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Posts posted by wknt3

  1. Quote

    “My decision to return to work was made when it seemed nothing was happening and there was no end in sight to this strike,”

    “Now that both sides have agreed to go back to the negotiating table I’m going to delay the return of Real Time, for now, and hope they can finally get this done”

    Translation - "My EP and booker are telling me we won't get anyone good and that will go on past the strike. I don't want to burn all my bridges and piss off the A-list guests that come on because I used to be good and gave them exposure when they were starting because that would mean having to actually work hard again. Also Scott Carter explained to me that pissing all over the unions trying to put limits on AI is not a good move for someone who spends most of their time doing variations on the same old jokes and has decades of tape for the CGI folks to use..."

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  2. 7 hours ago, AG921 said:

    So I really enjoyed this episode and thought it was awesome but I do have one issue! The last time we saw Carson Teva in The Mandalorian season 3, he was stationed with Zeb. Now I'll admit, I'm not exactly sure of the timeline but they're trying to convince me that Carson came to help Hera but Zeb didn't?! Now I need a spin off to explain where Zeb is right now if he didn't come with Carson for this mission

    I'd honestly be very surprised if they don't explain it by the end of the series. And a little surprised if it's a not a good explanation. I suspect we will see him by the end of the series and that he's not there for story reasons as much as trying to cut down on CGI. The story is about the tensions within the Rebels family and ending up in different places after the war and you can't have the character there who would bring them together and find common ground. Maybe it's as simple as him being out of contact when the lead came in, but I would not be shocked to also find that he's been off a side quest that will play a role in the resolution.

  3. 3 hours ago, Anduin said:

    When will people learn? More lightsabre doesn't equal better lightsabre. At least in the movies, it never works! Ahsoka went single blade against a spinning double, you see the result? Maybe the cartoons and live-action shows are better, but I just have to shake my head about this.

    So what you're saying is "size matters not"? Good luck trying to get space fascists to believe that. I did love the fight too - not only the choreography and the triumph of style over substance, but the way it casually dispensed with the tertiary villain with a cool design who turned out to be just another goon. Not only a good choice but a nice balance to the callbacks and connections that otherwise filled the episode - even to the point of having Ahsoka call Thrawn the "heir to the Empire".

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  4. 9 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Speaking of which, I admit, I know NOTHING about how producer credit works, but I did sit up and pay more attention when I saw that Ed Zuckerman was credited as an executive producer in the first two seasons (so far), and even wrote one! Why am I excited? Because he was a writer for original recipe Law & Order during the GOOD early-mid years. @wknt3 knows what I mean (waving!), right?

    Producer credits can mean just about anything or nothing. In general when a writer is listed as an Executive Producer it means they are either the creator, the showrunner, the showrunner's top lieutenant, or they were brought in as a consultant to help with the development of a series or to try to revamp an existing series. It can also mean that they developed or created the series and are still getting checks even if they have left or were kicked out. I believe that in this case it meant he was a senior writer as he did take over as showrunner at one point. And I do know what you mean. I think a big part of why the show was so well executed in the early years is that there were a lot of L&O alumni in various production roles. Unfortunately writing for Law & Order during the peak years does not necessarily mean you can work miracles on a different police drama with an aging diva star pushing an agenda as anyone who watched SVU during the past decade knows...

    • Applause 1
  5. 15 hours ago, DearEvette said:

    There is an unconfirmed rumor floating around twitter that the reason the AMPTP is willing to go back to negotiations is because Netflix is leading the charge. Apparently they are anxious to get Stranger Things back to production.  

    Like I said only a rumor. But I can understand if it is true. Even if there is a time jump, the age and appearance of the main cast might well influence how much of a time jump they need to have. For instance, Priah Ferguson who plays Erica was 14 playing an 11 year old last season.  She'll be 17 in October. So yeah time is not their friend on this.

    Interesting if true for a number of reasons. First, Netflix is known for have the best data collection and most sophisticated analysis of viewer behavior, as well as the most accurate forecasting. So it would seem that they are seeing an impact and that a more prolonged strike is going to be very damaging to the bottom line - I doubt Stranger Things alone, no matter how powerful, would cause them to take drastic action. Also because a lot of people had thought Netflix would be the relative winner with their catalog and their success with international productions. And they were also one of the pioneers of the new business models that caused the strike in the first place, so if they're willing to seriously look at changes it would seem to be proof positive that it's not essential to impoverish creators in the the streaming age as the producers are arguing.

    • Useful 2
  6. On 7/18/2023 at 8:25 PM, PrincessPurrsALot said:

    That ending was howl-inducing. Ryan makes his impassioned speech and marches out.  The rest of the CIA folks follow him.  I guess contempt of Congress isn't a thing?   

    Maybe not - the US Government in this world works differently from ours. For example the CIA Director seems to be confirmed by a Committee vote and not the full Senate. But in any case given the Category 5 Shit Storm that would be coming after what was just revealed about the Senator's involvement there is no way that any politician is going to take any public action against them.

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    On 7/17/2023 at 1:40 AM, patty1h said:

    Not sure what the Montgomery brothers play is.  Last week they seemed to be conspiring with their dad to blow up the Gemstones but this week they're lying to dad that they stole The Redeemer from Jesse.  Playing both sides, possibly, but to what end?

    My guess is that they're not intentionally playing both sides as much as conflicted. The Interlude episode seemed to show that they were both basically good kids who grew up in a very screwed up family and are now torn between two sides. Eli talked about how his sister smacked them and we saw how their dad wasn't always this way. So even if they don't really want violence they also don't want to reject their father in favor of their mom and their rich relatives who always looked down on them.

    Or maybe it's all a huge con to get revenge on Eli and bring him down. Who can be sure with these writers?

    • Like 1
  8. On 7/3/2023 at 4:52 AM, thuganomics85 said:

    Over half of the table being strapped and pulling guns on Peter after he threaten Judy was awesome.  And then Kelvin holding up a fork in dangerous fashion!


    8 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    Half the table pulling out guns after Peter threatened to smack Judy was pretty awesome, not gonna lie. Then Keefe pulling finger guns and Kelvin putting up his fork was just the icing on the cake. When did you all get guns?!

    All the love for Kelvin and none for BJ's cute little gun and the nose honk? Come on!



    Did not see the cousins' betrayal coming.  I wonder how long that was planned out?

    Yeah I wonder if it was a set up from the get go? And is May-May actually part of it too? I hope not because I wouldn't mind her sticking around if there's another season. I really have no idea where this all going although based upon how tightly plotted and written the previous seasons have been my prediction is that the climax will involve Gideon showing off his stunt driving skills in The Redeemer...

    • Like 5
  9. On 6/28/2023 at 12:06 PM, sistermagpie said:

    When it's a lie vs. the truth, that's not just a different view, though. There's not really any value to listening to conspiracy theories that aren't factual. It's really unfair for somebody to get wrong information because they thought someone knew what they were talking about.

    And I would add that's it also particularly annoying in that Bill picks and chooses when "open debate" and listening to "all sides" are his Prime Directive. When one of his hot take right wingers starts claiming climate change isn't serious and we should do our own research he will rip them a new one. Same thing for other topics he really cares about. If he was guilty simply of prizing open debate over facts it would be one thing, but the shifting goal posts of when facts and responsibility matter and when they don't make it much worse.

    • Like 2
  10. On 6/9/2023 at 5:37 PM, txhorns79 said:

    Didn't Trial by Jury attempt to do something different from the original?  From what I remember, it was more about the trials themselves, showing how both sides prepped and handled the trial.  I thought its problem was that it just wasn't that interesting. 

    With LOLA, I would agree it wasn't very different.  It was also extra annoying that they cancelled the original to put on a show that was very much like it. 


    On 6/10/2023 at 8:19 AM, Raja said:

    That was the stated premise but to me the Law side of Trial By Jury seemed the same as on the classic show except for they weren't there for  initial finding of the body

    I am just catching up here, after being laid out with a GI bug for most of the past few days, but yes I would agree both on the theory and the results. The cases were very similar, the style was pretty much identical, and what was supposed to be the big difference basically was just a reduction in the narrative possibilities - they weren't going to get end up with a plea bargain or a confession in the DAs office or interrogation room because this was all about jury verdicts. So it didn't really pop as something new or different - at times it felt like just another episode of the original only oddly structured. A distinction without a difference you might say.

    • Useful 1
  11. On 6/6/2023 at 2:38 AM, WendyCR72 said:

    Maybe had the show not been run out of order, with certain key plot points messing up the narrative, this may have stood more of a chance.

    Or maybe the anger at cancelling the original for this just sealed its fate from word go.

    One tenet of my Grand Unified Theory of Law & Order is that the spinoffs are only successful when they actually do something different from the original. When they aren't like LA or Trial By Jury you have some very talented actors spinning their wheels for an audience that doesn't care and would rather see more of the other series. When you do something different people will tune in even if the show is a bit of an aimless mess with only a few talented actors to make it worth watching (not to name any names!).

    • Like 2
  12. 55 minutes ago, Cliffw said:

    Amanda Lee being head of the ER was Anspaugh's call and he didn't suffer any consequences when everything hit the fan but years later when it was discovered that John Leguizamo's character was unfit for the job he was hired for, they were trying to fire Luka and it ended up leading to Weaver losing her position.  I know the 2 storylines were 7 years apart but that one was always weird to me. 

    I don't know. The old white guy with connections up the ying yang not suffering consequences sounds pretty normal to me...

    • Like 5
  13. On 6/6/2023 at 4:59 AM, WendyCR72 said:

    This Deadline article about the upcoming offshoot had a paragraph that made me think that this will differ from Law & Order: UK and the French CI adaption, Paris Enquetes Criminelle, which adapted their episodes from old American episodes:

    It makes sense as the culture and legal system are more similar than the other international versions. Although I would love to watch Detective Bobby Horton delivering dialogue like "Bad guys do what good guys dream aboot, eh?" or "Love On Ice" actually on ice with a hockey player killed by a hockey stick.

    • LOL 2
  14. 14 hours ago, justduckey said:

    Why does NBC hate this show? It’s not on Peacock and they’re not playing reruns on Thursday nights. 

    Not helping people find the show. 


    14 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:


    The real question is why does Peacock hate its viewers? It's like they saw (HBO) Max's UI and thought "we can make our shows even harder to find with a little effort..."

    • LOL 2
  15. 6 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

    I have mixed feelings about a potential CI revival - it would be great to see Goren and Eames again, but only if they are written well and not thrown under the bus for cheap drama the way SVU does to its characters now. I think it could be done well, but please keep the current SVU writers far, far away from the show. But if they stuck to what made the show great - Goren/Eames solving complex cases, then it would be nice to have a few more episodes of that, CI is all too often forgotten about when discussing L&O, and so it would be nice if it got some of the glory again. I enjoy the Mothership revival more than most so I think they could pull off a decent CI revival. 

    Not just SVU writers, but most of the current franchise writing staff. And the executives too (since the show suffered a lot from the suits tinkering with it even in the "good old days"). If it was brought back I would love to see it as a "prestige" project for Peacock with Rene Balcer and a small group of handpicked writers doing a shorter season a la Poker Face. Beyond being able to maintain the writing it would also be easier to change things up a bit and have Goren and Eames as the lead characters in new positions working with Major Case instead of as detectives. Not trying to ignore all continuity and the passage of time or making Eames Captain, but having her in the field all the time like some other franchise installments we could mention. You could still air the new shows in at least some of the various cable/syndication packages eventually to make it financially viable, since you know Dick Wolf isn't going to wait to get paid, but you wouldn't need it to try to be anything other than what it was intended to be or try to make it more "modern" or whatever. The only concession they would need to make is to make sure there is a broadcast length edit possible, but given what we talked about with just a small group of top notch experienced writers I don't see it being an issue.

    • Like 3
  16. On 5/20/2023 at 6:29 AM, Raja said:

    In the Law portion I heard "COVID mask", not just "mask"  with every utterance. And I live and work in an area with a relatively high mask usage rate to this day. Maybe it is a regional usage of language?


    10 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

    No, it stuck out as weird to me too and I live in NYC. No one says “COVID mask” they just say “mask.” 

    I have seen distinction between "surgical" or "Covid" masks and other types of masks in a security context. Perhaps the detectives and writers were just trying to make clear it was a relatively inconspicuous medical mask and not a ski mask or bandanna style mask?

    On 5/21/2023 at 9:53 AM, shapeshifter said:

    .ETA: Wasn't the blood on the dress a little too red? Wouldn't it be brown?

    Actually I think it might stay pretty red since it was put into the sealed evidence bag pretty quickly? Not sure how air tight the bags are and how long it would slow the oxidation process, but it's something to think about.

    On 5/21/2023 at 8:16 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

    Have we seen that police commissioner before? She was kind of blah to me but I guess she wasn't supposed to upstage the main characters.

    No. I'm not sure we've ever seen the PC before in a speaking role at least. Maybe if you count the collar stars on the extras in one of the press conference or briefing scenes we might have seen them on screen. In the old days everyone over the Chief of D's was usually only referenced - they probably would have shown the SUV pulling up and then relayed the conversation later. I really don't think it added anything TBH unless you count that we didn't get a McGrath cameo on the mothership.

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  17. On 5/19/2023 at 6:46 AM, The Wild Sow said:

    DEA.  Drug Enforcement Administration.  Not "DA."


    3 hours ago, Diana Berry said:

    Thanks my bad I caught that on another board.  I was wondering if a DA task force meant Carisi would get stuck with her.

    Come on! You really think the 8th floor is going to give Carisi help investigating cases?

    • LOL 2
  18. On 5/16/2023 at 6:14 AM, Snazzy Daisy said:

    S03•E21 - Shadowërk

    Do I really need to watch SVU S24 finale in order to understand OC S03 finale? Ugh. 

    Yes you did need to watch Part 1 of the SVU finale to understand Part 2 of the SVU finale. Isn't that obvious?

    9 hours ago, Snazzy Daisy said:

    S03•E22 - With Many Names

    Jamie Whelan has been killed just for a shock value.

    Nope. He's been killed because they need to cut costs so one of the generic young male detectives had to go. Plus they are tinkering yet again so when and if they ever find a new showrunner they can use this as the explanation for whatever direction they end up going in.

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  19. 6 hours ago, pezgirl7 said:

    I wasn’t paying 100% attention, so I didn’t realize that Muncy was leaving until the very end when she was packing up her stuff. Does anyone know the reason for her being written off the show? I thought it might be due to the viewers not liking her character. Fingers crossed for Bruno joining full time next season!

    We had some image quality issues going on, so I actually didn't realize she was leaving when she talked about the job offer. And I really like Bruno, but I don't think she's being replaced full time. If Kevin Kane doesn't find another gig that leaves him unavailable he will most likely be there a little bit more.

    6 hours ago, Diana Berry said:

    I rewatched at the beginning she told velasco she got an offer on a DA task force ( uh yea ) with unlimited OT and a car. 

    I really like Bruno teamed with Finn.  Velasco with Churlish or Amanda if TPTB bring her back. 

    side note seen a lot of shows that were cancelled recently then get picked up because of the viewers. Viewers want Amanda back so it wouldn’t surprise me.

    Some viewers want Rollins back. At least an equal number were tired of her. Probably more don't really care. In any case she's not coming back unless Mariska takes a sizeable pay cut.

    5 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

    I think it is less about Amanda and more that there are only so many newbies that can be worked in and keep the bottom line down. Between Velasco, Bruno, Churlish, and Muncy, it probably came down to which newbie least caught on and was shown the door.

    Because in the end, the issue of budget is still hanging over the show in neon letters. And Kelli Giddish would still be expensive as a full timer.

    And with the strike, God knows when the show will return, so there are still a lot of variables at play.

    Yep. A combination of budget issues and the fact that any young female detective that has been brought in in the past decade or so, must be portrayed as s clueless newbie and stereotype of the kids today for some reason or other (Stares in Mariska's direction...) and then get dropped when they shockingly don't catch on. It seems clear that they realize having Benson and a regular cast of 3/4 co-leads with 1 or 2 of them off most weeks is not workable so they have come up with the solution of filling out the squad with recurring cast members to save even more while having enough bodies to do an investigation without us wondering where everyone is. So Velasco or Muncy had to go and despite their best efforts in the second half of this season they hadn't trashed that character as badlly.

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