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Posts posted by Katiepenn


    Not only was it fun to watch but it once again showed that Cristina does like kids but just doesn't want to have any of her own, which I like. I don't like when characters who choose not to have kids are portrayed as kid haters or totally inept around kids.

    Agreed! I like that they're trying to go in at least slightly new directions. I think April and Jackson's disagreements are ones that would certainly come up for a couple like them, with very different core beliefs, who basically discussed nothing before deciding to get married. I do hope it doesn't get drawn out for too long though -- Grey's is very good at that.


    Congrats, Sansa!  You've escaped King's Landing.  Intot he hands of Littlefinger, Westeros' Number One Creeper.

    Littlefinger was always creepy, but even more so with Sansa - considering he was always holding a torch for Catelyn and he's even mentioned how much Sansa looks like her mom. Ew.

    Also, I have to believe Oberyn is smarter than to just take Tywin's word. That would make it all way too easy. And while Tywin is certainly the most pragmatic and forward-thinking of the powermongers in King's Landing, it can't always be easy for him.

  3. I really liked Nick and Jess, btu I think they're doing a good job with the breakup so far. It's going to create a lot of really awkward and interesting possibilities.


    That's it! Thank you. Although I think I saw her on Bones as well. Between those two appearances I now understand why I felt vaguely uneasy about her. In the back of my mind I sort of expected to find out she had been poisoning her children.

    I aboslutely was thinking "Munchausen's by proxy" where mom is poisoning the kids. Has Grey's done one of those storylines before? I feel like almost every medical show does at least one of those, but I can't remember a Grey's instance off the top of my head.


    I know the mom of the cardio kids is one of those Hey It's That Guy actresses, but I can't place her.

    She also played a creepy serial killer who kept people as live dolls on Criminal Minds, I believe.


    I thought the scene of Callie telling Arizona about her girl crush might be my favorite Callie scene of the season.

    Absolutely! Callie needs some good things this season, she has had so much crap going on.

  6. What do we think the chances are that Fitz might actually die in a bombing in one of the next few episodes? I feel like that's my dream, but it's never going to happen. Somehow, the showrunners think the Olivia/Fitz thing is still compelling...

  7. I jumped right to pregnancy too! It's all too easy to see it as a possibility, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they stick with the low key drama rather than soaping it up.

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