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Posts posted by wknt3

  1. I so wish Belzer or Donal Logue were willing/available/affordable... Benson leading the squad is embarrassing.


    So I guess I rate this episode a 0.  That's pretty good for this season.  


    Donal Logue would be awsome! I think Munch works best where he was, in the spot Benson SHOULD be filling now. I'm kinda surprised we didn't see a Munch guest spot for sweeps. Would be nice especially since a DAs investigator being involved means that it would almost certainly be a Barba episode.


    As far as the rating I'd say that neutral is about average for this season. There's a lot of improvement in writing over the previous few seasons, but until they fix the remaining issues I thing the best we can expect is meh. They've come up with decent cases surely they can find a way to bring in a new leader and give Mariska something she likes playing that doesn't bore the rest of us? This is soooo close to being a good series again.

  2. Also, why would Leonard and Howard be working on Christmas Eve? Did they say it and I missed it?


    I don't think they did, but since it's easily explainable (Howard being Jewish and Leonard having his whole previously explored history with the holidays use the room when nobody else is so they don't have to wait) I don't mind the lack of exposition. The whole clean room that's not really clean on the the other hand...

    • Love 3
  3. What the hell was the point of Erin's story line? Not only was it ridiculous, it was completely forgotten about in the end. 

    Yeah between that and the boring, predictable gun storyline this has to be the fist time ever with this show that I was wishing for MORE time being spent on Frank and Danny. Quite an achievement. It would have been better if they had just gone with their usual idea that Erin is one of like 3 lawyers in NYC had her do the research or come up with the idea and spent the time wasted on whatever was supposed to be going on with her showing us the rest of the investigation and a real conclusion. Or they could have come up with a decent plot for Will Estes or Len Cariou. I know - crazy talk, but I thought I'd throw it out there.

  4. I agree with those saying that they need a new leader for the squad. Not for the lack of realism, although it would be nice in a show that seems to be more grounded these days, but because it just works better story wise to have that senior figure to deliver exposition, for those in the field to rebel against and react to, to shorthand that a case is particularly important or sensitive by showing up at a crime scene etc. Right now you have the same character trying to fill some of those roles as well as being the lead protagonist and it just doesn't quite work. It's obvious that there are budgetary issues at play, but certainly some of the money being spent on the new chief and other recurring characters could go to a new Lt. who doesn't appear in every episode. Actually at this point they've probably wrecked Rollins enough that they could write her out and use the money they save to bring in a new female detective (their must be a younger cheaper actress out there who wouldn't mind the exposure) and a captain.

    • Love 2
  5.  Loved how the campus rape storyline was handled. I agree, which the Good Wife would have done it that way. I find it funny that a staff sergeant who couldn't be promoted in his own precinct couldn't get promoted to lieutenant and now works for Frank but is replaced by an actually lieutenant who had the same experience as him. Yet, Frank can't promote him still. I will never to this day understand how police rant works on both TV and the real world. Because we have a police captain who made that rank before 40 in my home town and had a sergeant still in that rank since he was in his early 40s who did all the responsibilities as a captain. Go figure.  

    In the NYPD promotions up to Captain involve civil service examinations and some positions can be filled by different ranks (ie a Sgt or a Lt, a Lt or Cpt) depending on various considerations. It's not implausible for someone to be good at their job, but either unable to get a high enough the exam to be promoted over other candidates or uninterested in going through the process and possibly being reassigned elsewhere. The Commissioner does have discretionary authority in job assignments, but not promotion except for higher ranks (Inspector and above IIRC). What is entirely unrealistic is the idea that the Chief of Department is primarily the representative of the rank and file and the position can be left vacant while it's duties are largely shifted to a "special assistant". Of course most of the rank structure on Blue Bloods is a matter of hand waving and the needs of the story. (IE the Commissioner is actually a 5 star position, not 4 as shown, the DCPI is not the only Deputy Commissioner ...)

    As far as other departments are concerned it depends on a lot of factors - there are individuals who are considered "command material" and fast tracked as well as others who have pissed off politicians or are simply not interested in higher rank. Or they can't pass the exam. And there are also other issues - there might not be an open position even though there's a need or a Sgt might be a good investigative commander and leader and given lots of visible responsibilities while other parts of the Captains' job aren't visible or interesting.

  6. The Jamie/Janko plot was kinda just there, I guess. The story itself was very sad but we never got to see the asshole who raped and killed that girl. The detective on the "suicide" case was off-putting with his macabre remarks, but weirdly hilarious. Other than that, IDK. I don't like Eddie and I'm not looking forward to her and Jamie inevitable hook up.


    Yeah the writers don't seem to be able to come up with a plot for Jamie. Season wise it's back burner stuff that never seems to pay off (Blue Templar, romantic tension, etc.) and for the episodes it's usually like somebody realizes that they still have Will Estes under contract and stick him into Erin or Danny or Frank's story. And when they don't we end up with plots that are kinda just there. He probably would be written out if the show wasn't supposed to be about the family and show all of the facets of law enforcement. At least they're not wasting his talents as much as poor Len Cariou...

    • Love 1
  7. Well that was kind of a big nothing.


    Glad I wasn't the only one who thought so. And next week looks pretty blah too. There's been a few episodes like that so far this season - not bad, not good, just kind of dull. I'm willing to give them some slack since they're showing signs of improvement, but I hope they start building on that soon. Otherwise I just might miss the glorious cracked out monkey in a basketball days where it might have been bad but was never dull.

    • Love 2
  8. Just watched this on DVR. Was there some sort of contest to see how many of the most annoying elements of this series could fit into one episode? Let's see we have

    1. A Nikki heavy episode.
    2. Danny catches the case because he is the only detective in NYC and MUST be in the A or B plot.

    3. And so does Erin because she is the only prosecutor and will get the case even though there are about 97 glaring conflicts of interest. This will only be noticed by one of our villains who doesn't care about cops being threatened.

    4. Henry is a former police commissioner, but doesn't know anything about politics, the media, etc. and thinks about everything like a retired precinct sergeant or a beat cop.
    5. We can't be bothered to make an attempt at some level of realism. Rutgers monitors applicants social media? And thinks this is a serious deal? We can't be bothered to come up with something slightly more scandalous that Nikki is peripherally involved in? Or even hand wave it away with a line about her being a high profile applicant held to higher standards?

    6. Every police critic is not only wrong, but a total jerk. And we will make sure to hammer you over the head until you get the point (that giant picture of Che anyone?)

    7. If we don't know what do with a plot St. Frank will just make a speech and everything will be OK.

    • Love 1
  9. I felt like this was pretty solid episode. Well acted. Decent writing with the exception of the character's motivation. The biggest problem is with the big picture. They really need to do something with that chief. I just don't find him believable and the lack of nuance or humanity is grating. How is the audience supposed to react when he is supposed to fill Cragen's shoes as the voice of reason/realism? Like the speech at the end about not making policy. If they were to humanize him a little bit or show him as having some other concern than being an old skool kop knuckle dragger it would be a little more watchable. I really think they'd be better off with a new CO instead.

  10. This show has no consistent view police brutality and civil rights. Sometimes it glorifies it as RoboDanny cleans up the streets of NYC all by himself. Sometimes it's dismissive trying to get us to believe that it's just a few bad apples and throwbacks bygone era. Sometimes it condemns it outright. Sometimes it wants to present it as a thorny moral problem with no easy clear cut solutions. If you don't like how they handled it this week just wait for the next episode and it will probably be more to your liking.

    • Love 2
  11. 4. Seriously, yet another killing of the unsub? Hotch couldn't have shot to wound? There was no reason Hotch HAD to shoot this guy in the head. Why didn’t someone just shoot the controls out of his hand or something? Or Morgan do one of his signature tackles?


    Shoot the controls out of his hand? Do you want realism or not? Here's a pretty good explanation of why it doesn't work that way in real life http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/08/19/police-deadly-force_n_5693020.html


    From a story point of view I agree that I am tired of "BAU kills unsub at the last possible moment before he completes his evil plan" and would love to see more arrests and questioning, but don't want to see killing the unsub replaced by "super elite ninja Hotch saves the day with his sharp shooting". The only thing I'd like to see less is "ninja JJ saves everyone with her fighting skillz".

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