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Everything posted by SanDiegoInExile

  1. The ratings for Fourth Hour were allegedly down by nearly 20% this past season. I wonder how low they have gotten with KLG away and Hoda trying to carry the show with these dreadful co-hosts.
  2. I vaguely recall that there was an unseen bathroom included in the expansion/renovation, though I think it was mentioned as "we even got a tub so you can bathe the boys" rather than a relaxing getaway for the married couple. I have seen that episode more than a few times over the past 30 years, so didn't really watch all that closely during this most recent airing.
  3. He does clean house and cook meals wearing snug slacks, dress shoes, a belt, and neatly pressed white shirts.
  4. Many (most?) homes built in the 1960s didn't really have Master Bedrooms as we now expect them -- something that realtors consistently have to explain to stunned millenials on the occasional HGTV House Hunters episode. My grandparents' homes had no en-suite bathrooms, though they had larger bedrooms. Homes that my parents had in the 1970s had the start of Master Suites. I have always thought that Dawn Lyn did a decent job, given what was scripted for her. She had some great lines in the "Debbie Does Douglas" episode.
  5. Yes, however, it never changed at all during each season. That made it easier for the wacky taping schedule. It makes it super-easy to tell what season they are showing ! Honestly, Season Twelve hair looks like a bad wig.
  6. I guess we will see an episode in the next week where Katie re-appears. MeTV has to slash a couple minutes from the show to fit their 6:30 of commercials. When originally aired in 1970s. I think the commercial amount was closer to 3 minutes per half hour. An explanation of "Peru" and "SF" could have been part of the lost content.
  7. Uncle Charley has a bedroom off the kitchen, presumably also with the downstairs bathroom. I don't think he ever slept upstairs, even in Bryant Park. When they moved to CA, Steve had a room (just a room, not a master with en suite -- this was the late 60s --- master bedrooms were few and far between in SoCal house design), Robbie had a room, and Chip/Ernie shared. Once the triplets arrived, Robbie's room was expanded (in a somewhat memorable episode where a gruff contractor melted only for Katie). Once K+R+3 moved "down the street" to their apartment, Steve conveniently moved into the expanded bedroom with new wife Barbara. Dodie got Steve's old bedroom.
  8. Don't worry, Uncle Charley, the back-door pilot for R+K wasn't picked up by CBS. The triplets will be back in your house after we get past the Fergus Visit, once Don Grady goes AWOL and Katie moves back home into a previously never-seen, never-imagined "fourth" bedroom upstairs with the kids.
  9. And miss the bad voice/accent dub? Season 12 hasn't aired in decades, so it will be sorta fun to see these episodes in all their glory. Also, unseen for ages, the last half of Season 11 was pretty dreadful, though it had its moments, especially the episode where "Debbie Does Douglas" and the strangely bizarre Uncle Charley's BFF episode. Oh, and Dodie starting to climb out the window to escape her punishment for "crossing the street". Plus, the show airs @730A, so its early morning zzzz's.
  10. EP 378: LONESOME KATIE Katie becomes disillusioned about life without Robbie, and seriously thinks about divorce after speaking with other wives in the same situation.Aired: 3/30/1972 The Season 12 episodes on YT have come and gone multiple times in the past decade. Cannot be sure how long it will last. It is the third to last episode of the series. We are still about 25-26 episodes away, if METV airs them all. It should air near the end of July or early August.
  11. I wonder if they will introduce a real Krystal Jennings. By the last few episodes, everyone was sarcastically calling her Celia Machado.
  12. I agree that it's somewhat jarring to go from episodes where they were the main storyline to a string of episodes where they aren't mentioned at all. A quick scan of the episode guide shows that they will be back in Season 12. Ronne Troup was not a regular during Season 11. The closing credits only list her on episodes in which she appears, while the other three female cast members (Beverly/Tina/Dawn) are always listed, whether appearing or not. It is possible that mentions of them have been edited out, since METV adds 3 extra minutes of commercials than CBS had in the early 1970s. The post-elopement episodes have seem unusually choppy. Not sure if that's in the edit or script.
  13. Wasn't this "Jim Bell" just a stunt-cast ? The actor was Sal Mineo, who had been some type of teen heart throb in the 50s/60s. He co-starred with James Dean in several legendary movies. He was nominated for an Oscar, but never found much success later in his short life. He was murdered in 1976 at age 37. https://www.queerty.com/sal-mineo-murdered-forty-years-ago-today-was-also-victim-of-entertainment-industry-homophobia-20160212 I suspect the Jane Wyman casting as "Sylvia" was also some type of stunt-cast. After all, her ex-husband was running the state of California. We could probably also throw The Beaver into the stunt-cast mix. Although his character wasn't from Bryant Park. He was just a mustachio-ed neighbor jerk. (Hmm, did METV skip the Jerry Mathers episode from Season 10?)
  14. And have more horrific debacles like the Asian family episodes ?
  15. The only possible reason I can figure is that it was 1970s version of cost cutting. With such a large regular cast, the producers opted to spend as little as possible on supporting cast, unless they were absolutely necessary. Mrs Vincent was necessary in the Dinner For Eight episode, as they needed 8 diners to gobble up the food. One thing I noticed about these later episodes is that the show readily spews out a reason for Person X of the main cast not appearing. People are "away" or "at practice" routinely. Sometimes there isn't even a reason given, for example in the first episode after Polly nearly kills her husband with her cooking, as they all prepare to appear in the fashion show, Chip is merely "away". What could possibly lead to an 18 year old college student newlywed to be "away"? I am not sure how cast contracts were written in this era, but it makes me wonder if some of the actors signed for only a portion of the year's episodes? Or maybe it was just a function of the crazy filming schedule? All three of the new in-laws were fairly well-known, well-established character actors in that era. Maybe they were never even considered for ongoing supporting recurring characters. Perhaps they had regular gigs on other sitcoms of the era and were unavailable. "Mrs Vincent" was heavily featured on Green Acres throughout its run. I also think we shouldn't discount the heavy-handed theme which was slammed down our throats in "St Louis Blues". Steve Douglas is the be-all, end-all, super-parent. He is wise and insightful, gives the best advice, and validates all that is right/wrong about every situation. There was no need for other "parents". ETA: Another idea is that maybe references to in-laws have been edited for show length. As best as I can tell, METV airs 6 minutes and 30 seconds of commercials during each episode. That's at least two minutes of show that is lost. It may even be more.
  16. I think it was established fairly early on that Katie had relatives in Glendale CA. They made it sound so far from LA. The Douglas house is somewhere near Beverly Hills, since Ernie conveniently fell off a nearby trail and into Zsa Zsa Gabor's swimming pool. That would make Glendale a whopping 12 miles away. True, the urban sprawl was less pronounced in the late 1960s, but still..... As for Lorraine, I think she has always been based in St Louis. I made note of this often, as I grew up in St Louis and it was rare to ever have my hometown mentioned on a TV program. Lorraine appeared in several episodes throughout the engagement, but I don't recall her being around or mentioned again until the triplets were born. She arrived unannounced, from out of town, when her intuition told her that Katie was preggers. She was in the Birth Episode and I also vaguely recall both Robbie and Katie frequently mentioned the triplets were conveniently "with Katie's folks in Glendale". But they never really said "mother". Also, there was an episode when Katie took a break from the Douglas Family and went to stay with her mother --- I'm pretty sure it was mentioned as St Louis. It does sorta bring up a point. Whatever happened to Barbara's mother? She was Dodie's grandmother, but the only post-wedding episode I recall seeing her in was the great London Grill episode, where she concocts the menu plan to feed Steve's co-workers and wives -- and shrieks that she left her car in the driveway with the engine running. You would think Mrs Vincent might have been used a bit more. The same is true with Polly's parents. Do we ever even see them again?
  17. It does appear that METV intends to show the full run of the show. Friday (6-15) marks the return of Katie's Mother. It's a cockamamie storyline where the 50+ year old single, pearl-wearing fashionista-of-her-era grandmother takes 3 toddler triplets to live with her in St Louis FOR AN ENTIRE MONTH. I had never seen this episode before and watched it recently on YT. In the previous syndication package, stations usually ended the run with Thursday's episode (Ernie and Paula -- really? they chose a name so similar to Polly/Pauline? -- testing their theories of suggestion). The next episode would always jump back to the Mike+Sally Get Married and Move Away episode. I read through the episode guide for the rest of Season 11 and sampled a few on YT. Seems to be quite a few stinkers, though having never seen them, I have my TV set to record them. And then we have Season Twelve !
  18. A five-year-old 30 minute meTV interview with Tina Cole. Well, a five minute interview padded with endless mindless pitter patter from the Fresno host.
  19. Donna's predecessor Sara Haines ended up with a nice gig.
  20. Seems that the problem is that My Three Sons labeled two episodes with the same show title. I went to the handy Episode Guide on the meTV website: EP 13: THE ELOPEMENT Mike and the girl next door arouse suspicions when the two are seen leaving with suitcases.Aired: 12/22/1960 EP 339: THE ELOPEMENT Chip goes to see Mr. Williams to ask for Polly's hand in marriage, but the overbearing father's insulting actions convince Chip to forego the formality.Aired: 11/7/1970 My favorite part of the 1970 episode is when Mrs Williams dryly glares at her hysterical husband and mutters "notarized" to validate that the marriage is real and done.
  21. Thanks for posting this. Those episodes had been posted before and *zap* disappeared. Looks like these were posted in February 2018. Yay!
  22. I haven't seen the "Divorce Episode" in ages, but I think it was neatly resolved in 22 minutes that Katie wanted to stay married to the absent Robbie. And it was never brought up again (in the remaining half-dozen episodes). With any luck, those episodes will air at the beginning of July.
  23. And within two years, Katie would contemplate divorce (something that her father in law seemed to support). Hopefully, meTV will air the little seen Final Season and not force the Bub Years on us again. I keep checking the listings and hope for a Fergus mention in the description -- that would prove meTV is going through all the seasons!
  24. I suspect that the younger cast has specific limited contracts, guaranteeing a certain number of episodes each season. The six older actors have a 22-episode commitment. The younger cast may only have 14-18 guaranteed episodes. They know this at the start of each season and it would explain why certain younger actors have been AWOL throughout certain episodes over the past few seasons. Given the large cast, it saves some cash to have lesser guarantees
  25. In CA, that has actually been the case. Just recently, the law was changed to force dealers to issue paper placards, like every other state has done for decades. The police would only stop you if you were doing some other potentially illegal matter. Of course, everything changes once you cross into Nevada. Missing plates would definitely lead to a traffic stop. https://instamotor.com/driving-tips/driving-laws/california-closes-the-steve-jobs-license-plate-loophole
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