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Posts posted by Roaster

  1. The writers are coming up with some creatively different categories.  I like it.

    Yesterday we had "Right Initials, Wrong Voice".  Today "Body Parts in Songs" and "Also a Church Word"

    Also, a whole category on Hamilton Fish (Fish was a figure in US history, but not important enough that they would normally make a J! category about him.)

    • Love 5
  2. All right!  I missed the first round, but Double Jeopardy was a good game.  All three contestants were on.  If Megan had got that Swiss Guard DD and bet bigger, it would have been even closer at the end.

    I had nothing against Buzzy per se but I just like to get some rotation of players.  I wish Jeopardy would go back to the old policy of allowing players a maximum of 5 wins.  I get sick of everyone after a while.

    • Love 4
  3. 11 minutes ago, teebax said:

    I was surprised two of them missed FJ. I thought it was obvious and had it before Alex stopped reading the clue.

    I didn't think it was hard at all and was surprised they missed it.

    16 minutes ago, Bastet said:

    Tonight was my first chance to see Buzzy - I'm almost never bothered by the contestants who aggravate so many people here,

    Me neither.  I don't hate Buzzy, but I get tired of seeing the same contestants so it's time for him to move on.  Today's story about his father owning a men's clothing store and custom tailoring his suits - it was kind of neat how that fit into how so many people have noticed his suits.

    • Love 3
  4. Three guys wearing suits today.  And 2/3 wore ties.  Good to see them classing the place up.

    Weird game.  I thought Brian would pull through but his buzzer went quiet in DJ.  Victor was flailing.

    Buzzy is a good player, but he doesn't seem like a great player - or the type who could win 7 games.

    • Love 4
  5. One of the most cynical episodes of a TV comedy I've ever seen.  Funny, but I hope they dial back the darkness a little going forward.

    Is all of Season 5 going to take place in one month?  The first 5 episodes are, for sure.  The tie election/Nevada recount thing was good for some plot, but I am tired of it now.  Maybe they should just skip ahead six months and get beyond this.

    • Love 1
  6. Good job, Al Franken, including the SNL-type  snark about the USO letting Alex into their shows despite his not having any talent.

    They must do a ton of editing in these special shows, because there are so many uncovered clues.

    • Love 8
  7. Buzzy got all three DDs wrong today.  You've got to say this for the guy: he's won five games without one of them being a runaway - so we're getting some good shows.

    I thought tonight that Tal might sneak up and pass Buzzy.  She was briefly in first place, but couldn't keep it, and she missed FJ anyway.

    Now Buzzy gets to go home and iron his suits for three weeks while we watch the teachers and the "power players" (couldn't they come up with a better name than that?)

  8. The word on the Internet (another site I read) was that Jerry had a heavy college Quiz Bowl background - like our old friend Matt Jackson.  Jerry is supposed to be one of the all-time great Quiz Bowl guys - http://www.qbwiki.com/wiki/view/Jerry_Vinokurov

    But he made some mistakes in Jeopardy that surprised me.  Even so, he was leading going into FJ and could have won with a correct response.  He seemed to overthink it.  I suspect QuizBowl is harder than Jeopardy and he was used to giving more obscure responses.  Jeopardy is made for the masses, so it isn't super-hard, and FJ is rarely something too obscure.

    • Love 3
  9. Today was another example of how you can really benefit from large Daily Double bets.


    Buzzy found (and answered correctly) all three DDs.  In the first round he doubled up.  Good play.


    The other two came late in the second round and in both cases he made relatively modest wagers.  ($4K was modest given how much all three contestants had at that point.)  If he had gone only a little bigger, he could have turned the game into a runaway and had peace of mind going into FJ.  I'm not saying I would have had the guts to bet big either, and hindsight is 20/20, but time and again we see shows where the contestants should have gone bigger in the Daily Doubles.


    In any case, having to bet in FJ put him over the $30K benchmark, and Alex loves a big payday.

    • Love 2
  10. This is nit-picky, but it bothers me:


    A fossil of a dinosaur bone isn't a bone.  It's a fossil.  A rock.  A dog would have no interest in it or in burying it.


    How much would an authentic dinosaur fossil of that size cost?  I would guess over $10,000.  I really don't know.

    • Love 6
  11. Joyce's late DJ play provided an example of why you need to go big in Daily Doubles much of the time.  With time running out she hit the last DD.  She was in third place with only two other remaining clues.  If she had bet $7000 she would have gone into first place, with a good shot of finishing DJ in first place.  Instead, she bet $4000.  Whether she gets the Daily Double right or gets it wrong she is going to be in third place with only two clues remaining.  Not good odds.


    Should have bet $7K and she probably would have won the game.  I know it's easy for me to say this sitting at home, and I might have gone for $4K in her shoes also, but $7K was clearly a better wager in her situation.

    • Love 3
  12. Dag Hammarskjold is rolling over in his grave  As are Daryl Hall and David Halberstam and Dashiell Hammett.  Caged bird singing?  Lady sings the blues?  I didn't think these were so hard.


    On the other hand, I had a brain cramp in FJ and said Minions.  So who am I to talk?

    • Love 3
  13. I suspect the writers are under orders to produce a Camus clue once a month or so - just so the audience can hear Alex pronounce both the first and last names: Albert Camus - in his ineffable French accent.

    • Love 6
  14. All three contestants were good (until FJ), but what's with Aurora betting only $3000 on each of her two late game Daily Doubles?  The past few months have shown us you should bet bigger on these DDs, and try to get into the lead.  She trailed by $200 at the end of the second round.  Didn't matter because she got FJ wrong, but I hated to see her squander her chances.

    • Love 1
  15. Poor Chris looked like he never heard of Shirley Temple Black.  She's the type

    of answer they love to have on Jeopardy.  Roger Bannister, too.


    I got Christchurch from the religious allusion in the clue.

    • Love 7
  16. I got Marquis de Sade, but I didn't think Voltaire was a bad guess.


    (I just looked up Voltaire on Wikipedia and he died several years before the French Revolution.  The reason I thought of Marquis de Sade was the movie Quills.  But if I hadn't seen that movie I might have answered Voltaire, too.)

    • Love 4


    If he has missed it, we would be saying dumbest Daily Double wager ever.  Maybe both.  It's a fine line between gutsy and dumb.


    This is the kind of drama we watch for.

    • Love 5
  18. Amanda: well-groomed librarian on the surface.  But underneath, she's so punk rock, she has a tattoo....of a toaster!


    Gordon: one-time professional rock musician who has settled into his true calling as an "e-discover professional" (per the show's website; I think this is like a paralegal.)


    Philip: once inspired by Jeremy Irons to become a jungle missionary, now trying to figure out the timing on a game-show buzzer.


    But at least Philip got FJ.  I didn't.

    • Love 2
  19. When Norine picked the Daily Double in the first round, she said to the camera "Oh crap".  She was in first place at the time.


    Danielle was knowledgeable but she was clearly guessing on some questions where she wasn't sure.  Discretion is the better part of Jeopardy play.  Got to be reasonably sure before you ring in.


    Katrina started slow but she played a steady game.  I got FJ before Alex finished reading it.

    • Love 4
  20. Oddly enough, I just found an article by Mindy Kaling in which she calls Jack and Diane "anthematic" for teenagers in 1982 - so I guess it did meet at least one of the qualifications. 


    Kaling might have said that as part of a joke/comedy bit, but she was born in 1979 so she wasn't a teenager when the song debuted.  Anyway, the contestant who answered Jack and Diane was obviously reaching for straws.

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