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Posts posted by wknt3

  1. On 11/20/2023 at 9:29 AM, ahisma said:

    That’s one thing that’s hard to understand. It’s a DOLLAR store. How much money are you going to get versus the penalty for armed robbery?


    On 11/20/2023 at 2:47 PM, Not4Me said:

    I’m wondering if there’s a lot more petty cash available at these types of stores that make them an easier target for robbers. Perhaps there’s a sizable proportion of customers, who due to their financial situation, aren’t eligible for charge cards nor have the luxury to be part of the cashless society, therefore they might have more cash to pay with. It’s such a sad situation for the workers.


    On 11/20/2023 at 3:48 PM, peeayebee said:

    I'm sure some people spend quite a lot in individual transactions at a dollar store, and if it's the only option for people in a particular area, then it makes sense that there'd be a lot of cash on hand to be stolen. Plus, would-be robbers probably know that staffing is light.

    All of this is correct. Plus one of the things John could have mentioned, but chose not to in keeping the segment length down to less than the complete running time of Doctor Who is that one of the areas where these chains cut corners is not utilizing armored car services as other operations that deal in similar amounts of currency do, but forcing store management to carry large amounts of cash to the bank. So they are often carrying large amounts of money, especially if they are picking up change as well. A fair number of the robberies you hear about are for larger amounts than the typical register stick up - often tipped off by some of those abused workers who are watching  1/3-1/2 of their annual earnings being carried around with minimal security. There is also the fact that without enough staff to carry out the basic functions of operating a retail store there is more money for even those register stick ups than at other locations that abuse their staff, but at least care about the bare pretense of respectability such as fast food or convenience stores since once of the things that gets skipped along with taking out trash and bathroom breaks is putting extra cash into the safe.

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  2. On 11/20/2023 at 1:34 PM, DanaK said:

    The upcoming 14th season will be the last one and will be broadcast in 2 parts, Part 1 in the Spring, which premieres Friday Feb 16, and Part 2 next Fall


    Sad, but not a surprise given its age and all the cost cutting. 14 seasons is a really good run


    20 hours ago, Artsda said:

    Sad to see it go, but why not just say season 14 and 15. 

    Most likely because it will be produced continuously (without a long hiatus) and if they were to call it two shortened seasons there are cast or crew who would need new contracts. There are only two reasons television networks do anything - money or ego. And since it would sound more impressive to have another season it must be about the money.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Xeliou66 said:

    Yeah I just posted on the Mothership forum about the shows returning in January.

    I wonder if they will bump anyone else up to regular to replace Muncy, or if Rollins will be returning any like they kind of implied in the season finale. 

    I suspect we'll get an appearance or two from Rollins along with two or three of Stabler - part of the plan to keep the Benson stans happy at any cost. I highly doubt Muncy gets replaced - the plan seems to be that instead of another regular we will fill the slot with recurring characters. I mean do you expect Dick Wolf to not buy a larger yacht? Or Mariska to take less up front salary? At least it is better than trying to go a whole season with 3 1/2 characters...

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  4. On 11/15/2023 at 4:42 PM, shapeshifter said:

    "…sources close to the show tell us that Donovan was let go for creative reasons."


    Yeah unless there is a big casting surprise coming I am thinking that this is spin. Some combination of trying to hide the stupid reasons for the decision and trying to make sure that it is known this isn't about any sort of misconduct.


    On 11/15/2023 at 4:53 PM, Xeliou66 said:

    This is a bummer. I disliked Cosgrove at the start but he grew on me a lot over time and I thought he was really good last season, and I really liked his chemistry with Shaw. The detective side of the show was really good last season, and I think it’s stupid of them to write out Cosgrove - why mess with what was working so well? If they wanted to get rid of a character, get rid of Maroun or Price, Maroun is bland most of the time, and Price can come off as overly soft. It’s the legal side that needed a shake up, not the detective side, which was working well. I hope they bring in a good new character but I don’t have much confidence in the writers - but they did do a good job with Shaw last year so maybe they’ll do a good job with his new partner.


    On 11/15/2023 at 4:55 PM, ML89 said:

    Absolutely agree. The detective side was finally working so let's change it up? The legal side is what needs the overhaul.

    And the writer's room!

    I think the writing is the problem more than the acting. Although sometimes replacing characters can be part of rethinking the writing and coming up with a new dynamic.

    On 11/16/2023 at 11:14 AM, GHScorpiosRule said:

    While I stopped watching after the third? fourth? episode of the 21st season, I've been lurking here.

    I detest Eid, and this show is such a pale imitation of what it was during its initial run, warts and all.

    I really doubt the problems are Eid's fault except that he's willing to put his name on a product he damn well knows is not up to the standards of what he wrote for the original run. There is less time per episode, lower budgets, and I get a strong vibe that there are some network execs trying to "modernize" the show in ways that are not helpful. Plus in the modern television landscape I suspect that many of the mid and low level writers who would have previously been working on the legal side are being exploited by the prestige shows on streaming in the hope of getting a deal for their own series instead of making more money putting up with Dick Wolf's bullcrap in the hope of becoming a showrunner for a highly rated, but unhip procedural and then getting a deal for their own series.

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  5. On 10/28/2023 at 5:57 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Well this is disappointing. For some reason WE is skipping episodes. It aired episode one last week and resumed with 8 on Thursday! I  checked and previously aired aren’t even in the queue! And I don’t have Sundance so can’t even watch from there. And Peacock  only has 13-20.

    There is no rhyme or reason.

    Hey! That is an insult to the hardworking Dick Wolf Productions and network executives and their thoughtful and well reasoned approach to scheduling and licensing deals...


    • LOL 6
  6. 21 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

    Whoa. Pedro Pascal, Mick Jagger, Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga in the past two weeks. Looks like SNL is at the point where stunt casting is needed to survive.

    SNL has loved the stunt casting for a long time and that's not going to change. Give Lorne a time machine so we have Belushi, Farley, Hartman, etc. with writing by Smigel, Franken and Davis, Tina Fey, et al. hosted by Robin Williams, peak Alec Baldwin, and everyone who they never manged to have on and should have, and they would still go for the surprise appearance by big names. Are they more eager to do so with the SAG strike meaning their top picks for hosts can't actively promote their projects so they are going with friends of the show and less "traditional" choices. Probably. Would having Margot Robbie hosting the premiere make them less eager to have Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce show up? Not a chance.

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  7. On 10/18/2023 at 8:25 AM, Quof said:

    I've been watching YouTube clips, as well as listening to Seth's podcast with his brother.  I'm finding him funnier now than I have in years past, but I want to reach through my device to grab him by the neck and scream "Please learn subjective versus objective pronouns!  I'm so tired of hearing you say "I" when you should say "me"!"


    On 10/18/2023 at 12:58 PM, possibilities said:

    Someone should report this to "Corrections".

    @possibilities right now...


    • LOL 3
  8. On 10/17/2023 at 4:40 PM, ML89 said:

    I think you're right that it's "Censure," or maybe it's even later, that still has the 33rd, but I can't remember which one. It's on a "dun dun" timestamp screen. I know there are addresses that can't exist as well. Also, they seem to solve crimes up and down Manhattan, considering they're in the Upper West Side one day and down at Battery Park the next, although I think there was something about how homicides are worked, that it isn't confined to the precinct?


    22 hours ago, wknt3 said:

    It's complicated as the real-life NYPD keeps adjusting their approach and shifting responsibilities between precinct detective squads and specialized units based on the Patrol Boroughs and who takes the lead on which cases when. In the beginning it seemed to be more of a precinct squad that even dealt with some serious non-homicide crimes. It migrated to more of Manhattan North Homicide before eventually seeming to range over just about all of Manhattan from Harlem to Wall Street.

    And actually it the geography gets even weirder as I was just thinking about something I thought I remembered and looked it up (unfortunately I do not have @Xeliou66's encylopedic recall of episodes and their content)

    From "Publish and Perish" via https://tvshowtranscripts.ourboard.org/viewtopic.php?f=1392&t=54406


    You're Joe Fontana.
    Yeah, right.
    Yeah, sorry about your partner.
    How's he doing?
    Well, he's on the mend, thanks.
    Brooklyn North? They keep you guys busy out there.
    Yeah, I figure a few weeks, Manhattan South Homicide, like a paid vacation.

    So apparently at that point they were thinking of the squad as Manhattan South Homicide even though more of the cases and the precinct house itself were in Manhattan North Patrol Borough!

    • Useful 3
  9. 13 hours ago, ML89 said:

    And XF is in the same universe as L&O, due to Munch.

    Not necessarily. My personal theory is that Munch has the ability to travel between different universes. It explains how he appears in series that seem to be completely incompatible and also why he is both a little bit "off" and surprisingly sensitive at times. If you were aware last Tuesday you were felt and talking to a giant alphabet letter you would probably be the same way, wouldn't you?

    • Applause 2
  10. On 10/16/2023 at 4:58 PM, Baltimore Betty said:

    I was unfamiliar with her (but then the Dunkin spots are airing constantly, I can hardly understand anything she says in those spots, Ben A. is not real clear either). She gave low energy performances, like Kanye sort of energy, non existant enthuiasm to be on stage. I FF'd thru her second number.

    That's a good comparison - except that at least at one point Kanye actually had some great material. This was a low energy performance of C - work at best. And I FFed too as soon as I knew it was coming up - I completely missed Taylor Swift at first and was really confused when Pete was thanking her. I thought it was some sort of joke before I saw she was actually there.

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  11. 5 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    I didn’t see a thread for this and since it happens across the seasons and randomly, and we still discuss the classic episodes and seasons where this happens, I figured it deserves its own thread!

    Firet, our precinct went through bumps before settling as the 27th precinct early in season two. But then it was tagged as the 33-again-from the first season in season three! I think it was in “Censure” though I’m not positive.

    So we have the 15 and 31 that were designated as the “dirty” precincts. Though after “Manhood” we never saw the captain again.

    And the censoring!!! The inconsistencies still drive me batty! I’ve noticed that unless the episode deals specifically with racism or a hate crime, ethnic slurs and the N-word are bleeped. Like, what? Even mild words like “crapper” are bleeped!

    I know I'm a broken record here, but since TNT stopped airing the series I honestly don't believe anyone airing the series has given much thought to the content. Even networks that theoretically should care like Sundance. The syndicated cuts with censoring designed so that the episode can air at 6pm in Omaha without drawing too many complaints leave more time to air Medicare commercials and happened to be easily available when digital subchannels started proliferating so that is what is aired.

    I believe that the 15th became the favorite "dirty" precinct partly as a wink towards the competition at NYPD Blue. Don't have any citation, but I do remember that when Lt. Fancy got pulled over by a racist cop they wer from the 2-7...

    2 hours ago, ML89 said:

    I think you're right that it's "Censure," or maybe it's even later, that still has the 33rd, but I can't remember which one. It's on a "dun dun" timestamp screen. I know there are addresses that can't exist as well. Also, they seem to solve crimes up and down Manhattan, considering they're in the Upper West Side one day and down at Battery Park the next, although I think there was something about how homicides are worked, that it isn't confined to the precinct?

    It's complicated as the real-life NYPD keeps adjusting their approach and shifting responsibilities between precinct detective squads and specialized units based on the Patrol Boroughs and who takes the lead on which cases when. In the beginning it seemed to be more of a precinct squad that even dealt with some serious non-homicide crimes. It migrated to more of Manhattan North Homicide before eventually seeming to range over just about all of Manhattan from Harlem to Wall Street.

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  12. On 10/14/2023 at 5:42 PM, SoMuchTV said:

    Maybe I’m missing something obvious, but what is the damage if anyone else knows his code names in his phone for people? Unless someone steals his phone and hacks his access code, but even then…?

    On the other hand, I’m not sure what the benefit is of having funny names for people, unless you just like to amuse yourself, or you’re some kind of comedian who would use it as a bit...  oh, yeah 


    On 10/14/2023 at 6:13 PM, shapeshifter said:

    Yes. I suspect the code names were assigned before smart phones had access codes, and now they're just fun fodder.

    Possibly also beneficial to anyone who sees the caller ID pop up during a meeting. I'm sure if he ducks out to take a call he'd rather have some network VP see the code name and assume he is talking to Steve Carell and not Mo Rocca....

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  13. On 10/14/2023 at 2:05 AM, WendyCR72 said:

    It also speeds up/doesn't play all of the theme. Watching the end where they walk, it's in major fast forward fashion.

    Forget which episode and which word, but I also recall some "bad" word excised [the dialogue goes silent].

    This is on late at night. Why the need for the "nanny" editing?


    On 10/14/2023 at 8:57 PM, Xeliou66 said:

    I’ve noticed a couple of censored words as well on Charge, as well as the odd times it goes to commercial break. Very weird. While it’s nice to have another network showing CI, it makes it less enjoyable.

    I have not seen the episodes or anything else on Charge. But given what is described here including sloppy cuts to commercial, it is probably a matter of greed/sloppiness rather than any moral qualms. The people who make the decisions about buying and selling the "content" don't actually care about anything other than the money, and if they save a few bucks by not having to pay anyone to keep track of what edits are actually being sent so much the better. So there is no actual logic to what is censored etc. - they made the cuts at some point for somebody who cared - and it was what was in the file when they sent if off. TBH I'm really surprised at this point that one of the digital subchannels or cable overnight packages hasn't broadcasted CI in a foreign language for a week or two without noticing...

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  14. On 10/3/2023 at 1:01 PM, kittykat said:

    So glad to watch this again.  For some reason max has this show buried rows down but Bill fucking Mahers face is plastered all over. 

    Yeah some reason. Can't possibly imagine why they would promote one more than the other...




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  15. 21 hours ago, Constantinople said:

    Happy 20th Anniversary of Outbreak Day!

    I'd like to say I remembered, but "Max" sent an email to remind people.

    But that also reminded me that the first scene after Outbreak Day takes place 20 years later in Boston. And here I am 20 years later...in Boston.

    And only Fenway is a desolate post-apocalyptic wasteland...

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  16. On 8/31/2023 at 11:29 AM, Spartan Girl said:

    That was clever. They did something similar with Beetlejuice saying that offenders would be dragged to hell or something like that lol.

    Given the news the last couple of weeks it seems like they needed to add some more to the warning...

    • LOL 4
  17. On 9/22/2023 at 6:43 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

    You make a good point. Plus, it’s jarring to see a thinner Max and with more hair a few episodes in! And the line that Paul is new.

    Then again, in watching my retro shows, it’s obvious that they were aired out of filming order!

    How you been, @wknt3? I’ve missed discussing our shows and fave writers!

    There is a difference between airing out of production order and airing what is effectively a trip into a L&O multiverse of madness without any reason other than they had it in the can. I'm actually surprised NBC agreed to air it as it TBH.

    And I've been fine I just haven't been around as much due to a combination of factors including schedules and Dick Wolf's "eccentric" approach to his streaming and syndication deals combined with changes in the digital subchannels meaning I don't see as much of the early seasons as I used to so I don't have as much to say.

    7 hours ago, andromeda331 said:

    I love that quote. It's so good and hilarious.

    It always amazes me that Stone was punched and McCoy never was. You'd think it would be McCoy given his tendency to tick people off.

    In universe I would say that McCoy always gave the impression of being a bit more of a scapper who might just punch you back harder.

    Both in universe and IRL NYC was a bit less "gritty" and prone to spontaneous violence in the McCoy seasons compared to the early years.

    On a meta or BTS level SW was much less likely than MM to inspire the writers to want to do to his character on the page what they couldn't do to him in person if they wanted to keep their jobs. (Kind of the same reason Greevey went out in a less than heroic fashion...)

    • LOL 4
  18. 3 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    WAHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Season One just started airing yesterday on WE. Of course, they aired the unofficial pilot, "Everybody's Favorite Bagman" first, which is stupid, but I'm waiting to watch in order.

    I will defend them in this limited instance and say that this is a choice that actually makes sense as it allows the viewer to see the "rough draft" and how it developed. The stupidity is actually in ever putting in on the air in the first place without at least reshooting with Steven Hill. I mean even shows facing serious budget crunches who are forced to put their unaired pilots on air at least tried to make it fit into continuity. The least they could do was make it a two-parter and have Ben Stone defying orders to make a deal and it being revealed he is trying to bring to justice the corrupt city officials who arranged a hit that left DA Wentworth in a wheelchair unable to speak as we see flashbacks to the case...

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  19. 17 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

    I’ve never connected that, Goren and Stabler are very different characters, but I’ve commented many times on how much I hate what they did to Goren in seasons 6-7, it was bizarre how out of nowhere they gave him a ton of personal baggage, took away his mojo and liveliness, and had people thinking he’s a “whack job” instead of an excellent detective. It was just a terrible decision, and I have no idea why they tried to make the show a soap opera.


    12 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

    I don't think Bobby was meant to be another Elliot. They clearly had different backgrounds and upbringings. I think Warren Leight just wanted more dramaaaaaaaa, so Bobby went from capable and quirky to the whackjob that the brass hated. Which is a big trope on many a cop show. Shrug.

    It very well may have been case of art imitating life. VDO going through his own exhaustion and health issues may simply not have been capable of bringing the same energy and vitality to the role so they had to try to come up with some dramatic explanation - it isn't like he was a secondary character that they could simply write his health issues in like they did with Bell's Palsy. So they hit him with Warren Leight's Sledgehammer of Family Drama and played up the angle of traditional cops not really trusting him despite the results.



    I agree with your rant about Stabler and how he got angrier and devolved some as the show went on, they did damage to his character as well.

    I think Stabler/Benson get talked about way too much - there are so many great characters in the franchise, why do Benson/Stabler get all of the attention? I think it’s because SVU is a sensationalist soap opera now, with the romance angle as well, while the Mothership and for the most part CI are all about the cases.

    They get the attention because they are still around and because in the beginning there really was an intense and organic chemistry. Plus unlike other pairings that might have been comparable this one features a performer that has been perfectly willing to lean into it and actively worked up the shippers to service her ego. As have the network, the showrunners, etc.

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  20. 1 hour ago, Kel Varnsen said:

    Of course if trained Jedi were good at that then a lot more would have survived at the end of Revenge of the Sith.


    48 minutes ago, johntfs said:

    They were that good at that.  We've seen plenty of examples of them being that good at that.  However, quantity is also a quality.  Blocking/redirecting a clone trooper's blaster shot was trivial for a trained Jedi.  Blocking/redirecting a thousand of them being fired at them all at once was a little different story.

    It's also been established that there is an element of trust involved as well - unless you were exceptionally attuned to the force (i.e. Yoda) you were vulnerable to a surprise attack from a trusted ally (such as your clone troopers under your command) whereas you would easily deflect the same from a stranger or enemy. So it's not just a matter of numbers (although that did play a role) it's a matter of not having their guard up.

  21. On 9/16/2023 at 11:23 PM, Xeliou66 said:

    Anyway, my thoughts on episode 1, titled Hollywood (very odd how the titled each episode after an LA location) - this was actually a pretty good episode - they were constantly reminding the viewers that they were in LA with the whole actors/Hollywood theme, that was sort of overdone in this one, I guess to remind viewers they weren’t in NYC anymore.

    To be fair NYC has always been a character in the franchise. And as I've mentioned before the spinoffs have always been most successful when they have something different to offer from the original and the biggest problem with this series was it was too similar to the original, so I can totally understand why they were putting LA front and center. I do think it would have been better to focus on another aspect of LA since the city does not lack for distinctive local flavor that still ties in to national issues and the franchise had already covered the industry pretty thoroughly, but there were a lot of missed opportunities with this series so that's par for the course.

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