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Posts posted by Roaster

  1. I love JLD but she's won enough Emmy's to last a lifetime.  Tony Hale won two of the last three years.  Would be great to get some wins for others.  Could this be the year Anna Chlumsky finally wins - after the season she has seemingly had the least screen time?

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  2. OK, everybody, you know what I'm excited about?  Laika studios and their new animated feature "Kubo and the Two Strings" which opens in theaters next month (when J! is in reruns.)  The characters were voiced by some of your favorite Hollywood stars!  Apparently there was originally going to be a character with a French accent and the director begged Alex Trebek to do it; they had to rewrite the part when AT declined.

    • Love 4
  3. What a game!  Ken was a very good player - but Ellen - with a really impressive comeback in Double Jeopardy.

    For FJ  my first instinct was Kentucky then I second-guessed with Missouri.  Wasn't really sure, though.

    • Love 6
  4. Jessica was cute.  I'd love to have her serve me some German food. </shallow>

    Boring game - runaway.  Boring champ.  Boring FJ.  That Alexander Hamilton gets a hit show on Broadway and he's everywhere now.  Even got the Treasury Dept to change their mind about taking him off the $10 bill.


    • Love 6
  5. I like when the writers come up with categories I've never seen before: Swedish words, sports movies, hats -  all good.

    I wonder if someone in the writers' room thought up Petit Dejeuner just knowing Alex loves to pronounce French words to the hilt.

    • Love 7
  6. Watching today's show, all I could think about was how much the previously.tv crowd was going to hate  Matt with his swaying and blatant DD hunting.  The man is fast on the buzzer and has broad knowledge - gotta give him that.

    FJ was quite easy if you saw the movie Amadeus.

    • Love 13
  7. I think we have to take the show-runner's word that Season 6 will be about a former president.  There are plenty of scenarios she can get into - speaking engagements, serving on corporate boards, being a reluctant role model for younger women wanting to get into politics.  Former presidents and vice-presidents have lots of high-status-but-not-really-important things they do.  They are similar to sitting VEEPs in that way.

    The staff will have to be smaller and many of the regulars from Season 5 may not be back.  But it is conceivable they do a reboot of the series.  Whether it all works or not is another question.

    • Love 2
  8. Hindsight is 20/20, but once again we saw a familiar pattern today. Late in the game, two contestants running neck and neck, one gets the Daily Double and bets too conservatively.  If Shyamlee had bet $5K insted of $1K (I think that's all she bet), she would be a repeat champion.  Zach got a few answers at the end, and that was all it took for him to win.

    I know it is easy for me to say this from the comfort of my couch without the pressure and studio lights on me, but time and time again we see contestants make the mistake of overly conservative betting late in the game.

    • Love 4
  9. I don't think you should think too much about how realistic anything is here.  The writers saw another opportunity to make Selina feel bad by denying her Tibet, so they took it.

    • Love 2
  10. The writers might have painted themselves into a corner.  They kept upping the stakes and expanding the cast.  This has helped keep the quality high - I'm amazed this show is still so good in season 5 - when many sitcoms are running out of gas.

    Part of the humor in the first two seasons was that the position of Vice President - although important - comes with little power or responsibility.  A running joke was Selina forever asking Sue if the President called; the answer was always "no".  The she became president and she had the opposite problem - too much to do.  The show successfully made that transition and was still great.   They might have to pivot/make big changes for Season 6. Maybe shed some cast.  But Selina has to stay in politics somehow.

  11. As the Veep cast has grown, some of the original cast are getting less screen time.   Anna Chlumsky seemed a little squeezed out this past season.  No longer chief of staff or campaign manager (after the election), she was around monstly to put out fires for Selena.

    I wonder if Selena goes back to the VP position if Amy will again be her Chief of Staff.

    • Love 1
  12. I  really liked the Fonts category, too.  Something a little different.  Also liked  the Earth Sciences category.  Dolphinarium (who knew there was such a word?) and the Just Missed the Titantic category taught me things I didn't know.  And that's good when Jeopardy does that.

    • Love 5
  13. Yes, the Oscar year thing is a perennial bugaboo in trivia contests - not just on Jeopardy!  What movie was Best Picture in 1972?  The Godfather?  No, The Godfather was Best Pic of 1972.  It didn't get the prize until 1973.  If you're playing pub trivia you have to guess what the judge is going rule.  The hard part is figuring out the judge's psychology, not knowing when a movie was released.

    As far as Hunter's French response about Proust: Jeopardy is an English-language game.  Answers should be in English and if you answer in French, they should rule you wrong.  In Hunter's case, he did blurt out the English title Swann's Way.  I thought he should have got credit for it, but Alex ruled he took too long in answering.  Then during the commercial break they decided his French response was good enough.  In any case, there was no impact on the game results because of FJ.

    • Love 2
  14. Weirdness.

    They ruled Hunter wrong on the final question of DJ - about Swan's Way.  I was thinking maybe they were trying to not let him get into the lead and unfairly penalized him - they want a new champ.  Then after the commercial break they announce they have changed their mind and he was right - he just answered in French.

    So Hunter is in the lead going to FJ - but he wagers $0!  What's up with that?  Was he anticipating a hard FJ after a string of easy ones?

    • Love 3
  15. Oh, poor Beth.  Need to learn to not buzz in unless you are resonably sure you know the answer.

    Hunter did not have a spectacular game but he was the most self-disciplined.  The final question in DJ (What is The Netherlands?  I never would have got that) put Hunter over Sarah and into first place.  Add in an easy FJ and Hunter's streak remains alive.

    • Love 1
  16. Good neck and neck between the male contestants in DJ.  Back and forth taking the lead.  I guessed FJ right away but I guess it wasn't as easy as I had expected.

    I remember also getting The Pied Piper of Hamlin and Galahad.

    • Love 3
  17. I didn't see the show yesterday, so I didn't know how - efficient - Kelly is.  She plows right through the clues.

    Ed had some funny lines and I appreciate a guy cool-headed enough to crack jokes during a high pressure game.

    Final Jeopardy was tough.  I guessed Pope John Paul II.  At least that was closer to the correct answer than Hemingway.  But tough one.

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