They were all waiting for someone to say, woah what!? Sai tried to pause her, give her a heads up that what she was saying wasn’t right. But then, that was it. Surprised Andy didn’t pursue that. Or maybe not surprised, it’s Andy.
  14. So tired of, “I’m ‘fill in nationality ’ we like to eat!” Everyone does. Stop it. Also, obligatory-if a man said he slapped every one he dated, we wouldn’t all be giggling.
  15. I’m not into this touchy feely section. Does anyone really believe Sai has trouble expressing her feelings? I loved Erin’s WTF? face when Sai said she uses humor to mask her true feelings.
  16. Ubah starts by saying I love all these girls. Thats Housewives talk for, “I’m going to throw you All under the bus!” a fight about cheese? Seriously
  17. The second wife, Rachel, was odd as well. She seemed to like the spotlight. Those recorded conversations were one big word salad. I thought how’d this shlub get two pretty women? But Rachel was weird to me.
  18. These interview questions are ridiculous. 5 minutes of the sketch artist basically describing what they do. he would say it needed more age. Wider eyes. interviewer-so he was being specific to make a sketch to help catch this person? what? Lmao and the interviews with loved ones felt so pandering. White eyed smile-what’s the first thing people would notice about her? So, she was loved? Whisper wide eyed smiles. Ew. If I’m ever murdered, please don’t let them talk me up like I’m some angel that fell from heaven. It’s gross.
  19. Way to go, Pavit! That was awesome. He might have helped those businesses get more traffic, too.
  20. First thing I thought of, waiting for the clips! Missed opportunity editors. The great granddaughter being obstinate about the doll house was hilarious. Anyone who raised a toddler knows that scene. I felt bad for Angie because I've been there. 'Oh, you're being shy!' Haha kids are gonna be kids sometimes! Whitney asking Lenny about her menstrual cycle. Ew.
  21. Me too, but I notice they scurried him out after he ate. lol @ ‘oh, you know the Greek kiss!’ It was just the kiss on each cheek thing, right? So unique lmao That food did look good tho.
  22. Is this training camp for stripping & drinking shots for the kids? again, never saw a mother & daughter behave like Monica and her Mom. I thought, oh she’s being a Mom, checking her daughter’s behavior. Then, she slides in flirting with the men and laughing in Monica’s face. Weird.
  23. The stairs to Angie’s house make my knees hurt. Not even a railing for the older folks to hold onto.
  24. Mary’s son was acting like he’s 12. Their dynamic is Bizarre!
  25. I’d actually give this cast a second chance at another season. They were each definitely trying to play a particular role, especially Brynn. No one can keep that up 24/7. So, maybe with more time, they’ll let their real selves come through? I like seeing the City, but Please-a lot Less of the Husbands! Sai’s in particular gave me the creeps with his gushing over the other wives. It was smarmy.
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