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Chit Chat

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Everything posted by Chit Chat

  1. She'll tell Pete that she did and he's naive enough to believe her! He's very trusting. Although the ghosts want Pete to travel and tell them about his adventures, this could backfire on him, and they could become resentful. Some people can only handle so much good happening to someone else before they get jealous and resentful. That sounds terrible, but sadly, that's the way some people are.
  2. How awful to be stuck walking around carrying a big screen TV! Next time I'm at the store and forget what I went in for, I'm going to think of the ghost from this episode! I'm not real thrilled about the throuple, but like Alberta, it's going to be a train wreck so hopefully it won't last long.
  3. I agree, but they probably assumed that Pete would stay by Jay's side. What could go wrong? 🤣 I don't recall them saying what happened to them, just that they like to fight.
  4. Amen to that! Feelings, blah, blah, feelings.... Again, just get to the damn point! And of course, Michael saves the day!!
  5. Does anybody know just how big the property is surrounding the mansion? When you think about it, there have been quite a number of people who have died on that property! It would be interesting for Sass, Thor & Isaac to have Sam write down all of the ghosts they have encountered over the years.
  6. Looks like fun! (This really doesn't need a spoiler tag, but I'm being extra careful!) 😉
  7. Sam & Jay definitely breathed new life into the mansion! It's nice that she can talk to the ghosts too and is a great encouragement to them. Since the episode where we learned that Sass can enter people's dreams, I wonder if he could pull other ghosts into his shared dreams so that Jay could see them all. It probably doesn't work that way, but I think that would be nice for Jay. I chalk that up to either they haven't completely come to terms with something, or maybe they have some hesitancy about being sucked off. Hetty could be concerned because she committed some crimes (as she said in this episode), that she might end up where Elias is, and we don't really know what things the other ghosts did in their past that they're worried about. For Hetty, I think that her revelation is just the beginning of her coming to terms with her life.
  8. I think it was a great teaser for the next episode. Now I can't wait to find out the 'who, what, when & where' of Pete's ability!!
  9. In a previous episode, Thor kept talking about a "land ship" in the driveway. One of the ghosts pointed out to him that he knows what a car is, but he insists on calling it a land ship anyway. So yes, I think he's screwing with us!!
  10. Sorry about that, but because it was at the end of this episode, I thought it was fair game for discussion. I'm surprised that you missed it! ;) I'll be sure and hide any info like that in the future.
  11. Hetty mentioned about having to project a certain image during her life. Now that she sees just how far women have advanced in our society, it would be interesting to know what she would've liked to have done differently in her life if she would've had the same opportunities. Poor Hetty. There is such sadness & regret that hangs over her, but yet she doesn't make a big deal about it with the others, hence the "Oh, great. A pity party" line. I'm sure all of the ghosts have their own regrets, etc., but at least they keep each other company and hopefully that helps them to keep from dwelling on past mistakes for too long.
  12. It's the same. On the first flashback, she was wearing something else. When the police came to her house, she was wearing the current dress.
  13. "Is it a floor floor, or a wall wall?" That was pretty funny. I noticed that too. It was such an expression of pain. On a happier note, I liked all of the ghost's excitement upon learning that Flower might be in the well. Thor's 'aha' moment on that was pretty funny too. She calls out from the Great Beyond, "I am well!" Um, Thor, could it be she's saying she's in a well? And in that time period her options were rather limited (as a woman). Even though Alberta forgave Hetty for keeping the details about her murder secret, hopefully this will help Alberta understand the hell that Hetty has been going through regarding her son and how she feels responsible for how he turned out.
  14. I will need to rewatch it too. I have family visiting, so I had to watch it in a hurry and missed some of the dialogue. It was an awesome episode though. Heartbreaking, but it adds another layer to Hetty's character. ams1001, hugs and I hope you're feeling better soon.
  15. I think it's good for Rayner to get to know the crew and understand them on some level, but I don't like the heavy-handedness of how that idea is presented. He seems to be an old-school military type who doesn't have time for the "I get you bullshit" (loved that line) when he's trying to save the ship. However, I do think it's important to respect one's crewmates and not act like a jerk, but not everybody wants a deep, personal relationship with their co-workers. This is what I find so annoying about this show. Quit beating a dead horse! We get it! Feelings matter, blah, blah, blah! Quit talking so much and just save the damn universe!
  16. I haven't watched the reruns in a long time. I was trying to catch up on the fairly new stuff (castle & hotel). I probably won't be watching their old episodes though. Sorry! I like some of the shows on the Magnolia Network. 'For the Love of Kitchens' is really good.
  17. Exactly! Hopefully this situation won't happen again. For me, it's over the line to expect Jay to sit idly by while 2 ghosts are being intimate. Sure, he can't see or hear them, but if I had to try and go to sleep knowing that was happening within 10 feet of me, I'd be uncomfortable. Realistically, they could've worked it out where Jay was alone in the bedroom watching a TV show and Sam was elsewhere in the house, and then he'd have no idea that Alberta was in the room with the other ghost. Sam & the ghosts need to be more sly about these kinds of things. Of course, that doesn't make for good comedy, I suppose.
  18. The show spoiled it a week or so ago when we heard Flower's voice calling out from the well. Sass is one who sits back quietly and observes everyone & everything around him. That's why he remembers the small details about people while others forget. That's what I love about him!
  19. It did seem out of character for him to keep digging (being so smart and all), but Sheldon takes everything he hears literally. He heard the adults talk about skeletons in the closet and there was another reference to someone being dead (I can't remember the exact line.) Maybe an "I'll kill him/her" was thrown in there!! Sheldon also trusts Missy and doesn't know when she's lying to him. Sheldon was trying to piece the puzzle together of who was buried in the yard based on the few clues he heard, so I guess he let the mystery overrule his ability to think things through to realize he was being played.
  20. I don't think they did, but since he explained to Alberta how he can "jerk himself off" to another person, I think he goes to whomever he wants to. He liked Gene because he travels the world, so it's an adventure for Saul. Someone correct me if they did say how he latched onto Gene!
  21. I've never heard of restaurants that serve spaghetti that way but sign me up!! I also liked Georgie's conversation with Mandy about how he'd get his ass kicked if he took her last name. I'm going to miss this show! I hope that the spinoff is good.
  22. Wouldn't their relationship be a conflict of interest when it comes to voting on issues? I'm already sick of their relationship drama. I don't need so much time spent on them as a couple. That seemed to be a bit of a stretch. That got the side eye from me! Although he was a bit of a jerk, I actually like his no-nonsense style. Quit wasting time with the woo woo stuff and get to the damn point!! He was trying to figure shit out. He doesn't have time to become best friends with everybody at that moment. The amount of time spent on focusing on all of these character's feelings is dragging this show down. YMMV.
  23. Seems like a lot of people who are relocating abroad don't research home prices very well. I liked the condo, but since they needed more space for the family, that wasn't going to work. I liked the locale of it though - close to their business and to town. The container house was nice, but it was too small and didn't seem to have much privacy in the home. I'm not sure how well insulated those are. The pool was under a tree, so they'd have to scoop out leaves daily. I liked the secluded home they chose. The view was gorgeous! I do admire people like this couple who have an idea for a business and are brave enough to make a move like that. I hope their business is a success and their family continues to thrive there!
  24. Although we don't know how he died, didn't he say that he died on the way to where he was going to do his first storytelling? I'm curious as to how his death occurred, as he doesn't appear to have any obvious injuries.
  25. I'm glad that I'm not the only one feeling this way. I find myself watching the show and yelling at them to Get. To. The. Damn. Point!! Let's move the storyline along at a snail's pace! Argh!!
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