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Posts posted by Roaster

  1. Colter got a lot of criticism on this very forum for his acting in Jessica Jones.


    I didn't notice it being bad acting.  I didn't notice his acting at all, honestly.


    The character was a valuable part of the story and building out the neighborhood and Jessica's life.  I guess you can be cynical and say they were just setting him up for his own series.  But I think Luke stands on his own as a needed supporting character in this series.

    • Love 1
  2. I missed the first round and tuned in at the start of Double Jeopardy.  Katie had something like -$800.  She took that to +$14000, which is a good turn-around.  Her opponents gave little competition.  It was all Katie in DJ.


    FJ was an instaget (imho) and the contestants all knew it was Kennedy/John XXIII even if Katie got the year they died wrong.

    • Love 2
  3. So among 5 best TV drama nominees and 6 best TV comedy nominees, only one is on broadcast TV.

    Empire - Fox (broadcast)
    Game of Thrones - HBO
    Mr Robot - USA
    Narcos - Netflix
    Outlander - Starz

    Casual -  Hulu
    Mozard in the Jungle - Amazon
    Orange is the New Black - Netflix
    Silicon Valley - HBO
    Transparent - Amazon
    Veep - HBO

    TV for people with enough disposable income to pay for TV.  Whatever happened to TV as a mass medium?  It's now more of a niche medium.

    • Love 4
  4. On The Incomparable's Jessica Jones podcast https://www.theincomparable.com/teevee/


    one of the participants objected that the lack of Apple products on the show was noticeable and struck her as unrealistic.  Considering Apple has 13% of the laptop market and 42% of the smartphone market in the US, I don't think a typical NYC private investigator probably uses a MacBook.  But on TV, everybody uses MacBooks.  Apple's marketing has been so successful that people now notice if glamorous TV superheroes use anything else.

    • Love 1
  5. Re: Alex's pronunciation of Vermont


    I think that's because the answer was: Who were the Green Mountain Boys?


    The contestant missed it and Alex was trying to emphasize that you could reason it out from the origin of the state name.  Vermont = Green Mountain in French.


    I don't usually like when he does accents but this seemed a reasonable time to do one.

    • Love 3

    Jessica's sick and sad attraction to Luke,

    Why was it sick and sad?  I thought Luke was one of the positives in her life.


    Luke lives in her neighborhood.  He owns a bar (and she likes to drink).  He's as strong as she is so they have something in common.  He's got big muscles.  (I'm not attracted to men, but that actor has some notable musculature.)  Plus they are sexually compatible and he seems like a decent guy (before Kilgrave controlled his mind).

    • Love 2

    I'm not sure if he was supposed to be evil or just completely amoral, tying with the scene where Killgrave says they weren't around to teach him about right and wrong

    Isn't that what Kilgrave was saying to Horgath when he was in the transparent prison and trying to talk his way out: some people have special abilities, but the abilities themselves aren't good or bad, just how we use them?


    I can see the argument, but I still wanted him dead.


    I rarely find villains as scary as I found Kilgrave.  Having your mind controlled is the ultimate violation.  It's scarier than physical torture because if removes your agency and makes you less than human.

    • Love 4
  8. Kriysten Ritter was born in 1981 and Eva Green was born in 1980.


    In any case, I thought Ritter was very good in this role.  Never read the comic so I had no preconceived notion of what she was supposed to be like.


    This is quirky, but I noticed it: Jessica uses the Firefox browser.  I use Firefox, too, but it is declining in popularity.  So I am glad Jessica uses it.


    Could this be a case of product placement?  Doesn't seem like something the low-key Mozilla Corporation, which is owned by non-profit Mozilla Foundation, would do.

  9. Sweet Christmas.


    Another insufficiently thought-out plan by Jessica allows Kilgrave to almost get away. At least she finally killed him this time because I was getting tired of her plans falling apart.


    I know this isn't a procedural or show about cleverness of the investigators or a caper show.  Its focus is on characters and it's Kilgrave's character that gets him in the end.  Still I get frustrated when they almost get the bad guy but he escapes.


    Anyway, good show.  I will recommend it to friends.

    • Love 1
  10. What was the significance of Malcolm not calling Jessica about what was going down in her apartment?  Was it suppose to be showing that he was no longer willing to stick out his neck for her?



    I don't know, but watching this episode I was thinking Malcolm is the most morally admirable person on this show.


    I really liked this show for the first 8 episodes (still mostly do), but after they had Kilgrave trapped in the special jail cell, I just wanted them to kill him and get the whole thing over.  It's frustrating when the good guys keep screwing up and everything falls apart.


    And what about the vaccine that Kilgrave's father was working on?  Are we assuming that didn't work and we should forget about it?  I figured when Jeri wanted to keep genetic material from Kilgrave's offspring she would attempt to use it (maybe in future seasons) to create another mind-controller.  I hope she learned her lesson after seeing what Kikgrave can do,

    • Love 4
  11. My new crush is Krysten Ritter, after watching about half of the Jessica Jones series.  I'm sure many share my admiration.  I also appreciate that the costume people put her in snug-fitting jeans and that she is often photographed from behind.

    • Love 3
  12. I got FJ tonight, but why does Alex have to say before the clue (something like): Jeopardy contestants are readers so this should be easy.



    It pre-emptively embarrases anyone who misses it, which two of the contestants did.

    • Love 2
  13. I actually got FJ today (unlike most of the TOC FJs).  I also got Matt's FDA Daily Double.


    But overall the clues were hard, and I was blanking on a lot of them.  Noticeably harder than in regular games.  And that's a good thing.  If any Jeopardy producers are reading this, I think I speak for many fans: We want the Tournament of Champions games to be hard.



    Thanks to all 15 contestants and to the show's production staff for another good tournament this year.

    • Love 7
  14. Do you really think that was an unwise FJ wager that Matt made?  I think it was the right move.


    If he had bet $0 he would be trailing Alex by $15,000 at this point.  His chances would be slim going into day 2.  He bet $11,600 and if he had won, he would have been only $3400 behind Alex, which is easy to make up on the second day.  (Of course, he didn't know what Alex's wager would be or how hard the question would be for either of them.)


    The last two weeks have shown us that: if you want to succeed against the good opponents you're facing in TOC, you probably have to take some chances.  And that's true even if you are as knowledgeable and as fast as Alex J.  Alex took two big risks on his Daily Doubles (the second one especially was a huge gamble), and he got lucky and it paid off.  Matt wasn't so lucky.


    In Monday's semi-final contestant John kept guessing when he was in the hole.  Some people here criticized him for it, but I think John was playing rationally.  You can't win more money if you don't ring in, and sometimes it's worth ringing in even if you aren't 100% confident you'll be right.  It was a risk for John, but his opponents were good enough to be in the TOC, so playing it safe was less desirable than it would be in normal Jeopardy.

    • Love 2


    Kerry is a big underdog in the finals and I doubt she will win.  But I think there is a chance.


    Both Matt's and Alex's relative weakness is Final Jeopardy.  I looked through the archive and found their records when playing in regular play during the



    Matt - 14 games; Final Jeopardy record = 8 right, 6 wrong
    Alex - 7 games; Final Jeopardy record = 3 right, 4 wrong
    Kerry - 7 games; Final Jeopardy record = 6 right, 1 wrong


    (Yes, it's a limited data set but it's something.)


    Matt and Alex locked up so many games by the end of DJ they didn't need to be good at Final Jeopardy.  Kerry actually had to answer those FJs to win.


    In Final Jeopardy, speed doesn't matter.  Knowledge and wagering do.


    In last year's finals, Ben finished the Double Jeopardy round both days in third place.  But he won it all.  He got FJ right on the first day and bet big.  The other two contestants missed FJ.  On the second day everyone missed FJ.  It was pretty much that one question on FJ that won it for Ben.


    The producers seem to want Final Jeopardy to matter in this tournament - both knowledge and wagering.  They are not putting up softball instagets.


    For this to work, though, Kerry must accumulate enough money in the first two rounds so that she becomes a threat in FJ.  Against two extremely fast players, that will be tough.

    • Love 5
  16. Holy cow, Alex Jacob!  That was one impressive game.


    I even chuckled at his Final Jeopardy response.


    Were I betting, I would put my money on Alex to win it all at this point.  But anything can happen in a short tournament...

    • Love 6
  17. Monday:

    Each of the three contestants got a daily double, and each missed it, if I remember correctly.


    Overall I found the clues harder today than they were last week.  But FJ was at about the right level of difficulty.


    John took risks and rang in when he wasn't 100% sure of the answer.  He probably figured he had to in a game against very good players.  It backfired on him and he went deep into the hole before digging out.


    Kerry - playing to the stereotype of the conservative New Englander.

  18. My "power ranking" of the remaining contestants.  Based on no serious analysis whatsoever, just my gut feel from watching last week's games.


    1. Matt
    2. Alex
    3. Kerry
    4. John (runner up in Matt's game)
    5. Andrew (runner up in Kerry's game)
    6. Catherine
    7. Vaughn (runner up in Catherine's game)
    8. Brennan
    9. Dan (2nd runner up in Catherine's game)
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