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Everything posted by SanDiegoInExile

  1. I think the W+G producers expected their "second half" episodes to air right after the start of the New Year. So they plotted accordingly. I don't think this show was out of order. In the opening scene, Will is phone-chatting with Matt Bomer's character. And we just saw them re-start their relationship.
  2. I've never really gotten the Dodie Hate that's out there. And I would never blame the fading of a decade-old show on the addition of a six-year-old. Taken in full, it seems that Dawn Lyn did an acceptable job. I think the bigger issue was that the producers wanted a very young child in the role.
  3. I think the silence could mostly be due to the tanking of the AI ratings. And Week Two on the first Sunday of DST means even fewer viewers. Frankly, the whole show will feel awkward until Ryan addresses the breakup. Unless he is planning to pull "A Consuelos" ? I wondered why I was suddenly seeing clickbait all over about how Kelly ditched Mark 20+ years ago and he had to seek her out, win her back, and marry her. Seems really odd that bit of history gets dragged out less than a week after Shayna decides she doesn't want Merv Griffin II. Ryan loses one beard and decides to grow one?
  4. The site revamp probably lost more than a few folks. As for me, the show has no merit until the family moves to CA. Those five seasons - the Katie Season, the Triplet Season, the Barbara Season, the Polly Season, and The Last Dreadful Season - are the only ones which are Must See TV for me. Then again, I taped (yes on an ancient VCR) most of those episodes during the last run-through, just in case MeTV decides to tinker with their schedule and drop the show.
  5. Good riddance. This was a horrible casting decision from the outset. I suppose they thought the show would get some buzz and the ratings would spike. That failed. I really hope they just send Alexis packing. There is no need for her character. in this re-boot. Season 1 went at a breakneck pace, with storylines starting and ending before you could take a breath -- or even figure out WTF had happened. This season has been much slower paced, but just as unfulfilling, aimlessly meandering with meaningless episodes - probably designed to make viewers fall in love with the Carringtons. Another fail. Maybe they will make this season "just a dream" and Fallon will wake up: The family will still own Carrington Atlantic and not obsessing their alleged billionaire business acumen on Atlanta's #2 professional soccer team. Krystal #2 will be a Physical Therapist, on staff at the mansion to provide rehab services to random injured Carringtons, weaving her way into the family as she sets her sights on being the Next Mrs Carrington. The image of Anders boinking the Lady of the House 30 years ago will be swiped from everyone's minds. Sam will have his edge back and not simply be some Wally Cleaver Wanna Be. Missing finger fake Adam could still be faking his way around the mansion. Crazy Claudia Blaisdell and baby could be Permanent Houseguests, with Sam and Steven serving as surrogate parents while Claudia descends into more madness, maybe making Kirby the attention of her dementia. Not likely. I really hope they don't recast Alexis. Instead, send Dominique Deveraux to Atlanta -- maybe as the torch singer who recently married into the crazy Ridley/Van Ryan (?) family. She brings the Twerpy Tiny Liam and his new bride back into the picture, along with Twerpy Tiny Liam's mother and her flower-loving overly-fey hubby, who gawks at Sam's faux abs or mocks Jeff Colby's wardrobe. Oh, and of course, Season #3 means Cristal/Kristal/Krystle #3.
  6. The producers barely have time to feature each of the four leads. We will probably get a throwaway line at some point, but why waste valuable script time with even an explanatory comment ("the curmudgeon is off visiting his granny." or "The curmudgeon has his twerpy kid this weekend") Life happens offscreen. Not mentioning something makes it easier should they decide to lay out some additional cash and bring back the character.
  7. I loved Nicole for decades....from the time she worked at the outdoor Salem Place Cafe and met the Real Eric Brady. Yet I am kinda tired of the *damsel in distress* routine she has been in for the past few years. Yawn. Been there, done that. Ping-pong-ing from Brady to Eric to Xander. Yawn. She's slept with every available Salem Male, including Brady's grandfather and Eric's father. Yawn. I am still secretly hoping that AZ is back, but appearing as a new character. She would make a great Dr Noel Curtis. She would have a career, a backbone, no bratty toddler to lug around, a new backstory, and could easily slide into a new dynamic. So far, no one in Salem has remarked that Rex now looks like Brady Black used to look. Keep Nicole Walker dead and launch Noel Curtis. As far as I know, the show has not confirmed that "Nicole Walker" is returning....Just that AZ has been taping for months.
  8. ....her name was a Lola....she was a showgirl..... Go figure.
  9. The show doesn't really mention news anymore, so 'Live' has been a welcome respite from the obsessive over-the-top, ridiculous media hype. I recall he guest co-hosted at least once.
  10. He is a flight attendant. Always on the road (the air?). One thing that the show has learned is that it is better when the "significant other" of each of the main four characters is conveniently off-screen. Presumably, Grace is still dating "Ross Gellar".
  11. Alex is probably like the other 225 million Americans who don't care one hoot about mostly uneducated athletes slowly killing themselves with brain damage.
  12. NBC is starting up its own "netflix-y" type service, sort of a hybrid between the current NBC APP and CBS All-Access. I actually enjoy watching the show via the APP. I feed it right to my 55-inch TV via appleTV. Less commercials. No whirling graphics hyping other NBC programs and obscuring half of the screen for 20 seconds. Credits you can actually read. No local news interruptions. Maybe DOOL heads there? Universal has always seemed barely interested in promoting the show. Comcast has billions, but doesn't spend them. I haven't been to the NBC site in awhile, but I know they were still using a still shot of Bo and Hope as their main icon as recently as early 2018.
  13. I agree. For the first time in years, I now believe the show won't make it to Season 60. Sony's deep pockets can't be matched by many. Even if Sony was only tossing pocket change, it's more than NBC Universal will spend. The money spent on the DOOL APP seems to be money well-spent, but I suspect that Corday Productions will either tank due to legal costs or, if they win a bundle, walk away and close shop once and for all.
  14. I think it will be pretty easy. The show spent precious airtime with Blake phoning his henchmen to do something to Mark Jennings. And Blake had to "leave a message" to stop whatever was intended. It's very possible that drunk Alexis' bullet hit no one and that a shot was fired by Blake's hit-man. It was only intended as a warning shot, but Alexis spooked the horses and the shot ended up hitting Mark Jennings. Alexis will ditch her gun and think she is the culprit. Blake will think his man did the deed. Neither will know about the other for the rest of the season, until the gun Alexis stole is recovered by the Family Dog or Sam. I am just hoping against hope that Mark Jennings doesn't die and that he and Crystal #2 head off together by the season finale.....clearing the way for Cristal #3 next year !!!
  15. As soon as we had the opening shot of Crystal#2's stand-in riding the horse, fans of the Original knew where this was going. Was surprised at how explicit they made drunken Alexis' shot into Mark Jennings. I didn't think The CW allowed blood/guts/brain splatter. Soccer players are typically not 200+ pounds and 6-foot-4. We didn't even get a Sam-n-Kirby Drool-a-Thon over breakfast. Of course Sam is getting troll-ed with that *dramatic* cliffhanger phone call. The scam of "crooks calling grannies" with pleas of help is pretty well-known these days. Not exactly difficult to splice together some Steven voice snippets (from his TV interviews while running for The Senate) and static to get a few million from the Carrington Estate. Still not liking the cuddly Joseph Anders. Or his bratty, pointless daughter. Fallon missed her chance to stroke Crystal#2's hair when they were bonding. Maybe she got over her fascination from a couple weeks ago. Now that we are renewed for Season Three, am soooooo hoping we get a new Crystal for next season !!!
  16. Most likely these are the only actors who would be eager for the paycheck. ABC keeps trying to make Stonestreet a star and JTF can always have his summer side-gigs on Broadway. Plus, Goth Lilly wouldn't really need to speak all that much. Celia Weston and Barry Corbin have some decent acting chops. Add in James van der Beek as Bo Johnson.... Seems more likely than Young Couple with Twins......
  17. Strangely, FakeEve is the only actress that Casey Moss (JJ) has had any chemistry with.
  18. Probably because Kathie Lee has been around long enough to know to honor her contract and commitments. Being gone for most of January has been a thing for most of her time on the show. She negotiated her deal and NBC agreed to it, extended vacations and all. Besides, leaving during the hubbub of the holiday season would create less *publicity* than leaving in the beginning of April. Success is defined so oddly these days. Entertainment is so fractured and niche-y. There is a market for the shtick that KLG has. It won't win awards or have mass appeal, but if it's done well, she won't go broke anytime soon.
  19. Two different animals. "Slurp and Smile" is a network show which airs exclusively on ABC channels. "Live" is a syndicated show which airs on affiliates of all networks. Yes, it is true that the dozen or so ABC owned-and-operated stations are the major "get" for Live. But the show airs on NBC channels throughout much of the west and on FOX and CBS channels as well. The financials are entirely different for each show. And that will come into play at some point when the pencil-pushers decide that paying close to $50M a year for the Live hosts isn't viable in the current marketplace. Then again, GMA Day was pretty much floundering, getting lower ratings than The Chew. Variety: There is room for ABC’s new show to grow. Viewership for the program has not matched that of the show it replaced, “The Chew.” That series, which focused on food and health and included chef Mario Batali among its talent lineup, regularly captured more than 2 million viewers. “GMA Day” has typically averaged between 1.7 million and 1.9 million, according to figures from Nielsen. https://variety.com/2019/tv/news/gma-day-new-title-strahan-and-sara-abc-1203120192/ Mrs Ripa Consuelos probably has another decent contract coming. Once she gets past 50 (and most importantly once Joaquin Consuelos graduates from high school), she can exit NYC and join her husband in Canada, where he has 4-6 more years of Riverdale to film.
  20. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0173228/videoplayer/vi667007257
  21. Baby stories will end..... then it will be Toddler Tales !
  22. A big chunk of those are courtesy your local affiliate. I haven't really watched the 7-9AM Today in years, but was always aware they did 5 minute cut-aways to the local stations at :25 and :55. Years ago, those five minutes were 3+ minutes of local news, maybe a minute of local weather, and 30 seconds of commercials, sometimes two 15-second quickies. Last week, I wanted to get an update on a local story, so turned on the TV. The ratio was totally flipped. Maybe 30 seconds of local headlines -- basically one sentence snippets bringing no value at all. The weather lasted barely 30 seconds. The rest was local commercials.
  23. It's been pretty clear that they are both joking about the matter. For half a year, she teasingly mocked him about being a "cusp" millenial, although that was a stretch Now it's just part of their often not-too-well-executed schtick. I'm not sure anyone aspires to be a millennial.
  24. The show survived for decades before folks knew the comings-and-goings. If anything, the last 20 years of DOOL has taught us that no one really ever goes away permanently.
  25. The show was always plotted and scheduled for 13 consecutive weeks. "Burning off" implies showing a New Years Eve episode in July. Episode 13 appeared right where it was scheduled to air. I think the show has a chance for another 13-episode renewal, perhaps to air during the second half of next season (Jan-Feb-March of 2020), which is in the heart of the 2020 Presidential Campaign. Then again, not so sure the show could be written and produced in near real-time to stay updated with current events. There are major things working against it. It's the lowest rated CBS sitcom. TBBT is ending, and Mom is in peril of being canned due to salary negotiation, so CBS may want to clear the slate and try a new approach. CBS already has two renewed shows it hasnt scheduled (Man with a Plan and Life In Pieces). And most of all, the new leadership regime at CBS. I think there is a solid chance it will get renewed.....for CBS All Access. I think Madame Secretary is headed there (as Madame President), so CBS might want to position Candica Bergen with Tea Leoni and Christine Baranski.
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