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Posts posted by NinjaPenguins

  1. Imagine all the viewers they might get back if they let Steffy be served that humble pie. There is zero dramatic tension in any storyline involving Steffy because everyone knows she’ll win/survive/have excuses made for her. Why even care? Imagine making the “heroine” of your show such an atrocious, toxic bully, abusive spouse and horrible boss and thinking that’s quality daytime entertainment. If show acknowledged Steffy was a villain or, hell, admitted she was deeply flawed, it would be easier to watch her antics.

    This show seems to gaslight its own viewers and hold them in contempt. Steffy is shown, on screen, kissing Liam twice, but Hope kisses Finn once, and you’re waiting, waiting, waiting for Steffy’s and Liam’s liplock to surface. Instead, it disappears down the memory hole. I know we saw Taylor sleep with all the same men Brooke did, excluding Brooke’s own son of course, yet that fact is never said aloud. We’re supposed to pretend Taylor didn’t run away a couple of times and completely abandon her idiot children; instead we listen to her give Brooke parenting advice. It is absolutely ridiculous that Steffy and her mother slut shame the Logans without anyone uttering three magic words: two paternity tests.

    Now the show is trying to shift a bit of blame for Bitch in a Box onto Hope for kissing Finn, because it’s not enough for Steffy to triumph. She has to be a sore, smug winner too. No victory lap is complete without blaming a Logan.

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  2. Ridge quite explicitly told Steffy that what happened between him and Taylor was due to his choices and not anything Brooke did. She’s woven a fable out of whole cloth where the mean Logan witches ruined her perfect family and nothing will make her give it up.

    Wasn’t it great to listen to Steffy bully Hope and Taylor condescend to Brooke like two venomous snakes but with way less charm than a couple of pit vipers? As if that wasn’t enough quality entertainment, then they got together to squee over how clever and special and virtuous they are and trash talk the Logans yet again. Who doesn’t enjoy the sheer magic of watching vile hypocrites jerk each other off in an orgy of self-congratulations.

    Look how magnanimous Katie is in humiliating defeat. Of course, the show won’t let anyone acknowledge what an absolute shit thing Katie did, not even the woman she victimized with her amateur detective routine.


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  3. I think Eric just really enjoys throwing parties. If only he could throw one that wasn’t so painful to watch.

    RJ bowing and scraping before her highness, Queen Steffy, and apologizing for something not even remotely his fault was super special. Steffy playing Lady Bountiful, granting absolution and tossing around blessings like confetti, really took everything to the next level. And, hey, everyone remembered that Tom and Hollis died! The sincerity with which everyone acknowledged the murdered men was so authentic. Not.

    I had to cut out when Brooke and Donna began their ritual polishing of Steffy’s halo.

    Regarding Monday, did I hear Liam claim that Katie was in any way right about Bill’s situation; she just had the wrong woman? And then he claimed Katie risked her life to protect him? Wut. Katie was never in any danger, unless you can overdose on smug. She was the perfect tool for Luna to use to frame her mother. It wasn’t some little mistake, either. Katie, with an able assist by Lt. Baker, railroaded an innocent woman into prison. A prison stay isn’t a joke. Katie made a huge ass of herself and deserves a lot of scorn, not Liam’s whitewashing bullshit.

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  4. I must say today was a bit of a head scratcher. Have Daniel and Heather ever thought about, I don’t know, taking a firm or even strident tone with their daughter? Not being a couple of passive, useless dolts might actually have more of an impact on Lucy than trying to reason with her unreasonable ass. She needs to be in therapy yesterday. Here’s another bold idea: don’t patronize a business where you know someone who is angry with you might be. Let things cool down. Daniel is almost as dumb as Nick. I will say the face Daniel made when Cassie’s name came out of Lucy’s mouth was absolutely amazing. Then when they got back to their apartment, Daniel immediately backed off when Lucy had a meltdown at the mere mention of Portugal and he was dead to me again. Lucy telling him that his selfish choices which lead to Cassie’s death were ruining her life should have resulted in her being packed into a large shipping crate headed for the moon. She cray.

    Phyllis, take your goddamn medicine, preferably in suppository form.

    I don’t comment on fashion too often, but Sally’s dress gave my retinas tuberculosis. The material was not appealing. 

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  5. Genoa City Blowhole


    ABBOTT chancellor launch party is going to be lit, savage and straight fire

    By William Foster Abbott

    Come to the Abbott Chancellor launch party this weekend to meet the bold, innovative executive team of Me, Myself and I as we prepare to launch this corporate rocket into the stratosphere. Chancellor now has an Abbott in front, on top of and behind it, waiting for a chance to give it a good, hard shove off the new logo. This is Abbott territory now, and all you need to get a passport is to put some respect on my name.

    I’ll be announcing a new deal that’s sure to have the industry shook as insiders have to call their doctors for the 4 hour business boners slamming against the bottom of conference tables around the world. It’s that amazing, folks. The GC media is welcome to ride mine to sweaty completion, as long as it’s not in a committed relationship already. Here at Abbott, we don’t condone filthy disgusting cheating.

    You not only get to shake my hand at this sizzling shindig - there’s plenty of activities for partygoers to enjoy. Play pin the poison dart on Adam, grab free pens with the new logo on them or compete in a high stakes strip poker game to become my new COO. We’ll be screening a two hour arthouse production of my life story, complete with testimonials I secretly recorded. Get a live look at the new corporate yACht (see what I did there?) fleet currently docked off the coast of Cali, just waiting to promote our hip new direction. Each boat will host an unbridled festival of debauchery and hedonism in various ports of call around the world. There are no limits here at ABBOTT chancellor.

    The following residents of Genoa City are NOT invited and they know why: Chelsea Lawson; Victor, Nikki, Adam, Summer and Katie Newman; Jack and Kyle Abbott; Chance Chancellor; Lily and Devon Winters; Daniel and Lucy Romalotti, and that chick who is so boring I can’t remember her name, Phyllis Summers and my mom. Sorry, folks. You just don’t rate. See the rest of you there! Bonus: My nostrils double as confetti cannons.

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  6. I would watch a week’s worth of Poppy before I watched five minutes of Steffy bullying and slut shaming Hope. I wanted to turn the show back on in case Katie got her face cracked for being spectacularly wrong, but the previews showed the same tired, played out garbage. Steffy condescendingly telling Hope she won’t let her turn into her mother ain’t it and never will be. 

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  7. Sadly, vile Nikki was one of the few to point out that Lucy needs her youthful alcohol consumption addressed. Maybe Daniel and Heather can tackle that issue with their daughter over a leisurely breakfast at Crimson Lights.

    7 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

    Loved how sympathetic Vic was.  He was concerned about Nick being taken in by Sharon's "ups & downs".  Real nice.  Oh, and he said this while Mrs. Satan looked her nose down, giving a mocking grin.

    You know that’s right. Hey, Victor, get your ears out of the canopic jar and listen up! Maybe if your stupid, selfish baboon boy had been there for Sharon when Cassie died and didn’t drown his manpain in Phyllis’ fever swamp, he wouldn’t be half-assedly trying to make up for it now. Nick might as well go stick his head back in the grease trap it was soaking in because he’s as worthless as ever. He still won’t set boundaries with Phyllis, and his daughter is the one with all the insights.

    Boy, Victor sure is kind to the parents of his grandchildren, isn’t he? He wants to humiliate and destroy Billy (who needs no help in that department), wants Nick not to support Sharon during a crisis, ominously threatened Cole for closing down his torture chamber and we all know what happened with Phyllis and his Marco plot. Hell, throw in his great grandchild’s dad too, because Victor is going to use, abuse and discard Kyle (much like his uncle, he needs no assistance in tripping over his own massive ego). 

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  8. 3 hours ago, MollyB said:

    Couldn't agree more.  I think Jack should put all Vyle's shite on the front lawn and set it on fire.  And while Kid Pomp is outside trying to stomp out the flames, change the locks on the doors

    Who do I send money to in order to make this scene happen? I needs it.


    3 hours ago, MollyB said:

    Alliteration be damned. 

    Not on my watch. I will accept platinum pears, adamantium apples and brass bananas though.

    I don’t think enough attention is being paid to Lucy’s theft of alcohol from a bar. How the fuck did she pull that off? 

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  9. Dear Billy Abbott;

    I can’t even with this Sharon chick! She’s all pissy because our daughter’s underage drinking led to a little fender bender that injured her daughter. And, I suppose she’s a bit salty because my boyfriend’s underage drinking resulted in another daughter’s death. He’s sorry, okay? He can’t live his life wallowing in it. Sharon barged into our apartment, criticized our parenting and told us to keep our daughter away from her daughter. How are we supposed to do that? If someone wants to be friends with you, you have to just accept it. That’s how I made all of mine. We’re thinking about taking a family trip to Portugal, but it’s NOT a reward for our kid. It’s so we can hide like cowards, and Lucy will have to microwave a bowl of butter each day for my father’s attempt to slide out of his tight pockets. Just tonight, we took Lucy out to a nice supper, but not too nice! She could only order one mocktail and had to put her phone away during the main course. To wrap up this master class in parenting, we decided we’d adopt a puppy on the way home, but Lucy would NOT get to name it. Unfortunately Sharon and her family were there, and she objected strenuously to Lucy’s attempt to talk to Faith. We were just trying to be friendly and thought Sharon would be open to it. How can we get her to see we’re doing our best and that she needs to back off?

    Heather (I can’t think of anything witty to put here)

    Dear Heather;

    You and Daniel are straight up garbage people. As someone who could wear suits tailored from Hefty bags, I get to make that judgement. Game recognizes game, trash recognizes trash. Here’s my advice: buy one way tickets to Portugal and never drag your asses onto American soil again. Genoa City needs to open a second transfer station because of all the walking dumpster fires and diaper genies littering the streets. If you insist on staying and annoying the shit out of everyone, at least get your little stalker under control. Lucy doesn’t get it, so your job is to make her get it. Boundaries are a good thing, or so I’ve heard. Let me also suggest maneuvering Phyllis in between you and Sharon, so when Sharon snaps, your mother in law gets what’s coming to her. I’d say good luck, but I’d be lying.

    Dear Billy;

    You’ve done enough damage to the family name, so forgive me if I leave it off. I’ve had it up to my swoosh with my brother and son, who were apparently baked from the same buttbiscuit dough. They both blame me for their arrogant, entitled attitudes because I… well, because they feel pressured to prove something to me. I strive to be a decent person and set an example, but that seems to enrage them. Sometimes I end up trying to please everyone, which doesn’t really please anyone. My wife knows she’s the real reason our son is such a little piss baby, but I can’t make myself agree out loud because she’ll be crushed. Neither overgrown toddler will take the slightest responsibility for anything they do. Listen up - Victor Newman is coming for you both, and you could both stand to benefit from my experience with vampire hunting. You think it’s just some stake swinging contest, but mark my words, when you’re both in the two-bed hospital getting transfusions and surgeries to remove splinters from unspeakable places, you’ll see.

    Jack Abbott (I get it to use it, bitch)

    Dear Jack,

    It may surprise you to learn that I agree about Kyle - that fool is dancing on Victor’s puppet strings, pursuing another romantic relationship with sibling vibes and stomped all over Jabot with his giant clown shoes until Diane closed down the circus tent. The way he sabotaged and shivved the co-CEO was appalling. His hand wasn’t forced the way mine was, surrounded by disloyal bastards pooping on my launch party and blinking out their coup plans to each other in Morse code. That idiot nephew of mine cried as hard as you did because I shitcanned Lily. Then he had the titanium tangerines to demand I make him my co-CEO! I will NOT be outhandsomed in my own C-suite. Also, I can handle Victor with one hand tied behind my back and one nostril packed with styrofoam.You know why I get all dickish with you? Sure, you try to be a role model with your hard work and empathy and civility. Don’t you see? Those things don’t fit my lifestyle and you keep pushing them on me. Life should be an easy, breezy cruise on the sea of money our father earned. How dare you question my use of MY name again, btw. I’m legally changing my name to Abbott Abbott just to spite you. Ha ha!

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  10. Don’t get me wrong. Steffy definitely deserves praise for her masterful bowel and bladder control and the kind of shrewd perception that leads one to accept and consume a drink from someone you just caught macking on their father. Credit where credit is due. Bonus bad ass points for declining a trip to the hospital despite undoubtedly having gold standard health insurance. Common sense is for wimps!

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  11. 9 hours ago, surfgirl said:

    It's like watching two dogs dry hump each other while looking at other dogs having a better time off in the distance


    8 hours ago, boes said:

    With every deft verbal jab from Chance, all ButtBiscuit managed to do was sweat till his wizened apple doll cheeks glowed and his chest caved in on itself.

    Excuse me, folks. Did I take a wrong turn and end up at a meeting of poet laureates?

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  12. Dear Billy Abbott;

    I just don’t know how to make my daughter understand the gravity of her poor decisions. Stealing liquor from a local bar, guzzling it in the park and manipulating the object of her obsession into rescuing her all led to a car crash. Her mother and I sprung her from the hospital, bought her a four foot tall plush giraffe from the gift shop, stopped in at Crimson Lights where we treated her to a large latte, brookie sundae and butterscotch biscotti, and then we brought the hammer down. She’s going to pay a hefty fine, do community service and defer driver’s ed  for an extra year. When she finally gets her license, we’ll be getting her a USED Mini Cooper instead of the Porsche 911 she wants. She sat there, sighing and rolling her eyes, saying sorry but not really meaning it. I see a lot of my mother in her. My sister, a true, certified asshole thinks I’m being too lenient. I could use your perspective.

    Daniel Dadalotti

    Dear Daniel,

    Why not bring Lucy by ABBOTT - Chancellor so I can look her in the eye and gauge exactly how remorseful she is. You can proceed from there. I have that gift you know - determining via eye contact whether or not someone is on the precipice of betrayal. Are you going to betray me, Danny boy? It’s apparently the hippest thing going in Genoa City. I will wreck your ass with my boat shoes if this is some kind of conspiracy. If you’re on the level though, here’s a radical idea: we’ll trade daughters for a month. Lucy will experience Buttbiscuit Parenting Boot Camp, which I can assure you will scare the bratty teenager out of her. You can sort out Katie’s field hockey bullshit, which requires the type of parenting skills you almost have. Seriously, bro, you and your lady are shit parents. Absolute shit. Good luck!


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  13. Hey, Phyllis, what in the fucking psychotic hell are you doing at the hospital? You don’t belong there, in polite society or even on planet Earth. We all see you clear as day, as obvious as if you were showing off your inflamed red baboon buttocks on an IMAX screen. Nick, dull-witted dog man, doesn’t have the sense nature gave a carrot and fails to tell you to GTFO. Someone is actually to blame, dipshit. I hope when Sharon snaps, she beats the brakes off Phyllis witn a halibut.

    Does Billy have a knock off phone with no power button, no way to mute the ringer volume and no airplane mode? Not that Katie had anything worthwhile to say, but listening to her dad yell and berate people is not a fun lunch. Billy is really dialed in to that Buttbiscuit frequency and is aiming to go out in a blaze of incompetence and ego. He’s still planning that dumbass launch party! Idiot.

    I’ve kind of had my fill, though, of everyone on this show blubbering on about legacies. Hey, douchebags, corporations are soulless entities that exist to make money; you’re not brokering world peace, feeding the hungry or mitigating environmental damage. Get over yourselves. It’s nice, I guess, that everyone wants to keep an extremely rich person’s private concern generating profits long after their passing, but quit acting like it’s some noble quest. Jerks like Nick and Billy get handed executive suite jobs based solely on their legacy status, so maybe shut up already and stop calling attention to what unqualified twits you are. 

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  14. Why can’t Adam stop lying? He lies like it’s an involuntary bodily function. It’s a compulsion like Nick asking people to pull his finger or Phyllis circling above roadkill.

    What even was the point of Adam telling Sally that his dick diving with Chelsea was about love? Pointless cruelty? Where the fuck is this coming from? I know no one has asked for it, and if you have, please don’t tell me. Adam has been 100% into Sally for some time now. Chelsea doesn’t seem into it. By the by, Josh Griffith, watching The Outsiders together does not a deep and meaningful connection make. Lazy, unoriginal try-hard dipshit.

    I am glad to be back in the comfort zone of Billy going full metal Buttbiscuit. I’d forgive him a lot if he knocked Victor flat on his ass the next time he called him “Billy Boy”. Chance needs to haul ass back to detective work, because the man can read people. He sees Billy quite clearly for the arrogant, impulsive bullshitter he is. Man, he is good. Stop wasting all those smarts and looks on Summer.

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  15. A Bitter Recap - Deeply Unlikable People

    Woof. It’s assholes on parade, with the Newman horrors playing the role of grand marshal.

    You know what makes for gripping television? A character silently reading a letter while another character looks on primly, barely able to contain their smug. Fake azz Nikki desecrates Katherine’s memory in order to use Lily as an unwitting tool in taking over Chancellor. It’s almost a relief when Billy Buttbiscuits rolls up to find out exactly how fuck-deficient Lily is.

    It’s Nate’s unlucky day as Victor insists he sit down and accept his to-do list. All the items on the list are “tell Lily to go back to Winters.” Nate declines with a well-cocked eyebrow. Victor drags out the dead horse that is Nate purportedly trying to get him committed to a haunted asylum and stealing his doubloons. Fuck off, you dried up old vampire. We all saw what happened and that ain’t it. Victor really believes he has everyone guessing, even though he’s waving around his obvious intentions like he’s trying to guide an airplane to the runaway.

    Hey, it’s the intrepid nose that knows sweet fuck all! Billy runs into Sally at her new old home at the Athletic Club. You might think Billy is a decent guy while listening to him commiserate with Sally, but you would be wrong. Sally is feeling a lot of anger still, possibly because the GCAC staff has yet to solve the stains Nick left. She flashes back to Adam saying the gruesome sex act he committed with Chelsea had something to do with love. Adam is such a garbage person that somehow Billy will be rewarded with a lady who is way too good for him.

    Oh no. Fuck me in the neck. It’s the jackwagon family taking up all the park space to act like fucking cornballs. The scene hits its nadir when it shifts to an OCD PSA with Connor pretending to be a game show host asking his parents trivia questions about his condition. Seriously. The scintillating script clumsily lurches to the next plot point, with Connor wanting his parents to learn therapeutic touch via practice on each other. Therapeutically touch grass, JG. The ice cream truck arrives, Adam blames Chelsea for confessing, snarks on her garish lipstick and proves he’s a genuine Newman issue asshat. Okay, I’m the one who hated the lipstick.

    Billy thinks Lily is going to take her massive severance check and get out of his way. While Lily is grateful to finally get a decent sized package from Billy, she’s going to fight him for Chancellor. Unfortunately, she chooses her allies poorly, because she calls Victor. Billy calls someone to see if he can get away with his shit, as this corporate brain genius never ran the firing past legal, I guess.

    Connor spots Sally in the park and calls her over for some prime awkwardness time. Chelz sends Adam and Connor away so she can apologize for scarring the eyeballs of viewers with her and Adam’s nasty romp. Sally finds it hard to be angry with Chelsea, because Chelsea at least told the truth and she seems as repulsed by Adam as everyone else is.


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  16. Dear Billy Abbott;

    It is absolutely shameful that you require elite members of society to sign off with their real names. Fortunately, one’s ability to be embarrassed is inversely proportional to the size of one’s bank accounts. Marvelous, isn’t it? You have made a fatal mistake by firing Lily Winters, dear boy. Your right flank, or should I say wrong flank? - is exposed. May I ask why your flanks are so pale and concave? You would never pass muster at Westminster, rest assured. Victor and I will be annexing and occupying Chancellor Industries on behalf of the grand Newman Empire, and you would be wise to surrender it immediately. It’s what Katherine and Neil would want. Victor is already arranging for your children to be adopted by Cole Howard to spare them any embarrassment from your inevitable failure. Perhaps you could revive your adorable little podcasting hobby. “The Hostile Nostril” might draw a significant audience of edge lords. We expect you to vacate the premises by end of business tonight. Toodles!

    Nikki Newman, Countess of Chancellor

    Dear Nikki,

    Really? Neil would want you to ingratiate yourself with his daughter in order to steal her job? You might want to drag out Victor’s first edition ouija board and double check that ass-umption. An afternoon full of tea and crumpets, reading Katherine’s “Live Laugh Love” bon mots and reveling in what you imagine to be your mad manipulation skillz won’t get you sweet fuck all. Before I let you waltz in here like queen shit of Turdistan, I will burn this motherfucker to the ground. Not only will I torch it, I’ll burn the ashes and then nuke the wreckage from orbit. The earth will be salted and I will inhale the whole ball of wax. Too bad you’re an unfashionable snob who needs to hire a sherpa to guide your hairdresser up your ridiculous coiffure. We share a mutual disdain for Adam and could have teamed up to inflict misery and woe upon him. Newmans drool, Abbotts rule.

    Dear Billy Abbott;

    Whoa! I was today years old when I learned something so big, so wild and so depressing that I don’t know what to do with this crazy jumble of emotions but hit the head and do some stress shitting. Dude, I’m two pounds lighter and not even close to done. Me Nick! Me confused! Get this… Phyllis is a real piece of garbage. I just… dude, I may or may not have a kid with that heinous anus. My likable daughter was in an accident with her obsessive dingdong of a granddaughter, and man… she stopped me in Crimson Lights while I was getting snacks for the hospital and was all “don’t blame my dumbass son and his boring girlfriend, don’t try to heal Sharon with your magic wand, blah blah blah.” I told Phyllis to chillis and not worry about me, so of course she doubled down. Dude, you hit that. Was she always this crass and selfish? And then it dawned on me. After my last likable daughter died in an accident, I turned to that spiteful woman and made everything worse. Geez, Summer texted me to say Phyllis is making cuckoo jokes about Sharon. WTF?

    Nick (I wish my dick was a time machine)

    Dear Nick,

    My dick is a time machine, insofar as I’ve been told by women it’s stolen time from them they can never get back. Usually 30 seconds or so. Phyllis has always been an asshole, sociopath, narcissist and crusty barnacle on the ship of society. When I was hitting that, it was honestly like fucking myself. You definitely have a daughter - let’s just say that Summer being my niece has disturbing implications. No, don’t ask why. It took a little while for that other snotgoblin of hers to fully evolve into an insufferable arse, didn’t it? Daniel just doesn’t have that blame-defying panache I have, but Lucy is definitely an early bloomer in the twit department. Turns out Phyllis did me a favor taking her off my hands. I wish I had a way out for you, but you played yourself when you shut off the X-Box and turned on the SeX-Box. Be more discerning with your joystick, bro.

    Dear Billy Abbott;

    I am at my wit’s end here. Hell, that’s obvious because I’m writing to you for advice. I have been communicating with a hallucination of Cameron Kirsten, who has been trying to whip me into a frenzy of rage and revenge against the Romalotti family. Daniel was in the car when Cassie died, and now his drunk daughter was in a car with Faith when it crashed. The cheap ass hospital put Faith and Lucy in the same room, and Lucy is always loudly in her own feels, blubbering about Faith until Faith asks for more tests just to get the fuck away from the theatrics. Today I almost beat the boring out of Heather when she smarmily suggested we not worry about recriminations. I know you know exactly how I feel, but you haven’t killed Adam. How do you maintain your chill?

    Sharon (is about to go off)

    Dear Sharon;

    Well, it’s not for lack of trying, I can promise you that. Maybe if I hallucinated Cameron, Adam would be in that lake Jeremy Stark took his final swim in. Huh, it’s kind of weird that ol’ Jeremy never haunts Phyllis, but I suppose she made quite a mess of things when she ventilated him with those scissors. Plus, even a vengeful ghost doesn’t want anything to do with that hot mess. This has taken a rather dark turn. Sorry about that. I wouldn’t actually kill Adam now, thanks to Connor, but I will have mad hot sex with every woman he cares about. I guess that won’t work for you, but if you got your meds properly adjusted, you could learn to find satisfaction in “gentler” acts of aggression. Sick burns bring me a lot of pleasure, especially when you can watch the recipient’s face crack in real time. Sweetly offer to help Heather find her personality and then guide her to a vacant lot. Allow Daniel to design video games for your company, but they must be horror survival games with his mother as the final boss, a screeching red demon who batters the player character with tube socks loaded with lemons. Pretend your technology team has created an innovative method for removing tight jeans and tell Heather you’d be honored to let Paul have the first go. Then, mail some cheap salad tongs to Portugal with a little card that says Good Luck! accompanied by a passive aggressive smiley face. I’ll text you some of my more… bold ideas. Hang in there.

    Dear Billy Abbott;

    Claire is light. Claire is love. Claire is family. Claire is one of us. YAY! Will you accept Claire as your lord and savior today?

    Summer, Cousin of Claire, All Glory to her Name

    Dear Summer;

    No. You need to stop ironing your brain because it’s way too smooth. Next.

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  17. R.I.P. Adam. You are dead to me. He’s probably going to say something weasel-like in the vein of “Yes, love for my son.,” but he can still take a long walk off a short pier. When Billy Abbott, champion buttbiscuit, handles a break up with more maturity and grace than you, it’s time to fuck off to Siberia to reevaluate your life choices. 

    8 hours ago, Peppermint said:

    There is something wrong with me...I actually teared up as Sally tried to make Adam tell the truth today. Damn, she's good lately.

    There’s something wrong with me too. I felt terrible when Adam answered “yes” and Sally was so obviously gutted. I hope Sally winds up and swings a frozen swordfish at his nuts before storming out.

    Hey, Victor, Claire just escaped having her life controlled. It’s not cool for you to do it because “fambly”. Fucking creep.

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