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Posts posted by Roaster

  1. Hey!  A category about Men Authors.  Maybe they've heard the criticism about categories called Women Authors.

    In contrast to Alex, only one name occurred to me when I saw the FJ clue.  That name was Helen Keller.

    Doug's final wager was $0.  Which means if Hunter had responded correctly we would have had a tie.  There hasn't been a tie in several years, since they put in the new tie-breaking rule.

    • Love 10
  2. I liked that category with the odd pairs - I forget what it was called - but it had answers like Hue and Cry and Proctor and Gamble.  Good lateral thinking exercises for us.

    Shannon was impressive in parts but also missed some I thought were pretty easy.  Debbi was more plodding but slowly racked up the money.  Not sure about her final wager though - if Shannon had bet big in FJ he would have won.

    • Love 4
  3. I would have missed all those Harry Potter clues, too.  I didn't get one.  Is Harry Potter now, like Shakespeare, part of the Western cannon that all trivia buffs should be familiar with?  I am so behind the times.

    I got Ahab for FJ (he is in the cannon).  I guess Frankenstein was a good guess, though.  Didn't occur to me.

    • Love 4
  4. I just watched yesterday's episode again.  Pidge found the final daily double when she had $3000 and Kalen had $14,000 and there were only 13 clues remaining.  Alex told her she was in a "distant third" place.  She did a true daily double and got it right.  The next two clues were both TSs.  Then with 10 clues remaining, Pidge answered 8 of them, to make a really impressive comeback.

    • Love 6
  5. 6 minutes ago, YoureSoUrban said:

    I quickly figured the busiest port would be in Asia and but FJ became an Instaget because they gave the hint about criminality. Without that I probably would have guessed Hong Kong.

    Same here.  I guessed Shanghai pretty quickly.  Vernon Jordan is also a generation older than de Blasio.

    • Love 4
  6. Pidge made an impressive comeback in the later part of the game.  She either ran, or came close to running, the final Meet the Press category and almost caught Kalen.

    I am surprised none of them got FJ.

    • Love 3
  7. 16 minutes ago, SeanC said:

    I got Final Jeopardy easily, trying to recall the pronounciation was the hard part.

    The pronunciation isn't hard; it's the spelling that would have had me nervous.  Fortunately the show does not penalize for spelling, so as long as you're remotely close, you're in.

    • Love 2
  8. Mind games with the wagering in FJ today

    I know I'm in a minority, but I would like J! to return to the old policy of allowing each player a maximum of 5 wins.  Seth has established himself as a great player and he will be a favorite in the next TOC, but i crave variety.  New people, all the time.

    • Love 4
  9. Maybe Elena reads online Jeopardy! boards because she followed the advice often given (here and elsewhere).  When trailing considerably late in the game she found the DD and bet big, thereby giving herself a shot at winning and making the game more interesting.

    I was shocked (shocked!) by Seth's FJ wager of $0.  Mostly because I wouldn't have done that.  Maybe that's why Seth is a five-time winner and I'm just another online commenter.  (I didn't get FJ either.)

    Alex informed the audience that African Geography is one of his favorite categories.  Who knew?

    • Love 6
  10. close game partly because they missed both DDs in DJ.  Glad to see a game where the third place contestant is still in striking distance of the lead.

    I thought FJ was pretty easy to guess, and was surprised the women both missed it.

    • Love 1
  11. Future contestants need to learn from Siddharth today (Friday).  WHen you are in a distant third place going into FJ but numbers 1 and 2 have to wager to protect against eash other. you bet small.  You still lose most of the time, but sometimes, like today, you can luck into a win.

    Earlier this week we had a situation where the distant third place guy bet everything.  Siddharth played it right.

    Some interesting clues today and many I did not know.  However, I got FJ.


    • Love 6
  12. Two good players today.  Barbara made the common mistake of wagering too conservatively on her DD late in the game.  (Easy for me to say sitting at home, I know).

    I got FJ immediately, but I am a nerd  about  this kind of thing.

    • Love 3
  13. At first I thought these contestants were all going to be sharp and good players.  And the cute and charming champ got off to a good start.

    But....lot of triple stumpers.  Auburn, Dept of Labor, kinescope. Chaucer. Dylan Thomas, Finnegans Wake Forest, flood  I didn't know kinescope, but the others didn't seem that difficult.  Defending champ missed DD on photography.  And only one contestant got FJ, which I thought was easy to guess.

    Also, in my TV market anyway, during the commercial break before FJ, Alex came on and explicitly invited Canadians to take the online test to be a contestant.  I know this was a source of some concern - about whether Canadians could take the test.

    • Love 2
  14. I just looked at the J! website and they are rerunning the Power Players this week.

    Who thought this was a good idea, Jeopardy producers?  I understand you need to show reruns, but just fill the week with reruns of your regular shows, not the misguided Power Players week (which is one of the worst ideas J! ever had.)

    Tomorrow (Tues) will be a rerun of one of the worst Jeopardy shows in recent memory.

    • Love 3
  15. Thought question: who would win a matchup between Pranjal and Buzzy Cohen?  In regular play Buzzy won more games (9 to 6) and more money ($165K to $139K). Buzzy is more conservative and self-disciplined and I guess his rate of ringing in with the wrong answer is much lower.  But Pranjal seems to have the higher ceiling.  He's more volatile and if he gets a lot of clues in his wheelhouse he's probably more likely to go on a roll.

    I am guessing that in a 10-game series, Pranjal wins over Buzzy 6 or 7 times.

  16. No, he bet to beat the second-place contestant.  Going into FJ it was Pranjal $22,400, Karen $14,600, Monikka $7600.

    If Karen had bet everything and got it right she would be at $29,200.  Pranjal had to bet $6800 to match that.  He actually bet $7000.

    If Karen had a few hundred dollars more Pranjal would have increased his FJ bet and ended up behind Monikka.  He was lucky today.

    • Love 3
  17. 8 minutes ago, secnarf said:

    Alex seems to have decided on his own that HP7 was wrong, but later said he had no idea what number Deathly Hallows is. And then as soon as the round was over, Pranjal was waving at the judges indicating that he wanted the answer reviewed, and Alex noticed and told him it would be reviewed over the break. I am really glad it wasn't accepted, though - Pranjal could have avoided a lot of trouble by just saying the actual title of the book, which I'm sure he knew.

    I suspect Monikka knew the correct answer - Deathly Hollows - but when Pranjit was ruled incorrect she guessed a different book - Half-Blood Prince..  So she lost money too.

    • Love 3
  18. Normally I would be skeptical when someone calls themselves an "Innovation Project Manager" but then she told a story about her daughter actually producing an innovation.  Sign that girl up for Kids Jeopardy!

    I kept thinking about how much Pranjal's antics today were going to bother people on this board.

    FJ was farily easy to guess, I thought.  (Mark Twain was wrong in so many ways.)

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